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律所:广东格雷兄弟律师事务所区域:广东/东莞/擅长劳动工伤熊晓峰律师 15:00:36回复真会是判决不予受理?&br&建议拿材料与律师面谈,可以申请重审。 律所:广东莞信律师事务所区域:广东/东莞/擅长劳动工伤胡小武律师 20:52:05回复法院应当不可能判决不予受理。建议面询律师
Copyright(C) 成都六四三六五科技有限公司 版权所有 蜀ICP备号 增值电信业务经营许可证(川B2-)试用7天被炒没有工资拿?快来找他们求助维权!
&&&&& 曹翠娟&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&年关将近,谁都想准时准确地拿到工资,开开心心回家过个好年,但是如果发生劳资纠纷,怎么办?找谁求助?e家君给街坊们提个醒,如果用人单位是在林和街辖区内的,你可以找林和街劳动监察中队帮忙调解哦。近期,林和劳监中队协调处理了几起劳资案件,街坊们可以来了解一下长长知识。公司经营不善拖欠工资?责令期限付清案例1广州某国际贸易公司的员工黄某、蔡某向劳监中队投诉,称公司拖欠他们2015年3月至7月份的工资及其它差旅费用等。原来,公司因为经营困难,上百万元的货款没收回,导致无法按时支付工资。处理情况劳监工作人员组织了双方见面协商,并指出,企业无论什么原因都不能拖欠员工工资,要保证员工工资的及时发放。两位投诉人也作出让步,同意公司分三期支付欠款,并敲定最迟付清日期,双方最终签订了书面《调解协议》。试用期没通过考核不发工资?必须要发工资案例2广州某投资管理有限公司的党先生投诉,称该公司拖欠了他试用期一周的工资。原来,党先生参加公司的入职培训时,与公司曾有过口头协议,称第一周是公司职员的培训试用期,如果在这期间自动放弃学习或考核不通过,就没有工资。党先生在这一周里没有达到公司的考核要求,公司决定不录用他,也没发给他培训试用期的工资。处理情况劳监工作人员根据劳动保障政策法规指出,员工在培训期间都应有工资,企业若发现员工工作能力差,可以提出终止试用,但不能不发工资。&最终被投诉企业经过协商,支付了党先生7天的工资。公司单方面要求停薪留职?做法不合理!案例3广州某贵金属经营有限公司员工黄先生到林和劳监中队投诉,称公司在日通知他停薪留职。黄先生认为公司行为不合法,要求拿回当月工资以及赔偿金。原来,因为行业整改,黄先生所在的公司接上级单位要求精简人手,于是公司撤消了黄先生所在的客服部,并通知黄先生停薪留职。处理情况劳监中队工作人员指出,根据劳动保障法规,像黄先生这种情况受到停薪留职的安排是不合法规的。随后该公司认识到错误,恢复了黄先生的工作。但黄先生拒绝回公司上班,认为公司的做法已经侵犯到员工的劳动权利,要求给予赔偿。劳监中队工作人员对双方进行了调解,认为公司单方面停薪留职处理考虑不妥当,不过公司已经及时改正;黄先生对于公司的后续处理不加理睬,也导致了问题的复杂化。最后,在工作人员的协调下,双方达成协议,公司支付黄先生当月工资,并给予三天补偿金,双方解除劳动合同。街坊们,如果你自己或亲戚朋友,遇到劳动纠纷了,记得来找劳动监察中队寻求解决哦。林和街劳动监察中队地址:天河东路205号二楼联系电话:020-文、图:信息时报记者 曹翠娟编辑:文德&&&
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My grandfather no doubt transferred his contagious thirst for autonomy to me early in my life. I guess entrepreneurship is in my blood.
Just as my grandfather did 40 years ago, last Thursday I gave my boss my two week notice.
I will no longer be requiring your employment services. My last day of work will be Friday, June 12th, 2009.
Thank you,
It started with a single intention
Last year around May, I offhandedly made a goal to quit my day job by the following year, May 2009.
This wasn’t a serious goal at the time. I didn’t even know if it would be possible. I just knew that I wanted it, and you know what they say: you gotta put a deadline on your goals, right? So I put a deadline on it.
And it worked.&
Now I’ll never underestimate the power of intention. If you want something bad enough and are willing to do anything it takes to get it, there is NOTHING that can stop you.
I still think that killing your ego-driven goals is a good thing, but the intention part of goal-setting is nothing to take lightly.
A few other interesting coincidences
It’s the year of the Ox. I was born the year of the Ox.&
I just so happened to be offered a business opportunity that would double my income, right near the beginning of this month, a few weeks before my deadline to quit would be passed.&
Last May (the same time I made my goal to quit my job), I saw Lyoto Machida fight for the first time in the UFC and he immediately became my favorite fighter. Last May, I said “he is going to by the light-heavyweight champion, it’s just a matter of time.” On May 23rd of this year, Lyoto Machida beat Rashad Evans to become the light-heavyweight champion in the UFC. He said “if you have a dream, it is possible.” He said this right after I found out I had achieved my income goal to make it possible for me to quit my job, and pursue my dream of being a full-time blogger.&
去年五月(也就是决定辞职的时候)当我看到町田龙太在UFC(Ultimate Fighting Championship 终极格斗冠军赛)的首次比赛时,他就成了我心目中最喜欢的选手。我说:“他会成为轻量级冠军,这只是时间问题。”今天五月23日,他打败拉沙德 埃文斯,成为UFC的轻量级冠军。他说:“有梦就有希望。”这番话是在我达到收入目标,可以辞掉工作并且实现做一个全职博客的梦想后说的。
How I did it
Some of you may be interested in hearing how I made this dream possible. I’ll briefly outline a few of what I think are the main keys to my success here. They may or may not work for you.
