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yz 噅鑍J鳁#$/~蔪滯釜碄^B小木虫 --- 500万硕博科研人员喜爱的学术科研平台
Thursday, February 20, 2014& && && && && && &Student No: **
** University, ** Road
China 250061
Dear Mr. **:
I am pleased to offer you admission to the full-time Ph.D. program (Civil Engineering) in the Department of Civil Engineering at McMaster University for the session beginning in September 2014. This offer is conditional upon the receipt of an official transcript confirming that your Master's degree has been conferred with at least a B+ average in the final year (in the discipline you are entering). Your condition must be cleared by submitting the required official documents to your department by September 30, 2014.
This offer is also conditional upon your receiving the China Scholarship Council (CSC) scholarship. Please note that you must maintain good academic standing in any courses currently in progress or taken post-application/offer. Your prospective supervisor is Dr. **. The School has been informed of your good fortune in winning a CSC Tuition Award valued at $8,500.00. Congratulations on this achievement. We are offering you a Teaching Assistantship (TA) involving a minimum of 130 hours of work over the academic year (September 2014 - August 2015). The 2013/14 rate is $40.20 per hour and therefore the Teaching
Assistantship, prior to any deductions, is valued at a minimum of $5,226.00. All payments for your TA work are contingent on fulfillment of your employment obligations. Please note that ongoing employment as a TA is subject to you maintaining satisfactory work performance. Your supervisor will provide $3,035.00 to you in the form of a Research Scholarship. Thus your total income during the academic year (September 2014 through August 2015), prior to any deductions will be at an annual rate of no less than $16,761.00. We are pleased to guarantee you this level of teaching assistantship for years one through four (should you need four years) of your doctoral program. We are also pleased to guarantee you the level of Graduate/Research Scholarship for years one through four on the condition that you apply each year for all major scholarships (eg. OGS, SSHRC, NSERC, CIHR) for which you are eligible, and as directed by your department.
For the 2013/14 academic year McMaster University Regular Graduate Student Tuition Fees for Visa students for one year (September to August) are $16,761.00 plus supplemental fees of $821.66. Please note that tuition and supplemental fees for the 2014/15 academic year have yet to be determined and are subject to change. This offer needs to be understood in the context of the expenses you will face here. A reasonable estimate of living expenses, in addition to tuition fees and travel costs to and from McMaster, for a graduate student for a 12-month period is about $12,500 for a single person. Health Insurance is mandatory for all Visa students and is provided through the University Health Insurance Plan (UHIP) at a current cost of $684.00 for one person. It is mandatory to apply for UHIP for dependents (spouse and/or children) if they are residing in Ontario, within 30 days of arrival. We encourage you to begin the application process to obtain your Visa study permit as soon as possible.
Please inform us of your acceptance or rejection of this offer by completing the on-line response form as soon as possible. We hope that you will decide to accept our offer, and we look forward to welcoming you to Graduate Studies at McMaster University.
Sincerely yours,
Admissions and Recruitment Officer
“For the 2013/14 academic year McMaster University Regular Graduate Student Tuition Fees for Visa students for one year (September to August) are $16,761.00 plus supplemental fees of $821.66. ”& &
“Thus your total income during the academic year (September 2014 through August 2015), prior to any deductions will be at an annual rate of no less than $16,761.00. ”
1. 只有一个offer,没有单独的免学费证明,offer中提到的学费可以由学校的Tuition Award,TA和Research Scholarship资助,这样就可以不用单独的免学费证明材& &&&料了吧?
2.offer里面以一年为例,提及学费由学校的资助基本可以满足,但是offer中提到的plus supplemental fees of $821.66 还是不够补贴啊,资助说的是一年不低于$16,761.00,但是学费是 $16,761.00+ $821.66,这个该怎么办,需要offer明确提到学校资助可以支付学费问题吗?
Thursday, February 20, 2014& && && && && && &Student No: **
** University, ** Road
China 250061
Dear Mr. **:
I am pleased to offer you admission to the full-time Ph.D. program (Civil Engineering) in the Department of Civil Engineering at McMaster University for the session beginning in September 2014. This offer is conditional upon the receipt of an official transcript confirming that your Master's degree has been conferred with at least a B+ average in the final year (in the discipline you are entering). Your condition must be cleared by submitting the required official documents to your department by September 30, 2014.
This offer is also conditional upon your receiving the China Scholarship Council (CSC) scholarship. Please note that you must maintain good academic standing in any courses currently in progress or taken post-application/offer. Your prospective supervisor is Dr. **. The School has been informed of your good fortune in winning a CSC Tuition Award valued at $8,500.00. Congratulations on this achievement. We are offering you a Teaching Assistantship (TA) involving a minimum of 130 hours of work over the academic year (September 2014 - August 2015). The 2013/14 rate is $40.20 per hour and therefore the Teaching
Assistantship, prior to any deductions, is valued at a minimum of $5,226.00. All payments for your TA work are contingent on fulfillment of your employment obligations. Please note that ongoing employment as a TA is subject to you maintaining satisfactory work performance. Your supervisor will provide $3,035.00 to you in the form of a Research Scholarship. Thus your total income during the academic year (September 2014 through August 2015), prior to any deductions will be at an annual rate of no less than $16,761.00. We are pleased to guarantee you this level of teaching assistantship for years one through four (should you need four years) of your doctoral program. We are also pleased to guarantee you the level of Graduate/Research Scholarship for years one through four on the condition that you apply each year for all major scholarships (eg. OGS, SSHRC, NSERC, CIHR) for which you are eligible, and as directed by your department.
For the 2013/14 academic year McMaster University Regular Graduate Student Tuition Fees for Visa students for one year (September to August) are $16,761.00 plus supplemental fees of $821.66. Please note that tuition and supplemental fees for the 2014/15 academic year have yet to be determined and are subject to change. This offer needs to be understood in the context of the expenses you will face here. A reasonable estimate of living expenses, in addition to tuition fees and travel costs to and from McMaster, for a graduate student for a 12-month period is about $12,500 for a single person. Health Insurance is mandatory for all Visa students and is provided through the University Health Insurance Plan (UHIP) at a current cost of $684.00 for one person. It is mandatory to apply for UHIP for dependents (spouse and/or children) if they are residing in Ontario, within 30 days of arrival. We encourage you to begin the application process to obtain your Visa study permit as soon as possible.
Please inform us of your acceptance or rejection of this offer by completing the on-line response form as soon as possible. We hope that you will decide to accept our offer, and we look forward to welcoming you to Graduate Studies at McMaster University.
Sincerely yours,
Admissions and Recruitment Officer


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