
【英文标题】Is China really the new superpower on
the block?
【作者】Aditya Chakrabortty
There's a fixed menu of cliches journalists
stick to when talking about China & and you're about to get the
whole lot. As David Cameron tours the People's Republic over the
next couple of days, planeloads of correspondents will solemnly
intone that it's the new sup the national
succes soon to overtake even America as the
world's biggest economy. When you hear these lines trotted out, I
want you to do me a favour. I want you to think of a public
Not just any public toilet, mind, but the
world's biggest. It opened in the midwestern city of Chongqing a
couple of years ago and boasts 1,000 stalls over four floors, all
set in a porcelain palace with a giant replica sphinx on top. Many
of the urinals are shaped l others resemble
the Virgin Mary. And throughout there is piped music and rolling TV
news. The authorities have even laid on what they describe as
"toilets for lovers" .
All entertaining enough. But the Giant
Convenience of Chongqing also tells you something: in a major
industrial metropolis in the heart of what is apparently the
world's next superpower, free public sanitation is so scarce that
its provision is turned into a huge event. And that is part of a
bigger picture in which & whatever Cameron and his entourage say &
China is a lot poorer than is usually acknowledged and far less
powerful, too.
Of course, I know the statistics that say
otherwise: an economy growing at 9% a year and a hoard of around
$2.7tn in foreign currency. The world's second-largest economy,
from virtually nowhere 30 years ago.
Astonishing, of course & but China also has
the world's biggest population. Split its national income per head
and adjust for how much that will buy a Chinese person in their
country and it amounts to just $6,240, an eighth of the American
figure. Per person, the Dragon economy is about as prosperous as
Those numbers sit at odds with all those
fashionable books bearing overblown titles such as When China Rules
the World. But then so, too, do the events of the last couple of
years. Cast your mind back to 2008, when food prices shot up and it
was all apparently the fault of newly affluent China and India,
with their desire for (gasp!) meat.
Except then came a World Bank study that
found three-quarters of the rise in food prices was down to George
Bush's push for biofuels & in other words to burn crops for fuel.
Far from being the drivers of higher food prices, India and China
were innocent bystanders.
And while wonks and commentators often talk
of the global financial crisis as a catalyst in the decline of the
west, viewed another way it actually confirms the supreme
importance of the American economy. After all, it will be a long
time, I suspect, before G20 leaders are having critical summits
because of a sub-prime property crisis in Shanghai.
Ironically, it's the same things that are usually greeted as signs
of Chinese strength that should be interpreted as signals of
It's not just toilets and basic sanitation
that are thin on the ground. So is an awful lot of essential
infrastructure, such as hospitals and adequate schools in the
country's vast hinterland. If a poor Chinese villager gets
seriously ill it's a choice between treatment and penury & or
And it's a big reason the Chinese economy has
been called "unstable, unbalanced, uncoordinated and unsustainable"
The Hong Kong-born political economist
Ho-fung Hung goes further: he describes the communist state as
"America's head servant": reliant on the US to buy its exports and
then to sell it dollar-based assets. "As a country, it's trapped,"
Those who reckon China's rise inevitably
means a challenge to the dominance of the west need to think hard
about that. The direct influence of Washington may be slightly
diluted, but its indirect influence shows no sign of
Think about the leading powers' response to
the financial crisis of the last couple of years. Who was the
leader who led the call for a new Bretton
Woods?&&Gordon Brown. Ahead of
this week's G20 summit in Seoul, it's Washington's proposal for
managing trade that is being discussed & not any alternative plan
from an Asian capital.
在本周的G20首尔峰会之前,人们讨论的是华盛顿关于限制贸易管理的建议, 而不是某个亚洲国家政府提出的其他选择方案。
The great seers and commentators of our time
will doubtless say that this is all to come. I hope so. But it
takes an awful lot of squinting to see a country without adequate
sanitation and so reliant on American trade, and declare
confidently that this is the world's next superpower.
