
印度人评论:为什么说中国将超过美国成为超级大国,中国什么时候超过美国,中国能成为超级大国吗?三泰虎7月26日译文,印度雷迪夫网报道,中国过去几年里取得了快速进步,皮尤研究中心的全球态度调查显示,中国将最终取代美国成为世界头号经济大国。从2008年和2013年的调查可以看出,受访者中称美国是世界领先大国的中位百分比从47%下降至41%,而把中国置于榜首的受访者比例从20%上升至34%。译文来源:西诺网 http://www.ccnovel.com外文标题:China will overthrow US as world superpower. HERE'S WHY!外文地址: Great Recession of 2008 hit United States hard and its impact seems to have a domino effect of sorts. Since 2008, perceptions about the economic balance of power in the world have been shifting.China has gained rapidly over the past few years and will ultimately replace America as the world’s top global economic force, indicated polls conducted by Pew Research Center’s Global Attitudes Project.Looking at the 20 nations surveyed in both 2008 and 2013, the median percentage naming the US as the world’s leading power has declined from 47 per cent to 41 per cent while the median percentage placing China in the top spot has increased from 20 per cent to 34 per cent.2008年大衰退严重袭击了美国,其影响似乎带有一种多米诺效应。自从2008年以来,人们对世界经济力量平衡的看法似乎在改变。中国过去几年里快速进步,皮尤研究中心的全球态度调查显示,中国将最终取代美国成为世界头号经济大国。从2008年和2013年受访20国的舆论可以看出,受访者中称美国是世界领先大国的中位百分比从47%下降至41%,而把中国置于榜首的受访者比例从20%上升至34%。This trend has been especially apparent among some of America’s closest allies in Western Europe. 53 per cent in Britain say China is the leading economy.
33 per cent Brits name US the superpower.
Six-in-ten Germans (59 per cent) say China occupies the top position, while only 19 per cent think the US is the global economic leader, according to the survey. In 23 of 39 nations, majorities say China either already has replaced or eventually will replace the US as the top superpower. However, the US is still seen as the world’s leading economy in Latin America, Africa and Asia. According to the poll, 67 per cent in Japan and Philippines and 61 per cent in South Korea back the US. 47 per cent Chinese say their nation has already or will replace the US, and 47 per cent are of the opinion that this never happen. The American opinion has shifted significantly since 2008, when only 36 per cent said China would become the top global power and 54 per cent believed it would never replace the US Only six countries believe China will never replace the US.Though the survey was conducted in India, the results were not included. 这一趋势在美国的西欧亲密盟友中特别明显。 53%的英国受访者称中国是领先经济体; 33%的英国受访者称美国是超级大国; 59%的德国受访者称中国居于领先位置,而认为美国是全球经济领袖的比例仅有19%; 在39个国家中,有23个国家的大多数受访者称中国已经或最终将取代美国成为头号超级大国; 然而,在拉丁美洲、非洲和亚洲,美国仍被视为领先经济体。调查显示,日本和菲律宾支持美国的比例是67%,韩国的这一比例是61%; 47%的中国受访者称他们国家已经或者将取代美国,47%受访者的看法是这种取代永远不可能发生; 美国公众的舆论自从2008年以来发生了显著改变,当时仅有36%的受访者说中国将会成为全球头号大国,54%的受访者相信中国永远不会取代美国; 仅有6个国家的舆论认为中国永远不会取代美国;The military power of both nations worries many. China’s growing military strength is viewed with trepidation in neighbouring India, Japan, South Korea, Australia and the Philippines. More than 9 in 10 in Japan (96 per cent) and South Korea (91 per cent) say that China’s growing military power is a bad thing, the poll points out. Seven-in-ten Australians (71 per cent) are concerned about the growing strength of the People’s Liberation Army.
