中国哪里有canada goose日本有吗

15秒后,自动返回首页国外警方说穿Canada Goose出门很危险!穿这7大品牌出门的要小心了…_商务范_传送门
国外警方说穿Canada Goose出门很危险!穿这7大品牌出门的要小心了…
| 微信第一风尚自媒体 |范主说:所以穿喜欢穿麻衣布鞋比较安全咯?(商务范出品,转载请注明) 之前,巴黎的警方曾提醒中国游客:请勿穿太过明显的奢侈品到巴黎,容易被抢! 尤其是把各种大牌挂在身上的小伙伴们,最容易成为小偷的目标。范主关心问一句:节假日出门玩的范友们,你们的手机钱包贵重物品还在身边吗 ... 尤其是去了巴黎,罗马的范友们..(欧洲的"抢钱文化" 范主另找时间写一期再跟大家细细说来)奢侈品虽是天然吸睛的利器,走在街上不管是土还是真壕,都会让人多看两眼。而往往走着走着就发现...咦...钱包呢...!!_(:зゝ∠)_
那么范主今天来盘点一下哪些单品穿出去容易成为被偷的对象? 1.Canada Goose 范友们看到这个标题一定在想,不应该是各大奢侈品牌吗,为什么是它? 穿鹅也会容易被抢吗.._(:зゝ∠)_其实范主最近Follow的新闻中有一条居然是加拿大鹅被抢劫犯盯上了...所以范主打算先来聊聊这只鹅..没错...是那件大衣...范主之前扒过 ? 雪国必备,产自加拿大,近60年的品牌。LOGO 很清晰,在正前方或衣袖臂上。可抵挡零下三四十度的严寒。不少好莱坞导演剧组外拍时必备的大衣,可防雪防寒防冻喔高质量的加拿大鹅绒。不同款式的大衣可适用于不同的冷度穿。一般买鹅的时候会在标签上看得到度数,比如说Montebello Parka 就是用于零下10°~20°度然而就在几天前,BU Today (美国波士顿大学的校报) 表示校内已经有14件大衣被偷,而大部分都是单件近1000美元上下的Canada Goose...校方也提醒学生不要把大衣放在公众场合..毕竟大家还是觉得一件鹅比iPhone更有价值...推友表示:你妈因为不想被盗窃的所以不给你穿鹅 _(:зゝ∠)_然而加拿大鹅盗窃案已经不是第一次发生了... ↓冬日保暖必备战衣居然可以让你成为小偷的目标....↑ 这位小哥表示自己除了车祸在医院看急诊, 让朋友帮忙看守一下东西,朋友中途出去接了个电话回来鹅就没了...就没了...就没了...防狼防盗现在还得防偷衣贼了..警方也提醒大家在北美穿可能会引火上身...(虽然在加拿大几乎人手一件鹅...平时看不到但天气一冷全都出来了嗷嗷)然而被偷的可不止是一件大衣..为了这件鹅盗窃犯连店都敢抢...去年11月27日(正直天寒地冻的时候..),《渥太华公民报》报道了两家当地户外用品店失窃了上百件Canada Goose..警方表示盗窃团伙还拿走了各种颜色,各种size的大衣... 这意味着这些鹅也将变相转入网络或实体店市场.. 而在2014年底..CBC News 就报道过在加拿大温尼伯,位于Corydon街上的商店失窃了。监控看到两位大妈砸开了窗户..盗走了40件鹅, 价值15,000$..↑ 嫌疑人1号↑ 嫌疑人2号(目前警方已经拘捕两男两女 4名嫌疑人啦)而这家芝加哥Lincoln Park附近的户外用品店Moosejaw..在去年12月左右(看来都是在最需要大衣的冷天作案..)则在30天内被盗窃了4次...新闻也是争先报道...↓共丢失约100,000$价值的商品..其中大部分是鹅... 可能在寒冷地带,鹅等抗寒保暖型战衣是不惜进警局也要得到的东西吧......宝宝生气了!光天化日之下,偷鹅干嘛呀!? 2.Chanel 范主找就扒过啦,香奈儿的大双C logo早就成为各种名媛网红必备之物。甚至普通上班族用几月工资只为买一个香奈儿包包。而小偷恰恰就是认准背名牌包的女生。时尚先锋香奈儿 (Gabrielle Bonheur "Coco" Chanel) 的存在绝对是引领时尚界的一场革命。范主若说至今为止街面上见得最多的,也最能引起小偷注意的,是Classic Flap和 Reissue2.55
Classic Flap Reissue 2.55范主顺手教你分清两者之间的区别,Classic Flap是双C扣,链子皮革和金属环穿插制成 ;而2.55 则是方扣,金属链。要说品牌logo,香奈儿可算是最能让人一眼就认出来的品牌了。虽然Logo不大..但香奈儿几乎所有衣物饰品甚至鞋子都带着那颗亮眼双C...(然而盗窃者就看中了这一点...经典双C还不好认么 ~)还有专属的粗花呢布料 (布料这里范主觉得只有经验老道见过真品的神偷才能分辨A.C.T.3(已被Maison Lesage 收购)制品和淘宝A货之间的差别..)范主不得不说:女生一个人走的时候还是要注意安全,前几年开始,盗窃者们就专门盯着这些背着香奈儿包包的女生,在她们单独行动时伺机下手。因为他们知道,只要这样一个包轻而易举就会上万。但也有小偷真的不识货,以为背的是冒牌的而错过好几万块钱的“收入”...曾经还有位机智的小偷专门挑高档小区偷包包送老婆...(无话可说..)范友们逛街的时候也许会发现奢侈品牌的店里一般都配备几个身形魁梧身着suit的保安,因为奢侈品店盗窃案频频发生...需要保安真长..然而并逃不过..香奈儿也被盗过..英国伦敦香奈儿店曾经被盗,盗窃者用偷来的奥迪Q7撞碎展示橱窗玻璃,顺势盗走价值5万+欧元的包..随后乘一辆银色轿车逃走..至今未被抓获..? 3.Cartier 来自法国的品牌卡地亚的宣传语,一直是“皇帝的珠宝商、珠宝商的皇帝”。而简洁高端的设计,无论男女都可佩戴。? Love手环? 钉子系列网红告诉你怎么戴卡地亚手环 ↓想要打造黄金手臂 ..被小偷盯上真的不是你的错,金光闪闪,让人不注意也难呢 ? 卡地亚腕表郭美美戴的卡地亚蓝气球腕表..27万..范主眼拙看着像这一款..为了卡地亚腕表,盗窃者也光顾了北京卡地亚店...像伦敦香奈儿盗窃案,同样是驱车逃走...然而这招在中国并不管用.. ↓去年在北京王府井就出现一场铺内抢劫..一名男子持刀进入店铺抢走11块卡地亚手表(价值300万元左右),乘出租车离场...但仅22分钟就被抓获了...抢香奈儿的团伙笑了,警察叔叔也笑了..北京那么堵你还想在二环以内驱车逃跑?