【推荐 77】
But it takes an awful lot of squinting to see
a country without adequate sanitation and so reliant on American
trade, and declare confidently that this is the world's next
Yeah but all China has to do is keep to moderate policies and
slowly catch up. Copying what Japan did, copying as they did the
West, is not so hard. As long as the Government can avoid major
unrest and the ambition to be creative.
So China ought to be on track for the world's next
Besides, people are speaking from their hearts and expressing their
fondest hopes. Rationality has nothing to do with it. Nor does the
fact that China as a global superpower is likely to be less
accommodating than the US. No matter. As long as the West
potentially stands to suffer, half of CiF will be on board.
事实上也不能说中国作为一个全球性超级大国较美国更缺少包容。 不论怎样。
&&【推荐 25】
A very interesting article.
Thank you.
leftboy 【推荐
Good piece. But while China may be a middling economy by GNP, its
aggregate size gives it a lot of clout. I'd imagine the USSR was a
lot poorer than the UK, per person, during the Cold War. But only
one of them was a superpower.
我想像中的苏联,在冷战时期,是一个比英国人均要穷得多的国家。 但他们只有其中一个是超级大国。
Anax 【推荐
I never feel like I've learned anything reading Aditya
Chakrabortty's articles. They have a studenty, pick 'n' mix feel to
them, all flimsy statistics and blustering platitudes.
Two things:
Per person, the Dragon economy is about as
prosperous as Namibia.
Namibia is a lightly populated country (2 million) with substantial
mineral deposits. A worse comparison is hard to imagine. Why not
compare China with Monaco, or the Falkland Islands, or Singapore,
or any other tiny country, if it suits your point-making?
It's not just toilets and basic sanitation
that are thin on the ground. So is an awful lot of essential
infrastructure, such as hospitals and adequate schools in the
country's vast hinterland. If a poor Chinese villager gets
seriously ill it's a choice between treatment and penury & or
Blatant unsupported assertion. China's life expectancy is 74 -
pretty respectable, and its literacy rate is 91%. The 'vast
hinterland' you're talking about can't be that vast, since it
doesn't seem to drag back their development indicators by
(= =后来才看出'n'是and啊~)
纳米比亚是一个人口稀少(200万)以及拥有大量矿藏的国家。 一个糟糕的比较是很难想象的。
毫无根据的说法。 中国人的平均寿命是74——可敬的数字,人们的识字率是91%。
federalexpress 【推荐
"I know the statistics that say otherwise: an
economy growing at 9% a year and a hoard of around $2.7tn in
foreign currency. The world's second-largest economy, from
virtually nowhere 30 years ago."
The author answers his own question here. Sure they are still much
less affluent than the US but then, if they weren't, it's unlikely
their economy would be growing at 9%.
Obviously this is not good news for the west and we certainly
haven't even attempted at address the problems it will cause
It's also true that China cannot operate successfully in isolation,
it is in a deathly embrace with the US on trade and currency, and
that ultimately, it will need to build domestic markets.
I don't believe that thinking about a toilet, however large, will
change reality.
笔者在这里回答了自己的问题。 当然他们的富人仍然远远少于美国。
brucibaby 【推荐
Is China really the new superpower on the block?
Yes. Get used to it.
是的。 要去适应它。 (简短而给力啊~=A=)
I wish we had some decent public loos in the UK.
我希望英国也要有些像样的公厕。 (噗~)
msmlee 【推荐
Ironically, it's the same things that are
usually greeted as signs of Chinese strength that should be
interpreted as signals of weakness. Every time Beijing puts in a
bid for an American computer company or a British bank, the
business press talk of a Chinese takeover of the world economy. But
in reality, what Beijing is doing is investing its money in foreign
assets rather than investing in its domestic
It's not just toilets and basic sanitation
that are thin on the ground. So is an awful lot of essential
infrastructure, such as hospitals and adequate schools in the
country's vast hinterland. If a poor Chinese villager gets
seriously ill it's a choice between treatment and penury & or
Not sure if the new Chinese political and economic elite sees
things this way. Like all neoliberals (and please don't tell me
that you believe that they are in any way actual "socialists", for
there is no welfare state in China), they really care feck all
about providing domestic infrastructure such as schools and
hospitals for the populace, even if they have the ability to
provide these for the poor. So the lack of such infrastructure for
the masses really isn't an indicator of how strong or weak China is
as a political and economic force in the world, just like the lack
of universal healthcare in America hasn't prevented it from being
in the top spot in the uni-polar world.
