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1& 血清:使用不含热原和内的试管,操作过程中避免任何细胞刺激,收集血液后,3000转离心10分钟将血清和红细胞迅速小心地分离。
2& 血浆:EDTA、柠檬酸盐或肝素抗凝。3000转离心30分钟取上清。
3& 细胞上清液:3000转离心10分钟去除颗粒和聚合物。
4& 组织匀浆:将组织加入适量生理盐水捣碎。3000转离心10分钟取上清。
5& 保存:如果样本收集后不及时检测,请按一次用量分装,冻存于-20℃,避免反复冻融,在室温下解冻并确保样品均匀地充分解冻。
ELISA试剂盒用户:怎样辨别真假ELISA试剂盒? 江莱生物解答:1、看产品品种 首先要什么有什么的,你得好好考虑一下。 2、看生产地址 根本没有生产地址,我们知道做实验做产品需要很多的仪器、试剂、耗材,没有人相信一间简单的屋子可以生产各种样的试剂盒。 3、看产品包装 没有任何的生产地址、联系方式等信息,这种产品有问题了连个投诉的地方都没有。 4、看公司网站 有些打着国外原装旗号,整个公司网站为英文页面,实际注册IP地址在中国。如果写着国外的地址,让你国外的朋友实地去看一下! 5、做交叉验证 拿对方提供的几个种类的试剂盒,把里面的关键组份相互替换做做实验,如果交叉严重,只能说明是一种原料生产的试剂盒贴了不同的标签。 6、看价格 价格低得离谱,却打着进口大公司原料分装,核算成本,这种低得离谱的价格是连原料都买不起的。
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国家食品药品监督管理局培训中心高级培训班“美国仿制药申报最新要求和案例分析”FDA对药物杂质的控制要求Dr.George Ma马小波博士Toronto, CANADA多伦多市,加拿大 FDA对药物杂质的控制要求:Contents 目 录? ? ? ? ? ? ??? ?原料药与成品药中的有机杂质 有机杂质来源和控制 有机杂质控制限度的论证 案例分析:杂质控制限度的设置和论证 练习-杂质控制限度的设置和论证 原料药与成品药中的残留溶剂 残留溶剂的指导原则和控制限额的建立 案例分析:如何建立残留溶剂控制限额 具有基因毒性杂质的控制 练习-残留溶剂控制限额的建立和论证 Drug Production and Quality ControlSynthesis of API FDA对药物杂质的控制要求原料药与成品药中的有机杂质? 1999年11月,FDA-“仿制药申请的原料药杂质研究指导原则”,“仿制 药申请的制剂杂质研究指导原则”。 ? 2003年,ICH修订的Q3A(R)“新原料药杂质研究指导原则”,“新制剂 的杂质研究指导原则”(简称Q3B(R))。 ? 杂质分类C 有机杂质? 合成杂质(Synthetic Impurity)或工艺杂质(Process Impurity):一般来自生产过程 中残留的原料、中间体、试剂、配体和催化剂以及反应副产物。只与原料药的生产 过程有关,在原料药和制剂的储存中一般不可能增长。通过对合成路线的分析可以 确定某一杂质是否为合成杂质。 ? 降解产物(Degradation Product):来源于原料药通过各种不同的化学反应途径的降 解,一般需要结合对合成路线的分析和试验研究的结果,以确定某一杂质是否为降 解产物。 ? 有的有机杂质既是合成杂质,又是降解产物。C 无机杂质:来自生产过程所用的试剂(如氯化物)、配体和催化剂(如钯, 铂等),包括重金属或其它金属残留,以及无机盐(例如,助滤剂、活性炭 等)。它们通常是已知和确定的。 C 残留溶剂:生产过程中使用后未完全除去的溶剂(如甲醇、甲苯、四氢呋喃 等),残留的可挥发性试剂(如三乙胺等)和反应中生成的可挥发产物。 有机杂质来源 常见的降解反应 常见的降解反应 确定降解产物-强制降解研究 (Forced Degradation Study)? ?强制降解试验:将原料药或制剂置于比通常储存条件剧烈得多的试验条件下进行稳定 性考察的一系列试验。 目的:? ?了解该药品的稳定性及其降解途径与降解产物。 在一定程度上对有关物质分析方法的专属性进行验证。? ??实际操作:试剂的浓度、反应的温度和时间等都应根据具体情况作调整。 强制降解程度:根据经验一般认为,控制适当的强制降解条件,从而达到大约10%的 原料药降解是比较合适的。 常见的强制降解具体试验项目与试验条件Stress Type 强制降解类型Acid 酸 Base 碱 Solution Stress 溶液降解 H2O2 双氧水Common Stress 常用强制降解Common Forced Degradation Conditions 常见强 制降解条件0.1N HCl , 室温-100℃,4小时 0.1N NaOH,室温-100℃,4小时 1-3% H2O2, 室温,4小时Heat 加热UV & Visuable Light 紫外光和可见光(300-800nm) Thermal 加热 Stress 固态降解 Heat/humidity 加热/湿度 UV & Visuable Light 紫外光和可见光(300-800nm)H2O, 100℃,4小时15小时(相当于波长范围为300-800nm,约2.0百万勒克斯时 60 ℃,14天 40 ℃/75%RH,14天 15小时(相当于波长范围为300-800nm,约2.0百万勒克斯时 确定降解产物-原料药和制剂的稳定性试验? ? ??????长期(25 ℃±2 ℃、相对湿度60% ±5%、至少12个月)稳定性试验 加速( 40 ℃±2 ℃、相对湿度75% ±5%、至少6个月)稳定性试验 分析研究收集到的稳定性测试数据(Stability Data)也是确定降解产物的重 要依据之一。一般测定不同时间样品的HPLC图谱并进行比较分析,并与长期 保留制剂样品的测定结果进行比较。 在强制降解试验研究过程中注意观察样品外观性状、原料药含量等变化,并 与杂质检查结果相互印证。 原料药和杂质的分离和检测:将可能的中间体和副产物作为杂质进行柱效、 流动相及流动相比例、波长和分离度等方法学的研究。 待方法建立成熟后,根据中间体和副产物的安全性和获得杂质标样的难易程 度,决定是否定为已知杂质。 如果杂质标样难以得到,且比较安全,可考虑采用杂质校正因子加上相对保 留时间的方法,或采用杂质相对保留时间加上自身对照的方法,对该杂质进 行定量分析。 如果得不到该杂质样品作为标样,对于有紫外吸收的样品可以用二极管阵列 检测器,考察未精制的粗品,并对比已精制过的样品,确定粗品种各成分的 分离度和样品中可能杂质的检测波长。方法确立后,可采用自身对照方法或 面积归一化法控制杂质。 原料药与成品药中的有机杂质?药品中有机杂质的分类C有机杂质??特定杂质(Specified Impurities):特定杂质是指在质量标准中分别规定了明确的 限度,并单独进行控制的杂质。特定杂质包括化学结构已知的杂质(Specified Identified Impurity) 和化学结构未知(Specified Unidentified Impurity)的杂质。 美国药典通常采用代号来指认特定杂质,如相关化合物A(Related Compound A) 等。 非特定杂质( Unspecified Impurities ):在标准中未单独列出,而仅采用一个通 用的限度进行控制的一系列杂质。其结构未知,在药品中出现的种类与几率并不 固定。一般采用合适的定性分析指标加以指认,如相对保留时间为3.5的杂质。C有机杂质检测?确定原料药和制剂中潜在的合成杂质和降解产物,需要应用专业的有机化学知识 对有关合成化学反应和条件、原料药化学结构、理化性质、稳定性等进行全面的 科学分析和论证,并且比较实验室对样品的常规分析和强制降解(Forced Degradation Study),以及稳定性研究的结果。 