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[Post Game Thread] The Denver Nuggets prevail 135-125 in an OT win over the Utah Jazz to take a 1-0 series lead in the first game of the 2020 playoffs.【赛后帖】丹佛掘金今日通过加时以135-125击败犹他爵士,取得2020年季后赛首战胜利。穆雷36分5篮板9助攻,约基奇29分10篮板,波特13分8篮板,克雷格11分4篮板,米尔萨普8分3篮板,格兰特19分3助攻,莫里斯14分3篮板4助攻;米切尔57分9篮板7助攻,英格尔斯19分5篮板6助攻,戈贝尔17分7篮板4封盖,克拉克森18分4篮板3助攻。————————[–]Celtics Brad-Stevens 1793 指標 9小時前Mitchell gonna be thinking about the 8 second violation all nightWhat a performance down the stretch by Mitchell and MurrayJokic/Murray 2man game is niceeeeIncredible game to start the playoffs凯尔特人球迷:米切尔会整晚想着那次8秒违例;米切尔和穆雷在最后阶段的表现太猛了;约基奇和穆雷的二人转很稳;这场比赛为季后赛开了个好头。[–]slycopperore 453 指標 9小時前It changed the swing of the game for sure.那次8秒违例改变了比赛走势[–]Grizzlies EatDeeply 283 指標 9小時前He’s going to be thinking about how nice it must be for Murray and Joker to have someone else on the team who can create their own bucket.灰熊球迷:米切尔还会羡慕穆雷和约基奇的连线,毕竟队里还能有人自己创造得分机会[–][GSW] Andre Iguodala rapper_warrior_ninja 141 指標 9小時前thats what happens when you're down 2 starters勇士球迷:谁让爵士少了两个首发呢[–]Nuggets CatAndTheFrat 417 指標 9小時前Yeah it was tough but the nuggets won despite being down two starters.Proud of them.掘金球迷:确实很难,可我掘金少了俩首发也赢了啊为他们骄傲![–]rutgersmemelordz 929 指標 9小時前The Nuggets had multiple people you trusted with the ball to make a playThe Jazz had one and that was the difference掘金有好几个可以持球进攻的人,而爵士只有一个,这就是差距[–]Grizzlies EatDeeply 82 指標 9小時前Same as last year for the Jazz. They just lean on Mitchell relentlessly. Nobody else on the court can even dribble.灰熊球迷:爵士上赛季就这样。他们就是不停找米切尔,其他人连球都带不起来。[–]Jazz VirdenO 83 指標 9小時前Conley and Bogdanovic were the solution爵士球迷:这种局面只有康利和博格达诺维奇可破[–]Nuggets AgressiveVagina 114 指標 9小時前The Nuggets have the luxury of sitting Murray and brining in Morris who is a borderline starting PG, great minutes from him tonight. And Murray was fucking lights out掘金球迷:我们有资本让穆雷休息,因为还有莫里斯这么个准首发控卫,他今晚打得不错。[–][DEN] Torrey Craig sutrauboju 46 指標 9小時前I feel Morris could definitely start on some NBA teams掘金球迷:我觉得莫里斯到有些队里肯定能打首发。[–][GSW] Andre Iguodalara pper_warrior_ninja 92 指標 9小時前yeah denver has crazy depth. outside of blows to like jokic/murray they have plenty of athletic wings to step up and make plays like with craig/mpj/grant勇士球迷:是的,丹佛的板凳深不可测。除开约基奇和穆雷这俩的日常杀伤,他们还有克雷格、小波特和格兰特这种运动型侧翼挺身而出。[–]Celtics ImSeagull 304 指標 9小時前Couldn't ask for a better game to start these playoffs.Watching basically Murray vs Mitchell down the stretch of this game was something fucking else. Those two are fucking special and so fun to watch.凯尔特人球迷:用这场比赛为季后赛开胃再好不过了。最后关头看着穆雷和米切尔对轰真特么带劲儿。这俩人真尼玛不一般,看着过瘾啊。[–]Knicks alx69 256 指標 9小時前The Nuggets offense of letting Jokic and Murray go 2v5 on every possession is surprisingly effective and fun to watch尼克斯球迷:掘金的进攻常常就是让约基奇和穆雷2挑5,居然还出奇地有效且好看。