That said, I do think there is merit in having a more balanced view
towards the status of China at this point in time. It is neither a
developing country nor is it a developed one. The country has a
long and rich history yet the PRC behaves like an immature and
insecure schoolyard bully because the Republic's been founded only
for little more than half a century. It has lots and lots of
nouveau riche wielding huge influence and exhorted by a similarly
neoliberalised political party, and the size of its middle-class is
comparable to those in European countries, but they are still a
tiny fraction of the 1.1 billion people that reside in the country.
So China is both poor and rich, just like America in fact, except
on a larger scale.
So rather than seeing China as replacing America, or denying that
China has indeed grown to be a force to be reckoned with, a more
realistic assessment, I thought, is to see China as a continuation
of America. It is unfortunate though that this merely means the
continuation of neoliberal power in a globalised world. And I
think, soon enough, we really wouldn't be talking about the
importance of any nation-states. As those before us have foreseen a
long time ago, the real powers are held by multinational
corporations. That's where the real danger lies.
(这是神马数据啊= =?)
(对这个一句话说成三句的筒子表示严重抗议= =!)
&&【推荐 54】
At the moment it is hovering up Western cash in return for vast
quantities of cheap goods (sold dear by the obscenely rich in the
west). The old saying about "When America catches a cold ..." is
true of China. Once the (mainly) US and UK banking caused a
recession, 20,000,000 Chinese were sent back to their rural family
homes, displaced from their poorly paid jobs.
It's not one sided. The obscenely rich needs China to make their
stuff dirt cheap, but the obscenely rich also need to ensure their
customers back home have sufficient cash to buy their over-priced
tat. I think they've forgotten one side of the equation!
The problem is not the Chinese, nor the British people, nor the
Yanks. It's the grotesquely rich and their free trade mantra.
对中国也适用。 一旦(主要地)美国和英国银行造成了经济衰退,2千万中国人将被迫放弃低收入工作返回自己的家乡。
=,time after tiame?!) 。我认为他们已经忘记了等式的另一边!
&&【推荐 25】
Switzerland is richer per person than all the G8 but is nothing in
terms of global power. Likewise America's population is some 5 or 6
times that of Britain thus one would expect it to have at least 5
or 6 times the economic power before you contemplate its sheer
And then you have China. A nation bigger than Europe and USA
together. Sure per person it's as rich as Namibia but together it
is soon to be the world's largest economy. Even if its GDP per
capita was only 7,000, that multiplied by over a billion would make
its strength so vast.
For it to catch up with the USA or Europe would cause Western
issues to take a major backseat.
然后就中国来说, 一个比欧洲和美国加在一起还大的民族(要么是民族或国民,不可能说国家- -)。
当然人均只与纳米比亚一样,但合起来它将很快成为世界最大的经济体。 即使它的人均GDP只有7000,但乘以超过10亿倍将会使其变得强大。
当她赶上美国或欧洲时,将导致西方第一把交椅的地位动摇。( 这是意译的,拿不准~)
Interesting article.
" As long as the Government can avoid major unrest and the ambition
to be creative."
I don't think they should have too much of a
problem with the first part of that sentence if their past record
is anything to go by and as any criticism of the techniques used to
quell any dissent would result in less of a loot (是lot吧)pile going
the way of their Western friends .I don't think outside pressure is
going to be forthcoming in the near future.
