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1) Education Background A: What kind of education have you received? B: I will graduate from Shanghai Business and Tourism school this June. B: My major is Cabin Service and Secretarial Work. We are learning Cabin Service English,
Secretarial Courses, Computer Science, Typing, Business Etiquette, Flower Arrangement and so on. B: I major in Ground Service. B: I’ve got scholarship three times. B: I am now taking a French course in an evening school. 2) Work Experience A: Have you got any work experience? B: Although I have no working experience, I am a member of the Student Union. I have organized many school activities. I understand the importance of cooperation. B: I have been the commissary in charge of general affairs in my class for more than two years. I am very careful about class financial affairs. I learn how to make a reasonable plan before I take action. B: I have got six months of a part-time job. I work as a saleswoman in a supermarket. I come to know how to communicate with customers. B: I have been a trainee in a five-star hotel for more than three months. I realize how important it is to greet guests politely. 3) Skills A: What skills do you have? B: I am able to operate many office facilities. B:I have a good command of Word, Excel and Powerpoint. B:I can speak a little Japanese and Korean. B:I can type both Chinese and English very fast. My Chinese typing speed is 180 Chinese characters per minute. I can reach the speed of 300 English letters per minute. B:I have won the first prize in our school English speech contest. B: I can swim very well. I have learned different swimming styles. I am in the school swimming team. 4) Hobbies and Interests A: Do you have any hobbies? B: I am crazy about sports. My hobbies make me more energetic. B: I enjoy traveling. It can relieve my pressure. B: I love reading. Extensive reading can broaden my mind. B: I am fond of playing football. I learn to have a team spirit from it. 5) Job Expectation A: What are you expecting from the job? B: I think the job should be challenging. B: This job has a good prospect. B: This job gives me learning experience. B: I can fulfill myself. B: I hope it can improve my professional skills. 6) Company Expectation A: Why do you choose our company? B: Your company has made great achievements in the past few years. B: The industry of your company has a bright future. B: I want to work for a famous company. B: The big company has a good working environment. B: The small company offers me multiple tasks. B: I’d like to take the on-job training. 7) Career Expectation A: What’s your five-year plan? ? I will become a manager in your company. ? I will receive college education and get a college diploma. ? I will become the best receptionist in your company. ? I will be a secretary since I have taken two years of secretarial courses in my school. 8) Salary Expectation A: What is your salary expectation? ? I expect my salary is based on my responsibilities. ? Salary is not my top concern. I expect to gain working experience. ? Salary depends on my performance. ? This job is my interest. It is not necessary to be high-paid. 1) Personal Qualities A: What personal qualities do you think you have? ? I am patient and careful. ? I am determined. I never give up halfway. ? I am an optimist. I love both life and work. ? I am an imaginative person. ? I like to cooperate with others. I believe team spirit is very important. ? I am hard-working. A: How do your friends describe you? ? They describe me as a workaholic. ? They would say I am an honest person. ? They call me “Sunshine”. They think I am very humorous A: Can you introduce one of your best friends? ? Linda is one of my best friends. She is smart and warm-hearted. ? My best friend is our monitor. He is always ready to help others. ? Lily is my sincere friend. She has a good sense of responsibility A: Who do you admire most? ? Steve Paul Jobs. He was creative, diligent and farsighted. ? Michael Jackson. He was a talented singer and dancer. He was also warm-hearted A: What are your strengths? ? ? ? ? ? I am willing to take initiative. I like to work under stress. I am an easy-going person. I prefer to make things perfect. I am good at communicating with people. ? I am able to handle several tasks at the same time. ? I have got Office Automation Operator Certificate, Middle Level A: What are your weaknesses? ? Sometimes I am stubborn. ? I am a perfectionist. ? Maybe I am too hard on myself. ? I haven’t got any working experience, but I am a quick learner. 2) Reasons for resignation A: Why are you leaving your job? / Why did you leave your last job? ? I’d like to seek for something more challenging. ? I need more space to develop myself. ? Your position is a good match for my major and interest. ? I prefer a regular lifestyle. So I don’t want to be a cabin attendant. 3) Family A: Can you tell me about your family? ? My parents and I live together. Jack, my pet dog, is our family member, too. I take good care of him every day. ? I have a warm family. I often talk with my parents at dinner.
