
英语不能决定一切 但能决定你在哪里找工作!
纵观今年阿里巴巴、腾讯、百度的校园招聘公告,均未对四六级分数做出说明,然而如果你以为这些公司对英语水平要求比较低的话,那你就too young too simple了。
但有一点可以确定,去外企得英语好,显然四级的事就不要提了,六级500+的才是站在了起点。当然在外企,语言实操能力比证书重要,因为当你投简历的时候你就会发现,人家的招聘信息是全英文的,人家的笔试、面试也都是全英文。(What are you 弄啥嘞?)
1 .Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon美少女战士
Author / Artist: Naoko Takeuchi作者:武内直子
Publisher: KodanshaComics出版商:讲谈社
Volumes: 18卷数:18卷
Usagiis a cheerful, sometimes scatterbrained teen who discovers that she (and her friends) are reincarnated warriors from Moon Kingdom who must save the world from the forces of darkness. With the help of two magical cats and her compatriots Sailor Mercury, Sailor Mars, Sailor Jupiter, and Sailor Venus (and many more Sailor Scouts who join the story later), Sailor Moon battles evil and discovers her ties to her past life may lead her to a future that she could have never imagined.月野兔是一个活泼开朗,偶尔又有点脱线的少女,有一天,她发现自己(以及朋友们)是拯救世界于黑暗之中的月亮王国战士的转世。在两只有魔法的猫以及她的战友,水星、水兵火星、水兵木星和水兵金星(后来又有许多水兵战士加入)的帮助下,水兵月战胜了黑暗势力,并发现她前世的身份会带领她走向一个从未想象过的未来。
Credited as the series that introduced North American readers to the joys of shojo manga when it was first published by TokyoPop, Sailor Moon was out of print for many years, until Kodansha Comics began republishing new editions (with new translations) in mid-2011. Now a new generation of shojo manga fans (as well as older readers who fondly remember Sailor Moon from their younger days) can rediscover why they love this quintessential magical girl adventure series once more. 《美少女战士》一开始由TokyoPop出版,这一系列的少女漫画深受北美读者的欢迎,《美少女战士》一度绝版了许多年,直到讲谈社在2011年年中开始推出新版。现在,新一代的少女漫画粉丝们(以及从小就追《美少女战士》的老读者们)就会重新发现,她们为何会再一次钟情于这个魔法女孩的冒险故事。
2.Fruits Basket水果篮子
Author/Artist: Natsuki Takaya作者:高屋奈月
Publisher: TokyoPop出版商:TokyoPop
Volumes: 23卷数:23卷
Through a series of wacky circumstances, schoolgirl Tohru Honda takes up residence at the swank residence of the very wealthy, but very cursed Sohma family. Their magical burden? They turn into Chinese zodiac animals whenever they're hugged by a member of the opposite sex.经历了一系列不可思议的事情后,女学生本田透最终在富有却受到诅咒的草摩家住下来。他们身上都被施下了魔法,只要与异性拥抱,就会变回与自己生肖对应的动物。
Fruits Basket starts off as a goofy romantic comedy, then develops into an emotional roller coaster that mixes humor, fantasy, profoundly emotional romance and family drama for an addictive mix that has made it the best-selling shojo manga title in America. It's one of those classic shojo stories that should always be in print -- so hopefully another publisher will pick this series up someday if/when the existing copies of the TokyoPop edition ever become scarce.
