
&发表时间: 11:55
&[2楼] &作者:
同意上报中央军委!!!&[3楼] &作者:
不懂就别乱扯!&[4楼] &作者:
不错,是一个思路,但是双体应该反应在底部,上部仍可为了增大有效面积而尽量延伸,特别是航母前部应该尽量增加跑道长度。&[5楼] &作者:
“拉萨”号,名字不错,支持下!&[6楼] &作者:
批准生产。&[7楼] &作者:
我一直觉得我们造水下航母更有价值,只是技术太难了&[8楼] &作者:
1. 耐波性极好,比同等吨位的单体船抗风浪能力提高很多。
2. 吃水浅,适航性好。
3. 激波阻力小,只有单体船的60%,适合高速航行。
1. 续航能力有限;
2. 武器及装备载荷小,平衡性要求高,设计技术难度大;
3. 很难实现大吨位化;
4. 研发周期长,费用高;
&[9楼] &作者:
所以双体不适合~&[10楼] &作者:
同意制造水下航母&[11楼] &作者:
既是双体,搞成双层航母甲板应该更好,下层用于战机起飞,上层用降落.容量则能更大,且起飞与降落互不干扰,效果会不会更好些呢,载机量与作战效能也能更高.&[13楼] &作者:
双体不错,前部分应像022缩进去 ,甲板面级加长。就好看了。&[14楼] &作者:
形式是次要的&[15楼] &作者:
我觉的最应该研究的是怎么用飞机载激光武器 那绝对灭美国佬没问题
保证不出一个星期美国就回到原始社会了 &[16楼] &作者:
还是大来厉害!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!还是大来厉害!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!还是大来厉害!!!!!还是大来厉害!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!还是大来厉害!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!还是大来厉害!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!&[17楼] &作者:
你的想法好,双成的,下面起飞,上面降落,好,上报。&[18楼] &作者:
河南省义马市运管所,经常上路违规查车,胡乱收费,接受车主请客送礼,并成立汽车维修办公室,对当地汽车修理厂乱收费,不开出有效票据,贪污受贿,在当地造成恶略影响。可义马市的领导却视而不见,纵容他们,说是增加财政收入。&[19楼] &作者:
是想法,还是事实。&[20楼] &作者:
&[21楼] &作者:
&[22楼] &作者:
&[23楼] &作者:
飞机放哪?航母的速度再快也没有导弹快!设计的不行&[24楼] &作者:
双体有双体好处 就是安全 但是也有不好的坏处 就是空间小 因为单体船船身中有很大空间 而双体船就不同因为两边很容量造成重量不平衡 而且一但一边中弹就无法保持平衡了&[25楼] &作者:
同意,报军委立项制造,成本由收缴贪官的赃款拨出。200亿一艘,每年能造10余艘。&[26楼] &作者:
[3楼] 是霉国狗吗 &[27楼] &作者:
如果炸弹在中间引暴?????????????????&[28楼] &作者:
就这么定了,拉萨号!!我马上找 胡哥
给你签字!!哈哈&[29楼] &作者:
With facts to expose the lies of Korean
/ Qiaoge picture / Netease
South Korean Prime Minister Han Seung-soo said on April 29, the Olympic torch on the 27th in Seoul, Chinese students pass the &violence& has hurt the national pride of Korea, South Korea will take &the necessary legal and diplomatic measures& to resolve this issue .
I have to ask the Korean home, what is meant by violence &in the end who hurt who& Chinese students at a crucial moment to come forward with action to protect the sacred Olympic flame from trouble against the elements, it is a Purely patriotic acts, it should be supported and protected. And you as the Olympic torch relay, one of the city, Seoul, and even a torch are not protected, what is eligible for Chinese students to be flagrantly accused &
China since ancient times on the famous Liyizhibang known to the world, the history of the Chinese people has never been disrespectful of the insolent just dismissive. So what is the reason for violating the public indignation, gentle Chinese students studying abroad and become indignant?群情&saying is true, seeing is believing, we take a look at this several pictures, the truth revealed will of the world. We all look at these ugly face of, is that the Korean people, no, they just like one of the heinous rabies, the despicable acts angered the Chinese people!
People do not make me, I do not prisoners, who committed me, I will of prisoners, this is China and the world people live in principle, since this group of rabies dare Zaoci, then to look at the color of his points, beat him a folder Mandizhaoya From the tail to drill for Waterloo, Zizuo Nie, can not live, the Chinese people the good fight!
Zaojiu Ting on the generation of people said: &GL stick can not pay.& Had disagreed. But today I see is really shameless of the Republic of Korea Lo and ignorance. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and South Korea, the Chinese Government in a mutually beneficial, the principle of common ground while reserving differences, the two sides in good faith between the two countries in trade and cultural exchanges, is this help can not afford to fools, Selineiren the projectile is a small country stem from the burglary Piao China's traditional culture Wochuoweisuo activities, China has shamelessly claimed that they invented the characters, the Chinese dragon is their ..... I am afraid there are so one day, even the Great Wall of China to the Korean people into the scope of the masterpiece, is Lan To make the world a rogue villain Moguo so. South Korea is a little what goods, but China is a vassal of the Ming dynasty period only, the beginning of the 20th century Japanese colony, now a puppet of the Americans, overtaken by events, still servility not changed, even their own country depends on foreign troops To protect, they would face a walk to see masters act on the Laipi Yaoweiqilian live dog. Although men and women of Korean dramas in one Daomaoanran, the humble man, woman Xian Hui, the reality of the Korean people is the essence of the proliferation of narrow selfish hypocrisy of the extreme nationalist sentiments. In the Korean people to see the true face, we can not help but to overseas Chinese students for the patriotic action loudly cheered! And sincerely admire.