? Both my dad and mum are very busy. I usually help them do some housework. 4) Distance A: Is your home too far away from our company? ? It’s a bit far. But I promise I will never be late for work. ? It doesn’t matter. I will rent a house nearby. 5) Age A: I’m afraid you are too young to work ? I have a mental age of 25. I am ready to work. I am able to work under pressure. ? My parents expect me to work now. I can reduce the economic burden of my family. Meanwhile, I am eager to be independent and experienced 6) Newcomer A: Once employed, how will you be part of team as soon as possible? ? I will carefully read rules and regulations of our company. ? I will get to know my colleagues concerning my work. ? I will get familiar with the facilities needed. ? I will ask my supervisor about my tasks. ? If I don’t know how to do something, I will ask my colleagues for help. 7) Overtime A: Do you mind if you need to work overtime? ? Of course not. If necessary, I am willing to work overtime. It’s my duty to help the company finish the tasks as soon as possible. ? When I work overtime, I will have more chance of being proficient at work. ? I think working overtime can temper my will 8) Criticism A: How do you face criticism? ? I will regard criticism as a great chance to improve myself. ? I will try my best to make up for the loss. ? If it is not my mistake, I will apologize first, and then explain it in the proper way. 9) Headache A: What makes you feel headache in a work situation? ? I cooperate with a person who is unwilling to take responsibility. ? I share the room with an office gossip. ? My partner is very forgetful. 10) Priority A: It’s four p.m.. You are busy with a notice. There is only ten minutes left before you leave for an important meeting. Now a visitor comes up to you. At the same time, a phone on your desk is ringing. How do you deal with the situation? B: First, I will show a seat to the visitor. Then I will pick up the phone and try to finish the conversation on the phone as soon as possible. If necessary, I will call back later. Next, I will get to know the person the visitor is looking for. I will inform that person to receive the visitor. Now it must be the time for meeting. I will leave the unfinished notice tomorrow morning because the last job of a day is usually not very urgent 11) Questions to ask A: Do you have any questions? ? What hours do you work? ? What qualites do I need for this position? ? Do you offer job training of different levels? ? When can I get your final decision? You should get fully prepared for your job interview. ? Change your resume according to the position you apply for. ? Don’t be late for the job interview. ? Arrive about half an hour before the appointment. ? Pay close attention to your appearance. ? Your behavior leaves the employer a deep impression. ? You needn’t wear too flashy. ? Being neat is the best choice. ? Remember to dress professionally. ? Get permission before you take a seat. ? Keep smiling and eye contact. ? Sit up straight and respond quickly. ? Don’t interrupt. Learn to be a good listener. ? Your answers should be short and to the point. ? Don’t forget to speak politely but firmly.
三亿文库包含各类专业文献、文学作品欣赏、各类资格考试、应用写作文书、外语学习资料、幼儿教育、小学教育、东航面试问题口语 英语30等内容。 
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面试英语自我介绍范文(分... 暂无...  我相信,我会以我教好的服 务意识,继续为东航保持良好的服务形象,谢谢。 男...空乘面试英文自我介绍范文二: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! It is ...  ) 口语测试:每一个卡座一个考官,都是中国人,选一个考官用英文聊一下天就 ok...体检: 在家等候的期间,接到东航人力资源部的电话,问你什么时候可以参加面试,如...不是太会英语,能不能去面试东航?_百度知道
我们会通过消息、邮箱等方式尽快将举报结果通知您。一个东航员工曝光不为人知的内幕 行业潜规则?
发帖于:时间: 10:04:28
  在东航,曾经发生过许多次类似以下的事情!就比如东航物流的货运安检吧(安检就是检查有没有违禁品和危险品上飞机的人员),一般都是一个正式工和一个劳务工做一台X光机!以前一个劳务工和一个正式工工作的时候, 可能因为工作失误没查出危险品!然后飞机抵达目的地后被对方人员查出!通报公司,然后公司调查后决定!正式工扣当月奖金,劳务工辞退回家!而后我知道当时工作是正式工在操机,也就是正式工占主要责任!我们都替那个劳务工喊冤,当然,因为这件事我们也看到了我们的未来。


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