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招聘 基本解释招聘[zhāo pìn]词典:新兵;(机构中的)新成员;新学生。词典:招聘;登招请[待聘等]广告。词典:招聘。词典give public notice of a vacancy to be filled:招聘。招聘 汉英大词典招聘[zhāo pìn]give public notice of a
invite applications for a job:  例:招聘工程师    adv    这家报纸招聘两名编辑。    The paper advertises for two editors.招聘 网络解释1. 招聘1. recruit:在大学期间她攻读的是法国文学专业,毕业后她在<<招聘>>(Recruit)杂志做编辑──那是一家以分类广告为主要内容的大型杂志──而且一干就是 20 年. 在她后来设计移动电话的屏幕时,倍感这段经历锻炼了她观察事物的敏锐性.2. 2. Recruitment:4.招聘(recruitment)是组织及时吸引足够数量具备应聘条件的个人并与具体工作岗位匹配的过程5.工作分析(job analysis)职务分析,通过观察和研究,对某岗位性质进行全面评价获得确切信息的过程.3. 3. job:主要是以白色为背景颜色,蓝色菜单,该源码栏目包括关于我们(About)、新闻资讯(News)、产品展示(Product)、营销网络(Sales)、人才招聘(Job)、联系我们(Con招聘 双语例句1. 这是网络招聘行业近年来最大规模的一笔融资。&&&&This is industry of network invite applications for a job in recent years the most massive brushstroke financing.2. 泰伦猎头是专业的高级人才访寻招聘管理咨询公司,为来自不同行业的客户提供中高层管理人员访寻服务。&&&&Talent is a professional leading recruiting and management consulting company in China.3. 3. 然后,如果企业真的需要,可适当招聘新的销售人员进行队伍补充。&&&&Then, if enterprises really need, it may be appropriate to recruit new sales personnel ranks to add.4. 如果他们是在工作的时候找工作,他们会担心招聘人或人力资源人员给一个错误的人的一句漏嘴的话会传到自己老板耳里。&&&&If they're job hunting while working, they worry that a stray comment by a hiring manager or human resources screener to the wrong person will make its way back to their own boss.5. 在会议前的周末两天,很多的网民惊奇的发现,一夜之间,互联网上大大小小的网站上,都铺天盖地的出现了Justyle、昭贵、中国民航网以及专业招聘网百才等四家公司的大量网络品牌广告,而这不过是阿里妈妈当天推出的全国联播产品的一个预演。&&&&Before the conference on the weekend two days, a lot of netizens discover surprisingly, between one night, on the greatly small website on Internet, the occurrence that blots out the sky and cover up the earth Justyle, clear net of civil aviaton of expensive, China and net of professional invite applications for a job the advertisement of many network brand of 4 companies such as 100 ability, and a rehearse that this is the product of countrywide broadcast over a radio network that the mom in A rolled out that day nevertheless.6. 上周末,互联网大大小小的网站上集中出现JUSTYLE、昭贵、中国民航网和百才招聘网四家名不见经传的企业的网络广告,网站包含阿里妈妈平台上所有网站资源,以及雅虎、淘宝、阿里巴巴等众多网站资源,这些铺天盖地的广告使得上述四个品牌在网上一夜成名。&&&&Last weekend, occurrence JUSTYLE of the concentration on the website with greatly small Internet, clear is expensive, medium national boat net and net of 100 ability invite applications for a job the network advertisement of 4 little known enterprises, the website includes all website resource on platform of the mom in A, and Yahoo, naughty the numerous website resource such as treasure, Alibaba, the advertisement that these blotting out the sky and cover up the earth makes 4 afore-mentioned brands become famous overnight on the net.7. 我从贵公司的简报得知你们要招聘一名保安部主任,我拟应聘。&&&&Please consider my application for the post of Chief of Security advertised in your company`s bulletin.8. 是什么原因,中国房地产市场的金融产品单一,一个是银行贷款,而不是招聘。&&&&What is the reason that the Chinese market in real estate financial products homogeneous, one on bank loans, not recruited.9. 9. 对于公司所属驾驶员,从开始的招聘、至后的专业培训、外派工作的不定性回访,我们都有专业的流程来规范。&&&&About our company chauffeur, we have the professional procedure to manage them from the recruitment at the beginning to the professional training and the nonscheduled return visit of road show.10. 对于公司所属驾驶员,从开始的招聘、至后的专业培训、外派工作的不定性回访,我们都有专业的流程来规范。&&&&About our company chauffeurwe have the professional procedure to manage them from the recruitment at the beginning to the professional training and the nonscheduled return visit of road show.11. 招聘11. 我们在国内需要开展一些教育项目来培训新人潮的这批新手如何走向 e 世界,并且我在察看劳动市场的时候我看到没有招聘技能 1-2 的公司,这使得他们不得不在最低工资线上挣扎得更久。