
不少投资人在选择EB-5项目时,都会有各种各样的犹豫和迟疑;无可厚非,现在EB-5市场上各类项目层出不穷,&乱花迷人眼&,更何况这其中还关系到投资人的资金和绿卡。那么,怎么选项目才是最正确、最安全的呢? 专家分析,选择一个可靠的EB-5项目,主要从以下几点入手: 1. 看准中介; 2. 挑选开发商; 3. 评估商业前景; 4. 分析优劣。 如果一个项目能够满足以上几点的优势,那么基本上项目也就值得信赖了。 现在,就有一个这样&有底气&的大型项目&
瑞联集团(RELATED),总部位于纽约,成立于1972 年,迄今已逾40 年,现已发展成为全美最大的私营开发商之一,是纽约开发行业的领头巨擘。 在创始人Stephen Ross
的带领下,瑞联集团的业务已遍布全美、中国、英国、阿联酋及巴西,在波士顿、芝加哥、洛杉矶、、迈阿密和旧金山均设有分部。 现在,这个拥有传奇经历的开发商又带着他在纽约的又一力作来到中国,邀请各位有志于美国梦的EB-5投资人与他共同见证这座大厦的拔地而起! 而汇加移民,凭借8年多来100%的成功率,一直以来都为客户挑选最为优质、最具有保障的EB-5移民项目。
经过重重考察与筛选,汇加移民发现&哈德逊城市广场2期&&曼哈顿大厦&项目,一有瑞联集团这一优质的项目开发商保驾护航,二有纽约市政府的支持,三有巨大的发展潜力与商业价值。 在与瑞联集团的无数次洽谈后,瑞联集团授权汇加关于本案2/3的认购配额。对广大投资人而言,认定主推广机构无疑保障了自身的投资利益。不仅如此,如此尖端的房地产集团和如此优秀的移民服务机构强强联手,正是对各位EB-5投资人资金和绿卡的双重保障。
汇加移民诚挚邀请广大心怀&美国梦&的新老客户参与到这个伟大的项目中来!在对哈德逊城市广场II期-曼哈顿大厦项目深思熟虑之后,决定承接此项目,将此成熟优质的项目推荐给广大客户。我们坚信,这将为您的移民之路保驾护航,免去后顾之忧!本月19,20号两天,汇加将携手全美最大的私营房地产商瑞联集团在北京上海两地为您推出哈德逊城市广场II期-曼哈顿大厦项目首发仪式,诚挚邀约,敬请光临。 (免责声明:本文内容由客户提供,与凤凰网无关。其原创性以及文中陈述文字和内容未经本站证实,对本文以及其中全部或者部分内容、文字的真实性、完整性、及时性本站不作任何保证或承诺,请读者仅作参考,并请自行核实相关内容。)
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(美国纽约)日:美国移民局(USCIS )在日批准了瑞联集团纽约大都会区域中心的I-924申请。
美国移民局对此区域中心的批准同时包括了哈德逊城市广场项目的一期工程。占地158亩的哈德逊城市广场综合体位于美国纽约曼哈顿中城,由瑞联集团和牛津物业集团共同开发,该项目被誉为美国史上最大的私人开发项目。哈德逊城市广场坐落在大都会捷运局( MTA )位于30街和33街、第10大道和哈德逊河之间的铁轨上方,规划建造120万平方米的顶级写字楼、住宅、酒店、商店、文化中心和学校。政府已在周边地区投入了大量资金,用于建造新的公共场所、公园、公共交通以及一切方便市民使用的配套设施,该地区即将成为纽约市令人向往的黄金地带。哈德逊城市广场于日正式破土动工,第一座建造中的塔楼为基地东南角的写字楼,高273米,主要用户为蔻驰、欧莱雅、SAP以及Fairway超级市场等,这座办公楼计划2015年完工。
11:14:28 上传
11:20:20 上传
除了区域中心批准表格I-924, 申请者递交的申请还包含了一个实际的项目,请求美国移民局根据其完整的商业计划书审核并批准该项目。
本文件以此日期起(日)生效,美国移民局批准Related New York City Metro Regional Center LLC的I-924表格,作为符合资格的投资移民项目区域中心。
中尉, 积分 318, 距离下一级还需 182 积分
在线时间29 小时威望1 苏友币908 注册时间阅读权限20精华0积分318帖子
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财富专访 美国历史上最大房地产项目背后的投资人—瑞联集团董事长斯蒂芬.罗斯
初中二年级, 积分 5120, 距离下一级还需 880 积分
初中二年级, 积分 5120, 距离下一级还需 880 积分
美国历史上最大房地产项目背后的投资人—瑞联集团董事长斯蒂芬.罗斯& && && && && & & &
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &
& && &&&Ross stands on an unfinished section of the High Line park in Manhattan. The 17 buildings in the Hudson Yards project will be built on massive concrete platforms on top of the rail yards behind him.