(●?ω?●)?4. Roxel 论吸睛物品,范主必须加上金灿灿的劳力士呢。世界表业的翘楚,精湛的加工工艺,以“精准”文明的瑞士名表。范主要说世界级名表,百达翡丽当之无愧奢华无上,但一般人很少能认出来PP的表。但劳力士绝对是各大土豪老板最爱显摆的腕表之一。那金光四溅的耀眼度,不想看都难..《老板斗富高调显摆山寨“劳力士”惨遭抢劫》、《中国导游巴黎壕购,随身巨款和劳力士遭抢》、《珠宝店被抢劫匪扮卖家试戴劳力士腕表》等新闻屡屡出现.. _(:зゝ∠)_范友们,你可曾在餐厅吃饭遇到隔壁桌面上斗富的“老板”们? 一个个亮出他们新买的几万的钱包,十几万的钻戒,又或者...哐!的一伸手:“昨天刚入的劳力士,花了我几十万而已,毛毛雨”。可现实是.. 这位大老板酒足饭饱后被人盯上尾随至无人小路...全身家当被盗走...(时候发现还是个山寨的劳力士...)范主话说回来..就连世界拳王Ricky Hatton的劳力士也会被抢...而且就在上海..当年27岁的Ricky Hatton已经是WBA次中量级冠军。拥有“职业杀手”之称的他已经赢得了40余场比赛..然而就在他来上海看球赛的时候,居然被劫匪要求交出抢走价值4千英镑的劳力士手表和手镯.....这位拳击场上的职业杀手并没有对劫匪展露拳脚..他说自己不适合在外与人打斗而且并不确定对方有没有带武器。事实上Hatton每次出游戴的都是便宜的塑胶手表,但这次他却忘了戴.. 结果被白白抢走约59万港币的手表和手镯..然而这并不是世界拳王唯一一次被抢...之后它家的劳力士也被盗了...就在去年初..Hatton在推特上说他离开家后.. 就有人潜入他家盗走了20,000欧的金色潜航者和8,000欧的钢色探险家...范主只能说: 请..慎...戴.....? 5.Louis Vuitton 范友们,还记得每年必看的“欧洲谢谢您”之中国游客狂扫欧洲各大品牌吗?- LV首当其中 -Louis Vuitton的经典配色与Monogram的结合,怎么看都让人一眼认出啊。然而这也是为什么经历这么多年,中国游客争相入手的必备包。棋盘格也是经典? NeverfullNeverfull是LV包包里最具有代表性的款式之一。所谓Neverfull,就是可以装很多东西的意思。范主觉得这款包在我大中国也是实至名归的,Neverfull..的确是永远装不满,因为容易被偷啊.. _(:зゝ∠)_某网友:我好朋友大学的时候背这个,有一次我俩去一小饭馆吃饭,一进门服务员上前招呼:“中午好,您是三位吗?”,然后我俩愣住了,她一回头正好撞见一小偷从后面伸手进她包里...从此留下阴影了,没拉链的包都觉得不安全...Neverfull 包内空间很大:钱包手机墨镜,书籍零食,甚至围巾和小外套都能轻松装下。但是外出走路你都得用手臂力量去使劲夹着这只口袋大开的包。因为此包并没有拉锁,不少人觉得容易遇到小偷..不过Neverfull是有个内袋的 ↑ ..还是把重要东西放在内袋里吧,虽然比较麻烦...有被盗经验的网友说,以为只有在公交车或地铁上作案的同学们太小看小偷了...她一年被偷了几次,都是在人流密集的时刻,比如过马路,等车,机场.. _(:зゝ∠)_? 6.Burberry Burberry有着156年历史的英国传统风格奢侈品牌,是英国皇室用品(获得过英国女王伊丽莎白二世与威尔士亲王查尔斯王子颁授的皇家御用徽章)- 看贝克汉姆二儿子Romeo那深邃的眼神 -- 经典款围巾 475$左右 -你问范主为什么会被盯上? 因为这经典格纹实在是太明显太好认了。Burberry的经典格纹是品牌标志性的识标。其实格纹的鼎盛时期是十年前,而如今满大街都是,可Burberry格纹仍然代表了“英国最权威老牌奢侈品之一”。然而经典之作遍地大江南北..在地摊或热水壶上也能看到它的山寨版....- 山寨格纹.. -- 这蛋糕也是醉了.. -如此有辨识度的格纹围巾,曾经一度是盗窃者们搜寻目标的源头。但也是考小偷眼力的时候了...一不小心可能偷错了对象.. (做小偷貌似也很辛苦,还要学习如何辨识大牌正品..)(●?ω?●)但是你以为这些经典的配色和logo大家都已经认识了吗...然而就在去年某男子就有眼不识金镶玉..错过了LV换了几十人民币..去年2015上旬有位男子李某因外出兼职被骗钱,身无分文,便打起了抢钱的主意。已近深夜,目标是位一直在玩手机的女孩。女孩背着LV小挎包,里面是Burberry的钱夹。然而这男子枪过包,只拿走了里面几十块人民币...问他为啥不拿走包?因为他并不认识这些牌子...而且此男子在拿走几十块软妹币后发现他的iPhone在抢包的时候掉在现场了.. _(:зゝ∠)_?7.iPhone 噹噹噹~ 终于到这个自开天以来最容易被偷且至今仍然在小偷界热度不灭的手机啦!iPhone6s 玫瑰金 64g 6088¥自从智能手机流行后,几乎人手一个iPhone,没事就划两下。而出门逛街或在公交地铁上最常见的就是手机被偷。 过完年了 ,范友们的手机还都在吗?美国调查表明:44%的手机都是机主自己忘在公共场合的,14%的手机是因为车或房子被盗顺便顺走的,只有11%是人为偷窃的。而Lookout网上报告表示大部分手机被偷都在餐厅或夜店。只有5%的人是在街上被偷的。然而在国内貌似情况大不一样..范主相信你多半有个这样的遭遇,随便上个公车就被顺走了..↑ 司机英勇一声吼~帮少女把手机找回来了..你以为一分钟手机就能被偷走?...其实一秒就够了.. 手机被偷真的不只是在公车上,只要有行人的地方都有可能..?有利用耳机线技巧高超的..?也有跑步健将...? 还有淡定型↑摘自电视剧《毛骗》但现实中这种拍肩拿手机的也是存在的..范主建议:即使自己开车也是无法避免远离人群的。范友们都小心为妙,很多人偷不成还抢。答应范主万一遇上抢劫了第一件是一定要保护好自己。乖。...其实你们以为有广告是吗范主告诉你..并没有...(●?ω?●) (商务范出品,资料,图片来自Google、Getty Image|转载请注明出处,来源微信公众号『商务范』,微信号:bfaner)『 圈子 』只谈风月,不谈国事每日逼格养成计划请长按此QR码:投稿、商务合作,联系邮箱 bfaner@
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09-12-25 &匿名提问
加拿大简介 Canada Canada, independent nation (2001 pop. 30,007,094), 3,851,787 sq mi (9,976,128 sq km), N North America. Canada occupies all of North America N of the United States (and E of Alaska) except for Greenland and the French islands of St. Pierre and Miquelon. It is bounded on the E by the Atlantic Ocean, on the N by the Arctic Ocean, and on the W by the Pacific Ocean and Alaska. A transcontinental border, formed in part by the Great Lakes, ides Canada from the United S Nares and Davis straits separate Canada from Greenland. The Arctic