At least we know where Cameron's priorities lies
these next few days he tells us he is after all going to try and
boost our great 'manufacturing' industries as he takes along with
him representatives of Brent Hoberman, co-founder , Tamara Mellon, founder of Jimmy Choo shoes, and
Anya Hindmarch, handbag-maker to the rich and famous. Nice to know
our 'manufacturing' industries are up there with the rest. The
question remains though where their interests really lie. Could it
be with the great British manufacturing base that really is no more
or as is more likely is it with their eyes on the prize(应该是price)
shareholders waiting for the next opportunity to outsource more
production overseas in order to fatten their own wallets at
everyone else's expense.
Well we can take comfort that just maybe a few
of those new porcelain WC users one day might consider taking such
a trip there accompanied with the latest Mr Choo shoe or a handbag
from the maker to the rich and famous and then they might feel by
Western questionable standards that they have actually 'arrived'
whilst their compatriots remain silent in their prison issue
garments in a far off cell(应该是sell) unseen and unheard of as the
trade wars and the trade talks and the years pass them
Hoberman——公司的创始人之一,Tamara Mellon——Jimmy
CHoo鞋或携带最新的手袋,转而从制造商成为富人和名人。(原文的taking such a
(表示再次吐槽, 5行的话居然不带一个标点!)
FrancesSmith 【推荐 12】
yes, this is an interesting
but it is the nature of journalists to imagine
the future to be a continuation of the past, but just with
different people playing the main characters.
how long did the search for the next bob dylan
go on for? and yet he, or she, never came. and so its no surprise
that they search for the next america, but there probably won't be
one, as the world economy will change so much that the current
power formulation will just change, and the superpower concept will
just disappear.
its interesting to read about how low the
average income in china is, it is therefore no surprise that they
prefer exporting to importing, and in the process export their low
wage economy. while our government, in the uk, with our ever
growing low wage economy, are now trying to solve our growth
problems through exports because domestic demand is too
which suggests to me that the expansion of low
wage economies is in nobody's interests. as somebody has to be able
to afford to buy all these exports.
而我们的政府,现在就我们英国不断增长的低收入经济,正试图通过出口来解决我们的发展问题, 因为国内需求太低了。
&&【推荐 51】
I think the Guardian should leave analysis of
China to the FT, this is so flimsy its embarrassing. ...trying to
detract from massive growth rates and improvements in living
standard for millions of people by invoking ...the toilet meme?
But it takes an awful lot of squinting to see
a country without adequate sanitation and so reliant on American
trade, and declare confidently that this is the world's next
It doesn't take 'squinting', prophetic power, or
political schadenfreude, it takes simple historical sense, an
awareness of current investment trends, and the vaguest notion of
fluctuations in competitive advantage and terms of trade. You know,
the kind of things that profoundly affects and underlies all of the
moral froth that gets peddled in this paper as 'news'.
你知道,这类深刻影响和强调所有精神上的泡沫事件,被冠以“新闻”之名在本报进行兜售。 (最后一句怪怪的- -)
wichdoctor 【推荐 91】
It's not just toilets and basic sanitation
that are thin on the ground. So is an awful lot of essential
infrastructure, such as hospitals and adequate schools in the
country's vast hinterland. If a poor Chinese villager gets
seriously ill it's a choice between treatment and penury & or
So is the UK getting more like China or is China getting more like
因此是英国越来越像中国呢,还是中国越来越像英国呢? (这,这是在吐槽英国的基础设施么?)
Perhaps the Chinese will hold up articles like
this as examples of Western decline?
Rather than looking at the world-beating
technologies or the way the economy is growing at a rate that means
the economy is doubling within a decade, Chakrabortty holds up a
bizarre lavatory. Yes we can all latch on to curious anecdotes but
for me it's the rate of change in China that is impressive -
although some might fear this - given that Britain took the best
part of two centuries to evolve from farming to modern
- 尽管有人可能担心这一点 & 考虑到英国很好地用了两个世纪才从农业发展到现代生活。
Bamboo13 【推荐
China is buying up resources in 4 continents.