& && & 罗斯站在位于曼哈顿的尚未完工的空中花园的一处。他身后的铁路站场上面的大片混凝土平台将用于建成哈德逊城市广场项目的17个建筑。
& && & Stephen Ross is pitching the dream, with an extra dollop of hyperbole. The founder and chairman of Related Cos. is standing on a dilapidated branch of an ancient elevated railway, known as the High Line, that runs through the Chelsea neighborhood on the West Side of Manhattan near the Hudson River. Below him is a bleak industrial landscape -- a vast rail-yard complex packed with the trains that feed Pennsylvania Station, surrounded by a patchwork of parking lots and auto-repair shops. &This is not how New York should look!& exclaims Ross over the drone of the locomotives on a sunny morning. &We will change that. You're looking at something that will be far greater than Rockefeller Center -- that will be the new heart of New York City.&
& && & 斯蒂芬.罗斯正以一腔极为夸张的热情投入他的梦想。作为纽约房地产公司瑞联集团的董事长和创始人。此时他正站在一个破旧又古老的高架铁路的分支上,也就大家所熟知的位于曼哈顿中城西侧哈德逊河附近的纽约空中花园。他下面是一个看起来荒凉的工业景象——一个巨大的铁路站台内挤满了进出宾夕法尼亚车站的火车,周围便是东拼西凑的停车场和汽车修理店。“这不该是纽约应有样子!”罗斯在某个阳光普照的早晨俯大声说道,声音穿透了火车的轰鸣声。“我们将改变它。你们将会看到比洛克菲勒中心更加宏伟的东西,那将成为纽约的新心脏。”
& && & Pointing with a roll of blueprints, the master real estate developer sketches the skyline of a future city within a city by describing where landmarks will rise over the next decade. He gestures toward the site of two silver skyscrapers to come, one a new headquarters for Coach, the other reportedly set to be occupied by Time Warner. Jutting out from the Time Warner tower will be a triangular, open-air observation deck at a height of 1,053 feet that, Ross boasts, &will be a few feet higher than the deck at the Empire State Building!& The two office behemoths will bookend New York City's biggest retail mall, an ultra-luxury emporium the size of an entire city block and at least five stories tall. Its 14 restaurants will feature an exclusive menu of celebrity chefs, from Daniel Boulud to Thomas Keller, in a complex curated by master restaurateur Danny Meyer. The new metropolis, says Ross, &will display the work of more great architects in one place& than any other development anywhere in the world, showcasing the contrasting designs of luminaries such as David Childs, Robert Stern, David Rockwell, William Pedersen, and Elizabeth Diller.
