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广西机电职业技术学院始建于1958年,坐落在北部湾经济区中心城市――绿城南宁市美丽的相思湖畔、邕江之滨,隶属广西壮族自治区工业和信息化委员会,是广西唯一一所立足以机、电类专业为核心,工、建、管门类专业协调发展的培养高素质技能型人才的高职院校。学院是“国家示范性高职院校建设计划”重点培育院校、全国首批“国家示范性高职院校建设计划”骨干院校。&&&&Established in 1958, Guangxi Technological College of Machinery and Electricity (GXCME) is located in Nanning,the Green City of China and the central city of Beibu Gulf Economic Zone, on Lake Xiangsi and Yongjiang River. GXCME is under Committee of Industry and Information Technology of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. GXCME is the only higher vocational college in Guangxi that takes specialties of machinery and electricity as its core ones with coordinated development of other specialties of manufacturing, construction and management to cultivate applied professional technicians of high-quality. GXCME is an emphatically cultivated higher TVET institution in the National Exemplary Polytechnics Construction Plan and one of the first leading higher TVET institutions in the National Exemplary Polytechnics Construction Plan.&&&&学院前身是广西机械工业学校,1978年经国务院批准升格为广西机械学院,1982年复办中专,1994年经广西壮族自治区人民政府批准同时开办广西机电职工大学,1999年经教育部批准转制为公办普通高等学校。2006年,在全国高职高专院校人才培养工作水平评估中,评定为“优秀”;2008年,学院成为“国家示范性高职院校建设计划”重点培育院校;2010年,学院被教育部、财政部确定为全国首批“国家示范性高职院校建设计划”骨干院校。&&&&GXCME was originally Guangxi Machinery Industrial School (GMIS) which was updated as Guangxi Machinery College by the Sate Council in 1978. Guangxi Machinery College was renamed GMIS. Approved to establish Guangxi Workers College for Mechanotronics concurrently by the Government of Guangxi Autonomous Region in 1994, GMIS was transformed as a state-run and full-time college authorized by the Education Ministry of the P.R.C. and renamed GXCME. In 2006 GXCME was graded “Excellence” in the quality appraisement of the talent cultivation of higher TVET institutions organized by the Education Ministry. GXCME became an emphatically cultivated higher TVET institution in the National Exemplary Polytechnics Construction Plan in 2008and one of the first batch of key higher TVET institutions in the National Exemplary Polytechnics Construction Plan approved by the Education Ministry and the Ministry of Finance in 2010. &&&&学院占地776亩,校舍面积29万平方米,固定资产2.47 亿元,现有专兼职教师698人,双师比例达到83.6%,其中教授、副教授、高级工程师等高级以上职称教师110余人,自治区教学名师2人,广西技能大奖获得者5人,广西技术能手 8人,广西五一劳动奖章获得者3人,广西创新人才培养教学团队3个,打造了一支“专业带头人+骨干教师+能工巧匠”的专业教学团队。目前,学院设有机械工程系、电气工程系、工商管理系等11个教学部门,开设52个专业(方向),其中教育部教改试点专业2个,全国机械行业技能人才培养特色专业3个,广西教改试点专业4个,广西优质专业14个,广西特色专业8个。学院现有全日制在校生1.21万人,并面向社会举办各级各类成人教育、职业技能培训和鉴定。是广西第一所全日制在校生超过万人的高职院校。 &&&GXCME occupies 776 mu, about 52 hectares (128 acres), with total floor area of more than 0.29 million square meters and fixed assets of RMB 247 million. GXCME has a teaching staff of 698 people, including part-time teachers. 