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With facts to expose the lies of Korean &br& &br&
/ Qiaoge picture / Netease &br& &br&
South Korean Prime Minister Han Seung-soo said on April 29, the Olympic torch on the 27th in Seoul, Chinese students pass the &violence& has hurt the national pride of Korea, South Korea will take &the necessary legal and diplomatic measures& to resolve this issue . &br& &br&
I have to ask the Korean home, what is meant by violence &in the end who hurt who& Chinese students at a crucial moment to come forward with action to protect the sacred Olympic flame from trouble against the elements, it is a Purely patriotic acts, it should be supported and protected. And you as the Olympic torch relay, one of the city, Seoul, and even a torch are not protected, what is eligible for Chinese students to be flagrantly accused & &br& &br& &br&
China since ancient times on the famous Liyizhibang known to the world, the history of the Chinese people has never been disrespectful of the insolent just dismissive. So what is the reason for violating the public indignation, gentle Chinese students studying abroad and become indignant?群情&saying is true, seeing is believing, we take a look at this several pictures, the truth revealed will of the world. We all look at these ugly face of, is that the Korean people, no, they just like one of the heinous rabies, the despicable acts angered the Chinese people! &br& &br&
People do not make me, I do not prisoners, who committed me, I will of prisoners, this is China and the world people live in principle, since this group of rabies dare Zaoci, then to look at the color of his points, beat him a folder Mandizhaoya From the tail to drill for Waterloo, Zizuo Nie, can not live, the Chinese people the good fight! &br& &br&
Zaojiu Ting on the generation of people said: &GL stick can not pay.& Had disagreed. But today I see is really shameless of the Republic of Korea Lo and ignorance. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and South Korea, the Chinese Government in a mutually beneficial, the principle of common ground while reserving differences, the two sides in good faith between the two countries in trade and cultural exchanges, is this help can not afford to fools, Selineiren the projectile is a small country stem from the burglary Piao China's traditional culture Wochuoweisuo activities, China has shamelessly claimed that they invented the characters, the Chinese dragon is their ..... I am afraid there are so one day, even the Great Wall of China to the Korean people into the scope of the masterpiece, is Lan To make the world a rogue villain Moguo so. South Korea is a little what goods, but China is a vassal of the Ming dynasty period only, the beginning of the 20th century Japanese colony, now a puppet of the Americans, overtaken by events, still servility not changed, even their own country depends on foreign troops To protect, they would face a walk to see masters act on the Laipi Yaoweiqilian live dog. Although men and women of Korean dramas in one Daomaoanran, the humble man, woman Xian Hui, the reality of the Korean people is the essence of the proliferation of narrow selfish hypocrisy of the extreme nationalist sentiments. In the Korean people to see the true face, we can not help but to overseas Chinese students for the patriotic action loudly cheered! And sincerely admire.
&[30楼] &作者:
&[31楼] &作者:
&&简捷回复 &&文明上网 理性发言
)版权所有 &&解放军18万吨“双体航母”消息:世界震惊
摘要:现在有不少媒体都表示中国正在打造的18万吨航母顶多只能是中规中矩,从想要撼动美国的航母霸主地位来看中国军方将会打造一艘三体两层的巨型航母. 中国的首艘航母可能不会采用核动力,并且还是将采取常规的蒸汽动力.如果中国的这个所谓疯狂的建造……
楚秀网讯:现在有不少媒体都表示中国正在打造的18万吨航母顶多只能是中规中矩,从想要撼动美国的航母霸主地位来看中国军方将会打造一艘三体两层的巨型航母. 中国的首艘航母可能不会采用核动力,并且还是将采取常规的蒸汽动力.如果中国的这个所谓疯狂的建造航母计划是真的,美国的政客们恐怕还不知道应该如何去面对.美国的庞大的航母舰队到目前为止还没有说被另外一个国家给超越,显然是会撼动美国这个超级大国在全球的霸主地位, 美国现在正在积极联络中国周边的情报机构为的就是获取更多中国航母的信息,现在美国方面表示中国现在有七个船坞正在建造大型航母的船体其中包括中船工业以及中船重工两大集团在多个地方的船厂.中国计划建造该2015年就完成首艘常规动力的航母,中国的造船能力来说两艘航母同时建造并不是什么难事,不过对于中国同时建造出两艘航母似乎还是不太可能,因为技术还没有消化就开始建造似乎有点太草率.
•&10-12 19:39
•&10-12 22:15
&2013 Baidu


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