年报怎样生成harvard citation格式 harvard

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关于Harvard Style
The Reference section of your paper should be presented in Harvard Style, in accordance with the Author Guidelines.&&The citations require correction in the manuscript and the reference list should be in alphabetical order.
但是我不知道Harvard Style是什么,求赐教!!
额 好神奇的判断?真心没懂啥意思呢
北京学而思教育科技有限公司 地址:北京市海淀区北三环甲18号中鼎大厦A座1层102室 电话:010-哈佛reference格式10P_百度文库
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留学生出国留学最烦的是什么?当然是写论文了啊,可能找我一次的论文还没有写完,另一篇论文就接踵而至了。更何况国外老师对于这方面管的也比较严不好草草写作,所以很多同学刚到国外完全跟不上节奏啊,简单的说来很多同学是想要写好的,可是心有余而力不足,这也是没有办法的事。很多格式写作起来确实麻烦,那么有没有什么比较好的办法呢?在这里我为大家介绍哈佛reference 生成器,有了哈佛reference 生成器想必大家写作起来也相对简单一点了。
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1.&city this for me Harvard、APA、MLA reference参考文献自动生成器
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Google学术强大功能之一就是能在线引用参考文献格式,之前我们一篇:巧用Google学术搜索自动生成规范的文献引用格式 ,为大家做过详细的讲解,大家可以点击查看!
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国外文章常用的三种引用格式、 Harvard格式(哈佛格式)、APA格式、Oxford格式(牛津格式)到底区别在哪里?留学生到底应该如何合理运用这些格式呢?我们给大家收集整理了三个例子,大家一看便知
I. (使用国家:英国、澳大利亚)
Sample reference list
Burdess, N 2007,&Good study, Pearson Education, Sydney.
Cotterall, S & Cohen, R 2003, ‘Scaffolding for second language writers: producing an
academic essay’,&ELT Journal, vol. 57, no. 2, pp. 158–66.
Dykes, B 1992,&Grammar made easy, Hale & Iremonger, Sydney.
Gaspar, M & Shepherd, M 2007,&Guide to assignment writing and referencing, 2nd edn,
Deakin University, retrieved 20 April 2008, <www.deakin.edu.au current-students="" studysupport=""
Hindsight&2006, radio program, ABC National Radio, Melbourne, 31 August.
HREOC—see&Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission
Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission 1997,&Bringing them home: report of the
National Inquiry into the Separation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children from
their Families, HREOC, Sydney.
Watts, M 2006, ‘Team term papers and presentations’, in WE Becker, M Watts & SR Becker
(eds),&Teaching economics: more alternatives to chalk and talk, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham,
UK, pp. 151–70.
II. (American Psychological Association&美国心理学会)(使用国家:美国、加拿大)
Sample reference list in APA style
Anonymous. (2001).&Meeting health-care needs. London: Longman.
Antonakos, C. L., & Kazanis, A. S. (2003). Research process in the health sciences: A focus
on methods.&Research and Theory for Nursing Practice,&17, 257–264.
Clay, G. (2003). Assignment writing skills.&Nursing Standard,&17&(20), 47–52.
Crawford, P., Brown, B., & Nolan, P. (1998).&Communicating care: The language of nursing.
Cheltenham: Stanley Thornes.
Elder, R., Neal, C., Davis, B. A., Almes, E., Whitledge, L., & Littlepage, N. (2004). Patient
satisfaction with triage nursing in a rural hospital emergency department.&Journal of
Nursing Care Quality, 19, 263–268. Retrieved June 30, 2004, from Academic Search
Premier database.
Embryo study nod, OK say IVF couples. (2004, May 31).&Herald Sun, p. 10.
Gagliardi, B. A., Frederickson, K., & Shanley, D. A. (2002). Living with multiple sclerosis:
A Roy Adaptation Model-based study.&Nursing Science Quarterly, 15&(3),&230–236.
Mahon, S. M., Spies, M. A., Aukamp, V., Barrett, J. T., Figgins, M. J., Meyer, G. A., et al.
(1997). Presentation of nursing diagnosis content in fundamentals of nursing textbooks.
Nurse Educator,&22&(1), 17–22.
Naidoo, B. (2000). Evaluating the use of public health risk factor simulation models. In
M. Thorogood & Y. Coombes (Eds.),&Evaluating health promotion: Practice and methods
(pp. 99–109). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
National Health and Medical Research Council. (1997).&Acting on Australia’s weight:
A strategic plan for the prevention of overweight and obesity. Canberra: Australian
Government Publishing Service.
Obesity.&(n.d.). Retrieved May 12, 2004, from /nutriflip/Diseases/
Rego, P. (2003, August). Confronting embodiment.&Nuritinga, 5, 1–6. Retrieved June 20,
2004, from http://www.healthsci.utas.edu.au/tson/nuritinga/issue5/
Savage, J. (2004). Researching emotion: The need for coherence between focus, theory and
methodology.&Nursing Inquiry, 11, 25–34.
Wroe, D. (2004, June 24). Canberra enlists GPs in war on smoking.&The Age,&p. 3.
Sample bibliography in documentary-note (Oxford) style
Arakawa, Y,&Zen painting, trans. J. Bester, Kodansha International, Tokyo, 1970.
Art in our time, video recording, Michael Blackwood Productions, New York, 2001.
Australian Bureau of Statistics,&Building approvals, Australia, cat. no. 8731.0,
ABS Ausstats, 2004, retrieved 3 November 2004, <www.abs.gov.au ausstats="" abs@.nsf=""
Edwards, P, ‘Mud, glorious mud’,&The Age,&20 October 2004, pp. 6–7s.
Goldthwaite, RA, ‘The Florentine palace as domestic architecture’,&American Historical
Review, vol. 77, no. 4, 1972, pp. 977–1012.
Gombrich, EH, ‘The early Medici as patrons of art’, in EF Jacob (ed.),&Italian Renaissance
studies, Faber and Faber, London, 1960, pp. 279–311.
Kleiner, FS, CJ Mamiya & RG Tansey,&Gardner’s art through the ages, 11th edn, Harcourt
College Publishers, Fort Worth, 2001.
Lobo, J, ‘Latin American construction at a glance’,&Construction Review,&vol. 41, no. 1, 1995,
pp. iv–vi, retrieved 5 November 2004, Expanded Academic ASAP database.
Parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Works,&Proposed common use infrastructure on
Christmas Island, Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra, 2002.


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