Only 2 per cent Pakistanis concerned about China’s military prowess中美两国的军力令许多国家感到担忧。中国日益增强的军事力量让邻近的印度、日本、韩国、澳大利亚和菲律宾惶恐不已。 96%的日本受访者和91%的韩国受访者说中国日益增强的军力不是一件好事; 71%的澳大利亚受访者对解放军日益增加的军力表示担忧; 仅有2%的巴基斯坦受访者担忧中国的军事力量。There is also less concern about China in Malaysia (20 per cent) and Indonesia (39 per cent). It is notable, however, that the proportion of Pakistanis, Malaysians and Indonesians who think China’s growing military power is a positive thing for their country is actually down from previous surveys.Half or more of those surveyed in 16 of 38 nations surveyed see China as more of a partner. 82 per cent in Pakistan think China is a partner.
78 per cent Malaysians think China is friendly. A number of African nations -- including Senegal (78 per cent), Kenya (77 per cent), Nigeria (71 per cent) and Ghana (70 per cent) – are strongly of the view that China is a national partner. 58 per cent Americans think China is neither a partner nor an enemy. Only four nations -- Japan (40 per cent), the Philippines (39 per cent), Italy (39 per cent) and Turkey (36 per cent) – look at China as the enemy.对中国军力加强表示担忧的比例较低的还有马来西亚(20%)和印尼(39%)。然而,相比前一次调查,巴基斯坦、马来西亚和印尼等国受访者认为中国日益增强的军力是利好的比例其实在下降。在参与调查的38个国家中,有16个国家的一半或一半以上的受访者把中国更多地视为伙伴。 82%的巴基斯坦受访者认为中国是合作伙伴; 78%的马来西亚受访者认为中国是友好的; 许多非洲国家——塞内加尔(78%)、肯尼亚(77%)、尼日利亚(71%)和加纳(70%)——强烈认为中国是国家合作伙伴; 58%的美国受访者认为中国既不是合作伙伴也不是敌人; 仅有4个国家——日本(40%)、菲律宾(39%)、意大利(39%)和土耳其(36%)——把中国视为敌人。Despite their proximity to China, in Southeast and South Asia, the public does not believe China has a greater impact on their countries than the US. Malaysians feel there is 72 per cent of Chinese impact on their economy. China’s influence is 41 per cent and America’s 44 per cent, feel Pakistanis.
87 per cent Pakistanis feel China’s influence is good. Only 5 per cent say America has a positive impact.
Nearly equal percentages of Indonesians say the two world powers have an influence on their economy (75 per cent for China and 72 per cent for the US). Filipinos, meanwhile, are more likely to believe the US (89 per cent) has a great deal or fair amount of influence on their economy than to say the same about China (69 per cent). China is in favour in Malaysia. Indonesians rate each world power’s influence relatively equally.尽管邻近中国,东南亚和南亚的公众并不认为中国对他们国家的影响大过美国的影响。 马来西亚受访者认为中国对他们经济的影响占72%; 巴基斯坦受访者认为中国的影响占41%,美国占44%; 87%的巴基斯坦受访者认为中国的影响是利好,仅有5%的受访者说美国带来了积极影响; 印尼受访者认为中国(75%)对他们经济体有影响的比例和认为美国(72%)对他们经济体有影响的比例大体相当。与此同时,菲律宾受访者更多地认为美国(89%)对他们经济体有影响,而认为中国对他们经济体有影响的比例是69% 中国在马来西亚更受支持。印尼受访者对两个世界大国的影响给出了大体相当的评价。Among most nations surveyed, people under age 30 are especially likely to have a positive view of America. In Turkey, 38 per cent of 18- to 29-year-olds give the US a favorable rating, compared with just eight per cent of Turks age 50 and older. 50 per cent in China who are under 30 havea favourable view compared with just 27 per cent among people 50 and older. Similarly, in Malaysia there is a 21-percentage point gap between 18-to 29-year-olds and those 50 and older.在大多数受访国家中,30岁以下的受访者尤其可能对美国持正面看法。 土耳其18岁到29岁的受访者中有38%的人对美国给出了正面评价,而在50岁以上受访者中的这一比例仅有8%; 中国30岁以下受访者中对美国持正面看法的比例是50%,而在50岁以上受访者中的这一比例是27%; 类似地,马来西亚18岁至29岁人群和50岁以上人群中对美国持正面看法的比例相差21个百分点。When asked whether they think of the US as a partner to their country, an enemy, or neither, clear majorities in 22 nations say it is a partner. It is seen as an enemy in only four nations included in the survey.Five of the eight European Union countries polled describe the US as a partner. 72 per cent Germans consider US a partner.