Archipelago extends far into the Arctic Ocean. Canada is a federation of 10 provinces—Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and British Columbia—and three territories—Nunavut, the Northwest Territories, and the Yukon Territory. Canada's capital is Ottawa and its largest city is Toronto. Other important cities include Montreal, Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary, Winnipeg, Hamilton, and Quebec. Land Canada has a very long and Hudson Bay and the Gulf of St. Lawrence indent the east coast and the Inside Passage extends along the west coast. The ice-clogged straits between the islands of N Canada form the Northwest Passage. During the Ice Age all of Canada was covered by a continental ice sheet that scoured and depressed the land surface, leaving a covering of glacial drift, depositional landforms, and innumerable lakes and rivers. Aside from the Great Lakes, which are only partly in the country, the largest lakes of North America—Great Bear, Great Slave, and Winnipeg—are entirely in Canada. The St. Lawrence is the chief river of E Canada. The Saskatchewan, Nelson, Churchill, and Mackenzie river systems drain central Canada, and the Columbia, Fraser, and Yukon rivers drain the western part of the country. Canada has a bowl-shaped geologic structure rimmed by highlands, with Hudson Bay at the lowest point. The country has eight major physiographic regions—the Canadian Shield, the Hudson Bay Lowlands, the Western Cordillera, the Interior Lowlands, the Great Lakes–St. Lawrence Lowlands, the Appalachians, the Arctic Lowlands, and the Innuitians. The exposed portions of the Canadian Shield cover more than half of Canada. This once-mountainous region, which contains the continent's oldest rocks, has been worn low by erosion over the millennia. Its upturned eastern edge is indented by fjords. The Shield is rich in minerals, especially iron and nickel, and in potential sources of hydroelectric power. In the center of the Shield are the Hudson Bay Lowlands, encompassing Hudson Bay and the surrounding marshy land. The Western Cordillera, a geologically young mountain system parallel to the Pacific coast, is composed of a series of north-south tending ranges and valleys that form the highest and most rugged se Mt. Logan (19,551 ft/5,959 m) is the highest point in Canada. Part of this region is made up of the Rocky Mts. and the Coast Mts., which are separated by plateaus and basins. The islands off W Canada are partially submerged portions of the Coast Mts. The Western Cordillera is also rich in minerals and timber and potential sources of hydroelectric power. Between the Rocky Mts. and the Canadian Shield are the Interior Lowlands, a vast region filled with sediment from the flanking higher lands. The Lowlands are ided into the prairies, the plains, and the Mackenzie Lowlands. The prairies are Canada's granary, while grazing is important