Impurities: Origination & IdentificationClassification of impurities?Synthetic Impurities (Residual substances in the synthesis)Starting material By-products Intermediates Degradation during synthesis Reagents, ligands and catalystsImpurity ResourcesAPI & Drug Product Manufacturing Processes?Degradation Products? ? ? ? ?Hydrolysis Oxidation Esterification Elimination of water, HCl, etc. DehydrogenationMeOH, EtOH, IPA, THF, Dichloromethane, Acetone, Triethylamine, etc.?Residual Solvents/OVI’sSolvents/reagents used in the reactions, purification process or formed during reaction Impurities: Origination & IdentificationLists of Impurities in ICHOrganic impurities? ? ??Each identified specified impurity Each unidentified specified impurity Any unspecified impurity with an acceptance criterion of not more than (≤) the figure in the identification threshold in Attachment 1, ICH Q3A(R) Total impuritiesResidual solvents Inorganic impurities 有机杂质控制限度设置?美国药典杂质:在美国药典正文(monograph)中列为特定杂质(Specified Impurities)的杂质,其控制限度应设置不高于美国药典的限度。 非美国药典杂质:如果美国药典正文没有对该杂质设置控制限度,或者美国药 典没有改药物的正文,则根据ICH的杂质指导原则Q3A(R)和Q3B(R),同时也参 考其它药典,如欧洲药典(EP)和英国药典(BP)来设置该杂质的控制限度。 就ICH的杂质指导原则来说,如果该杂质在实验测试中的实际观测水平高于ICH 的鉴定限,则必须确定为特定杂质,其控制限度必须设置为不高于ICH的论证 限(Qualification Threshold)。 非特定杂质:???在药品中出现的种类与几率并不固定。因此,在药品的临床前与临床研究中,很难对 这些杂质的安全性进行评估。 为将这些杂质可能带来的安全性隐患降至最小,ICH的杂质指导原则Q3A(R)和 Q3B(R)对其限度用鉴定限(Identification Threshold)做了明确的规定,要求在原料 药标准中任何单个非特定杂质的限度不得超过鉴定限。 在仿制药或改剂型药品以及药品上市后变更原料药生产商等研究中,即使出现了新的 杂质,只要新杂质的含量低于表中的鉴定限,就可以认定这些新杂质的安全性。?? 有机杂质控制限度设置?? ? ? ?Find out the Maximum Daily Dose (MMD,每日最大剂量) from PDR, CPS, etc. Use MDD to calculate the ICH Thresholds Reporting Threshold (RT) Identification Threshold (IT) Qualification Threshold (QT)每日最大剂量 1 ≤ 2 g/day ≥ 2 g/day 报告限 (Reporting Threshold)2,3鉴定限 (Identification Threshold) 3 每日摄入量0.10%或1.0毫克 (取低值) 0.05%论证限 (Qualification Threshold) 3 每日摄入量0.15%或1.0毫克 (取低值) 0.05%0.05% 0.03%每日原料药的服用量。 更高的报告限必须提供充足的理由。 3 如果杂质的毒性特别高则适合于更低的报告限。1 2 Control of Impurities: Compendia & ICHEstablishing Acceptance Criteria for Impurities? ? ???Acceptance criteria (limits) for impurities should be set no higher than the level that has been qualified. In establishing impurity limits, the first critical consideration is whether an impurity is specified in the USP. If there is a monograph in the USP that includes a limit for an identified specified impurity, the limits should be set no higher than the official compendial limit. If qualified by an FDA-approved human drug product, the limits must be consistent with the level observed in the approved human drug product. In other circumstances (e.g. metabolites), the limits may need to be set tighter than the qualified level to assure drug substance quality. If the level of the impurity is above the level specified in the USP, qualification is necessary. Then, if appropriate qualification has been achieved, an applicant may wish to petition the USP for revision of the impurity’s limits. Control of Impurities: Compendia & ICHICH Q3A(R) and Q3B(R). Scope? ?Does not apply to new drug substances (Q3A(R) ) or products (Q3B(R)) used during the clinical research stages of development. Both do not cover: Biological/ biotechniological products Fermentation products Peptides Semi-synthetic products Oligonucleotides Herbal products Radiopharmaceuticals Crude products of animal Plant origin Q3B (R) does not cover: ? Extraneous contaminants that should not occur in new drug products and are addressed as GMP issues. ? Polymorphic forms ? Enantiomeric impurities? 