
朝内红吧3月7日译文:“印度军队 VS 中国军队哪个强?”印度的优势是它的空军。中国比印度在所有其他方面都强。虽然中国军队比印度军队拥有更多的战斗机,但中国军队和印度军队相比属于老技术了,印度军队从俄罗斯购买的“苏30”。中国版的苏- 30没有印度军队的苏- 30先进。此外,中国在西方没有盟友。如美国,英国和法国都将印度视为自己的朋友。所以他们可能会在中国军队攻击印度前帮助我们。India army vs China army?印度军队 VS 中国军队哪个强?Can india win if china india war start at current status of indian army?if yes. why?现在中印战争开始,以印度陆军目前的状况印度能赢吗?如果能赢。为什么?印度军队 VS 中国军队哪个强(资料图:中印军演)Smiling BuddhaIndia’s strength is its Air force. In all other departments china is stronger than india. Even though china has much more fighter planes than India ,they are of older technology when compared to “su-30〃 that india purchased from Russia.The chinese version of su-30 isn’t as advanced as the indian one.Also,china doesn’t have any allies in the west. Countries like US,Uk,and France see india as their friend. So they might probably help us if china attacks India first.印度的优势是它的空军。中国比印度在所有其他方面都强。虽然中国军队比印度军队拥有更多的战斗机,但中国军队和印度军队相比属于老技术了,印度军队从俄罗斯购买的“苏30”。中国版的苏- 30没有印度军队的苏- 30先进。此外,中国在西方没有盟友。如美国,英国和法国都将印度视为自己的朋友。所以他们可能会在中国军队攻击印度前帮助我们。RaviDEAR there su30 is just like su-si soup & noodles that can only fill your stomach but ill your body so on terms of reliability chinese r as miniature wings who can hover the dragons not indians亲爱的,苏30就像su-si汤和面条一样,只能填满你的胃,但是你的身体会生病,在可靠性方面是长着翅膀的中国龙,不是印度人。Yadvinder SedaIts not the matter of weapons or technology and army. Only the blood in vains does matter. I mean to say Indians are slave and doesnt have any selfrespect and dedication towards their country India's past is proof of this. On the other hand china was never a slave and the blood line is from the wariers they will easily crush bloody coward Indians.它不是武器或技术和军队的问题。这是血液血统的问题。我的意思是说印度人有奴性,并不会对他们国家自尊心有任何奉献;过去的那些年代证明了这一点。另一方面中国从来不是一个奴隶,更为谨慎的血统使他们可以轻易的粉碎如懦夫般印第安人。dvgchennaiMy view is – India and China will not be allowed to fight a war on a one-to-one basis. Immediately, countries like US and Russia will jump in. Because this is too big a war to ignore since two bjg emerging markets are involved. It all depends on whose side they take. That will again depend on their thinking as to – after the war, where it is better to be? We do not know their thinking and calculations as of today. By now, they would have decided these questions.I am also seeing that India is trying to align more with US also nowadays – may be because after the breakup of the Soviet Union, this seemed wiser for our Government to do.我的看法是 – 印度和中国将不会被允许打一场一对一的大规模战争。如果这样,像美国和俄罗斯这样的国家将会跳出来,因为这是太大的一场战争,因为没人会两忽视两大新兴市场。这一切都取决于他们的利益。 – 这将再次取决于他们的思想是什么直到战争技术?现在我们不知道他们的思维和计算。现在,他们将决定这些问题。我也看到,印度正试图调整与美国的关系 – 可能是因为后苏联的解体,我们的政府做事似乎更聪明了。surya_only4uI feel strongly China can win on India with no doubt under fallowing criteria1. Good Logistic plan they have already made2. Reinforcement facility from land air water is very good compare to India3. India has enemy in both ends (division of force which make strategically week)4. Financially China is strong5. Technologically China is strong (if we have premium 10 Missiles they have 1000 cheep missiles which can over take the 10)6. China is communist country and signal bill saying all to go to war even a small child to walk will be in the war field which will never ever happen India我强烈的感受到中国军队能赢得对印度军队,看一下下面的标准就毫无疑问了1、良好的物流计划,他们已经做了2、加固设施从领土、领空、领海都比印度做得好3、印度在两端都有敌人4、中国的经济是强大的5、技术上,中国是强大的(如果我们有10枚导弹,他们在采取10乘以1000的廉价导弹)6、中国是一个共产主义国家,一声令下去打仗,即使是刚回走路很小的孩子也会出现在战场上,这不会发生印度AMITIn near future one to one war is not possible.Might be china has more strength than India but the fact is Chinese plan to not going ahead to india but they want to go one step more to us.If china involve with india means its good for usa .And china never want these thing.