
日 11:04 来源:  
  9月12日电 新加坡Grignoter波尔多酒吧将于9月15日业,拟供应四五十种波尔多葡萄酒,配搭法式小吃。据介绍,这是波尔多葡萄酒行业协会(CIVB)支持下的亚洲地区第五家波尔多酒吧(Bordeaux Wine Bar)。
  据了解,2012年在上海武定路开业的Burdigala(波尔多的旧称),为亚洲地区第一家波尔多酒吧。第二家和第三家Burdigala波尔多酒吧,相继于2013年和2015年在上海开业。今年5月在日本福冈开业的Au Bord d’Eau,是亚洲地区的第四家波尔多酒吧。
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Copyright &1999-. All Rights Reserved新加坡酒吧排行-新加坡-大众点评网
推荐理由:很别致的一间酒吧,不象clark乱乱的,幽静,人也不多,都是熟客,喝杯鸡尾酒,静静坐着,也觉得很舒服 by 小胖8990
推荐理由:On first date with BF there. Honestly I couldn't remember the food at all, must be just so so. The view is the polo field, but it was night so not much to see either. But still, that place had a sweet feeling to it by ilovelunch
推荐理由:A low-key interesting bar in Singapore, not the ones you come across often in Singapore as it's quite funky (a word Singapore generally doesn't appreciate). Definitely worth a visit over the weekends by ilovelunch
推荐理由:We come for the Michelin chef, but the dishes quality just so so.
When i call in for booking for 7:30pm, the staff asked me to come in at 8:30.
but when we arrived the restaurant at 7:30, the restaurant is empty. for both inside(4-5 table for 2person seats.) and outside(nobody) !? they might leave too much tables for walk-in.
We bought the Group-on voucher, so we get 4 glass of sparkling white wine for free.
it is very fruity which we all love it! Quality is good!
The complimentary dish:&Fish with biscuit, I m OK, but it's too smelly for my friend.
Starters: i love the starters.
The salted Cod,i love the cod sauce with chips. just a little bit too salty for us,
The truffle with tartar sauce&fish and egg yolk.
The Main course: just nothing special for us.
the Pigeon, the sauce is nice, some rice inside.
the fish,&it is fresh and huge portion.
the desert&is tasty. rum and hazelnut something.
i don't think it's overpriced. a steak cost around 35 or charge by100g, it's reasonable price. some place cost a steak for 60-90SGD,but it's sucks.
But just&few a little bit disappointed with the dishes, maybe we have higher expectations of the Michelin chef. maybe we looking for some special taste.
推荐理由:在克拉克靠水的旁边,露天座位景色非常漂亮,一边是小桥流水,一边是酒吧载歌载舞的音乐。那天晚上点了2,3杯酒,饮料酒水价格30~60新币,吃的价格也差不多,和上海一样的数字,但是新币汇率是5倍人民币。总之hooters的音乐是爵士之类,蛮有情调的地方。小姑娘不多,才几个人,也没看到有跳舞陪聊,比上海hooters打工轻松。那天晚上很醉很醉。说了很多伤人的话绝情的话。 by joyce宝贝1986
推荐理由:竟然有我的arena,只是好像没有找到很多的共同兴趣的人。话说那个乐队的人一直换。但是都还不错,当然比我们国内的乐队都high了。周三是LADY 9 免门票哦。还有免费的鸡尾酒喝。现场经理还会对你今天的打扮觉得很亮眼的。会送特别的酒、我收过哦。呵呵。照片就是我收到的经理送的酒! by 我是莹莹美黛子
【贴秋膘 吃货必备】魔都必吃热气羊肉排行榜!
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