
4.0.3更新预告:日系新船三笠隆重登场 -178战舰世界主题站
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  The following ships have been added for testing purposes on a limited basis. Players will not be able to purchase them, but you may encounter them in battle.
  以下这些船扔在测试阶段. 还未开放购买给玩家, 但你会在分房中碰见他们.
  【1】Diana - An armored cruiser with an impressive primary battery and multiple secondary armaments.
  【2】Pallada - Another classic example of a well-equipped armored cruiser.
(Pallada-class 有Pallada,Diana,Aurora)
  【3】Marblehead - A fast scout cruiser with torpedoes and a relatively str as well as a plane launcher.
  【4】Cincinnati - A light cruiser with a rapid rate of fire, strong AA equipment, and can launch a scout plane.
  【5】Tachibana - Small and fast, that's the name of the game for this Japanese destroyer.
  【6】Sakura - The first destroyer entirely designed in Japan. Like most destroyers, she relies on her torpedoes for damage output.
  【7】Mikasa - A legend in her own time, she fought in the Russian-Japanese war. Her stats are well-rounded and will prove to be a valuable ally or fearsome enemy.
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& 中国建第二艘航母!比辽宁舰牛在哪儿?
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用合作网站帐户直接登录美国网民评论:中国正在建造第二艘航母。三泰虎1月19日译文,据报道,中国开始建造拟建4艘航母中德第二艘。这艘航母正在东北港口大连建造,预计6年时间完工。中国第一艘航母辽宁号航母于 2012年9月完工,是该国日益增长军事力量中一个标志性里程碑。另外两艘航母也在准备中,这一力量投送与北京恪守武装自卫的政策发生矛盾。译文来源:三泰虎 外文标题:China starts building second aircraft carrier: media外文地址:/china-starts-building-second-aircraft-carrier-media-.htmlChina has started constructing the second of four planned aircraft carriers, a top government official said according to media reports on Saturday.The ship is under construction in the northeastern port of Dalian and will take six years to build, the reports said quoting Wang Min, Communist Party chief for Dalian's Liaoning province.The country's first aircraft carrier, the Liaoning, was completed in September 2012 in a symbolic milestone for the country's increasingly muscular military.据媒体周六报道,某位政府高官表示,中国开始建造拟建4艘航母中的第二艘。这艘航母正在东北港口大连建造,预计6年时间完工。中国第一艘航母辽宁号航母于2012年9月完工,是该国日益增长军事力量中一个标志性里程碑。Another two are in the pipeline, according to Wang, in a projection of power that could be seen as contradicting Beijing's long-stated policy of arming itself strictly for self-defence.When the Liaoning went into service, Beijing and Tokyo were locked in a territorial row over the Japanese-controlled Senkaku Islands in the East China Sea which China also claims and calls the Diaoyus.The row continues to simmer, along with other sovereignty disputes with the Philippines and Vietnam.另外两艘航母也在准备中,这一力量投送与北京恪守武装自卫的政策发生矛盾。辽宁号服役之际,北京和东京正就日本控制的尖阁岛发生领土争端,中国也对该岛屿声张主权,并称之为钓鱼岛。争议持续发酵,中国同时还与菲律宾和越南发生领土纠纷。以下是《印度时报》读者的评论:译文来源:三泰虎 /china-starts-building-second-aircraft-carrier-media.htmlTEA TimeThe Chinese don't need aircraft carriers to attack the US, they have Wal-Mart and Obama.中国人不需要航母来向美国发起进攻,他们有沃尔玛和奥巴马就可以。MirmingiWhatever people say here, there won't be a war between america and china, because both countries are bound together economically. China needs a big country like USA to exports its goods to, and USA needs the goods. Plus there are many US corporations that (sadly) produce in China.不管怎么说,美国和中国之间不会发生战争,因为两国经济牢不可分。中国需要美国那样的大国作为庞大出口市场,美国也需要中国的商品。况且,有许多美国公司把生产放在中国。AYahoo! userThe carrier in the image is roughly the size of a US helicopter carrier (amphibious assault ship). The US has 11 (soon to be 12) super-carriers which are in another league entirely.图片上的那艘航母看起来差不多美国直升机航母那样大小。美国拥有11艘(很快会12艘)超级航母,这些航母完全是不同级别的。Dammitdan 2The interest we are paying on our debt is paying for those carriers.