Those hitched to the China wagon such as Australia, and Brazil,
have booming economies. China is not bothered about disputes with
Japan, India or even the US, and will make it's own decisions on
Burma, North Korea and Iran.
China is building infrastructure in Africa, and
who can say it is not more beneficial than the Billions of $$$
Western Aid, some of which is recycled to Swiss Banks.
China is the most influential nation on the
planet. Why not simply acknowledge this, and drop the habit of
producing straw man statistics.
mojoangel 【推荐
I always thought that a large building just with
just toilets in London's West End (apologies to rest of country for
fixating on the capital, but that's where I am from), would make a
fortune. Tourists and locals are always caught short and there are
not enough WCs to manage.
Charge £1p a pop and with a footfall of maybe
3,000 a day, that's good money.
But, maybe not...
=,多么龌龊的赚钱方式啊~ )
&&【推荐 16】
All entertaining enough. But the Giant
Convenience of Chongqing also tells you something: in a major
industrial metropolis (with four times the population of London) in
the heart of what is apparently the world's next superpower, free
public sanitation is so scarce that its provision is turned into a
huge event. And that is part of a bigger picture in which &
whatever Cameron and his entourage say & China is a lot poorer than
is usually acknowledged and far less powerful, too.
Very ill-chosen metaphor. As any mere tourist
will tell you bog-standard public lavs / water points are to be
found in every village and commune throughout the PRC. They are
unmissable, uniform white concrete blocks with the word Cizouo
painted on them in big red characters. Just follow your
很有毛病的选择比喻。 就像任何一个单纯的旅游者会告诉你,在每个村庄都会找到普通的公共沐浴/供水点,以及遍布整个中国的公社。
他们是不容错过的,统一的白色混凝土块涂上大红色字符Cizouo (本来以为是“cizou”瓷州,想想不对啊,是“cesuo”厕所!)
疝气 (这是毛啊?!!!)
Brightspaces 【推荐
&The authorities have even
laid on what they describe as "toilets for lovers" .
Judging by the graffiti, the UK is way ahead on
the "public toilets for lovers" coefficient.
由街头涂鸦来看,英国的确是前卫的“情人公厕”之首。 (意译= =)
Brightspaces 【推荐
& The authorities have even
laid on what they describe as "toilets for lovers".
In many countries young people that are still
living at home need somewhere to meet up as opposed to say a public
park. Take your pick...
MoveAnyMountain 【推荐 25】
Namibia is a lightly populated country (2 million) with substantial
mineral deposits. A worse comparison is hard to imagine. Why not
compare China with Monaco, or the Falkland Islands, or Singapore,
or any other tiny country, if it suits your
Because none of those are developing countries. Namibia is. It may
be lightly populated as befits a parched country. But that doesn't
mean the comparison is meaningless. Namibia has not had the
advantages China has had either.
Blatant unsupported assertion. China's life
expectancy is 74 - pretty respectable, and its literacy rate is
91%. The 'vast hinterland' you're talking about can't be that vast,
since it doesn't seem to drag back their development indicators by
Actually it is true. China spends less on government health care
that any other government I know of in the world. If people can't
pay for treatment themselves, they don't get treated. That means
people dying on the road outside of major hospitals. That China's
life expectancy is so high points to two things - the irrelevance
of doctors to life expectancy and the fact that the government is
probably still lying about it. As for literacy, the PRC has
dumbed(是dumped吗) down the definition of literacy to a mere 800
characters. Taiwan demands 2500. Even so I would not necessarily
believe their figures. It is easy to find people even in big cities
who can't really read. Go to any bus station and people will ask
when the next bus leaves.
纳米比亚是一个人口稀少(200万)以及拥有大量矿藏的国家。 一个糟糕的比较是很难想象的。
由于这些都不是发展中国家。 纳米比亚是。因此人口稀少更适合这赤地的国家。
(是说纳米比亚耕作条件差) 但并不意味着这比较是毫无意义的。
纳米比亚没有中国具备的优势。 (我们人口和土地占优?)