83.6% of the staff own 2 technical titles. Among the staff are over 110 people with senior technical tiles such as professor, associate professor and senior engineer, 2 teaching masters of Guangxi, 5 top winners of Guangxi’s skill contests, 8 people awarded proficient technicians of Guangxi and 3 winners of Guangxi May 1st Labor Medal. GXCME’s professional teaching teams consist of academic leaders, backbone teachers and skilful craftsmen, 3 of which are Guangxi’s professional teaching teams for cultivating creative talents. GXCME now owns 11 teaching departments such as Department of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering and Department of Business Administration. GXCME offers 52 specialties including 2 pilot specialties approved by the Ministry of Education, 3 nationally characteristic specialties for cultivating skilled personnel of mechanical industry, 4 pilot specialties approved by the Department of Education of Guangxi, 14 quality specialties and 8 characteristic specialties of Guangxi. GXCME also offer the mass kinds of part-time curriculums, vocational training courses and professional qualification appraisal services. Currently 12.1 thousand full time students purse academic knowledge and practical skills GXCME which is the first one of its kinds boasting over 10 thousand full time students.&& &学院坚持“合作、开放、服务”的办学理念,建立了“工学结合、校企合作” 的教育模式和“在工作中学习,在学习中工作”的教学模式,以服务为宗旨,以就业为导向,走产学研结合发展道路,紧扣先进制造业和现代生产服务业,以机电为主体,综合发展,适度超前,艰苦奋斗,锐意创新。学院已建成现代制造技术中心等22个校内技术中心、101个实训实验室,300多家校外实习基地。其中,国家级实训基地2个、自治区示范实训基地8个,自治区示范性建设实训基地3个。获批准设立的职业技能鉴定机构5个,职业技能鉴定工种达90个,学生职业资格鉴定合格率达到100%。学院拥有国家精品课程1门,自治区精品课程13门,自治区级教学成果一等奖1项,自治区级教学成果二等奖2项。同时,学院还是国家高技能人才(机电项目)培训基地、实施职业资格证书制度国家级试点学校、国家技能型紧缺人才培养培训基地、全国机械行业骨干职业院校、全国机械行业校企合作与人才培养优秀职业院校、中国机械工程师资格认证培训单位、中国企业培训百强单位、广西首批自治区级示范性高职院校、自治区和谐学校、广西绿化模范单位、广西高校就业工作先进单位。学院在制造业界的影响遍及整个广西乃至周边国家和地区。&&&&GXCME holds the education philosophy of “cooperation, opening and service” establishing the education mode of academic affairs integrated with practice and cooperation between school and enterprises and the teaching mode of learning integrated with working. Taking the commitment of service and guided by employment, GXCME adheres to the path of the combination of “production, teaching and research” which is an comprehensive development closely related to the advanced manufacturing industry and modern service industry with curriculums of machinery and electricity as its core. GXCME boasts 22 on-campus technical centers, 101 training laboratories, over 300 off-campus practice bases. Of them are 2 national training bases, 8 provincially exemplary training bases and 3 training bases constructed as provincial models. GXCME is approved to established 5 vocational skills appraisal institutions which cater to the appraisal 90 occupations. All GXCME’s graduates pass the vocational skills appraisal they apply for. GXCME has 1 of its courses titled as national classic courses, 13 as provincial ones. GXCME has been awarded 1 provincial first prize and 2 provincial second prizes for its teaching achievements. GXCME is also the National Training Base for Highly-Skilled Workforce of Machinery and Electricity Industry, the National Pilot School for Implementing the System of Professional Qualification Certificate, the National Training Base for Urgently-Needed Skilled Professionals, one ff the Leading Colleges of National Machinery Industry, one of the Excellent Colleges of School-Enterprise Cooperation and Talent-Cultivation of National Machinery Industry, Institution for the Training and Appraisal Of China’s Mechanical Engineer and one of the first provincially Exemplary Higher TVET Institutions of Guangxi. GXCME also owns the titles of Top 100 Training Institutions for China’s Enterprises, Provincially Harmonious School of Guangxi, Guangxi’s Model Unit of Afforestation and Guangxi’s Advanced Unit of Graduate Employment. GXCME plays a role in the manufacturing industry in Guangxi and the regions and countries nearby.