&&&&&&We need some sort of education program in eChina, so we can educate the Baby Boomers to the ways of the eWorld and while looking at the job market I see no job offers for workers with a land skill of 1-2, which forces them to live on minimum wage for longer.12. 常州市康迪克至精电机有限公司招聘,求职】常州市康迪克至精电机有限公司前程无忧官方招聘网站&&&&&&Kinetek Group is one of largest manufacturers of motion drive in the world, having very professional technical experiences.13. 因为每个企业都希望通过招聘,获得新鲜的血液,充实本企业的人力资源大军,提升核心竞争力。&&&&&&Because every industry through recruitment, to get fresh blood, enrich the ranks of the company's human resources to enhance the core competitiveness.<p class="p109年7月,世界知名的奢侈品牌登喜路公司专门为上海理工大学中英国际学院本科专业的学生安排了专场暑期实习生招聘会。&&&&&&On July 2009, Alfred Dunhill, a well-known international luxury brand conducted a round of interview for our current degree students from Sino-British College, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology.15. 实习生可协助所有类型的任务,包括但不限于:生产协调工作有创意的团队在外地工作的芽基本编辑查看记录研究日常办公任务在工作室工作的芽寻求实习生谁是:双语或高度会话英语口语和普通话有强烈的兴趣电影/电视制作对工作能力的Mac电脑提供给工作至少2天每星期,或4天半此前相关经验的首选,但并不需要实习是无偿招聘:ASAP项目长度实习:2 +个月&&&&&&Interns may assist in all types of tasks including but not limited to: Production coordination Working with creative team Working in the field on shoots Basic editing Show transcripts Research Daily office tasks Working in studio for shoots Seeking interns who are: Bilingual or highly conversational in spoken English and Mandarin Have a strong interest in film/television production Capable of working on Mac computers Available to work at least 2 full days per week, or 4 half days Prior related experience preferred but not required Internship is unpaid (negotiable depending on experience and commitment) Hiring: ASAP Length of Internship: 2+ month longer commitments strongly preferred16. 他说,在家上班的模式使他的公司得以招聘到合格称职的雇员。&&&&&&But the average age of an agent at Willow CSN is 38, and that works out marvelously17. 17. 派出所还协助社区制定了严格规范的管理措施,实行统一招聘、统一管理、统一指挥、联勤联动,使之成为治安管理的有效资源,成为社区治安防控工作中最主要的辅助力量。&&&&&&Police stations have also assisted the communities to draft strict and regulated management measures, unifying recruitment, administration and commanding. Duties and activities are jointly carried out. The security personnel has become an effective resource of public security management, acting as a major assisting force for preventing crimes and controlling community public security.18. 为了支持未来的发展规划,现招聘上海区代表一名,加入我们的中国团队。&&&&&&To support our future plans we are looking for a Representative based in Shanghai, to join our team in China.19. 19. 我读了你们的招聘广告,得知你们需要一名英文编辑。&&&&&&I read your advertisement and know that you have a job vacancy for an English editor.20. 第四十一条合营公司员工的招收、招聘、辞退、工资、生活福利、奖惩、劳动保险、劳动保护。&&&&&&And workers of the joint venture company and their salary, welfare招聘是什么意思,招聘在线翻译,招聘什么意思,招聘的意思,招聘的翻译,招聘的解释,招聘的发音,招聘的同义词,招聘的反义词,招聘的例句,招聘的相关词组,招聘意思是什么,招聘怎么翻译,单词招聘是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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拼音zhāo jí 注音ㄓㄠ ㄐㄧˊ基本解释◎ 招集 zhāoj&[assemble] 招募集结;招唤集合招集队伍招集会议引证解释亦作“ 招辑 ”。亦作“ 招缉 ”。1.招呼人们聚集;召集。《汉书·叙传上》:“时 隗嚣 据 垄 拥众,招辑英俊。” 颜师古 注:“辑与集同。” 汉 荀悦 《汉纪·哀帝纪下》:“招集天下贤俊,与协力同谋。”《新五代史·南平世家·高季兴》:“兵火之后,井邑凋零。 季兴 招缉绥抚,人士归之。” 宋 欧阳修 《河南府司录张君墓表》:“所至,多招集文士。”《说唐》第三三回:“何不赶紧招集民伕,造起一座宫来?” 鲁迅 《华盖集·并非闲话》:“三者有‘校长不能在学校开会,不得不借邻近的饭店招集教员开会的奇闻’。”2. 犹招抚。《三国志·魏志·高柔传》:“宜先招集三辅,三辅苟平, 汉中 可传檄而定也。”《陈书·鲁悉达传》:“﹝ 鲁悉达 ﹞招集 晋熙 等五郡,尽有其地。” 明 沉榜 《宛署杂记·人物》:“﹝ 张希崇 ﹞在官不喜声色,善抚士卒,招集夷落。”《续资治通鉴·宋太祖乾德四年》:“ 全师雄 病死 金堂 , 德裕 及 王全斌 等分往招辑,贼众悉平。”相关汉字、||
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