制剂的杂质限度Q3B(R2). ICH Threshold for Degradation Products in New Drug Products每日原料药 最大剂量 * ≤ 1g & 1g & 1mg 1mg ~ 10mg & 10mg ~ 2g & 10mg 10mg ~100mg & 100mg ~2g & 2g 报告限 (Reporting Threshold) 0.1% 0.05% N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 鉴定限 (Identification Threshold) N/A N/A 1.0% or 5ug TDI 0.5% or 20ug TDI 0.2% or 2mg TDI N/A N/A N/A 0.10% 论证限 (Qualification Threshold) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1.0% or 50ug TDI 0.5% or 200ug TDI 0.2% or 3mg TDI 0.15%*取低值,按百分含量或每日总摄入量(TDI)计。 有机杂质控制限度论证?杂质控制限度论证:对一定限度的杂质的生物安全性进行研究和评估, 建立杂质的可接受限度并提供包括安全性考虑在内的依据。如果杂质 在样品测试中的实际观察值较高,而需要设置一个高于美国药典或 ICH论证限( Qualification Threshold )的控制限度时,则必须提供一 个充分合理的论证来说明所设的控制限度是合理的。 有时将杂质水平降低至美国药典或ICH论证限以下是最为简单的杂质 控制方法。 对杂质控制限度的论证如果被FDA接受,申请人还可以向美国药典提 出修改该杂质限度的申请(Petition)。?? 制订和论证 杂质合理限 度的决策树 有机杂质控制限度的论证方法? 对比分析法:仿制药申请中原料药的杂质可以采用相同的已验证的分析方法 (如HPLC法),与FDA已批准的同品种人用制剂(Reference Listed Drug, 简 称RLD,参照药品)进行对比研究。如果无法获得参照药品,也可对含有相同 原料药,以及相同给药途径和特征的不同药物制剂(如片剂对胶囊)的杂质含 量进行研究。如果仿制药申请原料药中已鉴别杂质的水平与相应已获准上市人 用药物的杂质水平相当,则可以认为该杂质得到了合理控制。 科学文献和主要代谢物法:如果科学文献已经证明某一水平的杂质在安全性方 面没有问题,那么根据这一水平建立的该杂质的限度就无需进一步论证。此外, 如果科学文献证明某杂质本身也是原料药在体内代谢的主要代谢物,其安全性 是显而易见的,因而即使对该杂质设置高于ICH论证限的控制限度,通常可以 也认为该杂质已得到合理控制。 遗传毒性研究法:由于遗传毒性试验费时间且成本高昂,此法一般是在前两种 都无法对杂质合理研究论证的情况下才采取的方法。这项研究可以采用含该杂 质的制剂或原料药直接进行研究,但实际上采用已分离的杂质进行研究可能更 为恰当。?? 有机杂质控制限度的论证方法?杂质的合理控制应基于多种因素,包括患者人群、日剂量、给 药途径以及给药周期。杂质合理控制的最基本原则就是考虑其 安全因素。根据ICH的杂质指导原则Q3A(R)和Q3B(R)。 当满足下述一个或多个条件时,可以认为该杂质的控制限度是合 理的:?当杂质实际观察水平以及控制限度未超出FDA已经批准的人用制剂 杂质实际观察水平;? ? ?当杂质本身是原料药在动物和/或人体内重要的代谢产物时;当杂质实际观察水平以及控制限度有充分合理的科学文献支持时; 当杂质实际观察水平以及控制限度未超过通过体外遗传毒性比较研 究得出的正确评估限度时。 有机杂质控制限度的论证方法当杂质本身是原料药在动物和/或人体内重要的代谢产物时?如果有可靠文献报道该杂质系人体代谢产物,其限度的确定并不需要 从安全性方面进行论证。 限度设定时主要考虑批分析数据、稳定性研究数据。 具体限度的确定因药物而异,但应能保证批间药品质量的一致性,且 得到批分析数据、稳定性数据的支持。? ?Example: ? Simvastatin EP Imp A, Degradation Product: Proposed to increase the limit from 0.5% to 1.0%.?Rationale: The FDA guideline for ANDAs: Significant metabolites do not need further qualification. The metabolic profiles of Simvastatin in human and dog plasma showed that Simvastatin EP Imp A is one of the major metabolites. Impurity Limit Establishment: ExamplesSimvastatin Tablets USP. Limits for SV RCA and SV RCB?Simvastatin (Zocor): A lipid-lowering drug approved by FDA in Dec.1991. It reduces cholesterol by inhibiting an enzyme in the liver (HMG-CoA reductase) required for the production of cholesterol. Other statins include Lovastatin (Mevacor), atorvastatin (Lipitor), fluvastatin (Lescol), and rosuvastatin (Crestor). SV RC A and SV RC B were controlled at NMT0.5% and 0.1%, respectively before. However, the results form the long term stability test exceeded the limits. SV RC B, Degradation Product: Proposed to increase the limit from 0.1% to 0.2%. Rationale: ? The ICH guideline Q3B(R): QT for degradation products can be 0.5% or 200mg TDI, whichever is lower, for the drug with MDD of 10-100mg.????MDD for Simvastatin is 80mg. QT can be 0.25%. Impurity Limit Establishment: ExamplesBupropion ER Tablets: Justification for Increasing Limits?The limit for RC m-chlorobenzoic acid in Bupropion Hydrochloride ER Tablets is proposed to increase from 0.3% to 0.5%. Rationale: ? Bupropion is extensively metabolized in humans, rats and dogs. Metabolism studies in human indicated that bupropion was metabolized to m-chlorohippuric acid, erythroamino alcohol (EB), threo-amino alcohol (TB), hydroxy metabolite (HB) (references 1-3). ? It was obvious that m-chlorohippuric acid, which is excreted as the major urinary metabolite, was resulted from oxidation of the bupropion side chain to give mchlorobenzoic acid followed by conjugation with glycine. Other aminoalcohol metabolites such as EB, TB and HB are formed from hydroxylation nof the tert-butyl group of bupropion and /or