什么样的上司 奥样,值得跟随

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1) 问你个人问题&—&除了问你工作经验和能力以外,好老板也想了解你这个人。他们会好奇你的个人情况和职业兴趣。如果他们问你这些方面的问题,那这是一个积极的信号,意味着他们也关心你的幸福和成功。
4 Key Indicators In Your Job Interview That Someone Will Be A Good Boss To Work For
Everyone wants to work for a good boss.&Especially, a person who will support your development, offer you access to good opportunities, and create an attractive work situation for you. However, the big question is, how do you assess and identify a good boss in a job interview?&When considering a new job opportunity, this is really your best chance to choose your boss.&So if you end up working for someone who’s not worth following, then that’s a poor choice that you’ve made.&
Normally, during the interview process for a new job, you’ll only meet your potential boss once.&Maybe twice if a follow-up meeting is arranged to try and attract you, or for you to get to know the company better.&To tell if someone might be a good boss to work for from such brief and limited interaction, the following are four very positive indicators to pay particular attention to.
1)&They ask questions about you – Beyond just wanting to know about your work experience and capabilities, good bosses also want to know about you personally.&They show an interest in your personal situation and career interests.&Questions that they ask you related to these areas are a positive indication that your potential boss also cares about your overall well-being and success.&
For me, I want to know what kind of person you are, such as what you like to do in your spare time.&I’m interested in what your career goals are and what you hope to do in the future.&If you’re not asked such questions, this doesn’t necessarily mean that your potential boss has no interest in you and your overall success.&However, if a person doesn’t try to know anything about you beyond just what you are professionally, then that’s not such a good sign.
2)&They let you know what they can offer you – In addition to letting you know what their objectives and expectations are, good bosses also share with you what you can get out of being a part of their team.&They let you know what you can learn and in what ways you will develop under them.&They share with you what kind of opportunities will be available to you and how you can potentially grow into bigger roles and responsibilities.&
For people that we pursue, I want them to know what kind of prospects, benefits, and future they can potentially have by working for me and our company.&I explain to them our culture and environment, my management style, and how success is achieved on our platform.&By sharing this information, I want potential employees to know that I am very aware of their own expectations for their development and success.
3)&They have satisfied, successful subordinates – Good, confident bosses have nothing to hide.&They are completely transparent about who they are and what working for them is like.&They are even willing to let others on their team share their experience and thoughts about working for them.&
If in talking to their subordinates you meet team members who are happy with their development and have experienced promotions and greater responsibilities under your potential boss, that’s a good sign.&You can be more confident that you’ll experience the same.&However, if you notice that the subordinates under your potential boss seem dissatisfied or unhappy, then that’s not such a good sign.&
For instance, within our interview process, I let candidates that we’re interested in meet as many people in our company as they’d like.&Beyond whatever positive things I may tell them, I want to give them a chance to confirm how true they are with those who have actually experienced these things.
4)&They teach you things in the interview – If even during the interview with your potential boss you are learning things, then that’s also a very positive sign.&It shows that they are someone who takes the time to share with you their knowledge and insights.&They make the effort to explain to you the key success factors for your role, what kind of capabilities and expertise you can build, and what opportunities are available to you.&It’s a good indicator that they are a good coach and someone who can help you understand and learn how to become more successful.
For instance, when interviewing candidates, I share with them the realities about the recruitment industry and insights into what it takes to become a successful recruitment consultant.&I tell them what their biggest challenges will be and the most important things they need to do to overcome them.&I want them to have a clear picture of what they’re getting into and leave them with the thought, “If I’m learning this much just from this interview, then imagine what I’ll learn by working for this guy every day!”
While there are many factors to consider when choosing a new job situation, the person you work for will have perhaps the biggest impact on your success and what you will experience.&If you don’t experience or see any of these four things when interviewing with your potential boss, this may not necessarily mean you’ll be working for a bad boss.&However, if you do experience or see these things during your job interview, then it’s much more likely that this person is someone who will be very worthwhile to work for.Looking for more of the latest headlines on LinkedIn?什么样的领导值得我们去追随!(必看)
遇见的领导很多,但靠谱的领导符合以下9条标准——可作为考察领导的标准,当然,更是领导们自我反思的尺度。1无所畏惧作为领导,常常会遇见挑战,需要做出艰难的决定,面对问题迎面而上,还是把难题推给部下?不管怎么样,好领导愿意做出艰难而果断的决定,并承担全部责任!这种担当是鼓舞人心的,能让你的下属同样具备信心、激情和面对现实的信念!2愿景和价值观平庸领导每天是为了钱和指标,有潜能的领导,每天的工作是为了核心价值观和愿景,尽管他们也必须面对现实,但他们真的不忘初心。一流领导用心工作、二流领导用脑工作、三流领导用屁股决定大脑!3建立正确的文化在好领导手底下工作,可能会辛苦,但会觉得有成就感。靠谱的领导不是显得自己有多能干,而是善于调动每个人的积极性,让大家专注于创造,鼓励尝试、包容失败,激发内部创新思想,让下属可以自己做出决定,而领导是永远的支持和靠山。老子的领导力最高境界是“不知有之,功成事遂,民曰我自然”,好的文化,是激发群体智慧和积极性的文化。4听,而不是喷一个领导者必须是一个好的倾听者。能够真正静下心来,认真听别人说话的人,越来越少了,很多人貌似在听,其实是在想着怎么说服你!倾听是尊重、是谦虚、是开放、是鼓励。真正倾听的基础上,给力的挑战性提问,可以激发新的思维方式,帮助团队做出最佳决策!少喷多听,真的行吗?很难的哟!5做给大家看说再多都没用,不如自己做到!领导的行为才真正反应他的价值观,下属最瞧不上的领导,是嘴上仁义道德、私底下小肚鸡肠蝇营狗苟。单位是最大的模仿秀,大家都在模仿领导。所以,当下属考到他们的领导在实践他想要的工作价值观时,他们才不会动摇对单位的信念!6真实,透明上一条说的是“知行合一”,这一条说的是“表里如一”。不知道为什么很多领导都要遮遮掩掩,信息公开透明,是建立尊重和信任的最佳途径。错误不可怕,把错误捂起来才可怕,因为这样的话,错误就白犯了。不论什么组织,秘密越多越落后,不信就比较一下美国和朝鲜。7从失败中学习好的领导者不忌讳谈失败,承认失败并从中学习,才是真正的自信。每一个失败,都暗藏了一份“启示”,失败降临的目的只有一个——想告诉你点什么。如果不面对它,总是抱怨或者找理由,那就永远会被同一块石头绊倒!8冷静泰山崩于前而不动声色,要求太高了点,但领导者懂得保持冷静,却是必要的素质。凡事不要着急下判断,不要被眼前利益牵着鼻子走,不要把自己的面子放在对事情的判断决策里面,不要害怕。冷静、镇定,定生慧!9吸引人才所有的事情后面都是人,人找对了,事才能对。靠谱的领导,不断吸引比自己厉害的人,失败的领导,不断赶走比自己厉害的人!编辑 | 「公务员必读」编辑部「公务员必读」出品,转载请至后台询问
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