& && & 只需一指蓝图, 这位巨匠级地产开发商已经能勾勒出在今后十年内市值上升的城中之城的轮廓。他指向的两个位置将会建起两座银色的摩天大楼,一座将会成为蔻驰新总部,另一座据说将会为时代华纳所用。而且时代华纳楼顶会伸出一个高度为1053英尺的三角形露天观景台,罗斯自豪地说,“那将会比帝国大厦的露天平台还要高几英尺。”在这两座办公写字楼巨兽之间会建一座纽约市最大的零售商场,那将是一个至少5层楼高并且有整块街区那么大的超豪华百货商场。同时其间将会开设14间由名厨打理的独具特色的高档餐厅,从米其林三星名厨丹尼尔•布鲁德到美国最佳厨师托马斯•凯勒,还有专门承包顶级假日派对的策划大师丹尼•迈耶。“这个新都市中心,”罗斯说,“会把更多来自于不同的伟大建筑设计师的作品汇聚在一起”这将比任何其他在世界任何地方都要多。包括重新设计世界贸易中心一号大楼的戴维•蔡尔斯,耶鲁建筑学院院长罗伯特•斯特恩,纽约酒店建筑设计师戴维•洛克威尔,KPF首席设计师威廉•佩特森以及美国先锋建筑师伊丽莎白•迪勒。
& && & Welcome to the Hudson Yards. Put simply, it is the largest private real estate project in U.S. history -- and, in fact, worthy of most of Ross's superlatives. Related Cos., one of the world's largest private real estate developers, is both the controlling owner of the site and the developer for its planned 17 buildings. The project calls for 18 million square feet of offices, stores, apartments, hotels, a school, and even a mammoth, city-sponsored &culture shed& for fashion shows and concerts. Some 55,000 people will live or work here. Its size eclipses America's previous largest development, the 16.8- million-square-foot CityCenter in Las Vegas, and it's
its $20 billion estimated cost is unparalleled as well.
& && & 欢迎来到哈德逊城市广场。简单来说,这将会是美国历史上最大的一个私人房地产项目——并且,事实上这项目也名副其实配得上像罗斯的纽约房地产公司,瑞联集团,这个世界上最大的私人房地产开发商之一,他不旦是业主兼管理者,同时还是这17座建筑的开发商。该项目要求1800万平方英尺的写字楼办公室、商店、公寓、酒店、学校、甚至还有一个庞大的专门用来开展时装表演和音乐会都市“文化棚”。届时约有55,000人在这里居住或工作。哈德逊广场的占地面积让美国现有的所有大型广场项目与之相比都将黯然失色,唯有在拉斯维加斯那座16.8万平方尺的城中城只有在将来扩展以后才可能超越。但是以目前预计哈德逊广场的200亿美元的巨资成本更是没有广场项目能与之相比的。
& && & Related agreed to buy the rail yards from the city five years ago for $1 billion. That's the price tag for the official site, and it covers 26 acres, the equivalent of six city blocks, encompassing the entire area between 30th and 33rd streets and 10th and 12th avenues. But Related, along with its joint venture partner, the Canadian real estate giant Oxford Properties, is greatly expanding its footprint in the Hudson Yards neighborhood by purchasing adjacent parcels. Like a latter-day Robert Moses, Ross has a plan that will dramatically shift the center of gravity of America's biggest city. New York is hungry for modern, state-of-the-art office and apartment towers, and that's what the Hudson Yards will offer in a single, gigantic location. &You'll never see 26 acres again in the heart of a great city, where you can build an entirely new neighborhood totally from scratch,& says Tom Barrack, CEO of Colony Capital, a $28 billion private equity firm specializing in real estate. Construction officially began late last year, and the first building is scheduled to open in 2015.
& && & 五年前纽约房地产公司瑞联集团以官方价格10亿美元购买了铁路站场。它总共有26英亩,面积相当于六个城市街区,涵盖了从第33至第30号街以及从第10至第12大道的整个街区。除此之外瑞联公司还通过与其合资伙伴,加拿大不动产业巨头牛津物业集团共同购买相邻的地块以大大地扩张其在哈德逊社区的领域。正如当代建筑大师罗伯•摩斯曾提到,罗斯的这一庞大计划将会使这座美国最大城市的重心发生戏剧性地改变。纽约一直渴望能在一个单一完整的庞大社区内拥有现代时尚顶尖先进科技的办公和公寓大楼,而这恰恰正是哈德逊城市广场将能提供的。“当你从头开始建立一个全新的社区之后将再也不会在市中心看到26英亩的空地。”拥有280亿美元私人股权公司专门从事于房地产的柯罗尼资本集团的首席执行官汤姆•巴拉克说。哈德逊城市广场已经在去年年底正式动工,而第一个建筑预计在将2015年完工开幕。
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &
& && & Pulling off such a colossal project in the middle of New York City won't be easy. Besides navigating the complex, 10-year construction schedule, Related must build hugely expensive infrastructure: The entire development will rise on top of six-foot -thick concrete platforms that will spread, building by building, to cover the rail yards because the trains will keep running below. The concept is actually nothing new for New York. The northern stretch of Park Avenue, the city's premier residential address, arose over sunken rail lines in the 19th century.