[–]Jazz RockyVplusRockyII 26 指標 8小時前As a Jazz fan it was driving me nuts because of how effective it was.Also as a Jazz fan I imagine that’s how the entire league felt during the Stockton-Malone era.爵士球迷:作为爵士球迷,这种高效套路真把我搞疯了,但同时我又明白了当年其他队球迷被斯托克顿和马龙支配的感受。[–]Young Jebediah 230 指標 9小時前Still Jokic and Murray spammed that 2 man game to death反正掘金就是约基奇和穆雷二人转复制粘贴到死……[–]Nuggets spliffmastafresh 94 指標 9小時前If the Jazz can't stop it, why not use it?掘金球迷:反正爵士无可奈何,干嘛不用?[–]Nuggets Hoser117 210 指標 9小時前That's all we ever go to in crunch time. Not very sophisticated but better than the super star ISO most teams go with lol掘金球迷:我们在关键时刻就这一招鲜。没有多巧妙,可总比大多数球队的超巨单干强吧,哈哈哈————————[–][NYK] Carmelo Anthony xbucs_19 124 指標 9小時前Poor Donovan but great game to watch尼克斯球迷:可怜的米切尔,但是比赛看着很享受[–]Raptors The_Unknown98 111 指標 9小時前Mitchell's 22 4th quarter points was more points than any of his other teammates scored the entire game.猛龙球迷:米切尔第四节单节24分,比其他任何队友整场得分都多[–]yiggothy 654 指標 9小時前Don’t forget this man tore up the thunder for about 30 a game as a rookie别忘了当年是这个男人以菜鸟之姿场均30分撕碎雷霆[–]Jazz summerfunbum 298 指標 7小時前Ingles still lives rent-free in Paul George's head.爵士球迷:英格尔斯依然免费租住在乔治的脑子里[–][OKC] Cameron Payne itsinthebackground 78 指標 7小時前You monster雷霆球迷:你个魔鬼[–]Trail Blazers max_canyon 48 指標 6小時前Paul George has a lot of people living rent free in his head开拓者球迷:乔治的脑子里免费租住了很多人[–]Jazz Henne_BadBitch_Weed 6536 指標 9小時前3rd most points in a playoff game OF ALL TIMEFuck爵士球迷:干,米切尔这可是季后赛史上第三高的单场得分哦
[–]Celtics DarkenedLite 664 指標 9小時前That's some Jordan shit凯尔特人球迷:这是乔丹干的事儿[–]worduser_4298145771 817 指標 9小時前Just so everyone is aware. When Jordan dropped 63 on the Celtics in the Boston Garden, he didn't shoot one three all game.科普一下,乔丹当年在凯尔特人主场拿63分的时候,没有一个三分[–]Hawks Russ12347 831 指標 9小時前Not that impressive. I’ve never shot a playoff 3 my entire life老鹰球迷:这算啥,我这辈子都没投过一次季后赛三分[–][TOR] DeMar DeRozan King_Goofus 182 指標 8小時前Jordan never scored a single point against the Thunder and neither have I猛龙球迷:乔丹从没在雷霆头上得过分,我也是![–]Hornets wikisaiyan2 94 指標 8小時前Jordan and I have eerily similar number against the pelicans also.黄蜂球迷:我和乔丹对阵鹈鹕的得分一样。[–]Suns PurpleBullets 68 指標 8小時前Yeah but he shot like 25 fts太阳球迷:乔丹那场貌似有25次罚球[–]Nazipunksfckoff 59 指標 8小時前Damn Jordan really stole james harden bag Fuckin copying ass bitch bro.靠,乔丹还偷过哈登的技能包啊,这个抄袭狗==[–]Trail Blazers Extremeaty 1962 指標 9小時前*Get Donovan Mitchell some help开拓者球迷:赶紧给米切尔找点帮手吧[–]Trail Blazers dlilfan 960 指標 9小時前Future superstar. Get him a legit #2 and they are scary.开拓者球迷:他以后就是超巨。找个好的二当家,爵士会很吓人的[–][UTA] Derrick Favors lastfollower 735 指標 9小時前That's what Conley and Bojan are meant to provide, but the pandemic and Bojan's wrist injury messed that up.爵士球迷:这就是康利和博扬的角色啊,可是被疫情和博扬的手腕伤势搅黄了[–]Trail Blazers dlilfan 404 指標 9小時前Conley aint it. Bojan's loss is huge for you guys. Imo you need one more piece to be a legit contender for years.开拓者球迷:康利还不行,博扬不在让你们损失很大。我觉得你们还得引进一个拼图,以后才能真正冲冠。[–][BOS] Reggie Lewis Lets_Basketball 59 指標 9小時前Honestly, I think the Jazz's problem was that they started playing through Donovan too much and went away from Ingles. They flow best when Ingles controls the offense and Donovan is lightning in a bottle. The entire team gets too stagnant when they play Harden-ball with him.凯尔特人球迷:说真的,我觉得爵士的问题在于他们过分追求球从米切尔手上过了,荒废了英格尔斯。由英格尔斯掌控进攻、米切尔一击致命的时候,才是节奏最流畅的。当爵士让米切尔打哈登那种球的时候,整个队伍都停滞了。
