
导读:就爱阅读网友为您分享以下“2015年外交部部长王毅答记者问 中英文”资讯,希望对您有所帮助,感谢您对的支持!2015外交部部长王毅答记者问中英文 日,十二届全国人大三次会议在两会新闻中心举行记者会,邀请外交部长王毅就中国外交政策和对外关系回答中外记者提问。On 8 March 2015, the Third Session of the Twelfth National People's Congress held a press conference at the Press Center of the Two Sessions. Foreign Minister Wang Yi was invited to answer questions from Chinese and foreign media about China's foreign policy and external relations. 中华人民共和国外交部部长 王毅:记者朋友们,大家上午好。
今天是三八妇女节,首先我要向女记者们以及所有关心和支持中国外交的女同胞们致以诚挚的祝福。Wang Yi: Friends from the press, good morning. Today is the International Women's Day. At the outset, I would like to extend sincere greetings to the female journalists and all Chinese women who show understanding of and support for China's diplomacy. 记得去年也是今天,马航370航班失联。一年过去了,飞机还没有找到,但搜寻仍将继续。对于马航370航班的乘客家属,今天是艰难的一天,我们的心和大家在一起。马航已经启动了理赔的工作,我们愿意为每一位家属提供一切需要的服务,帮助大家维护好正当和合法的权益。现在我愿回答大家的问题。On this day a year ago, the MH370 flight went missing. A year has passed, and the plane has not been located, but the search effort will continue. Today must be a tough day for the next of kin of those on board MH370. Our hearts are with you. Malaysia Airlines has started its compensation work. We will provide all needed service to every next of kin and help you uphold your legitimate and lawful rights and interests. With these words, I would like to open the floor to questions.人民日报记者:王外长您好,很高兴我第一个提问。您曾经说过2014年是中国外交全面推进的丰收之年,请问这个丰收之年具体体现在哪些方面?另外,2015年的中国外交有哪些值得期待的看点和关键词?谢谢。People's Daily: Mr. Minister, you once said that 2014 was a year of harvest and all-round progress in China's diplomacy. Could you elaborate on that? And what can we expect from China's diplomacy in 2015? What are the keywords we need to watch? 王毅:2014年的中国外交确实是丰收之年,同时也是开拓之年、创新之年。在以习近平同志为总书记的党中央领导下,我们成功举办上海亚信峰会和北京APEC两大主场外交,在历史上留下了深刻的中国印记。我们积极参与全球热点问题的解决,在国际和地区事务当中发挥了中国作用。Wang Yi: Indeed, 2014 was a year of harvest for China's diplomacy. It was also a year of forging ahead and breaking new ground.
Under the leadership of the CPC Central Committee headed by General Secretary Xi Jinping, we successfully hosted the CICA Summit in Shanghai and the APEC meeting in Beijing, and left a deep imprint of our own. We took an active part in the resolution of global hot-spot issues, and played China's role in international and regional affairs.我们大力拓展对外合作,“一带一路”倡议得到了广泛的响应。特别值得一提的是,我们着眼于构建以合作共赢为核心的新型国际关系,正在走出一条结伴而不结盟的对外交往新路。We made energetic efforts to expand external cooperation, and our initiative to establish a Silk Road Economic Belt and a 21st Century Maritime Silk Road won support from a lot of countries.
It is particularly worth mentioning that focusing on building a new type of international relations featuring win-win cooperation, we are taking a new path of external relations characterized by partnership rather than alliance.到去年年底,我们已经同70多个国家和诸多的地区组织建立了不同形式的伙伴关系,基本形成覆盖全球的伙伴关系网络。中国的“朋友圈”越来越大,我们的好朋友、好伙伴越来越多。By the end of last year, we had established different forms of partnerships with over 70 countries and a number of regional organizations, and basically established a global network of partnerships. One can say that China's circle of friends and partners has widened and will continue to expand.2015年,我们将保持进取势头,拓展全方位外交,在坚定维护国家利益的同时,不断扩大与世界各国的共同利益。In 2015, we will continue to forge ahead and expand all-round diplomacy. While steadfastly safeguarding our national interests, we will work to expand the common interests we have with other countries in the world. 2015年中国外交的关键词是“一个重点、两条主线”。一个重点就是全面推进“一带一路”。我们将进一步加强与各国的政策沟通,不断扩大彼此利益契合点。我们会探讨互利合作的有效途径,重点推动互联互通基础设施、陆上经济走廊、海上合作支点的建设。我们还愿意促进人文交流合作,加快自贸谈判进程。 The keywords for China's diplomacy in 2015 will be "one focus" and "two main themes".