reduction of the intact parent aminoketone. This metabolism pathway has been confirmed by the fact that the metabolism in rats and dogs gave predominantly m-chlorohippuric acid and m-chlorobenzoic acid as the metabolites, which are formed from side chain oxidative cleavage. ? The FDA guideline for impurities for ANDAs (See Guidance for Industry. ANDAs: Impurities in Drug Substances) indicates that the impurities that are significant metabolites do not need further qualification. ? It is considered reasonable to increase the test limit from 0.3% to 0.5% for BP RC2 (m-chlorobenzoic acid ).? Impurity Limit Establishment: Examples Synthetic Impurities: No Need to Monitor/Report in DP Specifications?Response form FDA on this type of question: Synthetic impurities need not be reported or monitored for release and /or stability testing of the drug product. Thus, no drug product limits for drug substance process impurities need be included in the drug testing protocol. Rationale:????Synthetic impurities are generated during the manufacturing process of the drug substance. They are controlled in the drug substance specification. They are not expected to increase during the production and storage of the drug product. Impurity Limit Establishment: ExamplesSemi-Synthetic or Synthetic Chemical?? “Why is the FDA asking us to qualify an impurity observed in this semi-synthetic drug substance? Aren’t semi-synthetics excluded from the recommendations?” ? Rationale: It depends on how far the drug substance is from the naturally derived source material. In general, drug substances separated from the source material by one or two chemical manipulations are still excluded from the recommendations. However, the Agency believes that those drug substances separated from the source material by several synthetic steps resulting in multiple isolated and purified intermediates resemble traditional chemicals more than they resemble classical semi-synthetic moieties. Hence, the new recommendations would apply to such drug substances. Impurity Limit Establishment: ExamplesClyndamycin. Semi-synthetic or Synthetic Chemical? 案例分析:有机杂质控制限度设置和论证卡托普利(Captopril) 原料药的合成路线 卡托普利(Captopril)有机杂质控制限度的设置 卡托普利(Captopril)有机杂质控制限度的 设置? 美国药典和欧洲药典都发表了有关卡托普利原料药的正文。根据美国药典正文, Captopril disulphide 杂质控制限度不超过1.0%,而其它单一杂质不超过0.2%,总杂质 不超过0.5%。欧洲药典正文把杂质A,B,C,D,E和F作为特定杂质控制在不超过0.15%(其 中例外的是杂质A控制在≤1.0%,杂质F控制在≤0.2%),非特定杂质控制在不超过 0.10%,总杂质不超过1.2%。 ? 如果原料药生命符合美国或欧洲药典标准,通常必须符合该药典正文的每一项要求。然 而,对于与合成路线毫无关系的药典杂质,在实验测试结果显示“None Detected未检 出”的基础上,可以从合成路线和化学反应机理的角度进行论证,提供足够理由说明在 原料药标准中可以不设限度进行常规控制。 ? 下面以声明符合美国药典标准的卡托普利为例来说明如何提供适当的理由对所指定的标 准进行论证。从化学反应机理的角度考虑,杂质B和D产生于含溴的原料,与康乐化学 公司的合成路线无关。标准规格中勿需设定限度来控制杂质B和D。 ? 卡托普利的最高剂量为450毫克/日。根据ICH指导文件Q3A(R),原料药的报告限 (Reporting Threshold)为0.05%,鉴定限(Identification Threshold)为0.10%,论证 限(Qualification Threshold) 为0.15%。 ? 原料药中的控制限度设置如下:已知杂质C和E中单一已知杂质不超过0.1%,杂质A不 超过0.5%,杂质F不超过0.2%,单一未知杂质不超过0.10%,总杂质不超过0.5%。此 杂质控制限度符合或紧于美国药典要求,也与ICH和原料药厂家的要求一致。 练习-杂质控制限度的设置和论证? Michelle is working in a generic pharmaceutical company to develop a drug product called OME for ulcer disease. She adopts the European Pharmacopoeia HPLC method to analyze the drug substance and observed known EP impurities A (0.25), B(0.46%) and C (0.20%), and an unknown impurity 1 (0.18%). The maximum daily dose for OME is 120mg. It is reported that impurity B is a degradation product and metabolite, impurities A is also a degradation product, while impurity C is a synthetic impurity. Table 1. ICH Thresholds for Impurities in New Drug SubstancesMaximum Daily Dose-1 Reporting Threshold 2,3 Identification Threshold 3 0.10% or 1.0mg per day intake (whichever is lower) 0.05% Qualification Threshold 3 0.15% or 1.0mg per day intake (whichever is lower) 0.05%≤2g/day>2g/day10.05%0.03%The amount of drug substance administered per day. 2 Higher reporting thresholds should be significantly justified. 