& && & 如此庞大的一个项目要在纽约市中间的拔地而起可并不容易。除了要面对复杂的导航以及10年的施工进度,同时还不得不解决一些非常昂贵但又必须建立的相关基础设施的问题:由于施工期内整个铁路站台仍将继续营运,为了不影响火车的运行,整个项目开发组不得不将在站台顶部铺上一层足有六英尺厚的混凝土平台把火车站台完全覆盖起来,再在建好的平台上完成项目的建设。其实这个概念对于纽约来说并不罕见。早在19世纪公园大道以北部至市长居所已经出现过铁路凹陷的情况。
& && & Fortunately for Ross, forces are coalescing to give the Hudson Yards project strong momentum. The Manhattan real estate market has rebounded from the financial crisis. And the Metropolitan Transportation Authority is spending $2.4 billion on the first major subway extension on the West Side of Manhattan in more than half a century. A new branch of the No. 7 subway line will go from Times Square to a terminus adjacent to Hudson Yards, connecting the once-isolated area to Midtown and Grand Central Terminal by mid-2014.
& && & 对于罗斯来说非常幸运的是哈德逊城市广场项目发展势头非常强劲。曼哈顿的房地产市场已经从之前那场金融危机走了出来。而且在接下来的这50年内,纽约大都会运输署将会对曼哈顿西侧地铁主干线的延长项目投入24亿美元。届时新的地铁7号线分支将以时代广场起驶至终点毗邻的哈德逊广场,待到2014年中期,那片曾经被孤立的市中心区域和中央火车站便会联接起来。
& && & It all appears to be coming together for Ross, 72, a real estate titan at the top of his game. With a fortune estimated at $6 billion and a side job as the owner of the Miami Dolphins (he took a controlling interest in 2009 for a total price of $1.1 billion), Ross could have chosen to settle into a cushy, jet-setting retirement. Instead he's taking on a slate of ambitious projects around the globe. In Abu Dhabi, Related is co-developing the 280-acre Al Maryah Island complex, one of the largest real estate projects ever in the Middle East. In Brazil, Ross is building two luxury condo towers in S&o Paulo in partnership with his longtime pal Jorge Pérez, who founded the similarly named, Florida-based Related Group, of which Ross's Related owns a 25% share. Then there's the Grand Avenue urban-renewal project in downtown Los Angeles, where Related has begun work on a complex that will include hotels, stores, and apartments covering three city blocks. Back in New York, Related is also leading the historic rebirth of barren Willets Point, a 23-acre area in Queens around Citi Field, home to the New York Mets.
& && & 这一切看起来似乎都是一起在为罗斯而准备的,这位72岁的房地产业的泰坦正处于他个人舞台的巅峰时刻。坐拥大约60亿美元的财富兼迈阿密海豚队的所有者(2009年他以11亿美元的总售价获得控股权),现在的罗斯完全能够以一种轻松阔绰的方式享受退休生活。而相反的是他正在操作一个雄心勃勃的全球计划的项目。瑞联集团曾经在阿布扎比参与联合开发了280英亩的艾尔玛丽亚岛综合设施项目,那是中东最大的房地产项目之一。目前罗斯也正与他的长期合作伙伴豪尔赫•佩雷斯在巴西圣保罗一处建有两座豪华公寓大楼的项目,并以瑞联集团在佛罗里达类似的名称来命名,这项目中罗斯的瑞联公司拥有25%的份额。瑞联公司还在洛杉矶市中心格兰大道开始了一项复杂的新兴项目,内容包括酒店、商店和公寓,将覆盖三个街区。回到纽约,瑞联公司同时还将重建皇后区占地23英亩威利点,那里紧邻着花旗体育场,也正是纽约职业棒球队Mets的老家。相信瑞联集团将为皇后区内这个长期以来破旧不堪的污染社区的带来焕然一新的面貌。
& && & But it is Hudson Yards that will be the crowning achievement of his long career. Ross took on the project during the depths of the financial crisis. It was his vision of what could be and the force of his personality that overrode the risks of starting with no tenants or financing. And now that work has begun on the site, the lawyer-turned-developer is overseeing it with the same relentless attention to detail that he brings to all his projects. Ross granted Fortune an exclusive look into how he runs his business and described how his long career in real estate prepared him for attempting a project as outrageously ambitious as Hudson Yards.