&&&&2005年,学院在全国同类高校中率先同时通过GB/T19000质量管理标准和GB/T28001职业健康安全管理标准认证,按该标准建立了一套完整的教育质量监控保障管理体系,并贯彻于学院的各项工作中,加强了教育质量和安全稳定工作的过程控制,实现了教育教学质量的稳步持续提高,管理成效明显。&&&In 2005, GXCNE was the first higher TVET institution of its kind in China passing the appraisal of GB/T19000 quality management system and GB/T28001 occupational safe and health management system. Enforcing the complete education quality monitoring and guarantee system set up in accordance with the 2 systems in its work, GXCME strengthens the process control of its education quality, security and stability, which leads to higher administration efficiency and continuous improvement of its education quality.&&&&学院遵循职业化人才的成长和培养规律,创建“职业化三级递进”的人才培养模式。学院在专业教育过程中,大力推行“双证书”制度,同时推行与专业教育相融合的品行教育课程体系,学生综合素质和职业技能稳步提高。近年来,学院学生在国际、国内、区内各级各类职业技能比赛中屡获佳绩,在广西同类高职院校中处于领先地位。毕业生就业率连续9年保持在90%以上,在同类高校中名列前茅。据专业的教育数据咨询机构――麦可思人力资源信息管理咨询公司调查统计:2008年,我院毕业生的就业能力在全国1106所高职院校中名列第十九名;2009年,我院数控技术专业就业能力在全国1106所高职院校中名列第一名。近3年,文、理科录取分数线均超出“三本线” ,生源质量位居广西高职院校首位,呈现 “出口畅、进口旺”的喜人形势。 &&&&GXCME observes the law of cultivating vocational talents establishing the cultivating mode of 3-Steps toward Professionalization. GXCME vigorously promotes the system of dual-certificate and the curriculum of integrating specialty courses with moral courses, which brings continuous improvement in its graduates’ comprehensive quality and vocational skills. In recent years, GXCME’s students win awards in varieties of international, national or provincial competitions for vocational skills, with which it is leading among the colleges of its kind in Guangxi. The employment rate of its graduates is over 90% for consecutive 9 years, which is also among the first ones in the colleges of its kind. The statistics of MyCOS shows that the employability of GXCME’s graduates ranked NO. 19 among the 1106 higher TVET institutions in China in 2008 and the employability of GXCME’s NC graduates ranked NO. 1 among the 1106 higher TVET institutions in China in 2009. ?In recent 3 years the lowest admission scores of GXCME for students of arts and science are higher than the lowest admission scores set for the third-level undergraduates of the same kind by Department of Education of Guangxi. The quality of GXCME’s freshmen is the best among the colleges of its kind in Guangxi. All these ensure better enrollment and employment of GXCME’s students.&&&&学院以服务社会为己任,近3年共为社会各类人员进行职业资格培训、鉴定及各种短期培训达3万多人次,为企事业单位提供直接技术服务达70多项;面向东盟国家开展技术服务、技术培训以及合作办学,先后成功为东盟国家举办了多期“管理人员培训班”和“学校师资班”。将学院的技术优势和社会服务能力与广西区域经济建设紧密接轨,引领和带动广西乃至西部地区职业教育的发展,并辐射至东盟地区。  &&&&GXCME shoulders its responsibility to serve the society. In recent 3 years, it has provided vocational certificate training and appraisal and various short-term training courses for over 30 thousand persons and over 70 items of direct technological service for enterprises and public institutions. GXCME also provides technological service and technical training for ASEAN countries and conducts cooperative education with colleges and university of these counties, having offered several training courses for management personnel and school teachers of these counties. So GXCME integrates its technological advantages and its capacity of public services with Guangxi’s economic construction, leading the development of vocational education of Guangxi and the western regions nearby and radiating its influence to ASEAN countries.