67 per cent in France think of it as an ally.
Only 30 per cent of Greeks express this opinion, 22 per cent say the US is an enemy. Russians are closely divided: 31 per cent consider the US a partner, but 26 per cent see it as an enemy.
Among Middle Eastern nations, only Israelis (90 per cent) think of the US as a partner. 76 per cent of Palestinians consider the US an enemy. In Pakistan, 64 per cent describe America as an enemy.当被问及美国是合作伙伴、敌人或者都不是时,22个国家的绝大多数受访者说是伙伴,仅在4个受访国家被认为是敌人。在参与调查的8个欧盟国家中,有5个国家把美国形容为合作伙伴。 72%的德国受访者认为美国是合作伙伴; 67%的法国受访者认为美国是伙伴; 仅有30%的希腊人表达了(美国是伙伴)的观点,22%的人说美国是敌人; 俄罗斯受访者明显分为两派:31%的人视美国为伙伴,26%的人视其为敌人; 在中东国家中,仅有以色列人(90%)认为美国是伙伴; 76%的巴勒斯坦人认为美国是敌人; 64%的巴基斯坦人把美国形容为敌人;Since US President Barack Obama took office in 2009, his popularity has given America’s image a significant boost, especially in Europe. Obama has largely received more positive ratings than his predecessor, George W Bush. But, Obama’s ratings today are lower than when he took office. China has seen a steep decline in the US president’s popularity. 88 per cent Germans back Obama and his policies.
83 per cent in F 81 per cent in Canada are Obama supporters. 31 per cent Chinese support Obama today, as against 62 per cent in 2009.自从美国总统奥巴马在2009年执政以来,他的人气给美国形象带来了显著提升,特别是在欧洲。奥巴马收获的正面评价要比前任总统布什多得多,但是目前的评价比执政时候要低。此外,奥巴马总统在中国的人气出现了急剧下滑。 88%的德国人支持奥巴马及其政策; 83%的法国人和81%的加拿大人是奥巴马的支持者; 31%的中国人支持奥巴马,相较之下2009年时的这一比例是62%。Egypt and Pakistan, two nations that are major recipients of US assistance, but surprisingly they do not view it positively. 55 per cent in Egypt say economic aid is not useful. 43 per cent Pakistanis think impact of US aid is negative. However, in the sub-Saharan African countries surveyed -- Kenya, Ghana, Uganda – the US receives positive marks of assistance. 埃及和巴基斯坦是美国援助的两个主要接收方,但令人惊讶的是他们对美国的看法并不正面。 55%的埃及人说经济援助没有用; 43%的巴基斯坦人认为美国援助的影响是负面的; 然而,在撒哈拉以南受访非洲国家中——肯尼亚、加纳、乌干达——美国的援助得到了正面评价。Compared with the US, the government of China receives much lower ratings for how it treats its citizens. 87 per cent in Germany, 86 per cent in France believe individual freedoms are not respected in China. 84 per cent in Spain and 82 per cent in Italy feel the same. 47 per cent Russians feel the Chinese government respects people’s rights.