3 Lower thresholds can be appropriate if the impurity is unusually toxic. 练习-杂质控制限度的设置和论证Table 2. ICH Thresholds for Degradation Products in New Drug ProductsActive ingredient maximum daily dose ≤ 1g & 1g Reporting Thresholds 0.1% 0.05% Identification Threshold* N/A N/A Qualification Threshold* N/A N/A& 1mg1mg ~ 10mg & 10mg ~ 2g & 10mg 10mg ~100mg & 100mg ~2g & 2gN/AN/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A1.0% or 5? g TDI0.5% or 20? g TDI 0.2% or 2mg TDI N/A N/A N/A 0.10%N/AN/A N/A 1.0% or 50? g TDI 0.5% or 200? g TDI 0.2% or 3mg TDI 0.15%* Take the lower figure, % or total daily intake (TDI) 练习-杂质控制限度的设置和论证Reporting Threshold (%) ICH limits for Drug substance Recommended Limits for Drug Substance ICH limits for Drug Product Recommended Limits for Drug Product?Impurity A (%)Impurity B (%)Impurity C (%)Unknown Impurity 1 (%)??Use the above Tables 1 and 2 as references and other knowledge you learned from this course to establish appropriate controlling limits and fill into Table 3 for Impurities A, B and C for both drug substance and drug product if necessary. It is not required to establish a limit to control impurity C for drug product. However, the HPLC method for degradation products should be capable of detecting and separating impurity C from other impurities. Why? Why can a limit for a degradation product be considered qualified even it exceeds the ICH limit? FDA对药物杂质的控制要求原料药与成品药中的残留溶剂? ? ? ? ? ? 1997年,ICH制订了“Q3C杂质:残留溶剂的指导原则”。 美国药典(USP)2008年修正了第&467&节,重新命名为残留溶剂(Residual solvents)。 ICH将药品生产及纯化过程中常用的69种有机溶剂按照对人体和环境的危害程度 分为4类。 第1类溶剂:指已知或极可能对人体致癌和对环境有害的溶剂,在药品制造过程 中必须避免使用。其残留量必须严格控制在规定的范围内。 第2类溶剂:指无基因毒性但有动物致癌性的溶剂,可以选择适当的方法并建立 一定的限度进行控制。 第3类溶剂:指对人体低毒的溶剂,可用于生产过程中。其残留溶剂的量如果不 高于0.5%则无需论证。 未分类溶剂:指目前没有足够毒性资料的溶剂,如异丙醚(Isopropylether)。 由于无响应的“允许日接触量”(PDE)资料,生产厂商在使用时必须提供这 些溶剂在制剂中的残留水平,以及对产品安全影响的论证报告,或者根据FDA 在2008年12月出版的控制基因毒性和致癌性以及任何可疑但未知具体毒理的杂 质的指导原则(草案),控制这类残留溶剂日接触量不超过1.5微克。? ICH Q3C and USP General Chapter &467&“…residual solvents in pharmaceuticals are defined as organic volatile chemicals that are used or produced in the manufacturing of drug substance or excipient, or in the preparation of drug products.”[Note: “residual solvents” refers to the amount not removed during the purification of the product] USP: Residual Solvents?General Notices Statement: All articles are subject to be tested for residual solvents (Delayed implementation) Monograph Changes ? &467& Residual solvents: meets the requirements added in all monograph (Delayed Implementation) ? Revised retracted? Residual Solvents &467&:Main Points? ?Driving force: S recommended use of less toxic solvents Testing is to be performed only for solvents “likely to be present”??Used or produced in the final manufacturing step Used in previous steps and not removed by a validated procedure?The limits for acceptable concentrations listed in the Chapter are for drug products, not for its components Residual Solvents &467&:Main Points?The concentration in the drug product may be? Calculated from the concentrations of components ? Deter mandatory if? Solvents are used in its manufacture ? Cumulative calculation exceeds limits? ? ?Manufactures of drug products may rely on data provided by the