Here are a few of the big factors that contributed to my success.
Focused on adding value. If I don’t have something worthwhile to say, I don’t write. I would rather not add to the noise. I always focus on providing unique, genuinely valuable content. When I’m writing, I’m always asking myself what the value will be to you, the reader.&
Clearly define what makes this blog unique. I’ve worked hard to try to set my writing and the culture of this blog apart from the crowd. I know that if I’m average, I’m invisible. I don’t want to be just another forgettable blog in someone’s feed reader. I aim to make all my content unmissable by thinking differently and acting in no-limit ways. I’m not afraid to push the edges and I’m not afraid to voice a contrarian opinion.&
Wrote and sold an ebook. This was a huge milestone for me in my blogging quest. I made sure that I spent a lot of time researching what my readers would most likely value, and then I gave it to them. I even did a series on Living Your Dreams, before I wrote my ebook, Reclaim Your Dreams. Testing my idea helped me make sure that it was a hot topic and it would receive a favorable response. I also did a lot of research on how to effectively launch an ebook and spent a lot of time planning the marketing of the ebook. Right now, sales from Reclaim Your Dreams currently make up about one fourth of my income, and it’s steadily rising.&
Community and tribe unification. I used to try to write for everyone. That failed, gigantically. Now I write for and build a community around a tribe of people I most connect with. I seek to connect with unconventional, off the beaten path self-development seekers. Focusing on cultivating a community and connection with my “right people” has greatly aided the popularity of Illuminated Mind. Sometimes discrimination is the key to connection.&
Saved an emergency fund. In the past year, my wife and I have worked to building an emergency fund that would support us for several months once I quit my job, if the income from my blog completely dropped off. Having this safety net gives us some peace of mind and helps ease the calm-panic when faced with the unknown.&
Transition.&I made my first goal to create an income of $100 through this blog. Once I reached that goal, I aimed for $500. Then $1,000. I steadily increased my goal and refined my methods until I reached the next, bigger goal. I also transitioned from 40 hours a week at my day job, to 32 hours a week. That extra day a week allowed me to spend more time on the blog and helped ramp up my efforts to increase my income.&
I stole Leo’s mantra.&Last year, my good friend Leo quit his day job and revealed that the mantra that helped him do it was the word “Liberate.” I had to admit that this was a pretty badass idea. So I stole it, and made the word “Liberation” my mantra. It was my reminder of the reason I spent hours responding to email through dinner and working on my ebook on the weekends.&
I wanted to get paid to exist.&I’ll be the first one to admit, getting paid to exist is not easy to do. Most jobs want you to do something more than just existing. Since I’m not too keen on that, I realized I would have to create my own “job.” So that’s what I set out to do: to create a life where I get paid to be me, where the value I give to the world by just being me is a way for me to feed my family.&
I also did things like put myself on auto-response and I ruthlessly stopped caring about a lot of things (to make psychic space for my primary aim of liberation). That’s about the gist of it.
What’s next?
In the next few weeks I will be officially open for business with coaching.&I will be taking on a&3-4&clients a month so I can focus on providing as much highly-targeted value as possible.&If you’re interested in signing up before the sales page goes live,&contact me and let’s talk&—&my hourly rate will be&$97&per hour.
I have another ebook that I’m working on and a few other ideas for expansion that I’m currently mentally toying around with.
I have some ideas,&but honestly,&I’m not sure what exactly the future will hold.&That is the best part,&I think,&about self-employment.&When I went to my boring job every day,&I always knew what to expect.&I knew the schedule,&the routine.&I knew the same tasks would be waiting for me each day.&And when I finished them that week,&they would renew themselves next week.&My job was predictable,&and that was part of what made it so painful.
That reality is gone.&Uncertainty is on the wind now,&and while I have my ear to the ground,&I’m not sure what the next week or month will bring.&While this might be daunting to some,&I love it.
This is what I do for a living now.&This whole blogging,&ass-kicking craziness is now my gig.&And I have to say,&causing trouble for a living is a highly favorable condition.&If you can find create a way to make it work,&grab it by the tail and prepare for a ride.
Thank you for reading.&Thank you for supporting me in my dream.&If you have a dream,&it is possible.&
My time is &there is no more renting out my mind and diluting my mission.&Instigating self-actualization is what I do now.&And I am unconditionally devoted to making that happen.
Freedom tastes as good as they say it does.&Now I know the price is worth the promise.
[Note:&If you're interested in a thorough guide of how I built this blog and business to allow me to quit my job,&please let me know.&I'm considering doing a free ebook about this is if there's enough interest.]


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