Majorities in 37 of the 39 nations surveyed say the US government respects personal freedoms. The highest ratings for the US on this question come from the Philippines (91 per cent) and South Korea (9 per cent). And at least eight-in-ten hold this view in Lebanon (8 per cent), Japan (85 per cent), Israel (83 per cent), Italy (82 per cent), Germany (81 per cent) and France (80 per cent).相比美国,中国政府在对待本国国民方面收获的评价要低得多。 87%的德国人和86%的法国人认为个人自由在中国不受尊重; 西班牙和意大利持同样看法的这一比例分别是84%和82%; 47%的俄罗斯人认为中国政府尊重人民的权利; 在39个受访国家中有37个国家认为美国政府尊重个人自由,最高的比例来自菲律宾(91%)和韩国(90%)。此外,黎巴嫩(80%)、日本(85%)、以色列(83%)、意大利(82%)、德国(81%)和法国(80%)持这一看法的比例至少有80%。The Obama administration’s use of drone strikes faces broad opposition -- half or more in 31 of 39 countries disapprove of drone attacks against extremist groups. At least three-in-four hold this view in 15 countries from all corners of the world, including nations from the Middle East, Europe, Latin America and Asia, the survey says.However, three countries support the drone campaign:
61 per cent Americans back their government’s drone policy.
64 per cent Israelis approve of the US 56 per cent in Kenya.
German support for drone attacks has actually risen slightly since last year -- today, 45 per cent approve, compared with 38 per cent in 2012. 45 per cent in France back drone strikes.奥巴马当局动用无人机遭到了广泛反对——39个受访国家中有31个国家不赞成对极端组织发起无人机袭击,其中15个国家中至少有75%的人持这一看法,其中包括来自中东、欧洲、拉丁美洲和亚洲的国家。然而,有三个国家支持无人机袭击: 61%的美国人支持本国政府的无人机政策; 64%的以色列人赞成美国发动无人机袭击,肯尼亚的这一比例是56%; 德国支持无人机袭击的比例比去年有所上升——目前是45%的人赞成,2012年的这一比例是38%; 45%的法国人支持无人机袭击。以下是印度网民的评论:译文来源:西诺网 http://www.ccnovel.comhuge market for toothpaste and mouthwashby aaroif one can convince the chinese that they have the worst instances of bad breath on earth. Sheesh.要是有人能说服中国人,让他们相信自己是世界上最口臭的人,(那么中国将是牙膏和洗口药的庞大市场)。The Chinese economyby piriis today about four times the size of the Indian one.And the Chinese are still growing at about 8 % per annum while the Indians are now at about 6 %.The 4 to 1 gap could soon become 5 to 1, then 7 to 1 and so on.And all the while, stuxpid middle class Indians keep braying about the Indian economy soon overtaking the Chinese one!当今中国经济规模是印度经济的4倍。中国仍然以每年8%的速度发展,而印度的发展速度大约是6%。4比1的差距很快会扩大到5比1,然后7比1 .......与此同时,愚蠢的印度中产阶级一直叫喊着印度经济将很快超过中国经济!China will become a superpower but won't overtake USAby indianguruEven if China surpass USA in economy/GDP/Military, it's missing influential soft-power. USA, the past 60 years has become a hyper-superpower due to its strong influential soft-power. American culture has become a fabric of every society in the world and will probably last 1000 years. China will surpass USA, but will become a 2nd superpower on par with USA.即使中国在经济/GDP/军事上超过美国,但中国缺乏软实力。在过去60年里,美国凭借强大的软实力成为了超级大国。美国文化成为了世界上每一个社会的一部分,并且这种情况可能将持续1000年。中国将会超过美国,但仅是与美国平起平坐的第二个超级大国。Deceptionby Sharmila BoseAfter destroying EU, US and now it is China's turn to get destroyed.. All their economic prosperity is vested in Arm and Weapon and militarily support to British IR..Super Power Game is just an eyewash..继欧美被摧毁后,现在轮到中国被摧毁了......超级大国游戏就是无稽之谈.......a long marchby li chaoIn 80s Deng Xiaoping said that China will be a mid-developed country by 2050. And Uganda plan to be a mid-income country by 2016. So you can know the position where China is, and how hard to get it1980年代时,邓小平说中国将在2050年成为中等发达国家;乌干达计划到2016年成为中等收入国家。