在不久的将来,一对一的战争是不可能的。可能是中国比印度拥有更多的力量,但事实是中国的计划不会去(侵略)印度,他们想去更接近我们一步。如果中国侵略印度,那么意味着美国将会受益,中国不会想看到这个结果。vaishakhDon’t think that the India is too weak for it.Most of the indian army is under blooded but the Chinese weapons can cost a lot but not the old Chinese army, they need to pass over the himalayan range if they do have the good transport then will will be crashed by the IAF in bay of bengal.But as far Chinese technologies are effecient but quality is known by whole world that how good it is.不要认为印度太弱了。大部分的印度军队军人很热血,中国武器需要花费很多,这不是旧中国的军队,他们需要越过喜马拉雅山脉,如果他们有良好的运输机,那么空军将坠毁在孟加拉湾。但中国的技术效率很高,可是质量是世界公认的,它是多么的好。HwiskeyChina has superior technology and could field the same amount of troops as India.But, I don’t think either country has the logistical support to fight a long war with such larger militaries. China would have to win big and fast. however both have nukes and China would inherit India’s terrorist problem… so there would be no long term winner中国有先进的技术和可能与印度相同数量的军队。但是,我也不认为国家打长期战争的后勤支持等更大的军队。中国将会快速的赢得战争。然而都有核武器,中国将继承印度的恐怖问题……所以没有长期的赢家harshkvermaNot too sure about the current state of both armies. Though it depends on many factors.关于两军的现状不太清楚。这取决于许多因素。Ravithough in terms of nos. china is more stronger than india but on technical basis india is using relevant & reliable technologies brought from russia & other european countries. india & china both r nuclear nations so here both knows a single nuclear missile is just sufficient to ruined anyone so firstlly both try to retreat the war. incase china born the war ,india not remains back & serve the nation as best as possible.during 1971 indo-pak war also 90% of powerful nations like US,UK,FRANCE,UAE , IRAN , ETC all were counter india to support pakistan but what happened …..india made a debut in d war & rose a new nation in the world map i.e. BANGLADESHas per todays scenario india is a great nation in terms of IT, defense & harmonical relationship so china knows well that if i will attack india than i will shot by japan , vietnam , us , britain , & russiaSO DEAR numbers never matters BUT your thoughts & determinations r just sufficient to win any warJAI HIND JAI BHARAT虽然在第中国军队更加强于印度军队,但印度使用的相关技术基础是可靠的,主要技术来自俄罗斯和欧洲等其他国家进口的。印度和中国都是核国家,所以大家都知道一个核导弹就足以毁了任何人,首先都会试图撤退战争。如果中国必须战争,印度仍然尽可能的为国家抵御。1971在印巴战争,强大的美国,英国,法国,伊朗,阿联酋,等都是反印度支持巴基斯坦的,但是结果…..在世界地图上出现了一个新的国家:孟加拉国根据今天的情况而言。印度是一个大国,国防和协调的关系,中国清楚地知道,如果要攻击印度将会被日本,越南,美国,英国和俄罗斯‘关照’的。所以亲爱的,和数字没有关系,你的想法和决定是足以赢得任何一场战争转载请注明:朝内红吧
印度的杀手锏是恒河水 神油 还有左手
62年印度不是后面一大群朋友在支持吗? 连苏联也支持了, 不是照样被中国打的丢弃了首都
以下是近年来,印度网民对中国报道的代表性评论,有挖苦,有赞美,有哀嚎,有粉丝,有自大,有酸葡萄,有羡慕,嫉妒,恨的,也有自潮的,更有痛骂的。归耐一起看后,真觉的印度人很奇葩的。。。======================可爱的分割线=========================A nincompoop will always be one !!..moron..you really think china can be trusted. ??..pretty soon guys like you will be surprised when your kids have CHINKI eyes and you will call it a miracle !!傻子永远是傻子!你真的以为中国可信赖?很快,你们这些家伙将会吃惊地发现你们的孩子有了眯眯眼,而你会称之为一个奇迹!very good news.china should shun claim Arunachal..真是好消息。中国应当抛弃对阿鲁纳恰尔邦的主张…China is shaking hands with India with the right hand and trying to punch with the left中国右手紧握印度,左手却想出拳ENOUGH IS ENOUGH --- THIS IS A QUESTION OF LIFE AND DEATH FOR INDIA ---- We must attack China and regain our lost honor in 1962.够了够了——这对印度来说是生死攸关的问题——我们必须攻击中国,并重拾1962年丢失的尊严。Modi where are you mother india calling you穆迪,你在哪里,祖国印度在召唤你。