3 .Skip Beat!华丽的挑战
Author/Artist: Yoshiki Nakamura作者:仲村佳树
Publisher: Shojo Beat / VIZ Media出版商:Shojo Beat/VIZ Media
Volumes: 26 (continuing)卷数:26卷(连载中)
Plain Jane Kyoko Mogami moves to Tokyo with her childhood friend (and lifelong crush) Sho Fuwa, who is pursuing his dream of becoming a rock star. To support Sho, Kyoko quits school and works at several part-time jobs. But her illusions of romance are shattered when she discovers that Sho sees her only as a servant, not a girlfriend. Now burning with anger, Kyoko vows to get her revenge. Her plan? To enter the world of show business and become an even bigger star than Sho.外表平凡的女孩最上恭子和没想成为摇滚明星的青梅竹马不破尚一起搬去了东京。为了照顾尚,恭子选择辍学,并打了好几份工。但是,当她发现尚只是把他当成一个仆人,而非女朋友看待时,恭子所有的浪漫幻想也破灭了。带着满腔愤怒,恭子开始了她的报复。她的计划就是进入娱乐圈,并成为一名比尚更耀眼的明星。
Skip Beat! has one of the strangest heroines in shojo manga today. After having her heart broken by Sho, Kyoko is positively allergic to the thought of romance -- even when suave superstar actor Ren Tsuruga shows an interest in her. She takes on acting challenges with a passion that borders on obsession. She believes in fairies and has a pack of 'grudge' demons who pop out to give her advice. 《华丽的挑战》的女主角是史上最奇怪的少女漫画女主角之一。被尚伤透心之后,恭子对恋爱变得十分敏感,即使温柔的天王级演员敦贺莲对她表现好感时也是如此。她对挑战满怀热情,近乎痴迷。她相信精灵是存在的,并拥有一个会跳出来为她出主意的小恶魔。
So why do I love Skip Beat so much? Maybe because it's got a quirky mix of humor, glamour and romance that's unlike any other shojo manga out there today. Sure, she's weird, but Kyoko's got a knack for pulling out a win even when the odds are against her. A strangely addictive and consistently fun read that keeps me entertained with every volume. 为什么我这么喜欢《华丽的挑战》呢?也许是因为它不同于今天其他的少女漫画,是集搞笑、魔法和言情于一体。当然,恭子的性格有点神经质,但是恭子每次都能在逆境中化险为夷。这部漫画引人入胜又乐趣十足,每一卷都带给我欢笑。
4 .Fushigi Yugi: The Mysterious Play不可思议的游戏
Author/Artist: Yuu Watase作者:渡濑悠宇
Publisher:: Shojo Beat / VIZ Big / VIZ Media出版商:Shojo Beat / VIZ Big / VIZ Media
Volumes: 18 / VIZ Big omnibus editions: 6卷数:18/VIZ综合版:6卷
Modern middle school pals Miaka and Yui stumble upon a mysterious book at the library that whisks them back in time to feudal China. Once the best of friends, Miaka and Yui become rival priestesses who must lead two groups of magical (male) warriors in a quest to control the kingdom.身处现代的中学生美珠和weight是一对好朋友,有一天,她们无意中在图书馆发现了一本魔法书,魔法书将他们带回到古代中国。曾经是好友的美珠和唯变成了相互对抗的巫女,她们必须带领各自的星士夺取国家政权。
Fushigi Yugi is a classic example of 'harem manga', which features a heroine surrounded by an array of hunky hunks who (usually) want to be more than just friends. What sets Fushigi Yugi apart from the rest is its mix of epic romance and graphic life-and-death plot twists interspersed with moments of slapstick humor to keep it from getting way too heavy. It's a sprawling storythat can try your patience at times, but it's hard to deny that it's one of the best fantasy shojo stories ever written. 《不可思议的游戏》堪称后宫漫画的经典之作,该类型的漫画一般都讲述了女主角身边美男环绕,而且都对其有爱慕之心。《不可思议的游戏》与众不同的是它拥有古风言情和跌宕起伏的情节,并穿插着搞笑情节,从而使剧情不会太过沉重。该漫画篇幅庞大,有时真是考验你的耐心,但无可否认的是,它是最棒的奇幻少女漫画之一。
5 .Nana娜娜
Author/Artist: Ai Yazawa作者:矢泽爱
Publisher: Shojo Beat/ VIZ Media出版商:Shojo Beat/ VIZ Media
Volumes: 21 (continuing)卷数:21卷(连载中)
Two very different young women named Nana move to Tokyo, hoping to fulfill their dreams. Nana Komatsu has been unlucky in love, so she wants to get a fresh start (and maybe a new boyfriend) in the big city. Nana Osaki is a rock goddess-to-bewho wants to hit the big time with her band. The unlikely pair meet on the train to Tokyo, and end up becoming roommates and fast friends.两个截然不同的都叫nana的年轻女孩来到东京,希望完成自己的梦想。小松奈奈在爱情上总是不顺,所以她希望能够在这个大城市重新开始(也许还想找一个新的男朋友)。大崎娜娜是一名摇滚乐手,梦想着能与组合走红。两个截然不同的人在前往东京的火车上相遇,最终成为室友兼一见如故的好友。
As the years go by, Nana O. fulfills her rock and roll dreams, and Nana K. does find someone to love -- but it all comes at a steep price. Will their friendship survive the many ups and downs that fame and fortune brings to them?随着时间过去,大崎娜娜实现了她的摇滚梦,大崎娜娜则找到了她的真爱,但这一切都让她们付出了高昂的代价。她们的友谊能否经受住名誉与金钱带给她们的成功与失败呢?
