
乔良:南海的天塌不下来 若开战美军航母回不去|南海|中国|美国_新浪新闻
  原标题:乔良:南海的天塌不下来 若开战美军航母回不去
原标题:菲防长:中美南海开战之说太夸张 若对峙将中立
译者:unknown&&&&&发布时间:&&&&&超过 0 位网友阅读
LAST JULY AN international tribunal made a landmark ruling against China over their historical claim to territory in the South China Sea. The world&s most populous nation claims sovereignty over the majority of the region east of Vietnam north of Malaysia and west of the Philippines. Within this territory is the island of Taiwan as well as areas of sea claimed by China&s closest neighbours.
Michael Mctague
No fan of trump but this is a scaremongering piece to suggest that Trump will cause a conflict over the South China Sea territory. The US under Obama has already moved massive naval assets into this sphere of the globe and he admonished Beijing a number of times in regards to this issue. In August under the Obama regime three b1 bombers were sent over the area as a show of strength these planes are capable of carrying a nuclear payload. It&s a much more complicated mess then suggesting it&s limited to the US backing Taiwan or the one china question. Japan the Philippines Korea both north and south all have claims on the territory which is currently in international waters. There have already been many clashes with Chinease naval forces in the area much more serious than the one with the Indian naval vessel over the disputed territory. Trump may be a nut but this has been brewing for many years and if you are going to do a piece on this powder keg do a balanced and fair one covering all the nations and their claims rather than a puff piece to scare people about trump you also forgot to mention the landing strips that have been built on the reefs or the the Sam missiles the Chinease have moved there already or the fact they seized the us naval drone in December
Phil Magee
It came to war this is a war that the U.S. could not win. It would cost them an absolute fortune given the logistics and their production capabilities are nowhere near what China&s are now. China is a juggernaut of heavy industry.
Burke John
@Phil Magee: Hi Phil The US armed forces vastly outnumber both China and Russia when it comes to arms several times over. The US has a massive army. No comparison. Under Obama the US had a weak commander but not now. Trump will not be pushed around by Chinese threats
@Phil Magee: 嗨,Phil 美军的武力装备比中国和俄罗斯都多出很多,都可以装备他们好几回了。美国有一支庞大的军队。无人能比。在奥巴马时期美国有一个懦弱的司令官,但是现在不一样了,川普不会被中国的威胁所左右的。
China don&t gave the immediate naval power the USA does. But USA can&t win it without nuclear weapons and China has them too
Burke John
@Eye_c_u: Agree the nuclear option will cancel out any aggression but the US army dwarfs Russia/China/EU combined. It is HUGE. China are no threat to the US.
@Eye_c_u: 我同意核武会荡平任何的侵略,但是就算俄罗斯、中国、欧盟联合起来,与美军相比也会显得很渺小。美军是巨大的。中国对美国根本构不成任何威胁。
Cal Mooney
China is not threatening to attack the US. However the US is making threatening comments towards China. Threats don&t help anyone when both countries posess nuclear arms.
Phil Magee
@Burke John: China couldn&t win away from home but the U.S. would never conquer China it would cost too much. If they couldn&t properly defeat Afghanistan how would they take on a country 20 times bigger with a billion inhabitants?
@Burke John:离开本土作战中国不可能胜利,但是美国也不能征服中国,因为成本太大了。如果他们不能很好的打败阿富汗,那么他们怎么打败一个大20倍的拥有十亿级人口的国家
Charles Williams
@Burke John: Yes but they fail to defeat the Taliban in Afghanistan and the insurgents in Iraq. War is a funny old business as Napoleon and Hitler found out to their cost.
@Burke John: 是的,但是他们没办法打败阿富汗的塔利班分子、伊拉克的叛军。战争是一门有趣的古老生意,就像拿破仑和希特勒吃了苦头后所发现的那样
Phil Magee
@Burke John: Also China has almost 1 million more active servicemen than the divided states of america they can build machines several times faster than anyone else. It would not take them long to build a bigger airforce if they wanted to.
@Burke John: 中国军队比分裂的美国多出100万军人,他们的机器建造速度比任何人都要快好几倍。如果他们想要建设一支更大的空军,也不会花他们太多的时间的。
Burke John
@Phil Magee: China have been bullying their neighbours in the South China Sea for years since Obama took office. China saw Americas weakness as their opportunity. I think them days are over.
@Phil Magee: 从奥巴马上任以来,中国就在南海欺负附近的国家好几年了。中国看到了美国的弱点并当做自己的机会,这样的日子已经结束了
Mick Jordan
In this case the US would not be facing China alone. Vietnam Indonesia and the Philippines are also in dispute with China. And logistics would not be a big a problem for the US as it would seem. They have naval bases in the Philippines and Japan right in the disputed zone.
Patches O Houlihan
As ever the U.S is the primary aggressor. John Pilger explains:
&Today more than 400 American military bases encircle China with missiles bombers warships and above all nuclear weapons. From Australia north through the Pacific to Japan Korea and across Eurasia to Afghanistan and India the bases form says one US strategist &the perfect noose&&&.