& && & 毫无疑问哈德逊城市广场项目将获得罗斯漫长的职业生涯的最高的荣誉。正在金融危机最严重的时候他站出来承担了这个项目。罗斯以他强大的愿景和人格力量战胜了一开始无租户或无融资的风险。目前土地上工作已经开始动工,而这位律师出身的地产开发商正在认真负责监督这个由他带来并且与他一样具有相同的不懈关注细节才能达成完美的项目。《财富》杂志已经获权对罗斯进行独家深入采访,以了解他是如何经营自己的业务及在他如何发展漫长的房地产职业生涯,并准备如何努力将哈德逊广场打造成最为雄心壮志的项目。
& && & If there's one quality that sets Ross apart from other major developers, it's his skill at orchestrating highly complex projects. He specializes in keeping all the elements in balance, planning to ensure that the inevitable downward shifts in rents and prices during a multiyear project don't derail it along the way. Ross's approach to building Related, which he founded in 1972, reflects his view that developers get in trouble not because their projects won't eventually thrive, but because they lack core financial strength and hence run out of cash in tough markets. Most developers sell their apartment buildings and retail centers once they're completed and move on to the next deal. Related's strategy is to own and manage the projects it builds.
& && & 如果非要说罗斯与其它主参与项目的主开发人员的有一处不同的话,那么就是他有着在组织高度复杂的项目上的技能特长。他擅长将所有元素保持平衡和对项目的长远规划,以确保这个将延续多年的项目在租金和价格不可避免的下降趋势过程中能顺利的进行。在1972年他创立瑞联大厦的时候就正是反映了他当时的观点。他认为开发商陷入困境并不是因为他们的项目最终不会茁壮成长,而是因为他们缺乏核心金融力量所以在艰难的市场上耗尽现金。大多数开发商一旦完成建设便开始出售公寓楼和零售中心,然后进行到下一项协议中去。而瑞联集团的策略是以业主的身份拥有并管理整个项目的构建。
& && & Today Related has a $20 billion portfolio, primarily consisting of shopping malls and apartments -- lots of apartments. The company owns 5,000 mostly upscale rental apartments in 20 buildings in New York City, making it one of the Big Apple's largest landlords. And it has another 1,000 rental units in Boston, San Francisco, and Chicago. Ross got his start in affordable housing, and that market remains a bedrock for Related: The company's portfolio of 45,000 below-market-rate apartments in 19 states is among the largest in the nation. Though Related declines to disclose its free cash flow, Fortune estimates that it's several hundred million dollars a year. That big, recurring income stream gives Related a stability rare in the development world.