Trust a snake to not byte you but never and I mean NEVER trust communists to not invade you. They will always harbor evil designs with smiling faces.永远别相信蛇不会咬你,我意思是说永远别相信gcd不会入侵你。他们总是笑里藏刀。Hats off to NaMo, he is fearless lion unlike former PM. I bet chinese will be frightened of this lion.向莫迪致敬。他是一头无所畏惧的狮子,哪像前任总理那样娘炮。我敢打赌,中国人将会害怕这头狮子。Be warned China !! We Indians are world renowned rapists.警告中国!我们印度人是世界著名的强奸犯。if china dares to invade india this time india would recapture all land captures by china in 1961.如果中国这次胆敢入侵印度,印度就会夺回1962年时被中国占领的所有领土。All the countrys should stop imports from china, it will teach them a good lesson所有国家应该一起停止从中国进口,此举能给他们一个很好的教训。Never trust Chinese be good to them though. But for India it must progress economically and militarily because only the strong is respected and we must become strong.永远别相信中国人,不过要对他们示好。同时,印度必须在经济和军事上取得进步,因为强者才能获得尊重,我们必须变得强大。Guys, don't forget it will eventually be a "chinese" product so who knows if it would work at all ??LOL !各位,别忘了,它可是“中国货”,天晓得是否有用?笑!IF CHINA WANTS, IT CAN EASILY BREAK INDIA --- Many states are eagerly waiting to join Chinese federation. No Indian is going to sing the song of Bharat Mata with an empty stomach, any more.只要中国想,它可以轻易分裂印度。许多邦急切等待加入中国。没有印度人会空着肚子唱印度国歌。hey defmin..wanna make a statement to china..just ban their imports in the country...they will automatically come on their knees...只要对中国发布一份声明说禁止进口中国货......到时他们自然就会屈服....Please take over complete INDIA. At least we will be far better off under China than this worthless congress.请接管整个印度吧。我们在中国的统治下至少能比在无价值的国大党统治下过得远远更好。and free it from China....India's no.1 enemy is china....but anyways reserve the nuke bomb for pakistan bcos tha nation needs to be wiped out of the face of this planet....入侵xz,并将其从中国解放出来...印度的头号敌人是中国...但无论如何,得为巴基斯坦预留核弹,因为这个国家得从地球上被抹去...wait for 2014, it will go up from 3.8 to 38% after modi becomes the pm.等到2014年穆迪成为了总理,印度的经济发展速度将从3.8%飙升至38%The corrupt n clueless Cong is bleeding India's growth story, d earlier it resigns n goes away d better for country.腐败无能的国大党在扼杀印度的增长故事,它越早下台,对国家就越有利。USA=old dog, still barkingchina=young dog, ready fightingindia=little puppy, shitting,sleeping and growingthe economist=bad dog=always provoking lol美国:老狗,仍在叫中国:年轻狗,准备战斗印度:小狗,便便、睡觉和长大经济学人:坏狗,经常挑拨离间India unveils 5-point formula to improve ties with China: 1. China should withdraw it's claim on Arunachal Pradesh. 2. China should end it's close friendship with Pakistan & believe that Pakistan is sponsoring terrorism. 3. China should not object Indian oil companies to work in south China sea. 4. China should support India in UNO for permanent member seat. 5. China should stop meddling in Tibet & should declare it as autonomous region.印度就改善中印关系披露五项准则:1、中国应当撤销其对阿邦的主张;2、中国应当结束中巴亲密友谊,并相信巴基斯坦在支持恐怖主义;3、中国不应当反对印度石油工作在南海作业;4、中国应当支持印度入常;5、中国应当停止干预xz,并宣布xz为自治区。Y for India, China is very essential!! else who will give rusted seconhand guns & knives to indian army&&&??对于印度来说,中国必不可少,否则谁来为印度军队提供生锈的二手枪支和刀具?Do not trust the chinkies. We should join US and Japan and destroy China forever. Pakistan will automatically get wiped out别相信中国人。我们应当联合美日彻底摧毁中国,巴基斯坦会自动消失的。We have our Reliance, Tata, Birla. atleast these are our companies who employ us and keep profit in india我们有信实、塔塔、比拉,至少这些公司给我们工作,且利润留在国内attack china and bring back Akasi chin向中国发起进攻,夺回阿克赛钦。Lal Singh (Delhi) replies to K.Dibyajyoti MohantaYou lead the charge and I dig the grave. Does that fake 'Kamikazi headband give you false courage ?你带头,我挖坟。是否是那个假的神风头巾给了你莫须有的勇气?Kingshuk Nag your evil congress is more dangerous than china纳格,你们邪恶的国大党比中国更有威胁性。