网民很好奇:183天 外籍人士纳税可以加入中国解放军么

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下载 (133.79 KB)5 小时前[译文-中文]外籍人士可以加入中国解放军么?[原文-加拿大]Could non-chinese join PLA?[原文地址]:/army/could-non-chinese-join-pla-4639.html[译文来源]:网贴翻译论坛[翻译作者]:Aville[译文地址]:/ptfcn/s/121.html译文导读:这是一位15岁的芬兰热血少年为加入中国人民解放军而发的帖子。Could non-chinese join PLA?外籍人士可以加入中国解放军么?PLA Soldier(楼主)As seen in topic, my porblem is that I wish to know would it be possible for non-chinese citizen to join PL&A? This not a joke, I&m talking dead-serious about this.如题,我想知道非中国公民加入解放军是否可能?大家别笑,我是认真的。评论翻译bd popeyeIn my short 5 year study study of the PLA the answer is noThe answer can be found in this link below./static/...3dnplanavy.pdf由我五年来对PLA的研究来看,答案是否定的。你可以看看下面的链接,其中有你要找的答案:/static/...3dnplanavy.pdf(美国人的出台的中国海军报告,有时间可以去看看)PLA SoldierThank you for your answer. But, would it be then possible if I would give up my old citizenship and gain chinese citizenship?多谢你的回复,但是,如果我放弃原来的国籍,加入中国国籍呢,有可能吗?bd popeyeQuote:Originally Posted by PLA SoldierThank you for your answer. But, would it be then possible if I would give up my old citizenship and gain chinese citizenship?Nope..Someone asked that question previously..several years ago in fact. Perhaps in this thread or in theold ez board days of 5 years ago.You have to be Chinese citizen of the Peoples Republic of China to join the PLA. All others need not apply.You &&& PLA soldierLet's see as near as I figure you live in Finland and are only 15 years old according to your profile. So in most countries you have to be 17 or 18 to join the military. So just wait until then.还是不行啦,有人最近问过和你一样的问题……好吧,是几年前,也许是五年前,当时这个论坛的版本可能还处于ezboard(公告板)时代吧。你首先必须生为中华人民共和国的公民,才有资格加入解放军,其他一切免谈。你,解放军战士,两者无缘,放弃吧,还是加入你自己国家的军队吧,这才是王道。进一步说吧,由你的资料,我猜你住在芬兰吧,15岁,在大多数国家,法定参军年龄大概在17到18岁,所以,你还是再喝几年奶看看吧。Finn McCoolThere's always the Legion Etrangere总是有外籍军团存在滴。Damingli85What about Chinese turned into American citizen and then to Chinese citizen?如果一个中国人先换成美国国籍,然后又恢复中国国籍呢?bd popeyeQuote:Originally Posted by Damingli85What about Chinese turned into American citizen and then to Chinese citizen?Nope还是不行。Quote:You have to be Chinese citizen of the Peoples Republic of China to join the PLA. All others need not apply.I should have stated a natural born Chinese citizen.我的意思是你必须是一个土生土长的中国人。HKSDUanswer is no people not even Hong Kong or Macau people are allowed to join the PLA连香港和澳门的年轻人都不让加入解放军呢。(ID显示应为香港人)点击率超1万,奖励50工分,谢谢您对国际论坛的支持!本文内容于
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