& && & 如今瑞联集团已经拥有一个200亿美元的投资战略组合,主要包括商场和公寓——大量的公寓住宅。公司在纽约拥有20栋建筑的5000间主要用于出租的高档住宅公寓。这便使它成为这个块大蛋糕上最大的一个东家。同时瑞联集团在波士顿,旧金山以及芝加哥还拥有1000个租赁单元。罗斯的生意是从经济适用房起步的,也是当时的市场为现在的瑞联集团奠定了坚实的基础:当时该公司以45000这个低于市场的利率在19个州做的公寓投资组合项目是全国最大规模之一。虽然瑞联集团拒绝披露其自由现金流,但《财富》杂志社估计一年会在几亿美元左右。这个能带给瑞联集团稳定发展的如此庞大的一笔经常性收益流实属世界罕见。
& && & With such a solid financial base, Ross is willing to take huge risks on gigantic, long-term projects that spook his rivals. &He'll take it right to the edge,& says Rafael Cestero, who served as New York's affordable-housing chief under Mayor Michael Bloomberg, &but he never goes over.& Ross is a master at sequencing jobs so that the tenants or buyers he attracts at the start cover a big chunk of the eventual costs, even if he generates no profit from those early deals. That's the strategy at the Hudson Yards, where the office space is essentially a loss leader for the highly lucrative stores and apartments that will arrive much later.
& && & 有着这样一个坚实的金融基础,并愿意承担庞大的长期项目所带来的巨大风险的罗斯足以吓退他所有的对手。“他总会把它推至极限。”在纽约市长迈克尔•布隆伯格麾下担任经济首席拉斐尔•塞斯特罗是这么评论罗斯的,“但是他绝对不会推到翻过去。”罗斯绝对是一个序列工作的大师,即使他无法从那些早期的交易产生出利润,他也有能力让那些被他项目吸引而来的租户或买家在项目一开始的时候就为项目承担很大一部份最终成本。
& && & It's a playbook that Ross has used before. He has become the biggest practitioner in the U.S. of what's called mixed-use development. Rather than specialize in apartments, retail, or office buildings, today Ross not only builds all three but also blends them into fully integrated neighborhoods that, though they're built all at once, resemble areas developed organically over decades. In his view, all three components reinforce one another, making each more valuable than it would be alone. &Most developers don't like mixed use,& says Barrack. &They want to specialize. It's a much more complex exercise, but the potential profits are also much bigger.&
& && & 罗斯早已胸有成竹,他已经成为美国当今被称作多功能综合开发项目的最大的从业者。不仅仅再是专攻公寓、零售或是办公写字楼,今天罗斯一并将这三大元素构建在一起融成了一个完全整合并且在未来几十年里能最有可持续发展潜力的社区。在他看来,这三个元素的关系就是相辅相成互相加强,只有组合在一起才会使每一块曾是独立运作的部分变得更有价值。
& && & That approach has helped make Ross perhaps the leading private figure in a real estate revolution in New York in recent years. Bloomberg's greatest accomplishment in his 12 years as New York City's mayor was to rezone large swaths of underutilized land from industrial and commercial uses, for which demand was extinct, to residential and office use. &We were accused of being too close to Ross,& says former deputy mayor Dan Doctoroff, now CEO of Bloomberg LP, &but Ross was the only developer willing to step up on projects like the Hudson Yards. He was also the best at mixed use. Ross shared Bloomberg's vision of New York more than any other developer.&
& && & 也许就是以这种方式才使罗斯成为近年来纽约房地产革命中的引领者。12年纽约市市长布隆伯格最伟大的成就是将一块未被充利用也已经不再有发展潜力也的土地重新划分了工业和商业用途并设作住宅和办公楼使用。“我们已经被指责太过于亲近罗斯了。”曾担任前副市长的现任彭博资讯CEO丹•多克托洛夫说道,“是罗斯是唯一一位愿意参与像哈德逊城市广场这样庞大的综合项目的开发商,同时他也是最好的多功能综合开发商。罗斯能与布隆伯格交换看法并分享对纽约发展愿景,比其它任何开发商都更有远见。”
& && & In his wood-paneled office on the 19th floor of the Time Warner Center in Midtown Manhattan, filled with Dolphins and University of Michigan Wolverine paraphernalia, Ross chronicles how his career divides into a series of quantum leaps to ever more daunting projects. The setting is appropriate, since the Time Warner Center was his first large-scale, mixed-use project and has proved to be a valuable training ground for Hudson Yards. There are doubters each time he takes on a new, bigger project, says Ross. &I always just say, 'We'll figure it out.' &
& && & 罗斯的办公室位于曼哈顿中城时代华纳中心19楼,镶木板的办公室里摆满了海豚队和密歇根大学狼獾队的体育用具,这些记载了他的职业生涯是如何经历了一系列的巨大飞跃直到更加艰巨的项目。正因为时代华纳中心是他的第一个大规模多功能综合开发项目,这个最有价值的项目经验也足以证明了罗斯完全有能力操作哈德逊城市广场项目,所以换句话说这个项目也是非他莫属的。每当罗斯投入一个全新的大项目在面对所有抱着怀疑态度的人的时候,他会说。“就像我常说的,我们肯定会搞定的。”