Cricket is the only word India can boast about against China...oops I forgot, china doesn't play boring game like cricket!板球是印度唯一可以向中国吹嘘的...噗,我忘了,中国人不玩板球那样的枯燥游戏!Kawasaki company.China cannot make even an umbrella or a shoe properly.这些中国火车都是由日本川崎重工生产的。中国甚至不能生产令人满意的一把雨伞或者一只鞋子。Indians have full confidence in their mouth., Chinese have full confidence in the heart印度人对自己的嘴巴充满信心,中国人对自己的内心充满信心。fastest speed achieved by Modi Magic. Very very Great achievement. Achi Din Akaya Hai. BJP must celibrate this achivement as this is a promise by Modi.莫迪魔术取得的最快速度,非常伟大的成就。人民党应当加以庆祝,毕竟这是莫迪做出的一个承诺One small step for Modi & Railways is one Giant step for India in improving their transport !! Way to go莫迪的一小步,印度交通的一大步!加油If Modi can not change our railways then no one can.. straighten the tail of this dog..如果莫迪改变不了我们的铁路,那么就是神仙来也摆不平了Thank you modiji . this happened in just a few weeks in 5 years India will be world no 1. All thanks to modiji谢谢莫迪,几周内就上演这一奇迹。印度必将成为世界头号大国。一切功劳归于莫迪。We are a lost nation against Pakistan. Except population I don't see anywhere India overtaking China in near future.我们是对抗巴基斯坦的失败国家。除了人口,我看不到印度哪方面能在不久的未来超过中国。I happened to visit china ... and forget about being a decade or two behind china -- we are atleast 200 years behind them ... and by the time we reach their current level in next 200 years -- china will be 500 years ahead of us ... you just cant compare teh malls, infrasturcuture, roads, vehicles, tech savvy people.. though people have some issues ..我正好访问了中国...别说落后中国十年或者二十年左右——我们至少落后他们200年...当我们200年后达到他们目前水平的时候——中国将领先我们500年...虽然那里的人们有某些问题...不过在商场、基础设施、公路、汽车、精通科技的人才等方面,你无法进行比较...China had never sent anybody to the space on its own spacecraft. Shenzhou-V is a scam, and they taped it in underwater environment.中国从来没有通过自己的飞船将人送上太空。神州五号是个骗局。他们是在水下拍摄的。china has lack of innovative , china just copy and perform. but india has its unique innovative. see the china and india history. for example do we trust china products , china is duplicate in every aspects ask every country of china and its products, where as india is original! proud to be indian!中国缺乏创新。中国只是模仿和执行。但印度有独有的创新。看看中国和印度的历史。比如,我们是否信任中国货。中国在所有方面都山寨。问问任何国家的人如何看中国和中国货。印度是原创的。我对自己是个印度人感到自豪!India overtaking China is "wishful thinking". If wishes were horses, beggars would ride!印度超过中国是“一厢情愿的想法”。如果愿望都能实现,乞丐早就发财了!Please STOP BUYING CHINEESE GOODS, EVEN IF IT IS GOOD, LOW COST. IF WE WANT TO MAKE CHINA BOW THE DO SO - JAI HIND亲爱的兄弟姐妹请停止购买中国货,即使是质优价廉也不要买。如果我们想让中国屈服,那么就要这样做。胜利属于印度。Send Modi to China to Negotiating, China Modi are friends.派穆迪到中国协商。中国和穆迪是朋友。............ China will overtake India economically (我这些天最大的噩梦是...)...中国将在经济上超过印度。:-(my friend had a mobile repair shop in gulf, and also as i learnt in UK, Chinese goods are of 3 qualites, one for first world, second for gulf and third for third world countries.我的朋友在海湾地区有一家手机维修店。就像我在英国发现的一样,中国货有3个质量等级:一流卖给第一世界,二流卖给海湾地区,三流卖给第三世界国家。There is no Chinese influence in India, Only influence is Chinese noodles that to in recent times印度没有受中国影响,唯一受影响的是最近时期出现的中国面条。US says "If you attack us, we will attack you". Israel says "If you attack us, we will destroy you" China says "Even if you don't attack us, we will attack you" India says "If you attack us, we won't play cricket with you"美国说:如果你打我,我就打你;以色列说:如果你打我,我就灭了你;中国说:即使你不打我,我也要打你;印度说:如果你打我,我就不跟你玩板球。I totally agree with you!our villages are far better than theirs.villages in china are even poorer than those in africa.我完全同意你的看法!我们的农村比他们的农村要好得多。中国农村甚至比非洲农村更穷。