我们付给中国人的利息被用于为这些航母买单。UnregulatedLooks like a Carnival Cruise Liner.看起来就像是嘉年华游轮GerryWUnited States has 10 active carriers and 3 being built right now. We are okay, although we need to keep an eye out for problems on the horizon.美国有10艘现役航母,还有3艘正在建造,我们已经够用了,不过需要密切注视浮现出来的问题。GeorgeOne carrier is a toy. Two is regular.一艘航母就是玩具,两艘才够格JamesTheir first aircraft carrier was bought used from Russia, they fixed it up. This will be their first attempt at building an aircraft carrier.第一艘航母购自俄罗斯然后翻新的。现在这艘航母是他们首次尝试自主建造航母。PAIRCRAFT CARRIERS ARE A SITTING DUCK. SUBMARINES ARE NOT.航母就是活靶子,核潜艇就不会。SlowburnWhen they have launched all four they will still be inferior in carrier based aviation to one American big deck carrier.等他们的4艘航母都服役后,也不及美国的一艘超级航母。RoccoPeople keep forgetting Korean war and Vietnam war. Big boats, big guns, big tanks, big planes don't win a war without sound goal, leadership, logistics, strategy, and warriors.人们忘记了朝鲜战争和越南战争。如果缺少坚定的目标、深谋远虑的领导层、稳定的后勤保障、行之有效的战略和骁勇善战的战士,单凭坚船利炮并不能赢得战争。DbrainWho is paying for the Military build-up in China? The United States! Thank you Politicians for selling out our country!谁在为中国的军事建设买单?美国!谢谢政客出卖我们的国家!cape cod geneTheir first carrier was a retrofitted Soviet ship.This is a brand new one they are building themselves - big difference.他们的第一艘航母是翻新苏联航母的,现在这艘是全新的,是他们自主建造的,两者之间的区别很大。John PfefferAircraft carriers are not self defense weapons. They are designed to provide air coverage for any land invasion.航母不是自卫武器,它们被设计用来为陆上入侵提供空中保护。turbochargedThey have arrived, they have the money, the resources, and the population, and they have no intention of stopping.他们有的是钱,有的是资源,有的是人,他们不打算停下来。NoOCarriers - Difficult and expensive to build, easy and cheap to destroy.航母造价昂贵,建造难度大,但是很容易被摧毁,且成本低。DougZI think China is planning something that will make World War ll look like a minor disagreement我认为中国在下一盘大棋,这盘棋会让第二次世界大战相形见绌。ScottWe will then find out that instead of for aircrafts, these ships are going to be used to as living platforms since their air is so polluted.我们将会发现他们的航母不是用来搭载战机,而是当做生活平台,因为他们的空气污染太严重了。RU4RealChina, the new imperialists on the block...中国是新的帝国主义者RtyrtyrtyStop buying Made in China. You're funding the Communist war machine拒绝购买中国货,否则你们是在为共产党的战争机器提供资金支持。Jojo The Filipino ClownI wonder why China not building more? Our treasury annual coupon/interest payment to them is enough to buy 2-3 carriers every year. What is wrong with their priority?为什么中国不多造一些?我们每年支付给他们的利息就足够其每年建造2-3艘航母。到底哪里错了?Against IgnoranceIf wee keep buying Chinese goods, and making the Chinese richer and more powerful, we will become an underdog, and are grandchildren will be speaking Chinese.如果我们继续购买中国货,让中国人变得更富更强大,我们就会沦为失败者,子子孙孙将会不得不说中文。JacobI think China should worry more about their environmental problems.我认为中国应当多加担心他们的环境问题。BobChina could also be very Friendly. Why would they go to war with the USA, they already control our Economy.中国也是可以和我们建立友好关系的,为什么他们要与美国开战,他们不是已经控制了我们的经济了吗Repubs StinkAll the money to build a aircraft carrier and a $5 million dollar missile can take it out.花这么多钱用来造航母,一枚500万美元的导弹就可以将其摧毁。Who cares.China has their new carrier killing ballistic missiles. They can be launched from a train or what have you and they can hit a carrier. It would take only one.Hope we have them to.中国有新的航母杀手锏,这种弹道导弹可以从火车上发射,然后击中航母,一枚就够。希望我们也有。Zero ExpectationWith plenty of nuclear warheads on both sides, these new ships are just built for attracting the attention of the americans, while the real deadly arena is called economics.双方都有大量核弹头,中国的这些航母是用来吸引美国人的注意力。真正惨烈的竞技场叫做经济。


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