
A peace of history: Buddha statue almost2,000 years old raises two fingers just like modern day anti-war sign历史上的和平:两千年前的佛像竖起了两根手指,就好像如今的反战手势Flicking a peace sign is said to be the most-popular photo pose among the youthof east Asia, so it's no wonder this stone Buddha statue in China has gained huge popularity.据说在亚洲年轻人中,“和平”的手势在拍照时是最经常使用的,所以难怪中国的这个石头佛像越来越受到人们的欢迎。The 24ft-tallAmita Buddha, located in the 104th cave of the famous Longmen Grottoes in Henan Province,appears to be posing with two fingers raised.这是一座24英尺高的阿弥陀佛,位于河南龙门石窟的第104个石窟里,好像在摆pose,两根手指竖了起来。It is one of an estimated 100,000 statuesof the Buddha and his disciples carved into the living rock of the 1,400 cavesat Longmen, which date back nearly 2,000 years.据说龙门石窟里有10万个佛像,位于总共1400个石窟里,历史可以追溯到2000年前。That would make is far older than the peace sign, which was first popularisedas 'V for victory' in Europe during the Second World War, but then reversed inmeaning by the peace movement in the U.S. during the 1960s.所以比“和平”手势的历史要长久很多,二战期间在欧洲“V代表胜利”的手势逐渐传播开来,但是60年代在美国这个手势的意思被美国的和平运动所改变。At the same time as President Richard Nixonwas flashing the gesture to prematurely claim victory in the Vietnam war, protestersflicked it palm out to call for an end to the conflict.当时的总统尼克松用这个手势来宣称在越南战争中的胜利,所以抗议者们用同样的手势但掌心向外的形式来呼吁结束战争。1971年的反越战争抗议者在抗议中被捕It is said to have spread in Asia duringthe post-War allied occupation of Japan, and from there, throughcultural dissemination, across the rest of east Asia.据说在战后盟军占领日本期间这个手势被传到了亚洲,并在日本通过文化传播形式向东亚其他国家扩散。Nowadays, youths from South Korea to Communist China, andfurther afield, make the gesture as an almost instinctive reaction to findingthemselves in the sights of a photographer.如今,从韩国到共产主义的中国,以及其他更远的地方,年轻人在拍照时会不自觉的摆出这个姿势。The Amita Buddha was built during the reign of Li Zhi, also known as EmperorGaozong of Tang, who ruled northern China between AD 650 and 683.这尊佛像建于唐高宗李治王朝时期,他于公元650到683年统治中国北方。By the time he took to the throne,excavations of the man-made caves at Longmen was well underway as a flourishingof Chinese Buddhism led to a proliferation of devotional art.到他登基时,龙门石窟的人造洞穴的挖掘工作也正在有条不紊的进行中,中国佛教的繁荣促进了佛教艺术的发展。评论部分George.Penwell,Portage, United States, moments agoJesus has also been depicted using the samegesture. Just so ya know.在有些雕像中,耶稣也出现过这个手势。meerkat21,Colombo, Sri Lanka, 2 hours agoDM - The position of fingers in Buddha'shand is not due to " ravages of time " . Many Statues of Buddhaaround the world show Buddha with his hand in a similar pose - with the middleand index finger up( but together) and the others flexed. It's the true peacesymbol in Asia.这尊佛像的手势并非时间的侵蚀才形成的。全世界有很多佛像都拥有类似的手势——食指和中指竖起来(但合在一起),其他手指弯曲。在亚洲这是真正和平的象征。Joe69,Cardiff, United Kingdom, 3 hours agoWhat!!!! Disrespectful and rubbish claim啥!!!无礼的和垃圾的说法fizgog,exeter, United Kingdom, 5 hours agoSo it was Buhda that started the 'twofinger' salute, not the English at Agincourt.Looking at the statue I get the distict impression the it is bestowing theblessing, 'Go in peace and may God go with you'.如此说来,是佛首先使用双指手势而不是阿金库尔战役中的英国人咯。这尊雕像给我的感觉是它在向人们布施祝福。“愿你的生活安宁,上天会保佑你”。overandout,nowhereland, 1 hour agoI agree with the part of the Peace sign,but it was actually a minority English and mostly Welsh longbowmen at Agincourt我也同意这种手势是和平的象征,但真正的发起人是阿金库尔战役(1415年英军击败法军的战役)中少数英国人和大多数威尔士大弓手。LeeW,Fylde Coast, United Kingdom, 8 hours agoThe victory sign needs the palm facingtowards you. It originated amongst English longbow men around the time of Agincourt. After years of training to build up strengthand accuracy the rain of arrows these bowmen were able to lay down was sodeadly that when captured the French would cut off the index and middle fingersso they could never use a longbow again. When lined up against an enemy thelong-bowmen would hold hold up the two fingers to taunt their foes and showthat they were fully ready and able to shower their deadly clouds of armourpiercing arrows upon them. Buddhist by contrast have not really been involvedin a war in their 2500 year history.胜利手势是掌心朝向自己的。起源于阿金库尔战役中的英国长弓手。在经过多年的训练后,英国大弓手在力量和准确度上非常致命,所以当被抓住时,法国人就会把他们的食指和中指切掉,这样子他们就永远也使用不了长弓了。所以当英国人准备对付敌人时,这些大弓手就会竖起这两根手指来奚落敌人,让敌人知道自己已经准备好发射出这些致命的弓箭了。而在2500年的历史长河中,佛教徒根本就没有参加过任何一场战争。Bagpiper13,Calgary, Canada, 10 hours agoNo, those two fingers are not in theconfiguration of a "V". Are you blind, DM?不是的,你看那两根手指根本不是“V”的造型。每日邮报,你瞎了吗?转自 :龙腾网 作者:孤独寂寞冷 发布日期::


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