hey common . chinese products dont have warranty !! u leave the shop and the guarantee is gone wid u !!嘿,中国货没有保质期!!你一离开商店,保质期就过期!!Corruption, Population Explosion, Laziness, Police Encounters, Quota, Reservations, Swiss Bank Deposits.Nothing to worry.中国在以下方面永远不能打败我们:腐败、人口爆炸、懒惰、警察遭遇战、配额制、内定制、瑞士银行存款。没有什么好担心的。First ask China to stay away from Ladakh and Arunachal Pradesh (former North East Frontier Agency). China wants to steal our technology, just like what they have done to the former Soviet Union and the USA. We are much better without their cooperation.先叫中国离开拉达克和阿邦。中国想要偷我们的技术,正如他们偷前苏联和美国的技术。没有他们的合作,我们会好很多。china shud learn hindi. their language is of no use. hindi has great history and good knowledge. and great movies.what chinese langueag have ?? chin chin fu.if it was hindi they wud have developed more.中国人应该学习印地语。他们的语言没有用。印地语拥有伟大的历史、丰富的知识和很棒的电影。中文有什么?...如果中国人说的是印地语,他们会更发达。China can learn a lot more from I how to corrupt the system, how to loot public money and stock in swiss banks, how to harass public in the name so called democracy.中国可以从印度那里学到很多东西——如何让体制腐败,如何抢劫公众资金,如何在在瑞士银行存钱,如何以所谓的皿煮的名义骚扰公众。Chinkie dragon ants lack Intelligence. We can penetrate them easily and at will中国佬缺少智商,我们可以轻易渗透入他们市场Why Indian should go to a place where freedoms and rights were being denied. India is a democratic country and its people enjoy all the freedoms and rights. Indian should stay in India and if possible go to democratic countries rather than oppressed country like China where no freedom is valid.为什么印度人要去自由和权利受到否定的地方。印度是个皿煮国家,人民享受所有的自由和权利。印度人应该留在印度。如果可能的话,去皿煮国家,而不是中国那样没有自由的压迫国家。Indian democraccy is a farce!Politicians don't get locked up up even for murder-rape-loot-curruption -you name it!bteer to be in a disiplined country like China than in a farce democracy like India!印度皿煮就是个笑话!政客甚至不会因为谋杀、强奸、抢劫和腐败等凡是你说得出的罪行而被关起来。宁愿呆在中国那样有纪律的国家,也不愿呆在印度那样的皿煮闹剧中。Freedom again, u r such a fool. U go and see china, i promise u wont come back to ur slums again.又是自由,你真是个傻瓜。你去中国看看,我保证你不会再回到你的贫民窟。Chinese are slave but they dont know that, because they never experienced the freedom. Can any one in chinese media can rise the voice for Dila lama. But in India our lawyers argue for Kasab. Any one in China have a public presence organized for religion but India we can , there are lots of slavery in China but the govt kept Chinese in dark.We cant eat money or economy. Indian govt is corrupted, No proper functioning Still we are free and Im a proud Indian.中国人是奴隶,但由于没有体验过自由,所以他们不知道。是否有人敢在中国媒体为“光头”发话。但是在印度,我们的律师为卡萨布辩论。在中国,是否所有人都可以拥有公开的宗教身份?我们印度就可以。中国有许多奴隶,但政府将中国人蒙在鼓里。我们不可以蚕食金钱或者经济。印度政府是腐败的,没有起到合理的作用。然而,我们是自由的,我是一个自豪的印度人。Yes, you are free to spit on road, violate traffic at your will, kill someone in the name of religion, bribe the corrupt babus, vote for the most corrupt politicians as you are India.是的,你是印度人,所以你可以自由的在公路上吐痰、任意违反交通规则、以宗教的名义杀害某人、贿赂腐败的先生大人们、为最腐败的政客投票。It is very clear that till the 1980s, China only had black and white photographs. Recently, they have developed Color Photography. This is the real break through change in their lives.彩色相片的出现是发生在中国身上的最大突破。很明显,中国在1980年代以前只有黑白相片。最近,他们开发了彩色相片。这是他们生活中的最大突破。whatever it is we are democratic country, what is use of economic prospects when you are still a controlled freedom-less place. i am quite happy with india. China will have a revolution, but when? that is the biggest question now!不管怎么样,我们是皿煮国家。当你仍然呆在一个受控制、缺乏自由的地方时,经济前景有什么用呢。我对印度非常满意。中国将会出现革命,但什么时候呢?现在那是个最大的问题!
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