Nana is a beautifully-drawn series that is filled with heartfelt drama, big city glamor, fabulous fashion, rock and roll sassand many unexpected twists. It's the kind of shojo series that sucks you in and won't let you go, volume after volume.《nana》画风十分美型,情节真实感强,时尚感足,并包含了摇滚术语和许多意想不到的转折。它属于那种一旦陷入就无法自拔的少女漫画,让你停不下来。
6 .Vampire Knight吸血鬼骑士
Author/Artist: Matsuri Hino樋野茉理
Publisher: Shojo Beat / VIZ Media出版商:Shojo Beat / VIZ Media
Volumes: 15 (continuing)卷数:15卷(连载中)
When she was a child, Yuki Cross was attacked by a vampire, and saved by another vampire. Now a teenage girl, Yuki attends Cross Academy, a school that has a unique feature: the day classes are attended by humans, while the night classes are for vampires. As the daughter of the school headmaster, Yuki exists between both worlds, and soon enough discovers that she has stronger ties to the world of the night than she thinks.黑主优姬小时候曾被吸血鬼袭击过,被另一个吸血鬼所救。现在她成长为一名少女,并进入黑主学院学习。黑主学园有一个特点:人类学生在白天上课,吸血鬼学生在夜晚上课。作为学校理事长的女儿,优姬行走在两个世界间,很快,她发现自己与吸血鬼的黑暗世界有着比想象中更深的羁绊。
Vampire Knight mixes up two classic shojo manga themes: high school romance and gothic / vampire drama. Gorgeous artwork, loads of byzantine twists, and drop-dead hunky guys with more than a hint of sexual tension make this a favorite for readers who love romance with a dark side.《吸血鬼骑士》将两个经典的少女漫画主题:校园恋情和哥特系/吸血鬼剧情结合了起来:。华丽的画风、精彩的情节以及性感的美少年使这部漫画成为喜爱黑暗系恋爱的读者的最爱。
7 .Kitchen Princess点心公主
Author: Miyuki Kobayashi小林美幸
Artist: Natsumi Ando安藤夏美
Publisher: Del Rey Manga / Kodansha Comics出版商:Del Rey Manga / 讲谈社
Volumes: 10卷数:10卷
Najika is a sweet and kind teen who loves to cook. Even though both of her parents died when she was young, and she has spent some of her childhood in an orphanage, Najika is always helpful, always cheerful. Both of her parents were pastry chefs, but the one event that truly awakened her love of cooking was when she met her 'flan prince,' a boy who saved her from falling into the river and gave her a delicious cup of flan custard with a silver spoon embossed with the logo of Seika Academy. So when Najika gets a scholarship to attend Seika Academy, she wonders if she'll be reunited with her prince. To her surprise, she meets two boys who just might be her prince: Sora and Daiichi.性格可爱而又友善的七虹香喜欢烹饪。尽管早年父母双亡,使得她在孤儿院度过一段时光,七虹香却一直都是一个乐于助人又元气十足的女孩。尽管父母都是点心师,但真正让七虹香爱上烹饪的是她与&布丁王子&的相遇。布丁王子将她从河里救起,并给了她一杯带着银勺子的美味奶油布丁,上面有着星花学院的标志。所以,当七虹香申请到星花学院的奖学金时,她想知道自己是否会和她的王子相遇。让她惊讶的是,她遇到了两位喜欢的人:空和大地。
Kitchen Princess starts off as sweet as the treats that Najika whips up in her kitchen, but as it progresses, the drama, romance, and surprises get ramped up to keep readers enthralled until the very last page. A nice added touch: Najika also shares recipes with readers so they too can re-create some of her culinary magic at home. 《点心公主》的一开始的风格就如同七虹香在厨房里做出的点心一样甜美可口,但随着故事的发展,戏剧性的情节、恋爱以及转折使得读者们爱不释手。福利:七虹香也会与读者们分享她的食谱,使他们也可以在家里的厨房施展&魔法&。
8 .Card Captor Sakura魔卡少女樱
Author/Artist: CLAMP作者:CLAMP
Publisher: Dark Horse出版商:Dark Horse
Volumes: 12 / DH Omnibus editions: 4卷数:12卷/ DH Omnibus:4卷