毫无根据的说法。 中国人的平均寿命是74——可敬的数字,人们的识字率是91%。
的确如此。 中国政府医保支出少于我所知的世界上的其他政府。
如果人们无法支付费用将得不到治疗。 这意味着人们将病死在医院门外。中国的平均寿命是如此之高,有两点
即便如此,我也同样不见得会相信他们的数字。 即使在大城市也很容易找到不能阅懂的人。
(这跟识字率有毛关系啊?话说我们的识字定义这么低吗- -)
Hong7 【推荐
Split its national income per head and adjust
for how much that will buy a Chinese person in their country and it
amounts to just $6,240, an eighth of the American figure. Per
person, the Dragon economy is about as prosperous as
This must be up there with some of the silliest stuff ever posted
to this site.
All hail the new superpowers! Luxembourg! Qatar! Norway! No? Then
the statistic is utterly meaningless in the context in which you
present it? Oh.
And quite apart from all the 'coming superpower' stuff, the leaking
of jobs and industry to China affects Western people very
Oh, and ask the Japanese about rare earth metals. The US is still
the superpower, and will probably be so for most of our lifetimes,
but China is rising fast, with numerous consequences - and the
number and style of its lavatories is, surprisingly enough, largely
irrelevant from our point of view.
向所有新鲜出炉的超级大国高呼~! 卢森堡! 卡塔尔! 挪威! 啊搞错了?
哦,顺便问一下日本的稀土金属。 (噗,是说霓虹没资源?)
美国依然是超级大国,在我们有生之年很可能仍然是。但中国正迅速崛起,伴随着众多的影响 &
Not just any public toilet, mind, but the
world's biggest. It opened in the midwestern city of Chongqing a
couple of years ago and boasts 1,000 stalls over four floors, all
set in a porcelain palace with a giant replica sphinx on top. Many
of the urinals are shaped l others resemble
the Virgin Mary. And throughout there is piped music and rolling TV
news. The authorities have even laid on what they describe as
"toilets for lovers"
Sounds like immense fun. Tell me, did you notice the public leisure
/ exercise squares all around Chongqing? They are equipped a bit
like kiddies playgrounds, but with kit for older folks. They are
all set out in tree-shaped squares (Chongqing has a vile
hot'n'humid climate). They are always full of retired folks taking
it easy and just chilling out. Yep, China has changed and is
听起来很好玩。 跟我说,你知道重庆到处都有公共休闲/运动广场吗?
他们有点像小孩子的操场,也有为老人提供的器材。 它们都设立在树形广场(重庆有恶劣的炎热潮湿气候)。
疝气 (= =)
Except outsourcing makes everyone
Interesting use of the word "Everyone." In my dictionary "everyone"
would include those thrown out of work in one country - e.g. the
UK, or one industry - e.g. the Fenland veg industry - to provide
these outsourced jobs to the nationals of other countries.
在我的字典中“每个人”包括那些失去工作的国家 - 如英国或一个行业 - 例如芬兰德蔬菜产业 &
where are the public conveniences in our great nation?
went through lhr terminal 3 on sunday, the toilets at arrivals were
a (smelly) disgrace,
come to think of it, the whole airport, as any traveller familiar
with east asia can tell you, is not a patch on any of the major
asian airports, bkk,kl,hk etc....
and this is before we start paying down any debts.... oh dear
周日走一下lhrT3航站, (LHR 伦敦希思罗机场,乍眼看以为lhr是一小时=
=;terminal 3就是我们说的T3航站啊) 站口的厕所简直是(恶臭)耻辱。
而我们还没开始偿还任何债务呢.... 噢咧个囧
RightWingTroll 【推荐 20】
Why the brouhaha over what is ostensibly a third world country? So,
they are the 2nd largest economy in the world? Big deal. The EU is
two times richer whilst having a population size half of theirs.