[–]Raptors ilovechowder 57 指標 9小時前Donovan Mitchel is undoubtably a STAR.If he keeps it up, this will be a much better series than I expected.猛龙球迷:米切尔绝对是球星。要是他继续这么打,这轮系列赛会比预期中还要精彩。[–]Nuggets ruggnuget 52 指標 9小時前On the flip side, if the Nuggets win when he scores 57, what happens when he scores 28?掘金球迷:如果他拿了57分还是掘金赢球,那要是他只拿28分咋办?[–]Clippers MichaelZZ01 39 指標 8小時前Jazz lose by 29快船球迷:爵士输29分[–]Nuggets abris33 395 指標 9小時前*57 points by Mitchell but that 8 second violation with 2 minutes left and up 4 killed them. He carried the load down the stretch but you can't have mental mistakes like that in the playoffsAlso, people that talk shit about Murray don't watch him. He can be a killer when he needs to be掘金球迷:米切尔虽说得了57分,但剩下两分钟领先4分时那个违例葬送了胜利。他关键时刻挑过了重担,但是在季后赛里,这种走神是不允许的。还有哦,那些以前喷穆雷的人根本就没看过他打球,只要有需要,他就是那个杀手。[–][DEN] Nikola Jokic 21sewage 28 指標 9小時前That's interesting. This sub told me that Jamal was a bum that already peaked in his 4th season after averaging 20+ PPG in his first playoff appearance as a point guard掘金球迷:有意思。这个专区总有人说穆雷水货,可这个水货控卫首次打季后赛就场均20+,并且在第四个赛季进入了巅峰期。[–][DEN] Jamal Murray WaveBlueArrow 44 指標 9小時前Tell me again Jamal Murray isn't worth his contract I dare you掘金球迷:再跟我说说,穆雷那个合同值不值?!————————[–]BlueStreets2 13 指標 9小時前The most striking thing about this performance from DM for me was his seemingly unending stamina. I’m watching this man walk to the free throw line with like 45 pts with 5 minutes to go in the fourth and he legitimately wasn’t sweating. Scary stuff.米切尔最可贵之处在于他貌似有无限的体能。第四节还剩五分钟,看到得了45分的他走上罚球线的时候,居然没怎么流汗。太吓人了吧[–]Rockets Bandwagon CheekyFifaCunt_7 17 指標 9小時前Don't know if that was prime MJ out there or Donovan Mitchell火箭球迷:分不清那是米切尔还是巅峰乔丹[–]Mavericks a_thresh_taste 42 指標 9小時前Its Jamal Murray独行侠球迷:那是穆雷[–]Raptors The_Unknown98 89 指標 9小時前Jokic in OT is spooky. Murray has been really clutch too.猛龙球迷:加时赛的约基奇很可怕,穆雷也很大心脏。[–]NBA minty528 37 指標 9小時前Yea Jokic hit some pretty clutch shots but Murray fucking dominated down the stretch, this is gonna be a great series约基奇确实投进了一些关键球,但最后是特么穆雷统治了全场。这轮系列赛肯定很胶着。[–]Clippers _ArthurDigbySellers_ 90 指標 9小時前IDK man, that was probably Mitchell’s best punch and they still lost. The games will be fun but I’ll be surprised if Denver doesn’t wrap this up in 6 or less.快船球迷:不一定哦,这大概是米切尔最逆天的表现了吧,可他们还是输了。后面的比赛依然好看,但我觉得丹佛可以6场解决战斗。[–]ZLouieZ 32 指標 9小時前Depends how fast Mike Conley comes back这得看康利回归的速度[–]Bucks RenDabs 107 指標 9小時前If Utah can't win with Donavan getting 57 is it really gonna be close?雄鹿球迷:如果米切尔得了57分都赢不了,那还凭啥咬住掘金?[–]Suns ChrisAZ480 147 指標 10小時前All-time performance, but if it takes Mitchell having 50-60 points for it to be a close game the series will probably be over quick. Same with Dame and the Blazers太阳球迷:米切尔这都历史顶级表现了,如果拿了五六十分还只是差点赢球,这轮系列赛大概很快就结束了。利拉德和开拓者也一样。