on the plains. The smallest and southernmost region is the Great Lakes–St. Lawrence Lowlands, Canada's heartland. Dominated by the St. Lawrence River and the Great Lakes, the region provides a natural corridor into central Canada, and the St. Lawrence Seaway gives the interior cities access to the Atlantic. This section, which is composed of gently rolling surface on sedimentary rocks, is the location of extensive farmlands, large industrial centers, and most of Canada's population. In SE Canada and on Newfoundland is the northern end of the Appalachian Mt. system, an old and geologically complex region with a generally low and rounded relief. The Arctic Lowlands and the Innuitians are the most isolated areas of Canada and are barren and snow-covered for most of the year. The Arctic Lowlands comprise much of the Arctic Archipelago and contain sedimentary rocks that may have oil-bearing strata. In the extreme north, mainly on Ellesmere Island, is the Innuitian Mt. system, which rises to c.10,000 ft (3,050 m). Canada's climate is influenced by latitude and topography. The Interior Lowlands make it possible for polar air masses to move south and for subtropical air masses to move north into Canada. Hudson Bay and the Great Lakes act to modify the climate locally. The Western Cordillera serves as a climatic barrier that prevents polar air masses from reaching the Pacific coast and blocks the moist Pacific winds from reaching into the interior. The Cordillera has a typical highland climate that
the western slopes receive abundant rainfall, and the whole region is forested. The Interior Lowlands are in the rain shadow of the C the southern portion has a steppe climate in which grasses predominate. S Canada has a temperate climate, with snow in the winter (especially in the east) and cool summers. Farther to the north, extending to the timberline, is the humid subarctic climate characterized by short summers and a snow cover for about half the year. The huge boreal forest, the largest surviving remnant of the extensive forests that once covered much of North America, predominates in this region. On the Arctic Archipelago and the northern mainland is the tundra, with its mosses and lichen, permafrost, near-year-round snow cover, and ice fields. A noted phenomenon off the coast of E Canada is the persistence of dense fog, which is formed when the warm air over the Gulf Stream passes over the cold Labrador Current as the two currents meet off Newfoundland. People About 40% of the Canadian population are of British descent, while 27% are of French origin. Another 20% are of other European background, about 10% are of E or SE Asian origin, and some 3% are of aboriginal or Métis (mixed aboriginal and European) background. In the late 1990s, Canada had the highest immigration rate of any country in the world, with more than half the total coming from Asia. Over 75% of the