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>>>>>水泥花盆模具怎么制作水泥花盆模具怎么制作价  格:面议品  牌:创新所 在 地:湖南 长沙市 浏阳市产品卖点:水泥花盆模具怎么制作成品&& & &水泥花盆模具哪里有卖?各类造型迥异的水泥花盆是怎么做出来的呢?水泥花盆都用到哪些材料?最实惠的水泥花盆模具价格,最有保障的模具质量,就在创新水泥花盆模具厂,我们供应各类欧式花盆模具,水泥花盆模具,园林景观花盆模具,异形花盆模具,仿木花盆模具,中式花盆模具,带龙凤模具,并可依照客户要求量身订做各类水泥花盆模具,欢迎来厂实地考察,联系电话: &联系QQ:,陈经理 网址:http://. &
& & & 我们怎么运用水泥花盆模具制作水泥成品呢?下面我们来详细介绍下: & & & &随着现代欧式建筑的飞速发展,水泥花盆也日趋发展,我们来看下水泥花盆制作流程: & & & &&1,Create a mold for your concrete flower pot. Use two identical containers, with one container slightly larger than the other. For example, use two bowls or two buckets, as long as the smaller container is at least an inch smaller than the larger container. You can also build square or rectangular containers from plywood. & & &1,首先准备好水泥花盆模具,准备好内模 & 2,Coat the inside of the outer container and the outside of the inner container with cooking oil or non-stick cooking spray. For wooden containers, use a paste wax.
3,Cut at least two or three pieces of 1-inch PVC pipe. The pieces of pipe, which will be used to create drainage holes in the concrete pots, should be 2 inches long.
4,Put on a pair of gloves to protect your hands from the concrete mixture. Mix a batch of quick-setting concrete, according to the directions on the package. Add concrete color at this point, if desired.
5,Pour 2 inches of the concrete mixture into the larger container. Poke the pieces of pipe into the concrete, with 3 to 4 inches between each pipe. Smooth the concrete around the pieces of pipe, but be sure not to cover the pipe, as the pipes must be left open to create the drainage holes.
6,Place the smaller container carefully on top of the concrete in the center of the larger container. Press the smaller container into the concrete until the bottom of the smaller container is 1 to 1 1/2 inches from the bottom of the larger container.
7,Finish adding concrete mixture to the space between the larger and smaller container. Bounce the container lightly on a hard surface to settle the concrete, then add more to bring the concrete to the top of the container. Smooth the concrete with a putty knife.
8,Allow the concrete to set for at least 24 hours, then remove the smaller container to reveal your concrete pot. Mist the concrete pot lightly with a spray bottle filled with cool water. Don't remove the larger container.
9,Cover the concrete pot with a large piece of plastic and allow the concrete to set up for one week. Mist the concrete pot as often as needed to keep the concrete damp.
10,Thump the bottom of your concrete pot lightly but firmly with the heel of your hand to dislodge the pot from the container, then slide the container from your concrete pot.
11,Clean the concrete mixture from the small and large container. The containers can be used to make more concrete pots.
以上是有关”水泥花盆模具“的相关制作过程,如需要进一步联系,详细了解”水泥花盆模具“的型号,尺寸,款式,图片,价格,可进一步与水泥花盆模具厂联系。产地湖南省长沙品牌创新品牌1d创新产地1d湖南省长沙湖南浏阳创新模具雕塑厂手机:固话:2传真:2(联系我时,请说在网络114看到的,谢谢!)地址:湖南省长沙市浏阳市浏阳市集里街道办事处西湖村旭晶印刷园内的I栋B-07号厂房&&手机拍摄二维码电子名片相关产品信息湖南浏阳创新模具雕塑厂诚信:A&企业性质:生产商企业主营:欧式窗套模具&罗马柱模具&罗马柱模具价格&n……年 产 值:人民币 10万元以下员工人数:11-50人联系方式:陈先生企业地址:湖南省长沙市浏阳市浏阳市集里街道办事处西湖村旭晶印刷园内的I栋B-07……后使用快捷导航没有帐号?
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