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产品生命周期理论是美国哈佛大学弗农Raymon Vernon教授在1966年发表的《产品周期中的国际投资与国际贸易》一文中首次提出,后经威尔斯、赫希什等人不断发展、完善。其理论要义将产品生命周期划分为三个不同阶段,即产品创新阶段、成熟阶段和标准化阶段,以解释企业根据生产条件和竞争条件而做出的对外直接投资决策。
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million dollars to 5933 in
million U.S. dollars, 22 years increased by more than 26 times, the average annual increase rate of 16. 1%, especially in our country to participate in the WTO, the export growth rate has increased at a high speed. At the same time, China's export commodities structure is also producing a serious change in the proportion of exports of industrial products from 49 in 1980. 7% rose to 92 in 2003. 06%, high-tech products accounted for the proportion of 4 from 1980. 71% rose to 25 in 2003. 17%, there is a significant progressive trend. Then, optimize the export commodity structure of China's foreign direct investment will continue? This is related to the relevant policy making and theory serious problems. It will also China's foreign policy to actively supporting role, but also for the past 20 years of application of foreign experience summary, it is for ahead of the exploration of the future application of foreign strategic. Especially after our country joined WTO, the foreign capital entering our country is expected to have a new breakthrough, and the analysis of the impact of foreign direct investment on export commodity structure is undoubtedly of great practical value and practical significance. This paper is from this point of view, it is important from the following aspects: the first part of this paper briefly reviewed the actual FDI, elaborated on the FDI and export commodity structure between the actual contact. The second part based on the analysis of the actual, contact China's FDI and China's export commodity structure of growth and the status quo, analysis of the history of the statistical materials, invention of FDI inflow to China's export commodity structure be optimized ceaselessly, also pointed out that currently China's export commodity structure performance is: (1) China's export commodity structure of the overall construction of products is given priority to, supplemented by low- (2) the industrial product structure to rest intensive mainly, the lower the competitiveness o (3) China's capital - and technology intensive type product export proportion less than country vigorous degree. The third section analyzes the significant improvement of the structure of export commodities in China, and analyzes the influence of the amount of FDI inflow to the structure of export commodities. Using coherent statistical data, analysis of the enterprises with foreign investment of China's export commodity structure into the offer, and focuses on the analysis of the different origins of foreign influence on China's export commodity structure differences, and effects of FDI in China export commodity structure of important opportunities. FDI through skill dispersion, enhance belongings into the class and other opportunities positive impact on China's export commodity structure, and after the birth of foreign investment objectives, scope and methods of a series of change impact on China's export commodity structure response. The fourth part is top priority of this article, the integrated application of qualitative and quantitative research methods, from two aspects of &quantity& and &quality&, the test of systematic study of the FDI and China's export commodity structure of the relationship between. The目录:导论11-17&&&&一、选题的意义与目的11-12&&&&二、相关研究文献综述12-14&&&&三、论文框架和基本思路14-15&&&&四、本文的特色和创新之处15-17第一章 FDI与中国出口商品结构的理论分析17-24&&&&第一节 FDI的相关理论17-18&&&&第二节 FDI与国际贸易的理论联系18-20&&&&第三节 FDI影响贸易结构的相关理论20-24第二章 FDI与中国出口商品结构的概况24-35&&&&第一节 FDI的发展历程24-26&&&&第二节 FDI在中国的新趋势26-29&&&&第三节 中国出口商品结构的发展演变29-33&&&&第四节 中国出口商品结构现状33-35第三章 FDI给中国出口商品结构带来的影响35-49&&&&第一节 FDI对中国出口商品结构的贡献35-37&&&&第二节 不同来源外资对我国出口商品结构的影响37-44&&&&第三节 FDI影响中国出口商品结构的主要途径44-49第四章 FDI与我国出口商品结构的关系——实证分析49-68&&&&第一节 从量的层面实证分析49-56&&&&第二节 从质的层面实证分析56-68第五章 存在的问题及利用外资改善出口商品结构的相关对策68-71第六章 结论与展望71-74&&&&第一节 主要结论71-72&&&&第二节 本文的不足72&&&&第三节 进一步研究的方向72-74参考书目74-78致谢78分享到:相关文献|


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