suppliers of components Provides unambiguous identification and qualification method Includes options to allow use of materials that exceed the limits established Residual Solvents &467&:Main Points, Continued…? “The procedures described in this general chapter are to be applied wherever possible. Otherwise, manufactures may select the most appropriate validated analytical procedure for a particular application.” (ICH and EP take similar approach, see &1225&Validation of Compendial Procedures ? Submission of alternative methods is not required. Scope? ICH “…The guide does not apply to existing marketed products.”? USP (and EP) “This general chapter applies to existing drug substances, excipients and medical products whether or not they are the subject of a monograph of the Pharmacopeia”. Risk-based classification of solvents? Class 1 -Una should be avoided, unless their use can be strongly justified in a risk-based assessment. ? Class 2 -Le should be limited. ? Class 3 -L should be used where practical. [Note: Other solvents may be used but only after approval from a regulatory agency.] Supplier? USP &467& Limits in excipients for each excipient? Limits are not specifications for each excipient ? Some excipients used as drug products ? Manufacturer of drug product has to calculate, based upon PDE and limit.? USP withdrew &467& requirement in excipient monographs? A requirement is listed in General N no need for unnecessary testing. Supplier? Generally, Class 1 Solvents such as benzene are no longer being used in producing excipients. ? Many produced with Class 2 or 3. ? Eliminating or lowering solvent levels may change quality and performance for certain functions. ? Take advantage of calculation option. Supplier? Manufacturers of pharmaceutical products need certain information about the contents of residual solvents in drug substances or excipients in order to meet the criteria of this general chapter.? Only Class 3 solvents are likely to be present. Loss on drying isless than 0.5%. ? Only Class 2 solvents X, Y,…are likely to be present. All are below the Option 1 limit. (Here the supplier would name the Class 2 solvents represented by X, Y, …) ? Only Class 2 solvents X, Y,…and Class 3 solvents are likely to be present. Residual Class 2 solvents are bellow the Option 1 limit and residual Class 3 solvents are below 0.5%. Supplier? Need information exchange between user and supplier.? However there are confidentiality concerns. ? Trust needed between two parties. ? A supplier audit may be needed, GMP concern forregulatory department and FDA. ? Not just rely on C of A. Establishing Exposure Limits (Appendix 3 in the General Chapter)? Permitted Daily Exposure (PDE) derived from the Noobserved-effect level (NOEL) in animal studies. ? For Class 1 solvents, exposure limits are determined using a large safety factor (10,000 to 100,000) ? For Class 2 solvents, PDE was calculated from NOEL, weight adjustments and correction factors (e.g. extrapolating between species and accounting for variability between individuals) Limits of Residual Solvents? Class 1: concentration limits, in ppm, are provided in a Table. They should not be exceeded unless otherwise stated in the individual monograph. ? Class 2: concentration limits are to be calculated from PDE with the formula:concentration (ppm)=1000 PDE/dose, where PDE is in mg/day and dose is in g/dayA table is provided, to be used when the daily dose is 10g or less, or when the daily dose is not known or fixed.? Class 3: PDE is 50mg/day (“unless otherwise stated in the individual monograph”), corresponding to a concentration of 0.5% for daily doses of 10g or less Limits of Residual Solvents: Class 1? Class 1 Residual solvents (Table 1): Should not be used in the manufacturing of drug substances, excipients or drug products because of unacceptable toxicities or deleterious environmental effects of the residual solvents.? However, if there use is unavoidable, their levels should be restricted as shown in Table 1. Table 1. Class 1 Residual SolventsSolvent Benzene Carbon tetrachloride 1,2-Dichlorothane 1,1-Dichlorothane 1,1,1-Trichlorothane Concentration Limit (ppm) 2 4 5 5 1500 Concern Carcinogen Toxic and environmental Hazard Toxic Toxic Environmental Hazard Limits of Residual Solvents: Class 2? Class 2: 26 solvents ? Class 2 Residual Solvents: should be limited in drug substances, excipients or drug products because of their inherent toxicities. ? Their levels should be restricted as shown in Table 2. Concentration limits vary between 50 (Methylbutylketone) and 3880 (cyclohexane). ? When Class 2 residual solvents are used (or produced) in the manufacturing or purification process, they should be identified and quantified. Table 2. Class 2 Residual SolventsSolvent Acetonitrile Chlorobenzene Chloroform Cyclohexane 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,2-Dimethylacetamide PDE (mg/day) 4.1 3.6 0.6 38.8 18.7 10.9 Concentration Limit (ppm) 410 360 60 90N,N-Dimethylformamide1,4-Dioxane 2-Ethoxyethanol8.83.8 1.6880380 160 Table 2. Class 2 Residual Solvents Continued…Solvent Ethylene glycol Formamide Hexane Methanol 2-Methoxyethanol Methylbutylketone Methycyclohexane Methylene chloride N-methylpyrrolidone PDE (mg/day) 6.2 2.2 2.9 30.0 0.5 0.5 11.8 6.0 5.3 Concentration Limit (ppm) 620 220 290
Table 2. Class 2 Residual Solvents Continued…Solvent 1,2-Dimethoxyethane Nitromethane Pyridine PDE (mg/day) 1.0 0.5 2.0 Concentration Limit (ppm) 100 50 200SulfolaneTetrahydrofuran Tetralin Toluene Trichloroethylene1.67.2 1.0 8.9 0.8160720 100 890 80Xylenes21.72170 Limits of Residual Solvents: Class 3? Class 3: 28 solvents ? Less toxic and of lower risk to human health ? Unless otherwise stated in the individual monograph, PDE is NMT 50mg/day, corresponding to a concentration limit of 5000ppm for daily doses not greater than 10g of the product ? If the monograph allows for a concentration resulting in more than 50mg/day, Class 3 solvents must be identified and quantified. Table 3. Class 3 Residual SolventsAcetic AcidAcetone Anisole 1-Butanol 2-Butanol Butyl acetate tert-Butylmethyl ether Cmene Dimethyl sulfoxide EthanolEthyl acetateEthyl ether Ethyl formate Formic acid Heptane Isobutyl acetate Isopropyl acetate Methyl acetate 3-Methyl-1-butanol MethylethylketoneMethyliobutylketone2-Methyl-1-propanol Pentane 1-Pentanol 1-Propanol 2--Propanol Propyl acetate 残留溶剂控制限度的建立? FDA要求所有在制造原料、辅料和产品时使用或产生的有机溶 剂,其残留量都必须予以检测和控制。 ? 仿制药生产商可选择直接在产品中检测,若产品制造过程中均 未使用有机溶剂,亦可先检测原料、辅料的有机溶剂残留量, 检测结果若较规定值低,则产品无须进行检测,若较高,则必 须检测产品,以证实制造过程中有机溶剂的残留是否已经降到 合格标准。 ? 若只有第3类的残留溶剂,则可用USP&731&干燥减重的方式 控制。 Options for Determining Levels of Class 2 Residual Solvents? Option 1: Components of the drug product (drug substances and excipients) meet the concentration limits listed in Table 2, and the daily dose does not exceed 10g. ? 在设定残留溶剂时,首先采用第一选择方法,即根据美国药典&467& (或ICH Q3C)中标1-3所列的限度来建立标准中的溶剂限度。 ? 第一选择方法以每日用药量10克为假设来计算“每日允许接触量” (PDE),从而确定溶剂的限度。 