你们现在知道中国所处的位置了,很难得的。Phew ! Research Centre surveyby JanarddanHighest chance is that the survey's outcome is rubbish.Without conducting survey one can say that China will replace US in less than a decade. More drastic developments will see it happen even faster.这份调查结果极有可能是扯淡。你不用调查便知中国将在不到十年内取代美国。要是中国发展得再猛烈些,那么这种取代将来得更快。Some people and agencies do not have worthwhile jobby RamuKakaso they do such surveys to draw attention.Just like in India, some agencies did surveys and declared that so and so percent voters like the killer leader of Gujarat is more popular...and the ruling party will lose some vote share...blah blah blah某些人和某些机构就是无聊,为了吸引注意力而搞这些调查。印度也一样,某些机构发起调查,然后宣布有多少比例的选民支持古吉拉特邦的领导人,谁更受欢迎,执政党将会失去一些选票.......blah blah blah......Super power China Vs Americaby venkata sivanandaDear sirSuper power is not related to increase in manpower might. In this advanced world, manpower alone will not make any country superpower.Secondly if you look at China, it is very small country compared to USA.Thirdly how China will never replace USA for its own interests. China is over dependent on many countries for want of natural resources超级大国与人多没有关系。在当今先进世界,人多并不能让一个国家成为超级大国。其次,稍微比较一下,中国与美国比起来是一个非常小的国家。第三,中国如何取代美国,前者过度依赖许多国家的自然资源。Re: Super power China Vs Americaby indiangurushould google the information before posting false information. Isn't USA chasing after resources around the world, they lost a continent "Africa" to China. 发帖前先谷歌一下。美国不也是满世界找资源,他们已经把非洲输给中国了。Re: Super power China Vs Americaby JanarddanChina is small compared to USA ? Nonsense.China is the third biggest in terms of land area and US is fourth.China is first in terms of population.China's economy will be the biggest in just about 7 to 8 years.中国相比美国是小国?胡说!中国是世界上领土面积第三大的国家,美国排第四中国人口排第一大约七八年后,中国经济将会成为世界最大。Re: Super power China Vs Americaby vilas apteWho is this Sivananda,his IQ seems to be in single digits. He is saying China is a small country, for his information China's land mass is bigger than his favourite USA's.这个叫sivananda的人是谁,智商似乎只有个位数。他居然说中国是一个小国。告诉你吧,中国领土面积比美国更大。Hypeby kskumarChina replacing the US? It doesn't happen just because many people surveyed think so. The hard realities are that China started as the global hub for outsourced manufacturing and to a large extent continues even today to be that. It doesn't create technology, it only copies them. Their role in world affairs is minimal. Can the Chinese think of intervening in other countries like the US or even the Europe does? Their intimidatory rhetoric and actions are confined to Asia alone, where China is viewed as a bully. No doubt China has done remarkably well in human development index. It has grown economically, but at the cost of poisoned environment and related health issues.It it still early to even think of China replacing the US in anything except may be the economy. China has grown but has retained the petty mindedness of a small nation.中国取代美国?并非许多受访者这样认为,中国就真的会取代美国!现实是中国以全球制造业中心起步,迄今很大程度上仍然如此,并未创造出技术,仅仅是模仿而已,他们在世界事务上的角色微乎其微。中国人是否敢干涉美国甚或欧洲的事务?他们恫吓的言论和行动也仅限于亚洲,结果被亚洲国家视为土霸。毫无疑问,中国在人类发展指数上表现非常好,经济取得了显著进步,但这是以环境受污染以及由此引发的健康问题为代价的。中国要取代美国还早着呢,不过经济方面可能是个例外。中国不断壮大,但保留了小国的小家子思维。Re: Hypeby Jai BabuExcellent comments kskumar!And do not forget that China is the main supporter of regimes like North Korea & Myanmar. Even look at how China supports Pakistan!kskumar,你的评论很赞!