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Validation of the AI/RHEUM knowledge base with data from consecutive rheumatological outpatients.
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):175-81.Validation of the AI/RHEUM knowledge base with data from consecutive rheumatological outpatients.1.1Jan van Breemen Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.AbstractThe diagnostic accuracy of AI/RHEUM, an experimental expert system for support in the diagnosis of rheumatic diseases, was assessed using a collection of data in a cohort of 1,570 consecutive outpatients of a Dutch rheumatological clinic. Computer diagnoses based on these data and diagnostic predictions made by rheumatologists were compared with reference diagnoses that had been obtained by consensus of rheumatologists after 6-12 months follow-up. Performance of the tested version of the AI/RHEUM knowledge base is presented by various methods. Sensitivity varied between 29% and 100% for different rheumatological diseases. Average sensitivity and specificity for all 26 diagnoses present in the knowledge base were 67% and 98%, respectively. Performance according to the level of confidence indicated that 78% of the "definite", 65% of the "probable", and 33% of the "possible" conclusions made by AI/RHEUM were in agreement with the reference diagnoses. These results approximated the predictions made by rheumatologists after a single, initial examination. The system was less accurate than it had appeared in previous evaluation studies with complex clinical cases. The AI/RHEUM knowledge base needed refining to diagnose early rheumatic complaints. This study further illustrates the need for objective and informative parameters for expressing accuracy of diagnostic support systems.PMID:
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Si je vois quelqu’un qui a la bouche et les yeux grands ouverts, les sourcils tirés vers le haut et pousse un <> exclamatif, je n’ai pas de peine à reconna?tre la surprise. De même, je sais que je dois me méfier d’un chat aplati au sol, qui agite
sa queue nerveusement, a les oreilles rabattues en arrière, les griffes
sorties, la bouche ouverte et les crocs apparents, car si je m’approche, il y...
Plan de l'article
I. Méthodes d’étude de l’expression
des émotions chez le sujet humain
II. Reconnaissance des émotions chez le sujet humain
III. Universalité de l’expression des émotions
IV. Méthodes d’étude de l’expression
des émotions chez l’animal
V. Capacités d’expression des émotions chez
VI. Fonction de signal des expressions émotionnelles
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