While poking through her father's library, Sakura Kinomoto finds a mysterious book. She discovers much too late that it is a magical book, made by a wizard, and that by opening the book, she has unleashed an array of mystical creatures upon the world. It's now up to Sakura to find these creatures and return them to the magical cards where they belong.在爸爸的书房里,木之本樱发现了一本神秘的书。很久之后她才发现这是一本巫师创造出的魔法书,随着这本书的打开,她解放出了许许多多的神秘生物。现在,小樱要做的就是找到这些生物并将它们重新封印在相应的卡片中。
Unlike CLAMP's other series like X or xxxHolic, Card Captor Sakura was created with younger readers in mind. Even so, CLAMP doesn't talk down to their readers and gives them an exciting, heartfelt adventure series that is considered one of the best 'magical girl' series ever created.CLAMP fans will find this to be a fascinating companion to Tsubasa: , which also features an older Sakura and Syaoran in very different adventures. 不同于CLAPM其他的作品,例如《X战记》或《四月一日灵异事件簿》,《魔卡少女樱》是专为小读者创作的。即使如此,CLAMP也并没有走高冷的风格,而是给读者带来一段刺激、悸动的冒险系列作品,使小樱也成为有史以来最棒的&魔法少女&之一。CLAMP的粉丝们会发现,这部作品与《翼年代记》有着千丝万缕的联系:后者讲述了长大后的小樱和小狼的另一段冒险。
9 .Emma英国恋物语艾玛
Author & Artist: Kaoru Mori森薰
Publisher: CMX Manga出版商:CMX Manga
Volumes: 10卷数:10卷
Set in Victorian England, Emma is a historical manga centered around the intertwined lives of a maid and a wealthy aristocrat. The strict hierarchical rules of English society forbid their relationship, but they can't stop this star-crossed couple from falling in love.该作品以英国维多利亚时代为背景,讲述了女仆和有钱贵族之间的种种故事。当时英国社会严苛的等级制度禁止两人的结合,但也无法阻挡这对苦命鸳鸯的相爱。
Meticulously-researched for historical accuracy, Mori sets the mood beautifully and tastefully. There are lovely wordless moments, stolen glances and subtle smiles that reveal her characters inner lives more effectively than any narration or dialogue ever could.森薰对其历史的准确性做了大量的研究,作品画面精美典雅,并且出现了很多无声的美好瞬间,例如偷偷一瞥、微微一笑,比起用言语描述,这些都能使得人物心理活动更加生动。
CMX Manga closed their doors in mid-2010, which means that finding a complete set of Emma might be challenging -- but trust me, if you love Jane Austen, period romances, and just darn good manga, it's well worth the effort. CMX漫画公司在2010年年中停止了出版,这意味着收集到一整套的《英国恋物语艾玛》会很困难。但是,相信我,如果你喜欢简&奥斯汀、年代爱情或者只是想看看好的漫画,这部作品绝对值得你一读。
10 .Hot Gimmick热情花招
Author/Artist: Miki Aihara相原实贵
Publisher: VIZ Media / VIZ Big出版商:VIZ Media / VIZ Big
Volumes: 12 (Shojo Beat editions) / 4 (VIZ Big omnibus editions)卷数:12卷(Shojo Beat版)/4卷(VIZ Big omnibus版)
Poor Hatsumi. After being caught buying a home pregnancy kit for her younger sister, she's forced into a master-slave relationship with Ryouki, the wealthy and arrogant son of her father's boss. In Hot Gimmick, creator Miki Aihara weaves a complex web of secret loves and deep grudges across two generations living in a corporate housing complex.可怜的成田初,在被发现给妹妹买家用验孕棒后,被迫与爸爸老板的儿子,有钱却又任性的亮辉建立了主仆关系。在《热情花招》中,作者相原实贵住在公共住宅的两代人之间有关暗恋和积怨的复杂的故事。