Our key focus in 2015 will be making all-round progress in the "Belt and Road" initiative. We will further enhance policy communication with other countries, expand the convergence of our shared interests, and explore effective avenues of win-win cooperation. The emphasis will be on promoting infrastructural connectivity, and building overland economic corridors and pillars of maritime cooperation. We will also promote people-to-people and cultural exchanges and cooperation, and speed up relevant FTA negotiations.我们相信,“一带一路”必将更加深入人心,取得更多的早期收获,助力亚欧大陆实现整体振兴。两条主线就是要做好和平与发展这两篇大文章。我们将同国际社会一道,办好世界反法西斯战争胜利70周年纪念活动,以史为鉴,开辟未来,使中国成为维护和平的强大力量。
We are confident that the "Belt and Road" initiative will win even more support and deliver even more "early harvests", so as to catalyze the revitalization of the Eurasian continent as a whole.
In 2015, we will do a lot under the two themes of peace and development. We will work with the international community to commemorate the 70thanniversary of the end of the world's anti-Fascist war, draw lessons from history, look to the future, and make China a staunch force for peace.我们还将以纪念联合国成立70周年为契机,积极参与联合国发展峰会和国际气候变化合作,推动制定符合广大发展中国家利益的2015后发展议程和新的应对气候变化安排,发挥中国的建设性作用。谢谢!The 70th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations will be a good opportunity for us to take an active part in the UN's development summit and international cooperation on climatechange. We will play a constructive role in helping to secure a post-2015 development agenda and a new international regime for addressing climate change that are in the interests of developing countries. 北京新京报记者:我们注意到,近年来中国公民出境人数不断攀升,而今年春节又掀起一股出国旅游热潮。请问,在便利公民出行和保护他们在海外正当权益方面今年外交部会有怎样的计划或者举措?谢谢。Beijing News: In recent years, more and more Chinese citizens have made outbound visits, and we see a good example of that during the just passed Chinese New Year. What will the Chinese Foreign Ministry do to facilitate the outbound visits of Chinese citizens and protect their legitimate rights and interests overseas?王毅:去年,中国公民出境首次突破了1亿人次,成为海外最大的流动群体。此外,我们还有2万多家中国企业,还有数百万中国同胞生活和工作在世界各地。所以说海外维权任务之重前所未有,责任之大也前所未有。我们始终把每一位同胞的安危冷暖放在心头,千方百计地推进海外民生工程。Wang Yi: Last year, for the first time, Chinese citizens made over 100 million visits abroad, making them the largest floating population in the world. There are also more than 20,000 Chinese enterprises which have established a presence abroad, and millions of our compatriots are living and working in different parts of the world. The task and responsibility of protecting their rights is heavier than ever. We are always concerned with the safety and wellbeing of every one of our compatriots, and we will do everything in our power to protect and assist them. 去年外交部设立了全球领事保护应急呼叫中心12308热线,为海外游子与祖国亲人之间架起了一条全天候、零时差、无障碍的绿色通道,不管同胞们身处海外哪个角落,遇到什么困难,只要拨通这个电话,就能在第一时间得到外交部和驻外使领馆的帮助。12308开通仅仅半年,我们就接到了3万多通电话,很多同胞表示,有了这条热线,在国外更踏实了,感觉祖国随时就在身边。我们希望更多同胞知道这条热线,用好这条热线,有困难,请拨12308。
Last year, the Chinese Foreign Ministry's Global Emergency Call Center for Consular Protection set up the 12308 hotline. The hotline is a 24/7, all-time-zone channel of communication between overseas Chinese nationals and their loved ones back in China. Now no matter which part of the world you are in, if you run into trouble, you can dial this number and get prompt assistance from the Foreign Ministry and our diplomatic and consular missions abroad. In the half year since the launch of the hotline, we have received over 30,000 phone calls. Many of our compatriots say that this hotline is very reassuring for them, because they can feel that the motherland is always by their side. We hope more of our compatriots can know about this hotline and make good use of it. When in trouble, please call 12308.
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