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常氏人文艺术餐饮有限责任公司计划书下【开店前期工作计划安排表】 .doc
[常氏人文艺术餐饮有限责任公司计划书下]一:前六十天内:&1、&确定经营地址,店面环境,准备相关资金,常氏人文艺术餐饮有限责任公司计划书下。&2、&签订合同后制定房屋装修计划,落实装修风格方案进行装修开始。 &二:三十天内:&1、&厨房设施设备的购买,制定,规划厨房。(详见附表参考) &2、&餐厅桌、椅子、汽瓶的数量、价格等了解和预订。(详见附表参考) &3、&针对当地市场对原材料的数量、价格等进行了解。对当地不能购买的要记录在册。&4、&确定职工人数和职工来源。并办理相关证件(营业执照,卫生许可证,消防证,税务证,排烟,排水证,等相关证件)&5、&店面招牌制作事宜的联系和落实。&6、&餐厅,厨房,库房等多用单、酒水单、结算单的印发联系落实。 &7、&吧台酒水、饮料、各种设备配料的供货联系落实。 &8、&确定落实前厅、厨房的管理人员(配合工作)。&9、&联系,制定落实餐饮用品,厨房用品,员工服装的订购,制作。 &10、&了解当地媒体(报纸、电视、电台)或其它形式宣传的费用情况。 &三:二十五天内:&1、&联系确定前厅管理人员、厨房管理人员到位落实,确定各岗位人员,岗位标准,岗位职责,各岗位人员全部到位,同时执行岗前培训。&2、&前厅、后厨人员培训工作正式开始进行。&3、&对环境卫生进行清理,前期酒店环境卫生,餐饮用具的清扫准备。 &4、&确定落实、理清所有供货情况,保证开业货源。各种原料,菜品,肉类供货商的关系.&四:十天内:&1、&提前十天联系,落实各岗位工号牌数量,各工种服装数量,调味用品,等配料以便总部及时准备货源,确定供货方式。&2、&确定当地媒体或其它形式的宣传方案,指专人落实(按计划进行)。 &3、&确定宣传方案,印制本店的相关宣传条幅广告。&4、&确定开业邀请,宣传的相关用品(花兰,名片,气模等),工作计划《常氏人文艺术餐饮有限责任公司计划书下》(..)。 &5、&加工制做各岗位人员名片。&6、&参考当地的价格,结合本地实际情况,按1:2本桌,加工点菜单,制作菜单,点菜单,酒水单及加菜单等相关服务用品。&7、&购买订做餐巾,苶叶,扫帚,毛巾,等低值消耗量品。 &8、&厨房地面、前厅、门店门厅、海鲜鱼池、等大面积的清理卫生工作。 &五:五天内:&1、&进货准备,包括吧台酒水、饮品的摆放到位,并制定酒水,饮品价格,制定酒水单。&2、&确定开业庆典形式和方式,挂布标,租摆植物,营造开业前的准备。 &3、&全部准备包括桌,椅子,餐饮用品,厨房用品,各种原料等全部到位。&4、&确定开业企业宣传促销活动,结合总部联系,落实开业庆典流程与开业宣传方式。&六:三天内:&1、&安排人员到位,厨房出品品尝,服务员学习汤料的打法,点菜单,酒水单、结账单的使用和前期服务程序练习。&2、&试营业进行实战演习,针对各环节出现的情况整改,调理。 &3、&环境卫生大清扫,包括酒店整体全面清理。&4、&警示标语上墙,服务标语,各种规章制度全部落实。 &5、&员工按规定着装,并检查仪表仪容。&七:二天内:&1、&根据邀请朋友的客人计划来客进行估算,充足准备第二天的所需原材料、酒水、饮品、苶水、凉菜、热菜、青菜等。&2、&召开全体员工动员大会,安排布置第二天来宾的接待人员,就餐安排
正在加载中,请稍后...&lt!ENTITY shy
CDATA "­" -- soft hyphen -->
&lt!ENTITY reg
CDATA "®" -- registered sign -->
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Here, &amp#173 is still associated with CDATA in the standards, but
it is not clear whether its glyph should be rendered or not in implementations.
The bug has probably died by now, but the unexpected malfunctions
haven't started happening yet.
Finally, in HTML&4.01, most of the info about line-breaking and
hyphenation (outside of PRE, XMP and LISTING elements) is:
The BR element forcibly breaks (ends) the current line of text.
Prohibiting a line break
Sometimes authors may want to prevent a line break from occurring between two words.
The & entity (  or  ) acts as a space where user agents should not
cause a line break.
9.3.3 Hyphenation
In HTML, there are two types of hyphens: the plain hyphen and the soft hyphen. The plain hyphen
should be interpreted by a user agent as just another character. The soft hyphen tells the user agent
where a line break can occur.
Those browsers that interpret soft hyphens must observe the following semantics: If a line
is broken at a soft hyphen, a hyphen character must be displayed at the end of the first
line. If a line is not broken at a soft hyphen, the user agent must not display a hyphen
character. For operations such as searching and sorting, the soft hyphen should always be
In HTML, the plain hyphen is represented by the "-" character (&amp#45; or &amp#x2D;). The soft hyphen is
represented by the character entity reference & (&amp#173; or &amp#xAD;)
The bug is dead _ long live the bug.
What appears to have happened is somewhat like synecdoche, but not quite the same.
Reference to the whole by the name of a part _ all hands on deck
_ is usually an entertaining figure
of speech, and it is usually done on purpose.
The use of soft hyphen to refer to
hyphenation is merely soft thought _ a bit of linguistic driftwood that
has washed ashore so slowly that
nobody could be blamed for failing to notice it.
It is an accident that has placed
an intolerable burden on poor little &shy _ no wonder it hardly ever shows itself
Roughly stated, the argument has been that authors who wish to anticipate the imminent
implementation of hyphenation with &#173 would not like to see all those unwanted hyphens
that wouldn't go away until the task was completed.
(HTML&4.0 appeared about six-
and- a- half years ago.)
Consider something like "ruba-dubdub" again: the kinds of outcome an author might like to
specify include:
no breaks allowed anywhere
allow (hyphen followed by break)
hyphen followed by (allow break)
allow (hyphen followed by break)
Note the simplicity that follows from the introduction of the two bogus tags:
after all, hyphenation is markup.
Of course there are other ways to do the
tasks, such as:


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