Beyond the nebulous geopolitical demarcation that delineates China
lies poverty, savagery and barbarism. You Europeans are in thrall
to these parvenus only because of a misplaced "white guilt" and a
tribal hatred of all things American and neoliberal (which are
incidentally antithetical for those who genuinely understood the
American economy).
(说这话的童鞋貌似也不是国人啊- -)
【推荐 13】
The definition of a superpower is that you are able to project
force beyond your immediate geographic area.
China? No fcuking chance. Especially without a blue water navy.
They take time and money to build - the most important element
being time as the USSR found out to its cost. They were never able
to really crack that one. Though speaking to some people from back
in the day the Severnyi Flot would have given us a run for our
Y'see it's all about choke points...the ocean is a big place, no
really you think it's a long way to the shops etc. But the thing is
there are key choke points where things come together if you can't
control them you control nothing.
Oh, they can build trade links with sub Saharan Africa till the
cows come home but the moment the shit hits the fan they're cut off
from that because they can't protect it.
As for their magic economic growth? All I see is the same thing as
happened in the USSR in the 1950s.
中国? 没拽的机会。 特别是没有一支牛X的海军。 他们要耗时烧钱去打造 -
最重要的因素是时间,因为苏联发现了它的成本。 他们没有办法去解决它。 尽管对一些人来说,在黄金时代更值得花这个钱去打造北方舰队。
Flot:北方舰队。搞了半天终于被涤心大姐一语道破,同时感谢各位译友们,内牛T T…)
至于他们的神迹般的经济增长? 我看到同样的事发
生在1950s的苏联 。
Except outsourcing makes everyone
Interesting use of the word "Everyone." In my dictionary "everyone"
would include those thrown out of work in one country - e.g. the
UK, or one industry - e.g. the Fenland veg industry - to provide
these outsourced jobs to the nationals of other countries.
It's how everyone over here, even those thrown out of work, gets to
have a large flat-screen TV.
用“每个人”的字眼真是搞笑。 在我的字典中“每个人”包括那些失去工作的国家 -
如英国或一个行业 - 例如芬兰德蔬菜产业 & 去给其他国家的人民提供这些外包工作。
Qingyou 【推荐
Those who have been to your country India say there are hardly any
toilets there, people shit and piss everywhere , which is how the
super-bacteria came into being. The most frightening thing is
people taking bath with the dead bodies floating around in Ganges
.Perhaps Obama hasn't realised the water he had just drunk was from
there. No wonder a lot of players refused to attend the
Commonwealth Games held there and it is true that a lot of players
got sick and left with loose bowels. Though I like travelling,
India is the last place I want to go to.
人在天津的,是在这里工作旅游的外国人还是国人啊= =?名字倒很像是国人= =)
【推荐 19】
free public sanitation is so scarce that its
provision is turned into a huge event.
Sounds an awful lot like London to me.
&&【推荐 3】
Sounds an awful lot like London to
It is after all the capital of broken Britain.
【推荐 10】
went through lhr terminal 3 on sunday, the
toilets at arrivals were a (smelly) disgrace,
come to think of it, the whole airport, as any traveller familiar
with east asia can tell you, is not a patch on any of the major
asian airports, bkk,kl,hk etc....
To be fair Heathrow is privately owned and run - the 'efficiencies'
of privatisation, eh
&&【推荐 8】
Except then came a World Bank study that
found three-quarters of the rise in food prices was down to George
Bush's push for biofuels & in other words to burn crops for fuel.
Far from being the drivers of higher food prices, India and China
were innocent bystanders.
Yes indeed. It's never the fault of people who are not white.
是的的确如此。非白人永远没有错。 ( 是反讽么-
&&【推荐 16】
<font COLOR="#nn1t:
Except outsourcing makes everyone
Interesting use of the word "Everyone." In my
dictionary "everyone" would include those thrown out of work in one
country - e.g. the UK, or one industry - e.g. the Fenland veg
industry - to provide these outsourced jobs to the nationals of
other countries.