total population live in cities. Canada has complete religious liberty, though its growing multiculturalism has at times caused tensions among ethnic and religious groups. About 45% of the people are Roman Catholics, while some 40% are Protestant (the largest groups being the United Church of Canada, Anglicans, and Presbyterians). English and French are the official languages, and federal documents are published in both languages. In 1991, about 61% of Canadians cited English as their mother tongue, while 24% cited French. Economy Since World War II the development of Canada's manufacturing, mining, and service sectors has led to the creation of an affluent society. Services now account for 66% of the GDP, while industry accounts for 31%. Tourism and financial services represent some of Canada's most important industries within the service sector. However, manufacturing is Canada's single most important economic activity. The leading products are transportation equipment, pulp and paper, processed foods, chemicals, primary and fabricated metals, petroleum, electrical and electronic products, wood products, printed materials, machinery, clothing, and nonmetallic minerals. Industries are centered in Ontario, Quebec, and, to a lesser extent, British Columbia and Alberta. Canada's industries depend on the country's rich energy resources, which include hydroelectric power, petroleum, natural gas, coal, and uranium. Canada is a leading mineral producer, although much of its mineral resources are difficult to reach due to permafrost. It is the world's largest source of nickel, zinc, and uranium, and a major source of lead, asbestos, gypsum, potash, tantalum, and cobalt. Other important mineral resources are petroleum, natural gas, copper, gold, iron ore, coal, silver, diamonds, molybdenum, and sulfur. The mineral wealth is l some of the most productive regions are Sudbury, Ont. (copper and nickel); Timmins, Ont. (lead, zinc, and silver); and Kimberley, British Columbia (lead, zinc, and silver). Petroleum and natural gas are found in Alberta and Saskatchewan. Agriculture employs about 3% of the population and contributes a similar percentage of the GDP. The sources of the greatest farm income are livestock and dairy products. Among the biggest income-earning crops are wheat, oats, barley, corn, and canola. Canada is one of the world's leading agricultural exporters, especially of wheat. Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta are the great grain-growing provinces, and, with Ontario, are also the leading sources of beef cattle. The main fruit-growing regions are found in Ontario, British Columbia, Quebec, and Nova Scotia. Apples and peaches are the principal fruits grown in Canada. More than half of the total land area is forest, and Canadian timber production ranks among the highest in the world.
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