但别忘了,中国是朝鲜和缅甸等政权的主要支持者。况且,看看他们是如何支持巴基斯坦的!Re: Hypeby vilas apteYou are right KS, China can never be a USA, because it does not have that type of money to invade other countries and maintain its army there( to be designated as a superpower). At the most China can overtake USA in the remaining industrial parameters(as it has already gone ahead of USA in steel, cement,aluminium,car(production & sales),infrastructure spending,exports,etc), but due to its huge population will never be able to surpass USA’s per capita income(PCI),though it may overtake USA in GDP output. At the most China could reach to become a medium high economic level country with a PCI about $ 20,000-$ 25,000/year.你说得对,中国永远成为不了美国,他们没有那种资本来入侵其他国家并在当地驻军.中国充其量会在工业指数上超过美国(它已经在钢铁、水泥、铝和汽车的产销量、基建开支、出口等方面超过美国),由于人口众多,中国永远不可能在人均收入上超过美国,不过GDP产出也许会超过美国。总之,中国最多成为人均收入2万至2.5万美元的中高经济水平国家。china??!!by Venkat SrinivasanWonder how people even dream of such things!! Then time for Marxists in India to celebrate!! Build temples for Mao!!! High hopes!!!居然有人会梦想这样的事情!印度的马克思主义者该庆祝了!给毛修庙吧!Chinaby Nirpinder SinghYippee! Then India will be the Mexico of the Asian Continent好啊!印度届时会成为亚洲的墨西哥Who is the author of this article?by Doctor SnowUseless author... Why is this word used frequently?The word "Superpower" belongs to cold war era. and it belongs to only to the two arch rival countries that survived the COLD WAR.Superpower is the power to deliver death and destruction to the enemy in an unimaginable way at its fullest, the world could ever imagine and witness.It has nothing to do with economy.These two countries are still SUPERPOWERS. They both still have the potential Defense wise.作者很垃圾,为什么频频使用“超级大国”这个词?“超级大国”这个词属于冷战时期的产物,专门指在冷战中挺过来的两个主要竞争对手。超级大国是指能以世人无法想象的方式摧毁敌人并致敌人于死地的国家,与经济没有一点关系!(美俄)两国仍是超级大国,仍然拥有潜在的国防实力。Let's seeby usha sundaramIf, just in case if, U.S. decides to stop all imports from China, China's economy will go in tailspin. Whether U.S. will do this drastic step is nother question. China's economy is U.S. centric and cannot survive with out U.S. supporting its manufacturing base. It is as simple as that.假如美国决定停止从中国的一切进口,那么中国经济会陷入混乱。美国是否会走这一步姑且另当别论。中国经济是以美国为中心的,要是缺少美国对其制造业的支持,中国无法生存下来,就这么简单。Re: Let's seeby robsonAre you aware that whole of the great Indian IT sector is fully dependent on US & Europe?你知道吗,整个印度IT业完全依靠欧美Re: Let's seeby Praveen LakhotiaUsha madam, today China holds $ 1.32 trillion US T-Bonds,(it holds over 20% of bonds, the maximum by far of all countries) try to visualize what will be the fate of the US $ if China sells releases even half of its stock of T-Bonds in the market. The $ will crash, therefore US will never stop buying Chinese goods,it will use strong language against China,pull it up on human rights, but will never take harsh action,because of this above danger.Usha女士,中国今天手握1.32万亿美元美债。想象一下,要是中国在市场上抛售哪怕是其中一半的美债,美元的命运将会怎么样?美元会奔溃的!因此美国决不会停止购买中国货,充其量对中国发出一些强硬声音,扯一扯人权问题等,但考虑到以上提及的危险,美国决不会采取严厉行动。We are interested inby Jugal AhujaWe are interested in seeing & knowing how the Indian participants voted in the above survey. I am sure Indians must have voted very favourably for the US,as every years thousands of Indians leave our shores for higher studies and seek a future in a country,which in their minds is heaven on earth.Japanese and Indians fear/hate China the most amongst Asians.