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Ross grew up in Detroit, the son of an inventor of vending machines and fuel additives whose creations often failed to make money. As a business role model he had his uncle, Max Fisher, a Detroit gas-station magnate and local legend who would later rescue his nephew during hard times. While Ross was still in high school his family moved to Miami, where he graduated from Miami Beach Senior High School, ranked 400th in a class of 440. He managed to get admitted to the University of Michigan, class of 1962, and today is a leading benefactor of his alma mater. In 2004 he endowed the renamed Stephen M. Ross School of Business with a $100 million gift. The ringtone on his cellphone plays the Wolverines' fight song, &The Victors.&
After practicing tax law for a few years in Detroit --&Being best known as Max Fisher's nephew was not the way to go through life& --Ross ventured to Wall Street, taking a job with Bear Stearns in 1970. It was clear from the start that the headstrong Ross didn't like working for anyone else. He soon clashed over a deal with a partner, who announced, &I have no confidence in Ross!& Ross shot back, &I have no confidence in you either. So go to hell!& He got fired the next day. A $10,000 loan from his mother paid for rent and meals while Ross sought to apply his expertise in tax law to development.
之后在底特律税法部门工作了几年, “鼎鼎大名的菲什尔的侄子不应该一直以这样的方式过完一生”——于是罗斯便前往华尔街寻找机会,1970年的时候在贝尔斯登得到了一份工作。当然了,刚愎自用的罗斯从一开始就并不喜欢为其他人工作。刚进公司不久他跟合作伙伴就达成协议发生了冲突,对方直言不讳地宣布,“我对跟罗斯合作一丁点儿信心都没有!”罗斯也毫不示弱地反击道,“我对你也没有一丁点儿信心!见鬼去吧!”第二天他就被炒了鱿鱼。这个时期,年轻的罗斯还在试图以他所具备的在税法专业知识在事业上大展宏图的,而租房和吃饭的费用都是从他的母亲的那一万美元贷款里开销。
He realized that specializing in affordable housing had the potential to be highly lucrative, chiefly because the tax benefits were extremely enticing to investors. His first project was a 150-unit apartment complex in Woonsocket, R.I. It's a business Ross has pursued ever since. Although affordable-housing programs vary widely, the basic formula is generally similar, and Ross mastered it. He typically raises all the construction financing from the proceeds of low-interest municipal bonds and tax credits purchased by banks and wealthy individuals. &The investors the cash flow goes to the developer,& explains Ross. As a result, Ross would get to own the buildings --and collect a stream of rents that varied little in good times or bad --by investing small amounts of his own cash.
By the mid-1980s, Ross had established himself as a rising star in mainstream development as well, erecting residential towers on Manhattan's Upper East Side. But near disaster struck in the real estate crash of the early 1990s. &I was worth $350 million in 1988, and by the early 1990s, I was worse than broke,& recalls Ross. &I owed the banks $120 million.& Confident the market would recover, Ross bought time by allowing the banks to secure their loans with his finished and unfinished buildings. His uncle Max and his friend Pérez, among others, invested a total of $15 million in exchange for equity in Related, and later cashed out for four times their investment. Ross was able to keep most of his properties.
But the near-death experience changed his thinking forever. From then on, Ross shunned the high leverage that's routine with most developers. Today he raises around half the cost of his projects in equity that Related and its partners provide. Ross also learned the wisdom of getting gobs of cash from investors when times are good.
This story is from the September 16, 2013 issue of Fortune.
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