
> 共向设计|椿吉大理古城精品酒店设计
来源:作者:共向设计时间: 09:59:25
  椿吉大理古城精品酒店  主创设计师:姜晓林、王东磊、陈马贵  设计公司:共向设计(www.)  开发商:椿吉酒店管理公司  面积:2050平方米  主要材料:木饰面、古铜、麻石、灰色大理石、木地板、仿古砖  完成时间:2015年12月  摄影师:井旭峰  “椿吉”二字源于陶渊明的《归去来兮辞》:农人告余以春及,将有事于西畴。陶渊明自由自在、没有烦恼的田园生活,正是“椿吉”成立的初衷。打造一座客栈,与往来的客人谈天说地,把酒言欢。  古老朴素的白族大院,却内有天地,三坊一照壁,照壁上的现代装饰,伴随着天气、光线的明暗变化会呈现出不同的感觉。现代元素的装饰造型在古老的白族院落内更显得相得益彰。  庭外的青竹,足下的青砖,院内的照壁,天井的泓池,水池在设计之初一直遵循着“静、净、镜”的理念。一“静”是为所有入住的客人营造一个安静的环境;二“净”是水池,带给人干净,透彻的感觉;三“镜”则是将一切美好的事物都倒映在水池之中。  尊重人在空间中的行为和情感,这也是空间设计的核心,使空间好用,舒适。素洁的房间,古朴的茶室,椿吉无处不在展现着独立于喧嚣浮华之外的另一种美。在这里,偶尔坐在院中望着苍山发发呆,于慵懒午后泡一杯清茶,不经意间您会发现,生活原来如此的惬意。  在空间美学上,对文化艺术的思考,保证空间的独特气质和唯一性。大理椿吉精品酒店,主要是用文化来解决空间情境。用当代的手法来解读传统,尊重当地的建造者,对建筑我们只做了梳理和修整,没有去做设计,客房我们用建筑化的手法,当代的去表达跟传统的关系。  姜晓林 简介  共向设计创始人兼设计总监  拥有极强的艺术修养,擅长将艺术的审美经验,转化成设计动力。多年室内设计领域探索经验,一直致力于东方传统美学精神与当代设计手法碰撞,带领共向团队开拓多元化的设计实现。  “我想立足当下设计一些新的东西,我们把空间情境看作是有生命力的,并使其保持生命力,散发出文化艺术的气质,从而获得新的价值。”共向设计,强调研究、重视方法,形成了在高端地产、精品度假酒店、商业空间、顶级私人住宅等多个设计领域的综合实践。不断追求创新,始终用心于设计,潜心于产品的研发,是一支经验丰富国际化视野的设计团队,具有对前沿市场的敏锐洞察力,擅长整合各类资源,为业主提供完整并直接有效的室内设计顾问服务和软装解决方案。  Change Vacation Hotel in Dali Ancient City  Chief designers: Jiang Xiao-Lin, Wang Dong-Lei, Chen Ma-Gui  Design Company: Co-Direction Interior Design (www.)  Developer: Change Hotel Management Co., Ltd  Location: Dali, Yunnan Province, China  Area: 2050 ㎡  Main Materials: Timber Veneer, Antique Brass, Granite, Grey Marble, Wooden
Floor, Rustic Tile  Completion Time: 2015.12  Photographer: Jing Xu-Feng  The name of the hotel &Change Vacation Hotel& came from a poem of Tao
Yuan-Ming, who was a poet in Song Dynasty. <>: &The
farmers will come and tell me that spring is here and there will be work to do
at the western farm.&  Tao Yuan-Ming&#39;s idyllic life with freedom and no worries is the client&#39;s
original intention to establish this hotel. The client wants to create an inn
where they can talk and drink with the guests from different places.  This old and plain courtyard house of Bai nationality, has a very different
interior. San Fang Yi Zhaobi, literally meaning three buildings forming a U and
a fourth wall as a screen, is a traditional Bai residential structure. The
decorations on the screen wall present different feelings with the changes of
the weather and light, and they co-exist harmoniously with the old Bai
residential courtyard house.  The bamboo outside the courtyard, the grey brick on the ground, the screen
wall beside the sky-well and the pool all follow the theme of “quiet, clean and
mirror” at the beginning of our design. “Quiet” means to create a quiet
environmen “Clean” is the pool, to create a feeling of
“Mirror” is to reflect all the beautiful things in the
water.  Respecting human’s behaviors and feelings in the space is also the core of
the space design, which is to make the space good and comfortable to use. The
simple and clean guestrooms, the tea room of primitive simplicity, Change
Vacation Hotel shows a different beauty in this hustle and bustle world
everywhere. Here, you can sit in the yard and enjoy the view of Cangshan
mountain in a trance.  In the aspect of spatial esthetics, we take culture and art into
consideration, and ensure the specific temperament and uniqueness of the space.
Dali Change Vacation Hotel mainly use culture to solve the spatial situation. We
use a contemporary way to interpret the tradition. For the architecture, we
respect the local builder and only comb and reorganize the buildings without any
design. For the guestrooms, we use architectural skills to express their
relationship with tradition in a contemporary way.  About Change Vacation Hotel in Dali Ancient City  Address: No. 53, Boai Road, Dali Town, Dali City, Yunnan Province,
China  Web:   Tel: +86 872 2561111  There are 19 guestrooms, one coffee shop, one restaurant and one special
local product shop in this hotel. The starting rate for a double is RMB 360.  About Jiang Xiao-Lin  Founder and Design Director of Co-Direction Interior Design  Jiang Xiao-Lin has great artistic accomplishment, and is good at turning
his art appreciation experience into design motivation. He has years of
experience in exploring interior design, and has been committed to combining
traditional eastern aesthetic spirit with contemporary design techniques. He has
led Co-Direction Interior Design developed diversified designs.  &Based on current situation, I want to design something new. We think that
space scenario is something viable, we keep its vitality and make it conveys a
temperament of cultural art, thus gain it new values.& Co-Direction Interior
Design emphasizes study, pays attention to design methods, thus accomplish
practices in many design fields such as high-end property, boutique resort
hotel, commercial space, top-level private house etc.. Co-Direction Interior
Design insists in pursuing of innovation, doing designs with its heart and soul,
and is immersed in R&D of products. It is an experienced design team with
international vision and keen insight towards the frontier market. It is good at
integrating all kinds of resources, and provides owners with complete and
efficient interior design consulting service and FF&E solutions.
更新时间: 17:36:02来源:
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