我们有兴趣知道印度受访者在这份调查中是如何投票的?印度人肯定偏好美国,因为每年有数以千计的印度人前往他们心目中的天堂国家进行深造和追求美好未来。在亚洲人当中,最害怕或讨厌中国的是日本人和印度人。China & Indiaby ThankachanIn China the communist government is for the people while in India the congress government is by the people for loot the people.中国的共产党政府为人民服务,印度的国大党政府大肆掠夺人民。Re: .China & Indiaby Venugopalanin communist China if you protest against government you will probably face a firing India you could become a leader .that's the difference在中国,你要是胆敢抗议政府,那么你很可能被毙掉;在印度,你也许能成为领导人。这就是区别之处。Re: .China & Indiaby MMUSAin India a person who masterminded massacres and holocausts could run for PM.. not in China在印度,你要是掌握了屠杀的本领,那么可以角逐总理职位,在中国不行。Super power?by RationalistTo be superpower one also needs to be innovative and be ahead in race. But China is not in that league. They are best only in duplicating and imitating. However fast they do this ,their nose will still be behind the first who is innovating.要想成为超级大国,你还需要具有创新能力,要能够在前面领跑,中国在这方面不行!他们最擅长的是模仿,不管发展得多快,他们也只能跟在创新者后面!USA is just waiting to repeat the USSR on CHINAby vinod shenbagaUSA is ,was and will remain the supreme power.美国等着苏联的命运在中国身上重演美国以前、现在和未来都将永远是超级大国。Re: China as a Super Powerby MaximumRead news likeChinese Bank Tops World Banks Ranking For First.Read News likeChina Holds usd one trillion in bondsGlobal Trade and chinaLargest army on EarthetcRather than sharing thoughts of your autism中国银行跻身世界银行排行榜榜首中国持有1万亿美元美债中国保持有世界上最庞大的军队Re: Re: China as a Super Powerby Doctor Snowbuying bond paper of your competitor. You think that's a good idea?What largest army? The count?The US destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 2 days. Numbers doesnt matter.你认为买竞争对手的废纸是好主意?最庞大的军队?多少?美国两天就摧毁了广岛和长崎,数量并不重要。China is fakeby Doctor SnowUS IS REAL. US has so many practical victories.They have practically invented, discovered,used and abusedevery technology and discovery known to mankind.Americans are Hardworkers too. Otherwise they cannot be in Number One.Their Legal System is the best in the world. Their Influence and Power and Hardwork and Intelligence and Potential is far far from any other country.Like it or not. China is no match for United States.中国是假的,美国是实实在在的。美国有太多实在的胜利可吹嘘他们发明、发现、利用了每一项人类所知的技术。美国人也很勤劳,否则成不了第一美国的法律系统是世界最棒的,他们的影响力、智力和潜力远超世界任何其他国家。不管喜不喜欢,中国与美国根本就没得比。USA is 100 years ahead of Chinaby PehelwanWhat a joke. Since when did nations become powerful due to public opinion.Western countries/USA are far ahead. Their economy is solid . China'sEconomy is based on consumption in USA.USA is 100 years ahead of China in Technology.China is acopy cat. It follows USA.It can never overtake USA真是笑话。自从什么时候公众舆论能让一个国家变强大了,西方国家/美国遥遥领先,他们的经济牢不可破,反观中国经济依靠美国的消费。美国技术领先中国100年,中国是盲目模仿者,老是学美国,永远也超不过美国。INDIA WILL OVER TAKE CHINAby peri kameshIN NEXT FEW YEARS INDIA WILL OVER TAKE CHINA未来几年,印度将会超过中国。Re: INDIA WILL OVER TAKE CHINAby deepakYou hv to get rid of the Congress first.得先把国大党赶下台。Re: Re: INDIA WILL OVER TAKE CHINAby giveanidWhy?Congress made India the second fastest growing economy in the world.为什么?国大党让印度成为了世界上发展速度第二快的经济体。Once Cby Ravinder RawatOnce China overtakes US, the congress can happily give away ladakh, Arunchal and other north east parts of the country. now lets wait for pakistan to become stronger than us!一旦中国超过美国,国大党将会高兴地放弃拉达克、阿邦和其他东北邦领土。让我们等着巴基斯坦变得比我们强大吧。&


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