[–][DEN] Gary Harris Stormeve 40 指標 9小時前Everyone who said Jokic only played well last year in the playoffs because he faced no good defensive centers can square tf up. He's gonna cook his matchup no matter what, whether be it against Gobert or Kanter掘金球迷:去年很多人说约基奇季后赛打得好是因为对面没有善于防守的内线,现在这些人可以闭嘴了。不管对面是谁,戈贝尔也好坎特也好,他都能碾压。[–]Nuggets b-Rektfast 15 指標 9小時前Yeah, 29 points in a game where he didn't look his best.掘金球迷:是的,这场不在最佳状态都拿了29分。————————[–]LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO101 1445 指標 10小時前Gotta feel for Donovan. Gobert's weaknesses stuck out like a sore thumb down the stretch man心疼米切尔。戈贝尔的弱点在最后阶段暴露无遗。[–]Lakers Iwontremember_ 879 指標 10小時前Everytime he got the ball under the basket and lost it, I felt like puking.湖人球迷:一看到他在篮下接不住球,我就想吐[–]GetsTheAndOne 592 指標 10小時前Gobert is a master at hesitating between two decisions when he should just pick 1戈贝尔真的很善于在两个选择之间犹豫不决[–]Celtics 8_bw 302 指標 9小時前Donovan Mitchell: I will take this team to the moon myself with a PnR roll manRudy Gobert: I cannot catch, dribble or shoot, will that be a problem?凯尔特人球迷:米切尔:老哥,我要借助你的挡拆带球队上天戈贝尔:我抓不住球,不能带也不能投,还行吗?[–]itsthe LAW100 80 指標 9小時前Gobert a few times didn’t even catch the ball on the roll, he just fumbled the ball, threw his hands in the air, and got bailed out by the refs. Dude is mechanical stone hands.戈贝尔好几次顺下之后连球都接不住,只会失误,然后挥拳,还能逃过裁判。这哥们儿手真的僵硬。[–]Mavericks Fireeveryonenow1 31 指標 9小時前Gobert was also 1-6 from the FT line, defense matters but boy he has absolutely no skills other than setting picks and dunking wide open buckets.独行侠球迷:罚球还6中1呢,防守确实很好,可他进攻时除了做墙和无人暴扣,真就一点别的本事都没有啊。[–]76ers Mrmuffin2413 39 指標 9小時前I still don’t believe some people actually still think Gobert is their best player. He’s too limited offensively, and even defensively down the stretch we saw how little he can do when he’s dragged to the perimeter.76人球迷:有些人说戈贝尔是爵士最强点,我还是不信。他进攻端作用太有限了,哪怕是在防守端,只要关键时刻他被诱到外线,就没那么管用了。[–][UTA] John Stockton Thehealeroftri 190 指標 9小時前His defense is so good so it's hard to be mad at his offensive struggles sometimes, but damn dude if you really want the ball so much then learn to do something with it and catch the passes ffs爵士球迷:他的防守真的强,所以有时候进攻拉胯也算了。可是我靠,如果你真的那么想要球的话,那就多练练啊,把传球抓牢啊。[–]Celtics HighlighterTed 168 指標 9小時前It would be 100% forgivable if Rudy didn’t complain about needing the ball more. Next time he does, the coaches should just show him clips of him at the end of this game凯尔特人球迷:如果戈贝尔没嚷嚷着要球,那也没啥。下次他要是再嫌弃队友没给球,教练组可以直接把这场的集锦甩给他。[–]Jazz MtHoodMagic 29 指標 10小時前No way are we supermaxing gobert爵士球迷:我们千万不要给戈贝尔超级顶薪
[–]Lakers grodges 150 指標 9小時前Gobert has exactly 2 offensive moves:One hand dunkTwo hand dunk湖人球迷:他进攻端就两样武器:单手暴扣和双手暴扣。[–]Mdgt_Pope 27 指標 9小時前He actually does have some post moves, but he struggles against Jokic on defense and can't get enough oxygen to his brain to make good decisions when he's gassed.他其实是有低位背打能力的,可碰上约基奇的防守就犯浑了,体力告急就大脑缺氧,没法做出正确决定。————————来源:Reddit编译:云长刮个痧 美帝键盘侠—歪果仁精彩评论汇总【来源:直播吧】


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