In 2015 in high secrecy the US staged its biggest single military exercise since the Cold War. This was Talisman S an armada of ships and long-range bombers rehearsed an &Air-Sea Battle Concept for China& & ASB & blocking sea lanes in the Straits of Malacca and cutting off China&s access to oil gas and other raw materials from the Middle East and Africa.
It is such a provocation and the fear of a US Navy blockade that has seen China feverishly building strategic airstrips on disputed reefs and islets in the Spratly Islands in the South China Sea. Last July the UN Permanent Court of Arbitration ruled against China&s claim of sovereignty over these islands. Although the action was brought by the Philippines it was presented by leading American and British lawyers and can be traced to then US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.&
美国仍然是主要的侵略者。John Pilger 解释说:
Phil Magee
@Burke John: I&m not sure you understand the scale here. Sure Americas military might is greater but they would not be able to pit all their might against China. Remember when China shot down the spy plane? G.W.Bush who went to war because his daddy went to war demanded the plane back he got it back or at least the shell of it 6 weeks later. China does not fear America they may not be as powerful but are powerful enough to face them down.
@Burke John:我不知道你怎么理解这里说的规模。是的美国的军事力量可能更强大,但他们不能动用所有的力量对付中国。记得中国击落了间谍飞机那事吗? 小布什要求把飞机要回来(小布什开战是因为他爹开战),他6周后拿回了它,或至少拿回了它的壳。中国不怕美国,他们可能没有那么强大,但有足够的力量面对对手。
Mick Jordan
Patches: So China is not being aggressive laying claim to vast areas of both international and other nations territorial waters. Is that your claim?
Chris Kirk
@Mick Jordan: Naval bases in any country mean very little without the ability to protect themselves I doubt very much that the Philippines is much more than a utility. Considering that the Australian navy is probably the biggest naval force in the West Pacific region I don&t see them getting overly concerned wirh the Chinese at present. If America is just looking for a fight they couldn&t have picked a stronger opponent than China. Trump is a fool if he thinks he can get them to back down over the South China Sea.
@Mick Jordan:任何国家如果没有能力保护自己,有(美军)海军基地也没什么作用。我非常怀疑菲律宾其实比看到的要强。考虑到澳大利亚海军可能是西太平洋地区最大的海军部队,我没有看到他们现在有过分关注中国人。如果美国只是找一场战斗,没有比中国更强的对手可选了。如果川普认为他可以让中国在南海让步,无疑他是个傻蛋。
Patches O Houlihan
@Mick Jordan:
The article is by John Pilger. If you believe you know better you should contact him.
Mick Jordan
Chris. The Indonesians have the Second biggest Military in the region followed by the Vietnamese. Look at the areas that China are laying claim to. Air cover alone would be a major problem for the Chinese. Where both the US and the other nations in dispute with China are slap bang in the centre. And the US have two Carrier Battle groups in the Pacific and could move even more in from the Indian Ocean if needed. China knows if it came down to a shooting war their naval forces would get severely mauled. What they are currently doing is simple bullying it&s smaller neighbours. And like any bully if a bigger kid puts it up to them they back down
Mick Jordan
Patches. Pilger is well noted for his anti US ramblings. But it was you who posted his remarks so that would suggest you agree with them. So my question to you still stands.
(注:约翰&皮尔格(John Pilger),是战地记者和电视、电影导演,以强烈批评美国、澳大利亚和英国的外交政策而闻名,认为这些国家的外交政策都受帝国主义驱使。)
Patches O Houlihan
@Mick Jordan:
Your question can stand and wait. There&s a good lad.
Meanwhile here&s some more context from the great war corespondent Pilger:
&Seldom a day passes when China is not elevated to the status of a &threat&. According to Admiral Harry Harris the US Pacific commander China is &building a great wall of sand in the South China Sea&.
@Mick Jordan:
&几乎每一天中国都被上升到&威胁&的地位。根据海军上将,美国太平洋指挥官 Harry Harris 所言,中国正在&在南海建立一道沙子长城&。
What he is referring to is China building airstrips in the Spratly Islands which are the subject of a dispute with the Philippines & a dispute without priority until Washington pressured and bribed the government in Manila and the Pentagon launched a propaganda campaign called &freedom of navigation&.
他所指的是中国在与菲律宾有争议的南沙群岛建立机场跑道 - 这个争议本来不怎么受到人们关注,直到华盛顿在马尼拉施压和贿赂政府,然后五角大楼发起了一项名为&航行自由&的宣传活动。
What does this really mean? It means freedom for American warships to patrol and dominate the coastal waters of China. Try to imagine the American reaction if Chinese warships did the same off the coast of California.&
Mick Jordan
Patches. You seem to be a fan of Pilger. And such agree with his Anti US stance. As such you answer my question. You don&t think China is the Aggressor in this case even though the International Maritime Court and the UN disagree.
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