&&&&九万里鲲鹏正举,北部湾风生水起。站在新的历史起点,全院师生员工将继续秉承“自强弘毅、知行合一”的校训,以一流的教育服务,一流的培养模式和一流的师资力量,培养一流的高技能人才,为国家的经济建设作出更大的贡献。(数据更新截止到2011年12月) &&&GXCME has come into a historical era for development as the State Council of P. R. C has approved the Development Scheme of Guangxi Beibu Gulf Economic Zone. Under the guidance of its school mottoes,“To Get Bestirred and Develop P To Integrate Theory with Practice”, GXCME pledges to contribute more to the economic construction of China by cultivating top quality highly-skilled talents with its quality education services ensured by its advanced cultivating pattern and elite teaching staff. (Note: All the data in the material are by December, 2011)对口升学的学生和高考录取的学生相同之处:(1)都是普通高等学历教育,都是在普通高等学校统一招生录取系统录取,都是在普高电子注册系统电子注册,也就是说毕业证是一模一样的“普通高等学校毕业证书”。(2)参加对口招生的考生也要参加高考体检,时间与高考体检相同,标准相同。报名的时间也相同。被录取后与高考录取的新生同校园学习,并没有被划出一个“校中校”。专业介绍:&10867 广西机电职业技术学院&&&&&&&&&&& 小计 600   广西机电职业技术学院焊接技术及自动化&三年10   广西机电职业技术学院模具设计与制造&三年10   广西机电职业技术学院机电设备维修与管理&三年10   广西机电职业技术学院机电设备维修与管理&三年10 工程机械维修方向 广西机电职业技术学院计算机辅助设计与制造&三年10   广西机电职业技术学院数控技术&三年30   广西机电职业技术学院机械设计与制造&三年10   广西机电职业技术学院电气自动化技术&三年30   广西机电职业技术学院电气自动化技术&三年10 仪器仪表方向 广西机电职业技术学院应用电子技术&三年30   广西机电职业技术学院电子信息工程技术&三年10   广西机电职业技术学院电子信息工程技术&三年10   广西机电职业技术学院微电子技术&三年10   广西机电职业技术学院机电一体化技术&三年10   广西机电职业技术学院机电一体化技术&三年10 数控维修方向 广西机电职业技术学院机电一体化技术&三年10   广西机电职业技术学院移动通信技术&三年10   广西机电职业技术学院楼宇智能化工程技术&三年10   广西机电职业技术学院建筑设备工程技术&三年10 工程安装方向 广西机电职业技术学院建筑工程技术&三年10   广西机电职业技术学院工程造价&三年10   广西机电职业技术学院道路桥梁工程技术&三年10   广西机电职业技术学院房地产经营与估价&三年10   广西机电职业技术学院供热通风与空调工程技术&三年10   广西机电职业技术学院物业管理&三年10   广西机电职业技术学院汽车检测与维修技术&三年30   广西机电职业技术学院汽车电子技术&三年10   广西机电职业技术学院汽车制造与装配技术&三年10   广西机电职业技术学院汽车技术服务与营销&三年10   广西机电职业技术学院汽车整形技术&三年10   广西机电职业技术学院计算机应用技术&三年10   广西机电职业技术学院计算机信息管理&三年10   广西机电职业技术学院计算机网络技术&三年10   广西机电职业技术学院软件技术&三年10   广西机电职业技术学院物联网应用技术&三年10   广西机电职业技术学院图文信息技术&三年10   广西机电职业技术学院室内设计技术&三年10   广西机电职业技术学院动漫设计与制作&三年10   广西机电职业技术学院印刷图文信息处理&三年10   广西机电职业技术学院工业设计&三年10   广西机电职业技术学院雕刻艺术与家具设计&三年10   广西机电职业技术学院工商企业管理&三年10   广西机电职业技术学院电子商务&三年10   广西机电职业技术学院物流管理&三年10   广西机电职业技术学院国际商务&三年10   广西机电职业技术学院营销与策划&三年20   广西机电职业技术学院会计与统计核算&三年20   广西机电职业技术学院文秘&三年10   广西机电职业技术学院应用英语&三年10   广西机电职业技术学院旅游管理&三年10  &&考生通过对口升学考试后,入学后学费、住宿费、日常管理、学籍管理、毕业文凭等方面与高考正规录取的学生完全一致。顺利完成学业后获得的毕业证书是教育部电子注册,国家学籍学历管理系统注册的普通专科文凭,属于统招学历。报名咨询方法报名:1&通过在线报名系统直接报名,网站工作人员会在收到你报名表的24小时内与你核实确认2&通过网站的在线客服直接报名对口升学的学生和高考录取的学生区别之处:(1)招生对象不同:高考录取的大专是面向参加全国统考的高考生,而大专对口中职面向的是中专生;(2)考试不同:高考录取的大专当然参加的是全国统考,而大专对口中职招生考试是广西出题,考试时间不同,高考时间是6月7号,大专对口中职考试是4月10号。(3)参加招生的学校和招生计划数不同,并不是每所区属大专都参加对口中职招生,参加对口中职招生的区属院校数大概有二十多所;招生计划数也不象高考招生那么多,2011年全区对口中职招生所有院校的招生计划数加起来是九千人的规模。(4)修学年限有可能不同,大部分公办大专要求对口中职录取考生与普考录取生一模一样读三年,但有部分民办大专只要求读二年;(由此可见,一个高考考生要走对口中职这条路线,和同年被录取的考生相比,获得毕业证的时间有可能多出一年,也有可能一模一样是三年,具体结果取决于考生自己入学时选择了一个两年制的专业还是三年制的专业。考生通过对口升学考试后,入学后学费、住宿费、日常管理、学籍管理、毕业文凭等方面与高考正规录取的学生完全一致。顺利完成学业后获得的毕业证书是教育部电子注册,国家学籍学历管理系统注册的普通专科文凭,属于统招学历。咨询热线:刘老师:
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