Some readers may find the dysfunctional relationships in Hot Gimmick hard to stomach. Others might object to its somewhat saucy scenes. You might love it, you might hate it, but Hot Gimmick is pure shojo manga crack that you should read at least once to get why it's so influential and so controversial.一些读者可能觉得难以接受《热情花招》中奇奇怪怪的人物关系。还有一些读者可能会抗议漫画中出现的火爆场面。你可能会爱上它,可能会讨厌它,但是《热情花招》是一部纯粹的少女漫画,你至少应该读一次才能知道,为什么它是如此有影响力和充满争议。
声明:本双语文章的中文翻译系沪江英语原创内容,转载请注明出处。中文翻译仅代表译者个人观点,仅供参考。如有不妥之处,欢迎指正。如果你会英语,当你找工作的时候你会有比别人更大的优势。这样,你就可以找到更好的工作 的翻译是:If you are English, when you are looking for a job, you will have more advantages than others. In this way, you'll be able to find better jobs 中文翻译英文意思,翻译英语
If you speak English, when you find a job when you have more advantages than others. In this way, you can find a better job
If you are English, when you are looking for a job, you will have more advantages than others. In this way, you'll be able to find better jobs
If you are English, when you are looking for a job, you will have more advantages than others. In this way, you'll be able to find better jobs
If you are English, when you will find the time to work you will have a greater advantage than others. In that way, you can find a better working
If you speak English, when you look for the work time you can have compared to others bigger superiority.Thus, you may find a better work
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& a我是将要开车去 正在翻译,请等待...
& a钥匙在被子里。 Key in quilt. & aMehmet bey, Mehmet土侯, & a他下午三点才从学校回来 He 3 pm only then comes back from the school & apornochic pornochic & a食品安全事故 Food security accident & a乌鸦感觉怎么样 How does the crow feel & aMust be brave 正在翻译,请等待...
& a补助金 Subsidy & a做家庭作业占据了我每天的大部分业余时间 Made the homework to occupy my daily majority spare time & anasilsiniz ? nasilsiniz ? & aif a guest wants to book a room,but your hotel is fully booked.what would you do 如果客人想要预定屋子,但您的旅馆是booked.what充分地会您做 & aYou can use it as soon as you activate it.. provided you have money in the account.. 当您激活它,您能使用它。 假设您有金钱在帐户。 & aSometimes love is a piece of crap 有时爱是胡扯片断 & a[更大地扩大增大容纳、储存能量E2的生物体的容积及获取更多的能量E2和空间]。 [The earth expansion increases accommodation, cumulative energy E2 organism's volume and gains more energy E2 and space]. & a我向她请教,她总是有求必应,而且解释的令我十分满意 I consult to her, she always grants every request, moreover explained the command I satisfy extremely & a我想长大以后当一位设计师 I will want to grow up later to work as a designer & a怎样买礼物 How buys the gift & al worked for a newspaper 为报纸工作的l & agourmet festival 食家节日 & aInformal Process, but evidence training is conducted.
Training includes safety and quality. 不拘形式的过程,但证据训练被举办。 训练包括安全和质量。 & a如果这一驳船的货装的比较顺利,并且下一批货也准备的差不多了, If this barge goods install quite smoothly, and the next large stock of goods also prepared to be similar, & alack of battery power for your target 缺乏电池功率为您的目标 & aWhat future profession? 什么未来行业? & a外贸科是我的家,所有的同事都是我的家人 正在翻译,请等待...
& a如果你会英语,当你找工作的时候你会有比别人更大的优势。这样,你就可以找到更好的工作 If you speak English, when you look for the work time you can have compared to others bigger superiority.Thus, you may find a better work &


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