It's how everyone over here, even those
thrown out of work, gets to have a large flat-screen
Good God, another use of the word "Everyone." Do you mean "a few,"
"a minority," "some," "lots of," "a majority?" Because you sure as
hell don't mean "Everyone."
<font COLOR="#nn1t:
用“每个人”的字眼真是搞笑。 在我的字典中“每个人”包括那些失去工作的国家 -
如英国或一个行业 - 例如芬兰德蔬菜产业 & 去给其他国家的人民提供这些外包工作。
囧哪,不用“每个人” 你的意思是用“几个”,“少数”,“一些,” “许多” “多数?”
&&【推荐 14】
China? No fcuking chance. Especially without
a blue water navy. They take time and money to build - the most
important element being time as the USSR found out to its
China has the money and the time, I suspect. It's a long
They have already been testing the waters around Japan.
中国? 没TM屌的机会。 特别是没有一支牛X的海军。 他们要耗时烧钱去打造 -
我怀疑,中国有钱有时间。 这是一个漫长的游戏。
Freego 【推荐
China in both size and wisdom is a phenomenal and urgent
opportunity. If one can see this it will bring, generosity,
optimism, wealth and wisdom, which is what Chinese are doing.
Deny it and miss it, or even mess it like a worrying majority of
Western people to the degree that sometimes I think it would be
better if the West just went away.
It seems to be obliging. But of course there is no cynicism or
greed like that in the Western tradition. The history is there.
They are the most dangerous people on the planet.They will kill to
这似乎是乐于助人。 当然那里不存在西方玩世不恭与贪婪的传统。
【推荐 15】
No, China is not the superpower. How can one be so misled by all
those fast trains, the fastest computer in the world, the lowest
cost solar PV and wind turbines, and even nuclear power plants
($1,227/We as of 2009).
No, it is INDIA that is the superpower. It has to be. It does not
need no stinking 1,000 stall toilet to prove that. It just
不,印度才是超级大国。 这必须的。 它不需要1000个恶心的厕所去证明这一点。
GuardianAngels 【推荐
China, behaving like an immature, insecure
schoolyard bully, says MSMLEE.
Maybe it aspires to grow into a mature, arrogant bully that is USA,
invading and bombing countries without provocation, with millions
dead. Hope not. But, then again, it may stop USA's rampant
To ZAGRADOTRYAD all this looks like the USSR
in the 1950's. But, there is one huge difference, Chinese
are NOT Russians.
And finally, and probably MOST importantly, China has overtaken USA
in one of the MOST important predictors of how it will fare in the
future. The average IQ of the Chinese population is significantly
higher than that USA average.
When it's all said and done, they are just smarter. Can't beat
中国表现得像一个不成熟不安全的校园混混——msmlee 。
也许它渴望成长为一个成熟的,傲慢的恶霸。那就是美国,无缘无故侵略和轰炸别的国家,造成数百万人死亡。 希望不会那样。
1950s的苏联 。
要说的说了,要做的做了,他们只是更聪明。 无法战胜!
At least we know where Cameron's priorities
lies these next few days he tells us he is after all going to try
and boost our great 'manufacturing' industries as he takes along
with him representatives of Brent Hoberman, co-founder , Tamara Mellon, founder of Jimmy Choo shoes, and
Anya Hindmarch, handbag-maker to the rich and famous. Nice to know
our 'manufacturing' industries are up there with the
Unfortunately for the guys at Rolls Royce something came up last
week and they had to cancel.
And why the sneering tone about shoes and handbags ? Turning &#65505;30 of
leather into a product someone is willing to pay &# for is a damn
sight more profitable than making BMWs.
Hoberman——公司的创始人之一,Tamara Mellon——Jimmy
(LZ我内牛…T T )
【推荐 1】
Has TESCO thought about this idea, super-loos along with
two-for-the-price-of -three easy-start toilet rolls.
考虑过这个主意吗, ( 我看不懂是毛建议= =,喏,还有一个推荐哪?)


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