MeOH第一选择方法最高允许值 =1000微克/毫克×PDE(毫克/日)/最高日剂量(克/日) =(1000 ×30)微克/(10 ×1000000)微克=3000ppm Option 2 for Determining Levels of Class 2 Residual Solvents in Drug Products? Option 2: At least one of the components of the drug product exceeds the concentration limits, or the daily dose exceeds 10g: the daily exposure to a solvent (calculated as the sum of the components contributions) should be less than PDE. ? 当残留溶剂含量超过美国药典&467&第一选择限度时可以 采用第二选择方法来建立残留溶剂的限度。常见的是第3 类的残留溶剂,如乙醇或异丙醇,由于其对人体相对较低 的毒性,在原料药生产中常常把它用作最后纯化工序的溶 剂,加上有些原料药具有很大的极性,生产中很难完全去 除。 乙醇含量和第二选择方法限度的计算成份 配方中的含 量(毫克) XXX 150×20% =30 实际乙醇含 量(ppm) 6125 日接触量 (毫克) 30mg ×3 ×0.6125% =0.551原料药辅料1 辅料2辅料3无水葡萄糖结 合剂 交联羧甲基纤 维素钠硬脂酸镁150×76.0% =114 150×3.0% =4.50150×1.0% =1.50100 无无114mg×0.01% =0.011 00制剂15062250.562 Option 2 for Determining Levels of Class 2 Residual Solvents in Drug Products? 第二选择方法以“每日允许接触量”(PDE)和实际每日最大用药 量来计算溶剂的最高允许值。残留溶剂的限度将根据这个允许值以 及实验测定数据而确定。例如,乙醇的每日允许接触量是50毫克。 因此,方法1给出的限度是5000ppm。如果某药物每日最高的配药 量是90毫克,其制剂中包含三种辅料,药品的组分和计算得出的最 高残留乙醇量列于下表中。 ? 第二选择方法最高允许值 =1000 ×PDE(毫克/日)/最高日剂量(克/日) =1000 ×50/0.090=5.56 ×105ppm 因此,原料药中的残留溶剂乙醇的控制限度可以设定为高于第一选 择方法的限度(5000ppm)。如果原料药样品的实际分析结果为 ppm,则控制限度可以设置为不超过8000ppm. Example 1: Option 1 and Option 2, with Acetonitrile? PDE acetonitrile=4.1mg/day, thus Option 1 limits is 410ppm (from Table 2). ? 5.0g drug product/day. Composed of two excipientsComponents Drug substance Excipient 1 Excipient 2 Excipient 3 Amount in Formulation (g) 0.3 0.9 3.8 5.0 Acetonitrile ContentLimit (ppm) 800 (exceeds) 400 (pass) 800 (exceeds) 728 (exceeds) Daily Exposure (mg) 0.24 0.36 3.04 3.64 (PASS)? Excipient 1 meets Option 1 limit of 410ppm/day. ? Drug Substance, excipient 2, and drug product do not meet Option 1 limit of 410ppm/day. ? Drug product however meets Option 2 limits of 4.1 mg/day. Example 2: Option 1 and Option 2, with Acetonitrile? PDE acetonitrile=4.1mg/day, thus Option 1 limits is 410ppm (from Table 2). ? 5.0g drug product/day. Composed of two excipientsComponents Drug substance Excipient 1 Excipient 1 Drug Product Amount in Formulation (g) 0.3 0.9 3.8 5.0 Acetonitrile ContentLimit (ppm) 800 6 Daily Exposure (mg) 0.24 1.80 3.04 5.08 (FAIL)? Drug product does not meet Option 1 or Option 2 limit. ? Manufacturer could test to see if manufacturing did reduce the level of acetonitrile in drug product below 410 if so it passes. 原料药中残留溶剂与有机挥发性杂质的控制及其依据? 根据原料药生产商提供的药物管理档案中原料药的合成路线,某原料药的生产 中使用过以下五种溶剂:丙酮、正己烷、甲苯、乙酸乙酯和四氢呋喃。 研发气相色谱测定方法对该原料药的样品进行分析,检测苯(甲苯中的一种潜 在杂质)和以上所列的五种可能的残留溶剂。结果显示,乙酸乙酯、四氢呋喃、 正己烷、甲苯和苯(源于甲苯)均未检出。然而,却在样品中检测到了一种未 知的有机挥发性杂质。 应用气相色谱-质谱(GC-MS)分析技术分析后确定该未知有机挥发性杂质为 亚异丙基丙酮(mesityloxide)。进一步使用亚异丙基丙酮参考标准品对样品中 的该杂质进行了定量分析并确定了其含量。???下表总结了该原料药样品的残留溶剂分析结果和所建立的限度。由于未检出乙 酸乙酯、四氢呋喃、正己烷、甲苯和苯,加上这些是早期合成阶段所用的溶剂 (苯除外,合成中未使用苯),因此认为没有必要在标准中对这些残留溶剂建 立控制限度进行常规控制。如果这些残留溶剂出现在原料药中,所采用的气相 色谱法将可以检测到它们,并能对其进行定量分析。另外,用不超过1000ppm 的限度来分别控制原料药中第三类溶剂丙酮和乙酸乙酯的残留量,此限度低于 ICH指南中的允许限度,与供应商的限度也一致,因而是合理的。 原料药中残留溶剂与有机挥发性杂质的控制及其依据残留溶剂或 有机挥发性 杂质1112己烷 (ppm) ND ND ND ND ND 2 290 NA丙酮 (ppm) 142 182 133 705 696 3 乙酸乙酯 (ppm) ND ND ND ND ND 3 甲苯 (ppm) ND ND ND ND ND 2 890 NA苯 (ppm) ND ND ND ND ND 1 2 NA四氢呋喃 (ppm) ND ND ND ND ND 2 720 NA异亚丙基丙 酮(ppm) 21 12 30 178 147 NA NA NA样品 检测 结果 (批号)15 1116ICH分类 ICH限度 康乐化学公 司限度民药公司建 议的限度定量限LOQNA151000100100050NA40NALOD:0.8NA252002.5 练习-原料药中残留溶剂控制限度的设置和论证残留溶剂或有机挥发性杂质 1112 样品检测 结果(批号) ICH分类 ICH限度 康乐化学公司限度 民药公司建议的限度 定量限LOQ 60 100 50 25
二氯甲烷 (ppm) 78 89 90 2 600 600 异丙醇 IPA(ppm) 800 790 670 3
乙酸乙酯 (ppm) ND ND ND 3
四氢呋喃 THF (ppm) ND ND ND 2 720 NA 原料药中残留溶剂与有机挥发性杂质的控制及其依据?亚异丙基丙酮(mesityl oxide):是从丙酮经过羟醛缩合反应而产生的一种有机挥发 性杂质。 由于USP和ICH都没有对此杂质设定控制限度,其毒理学数据也不完全,建议应 用美国FDA在2008年12月出版的产业指导中为基因毒素或可能致癌杂质的限度 (1.5微克/日)来设置控制限度。该药的每日最高剂量为10毫克,可认为设置不 超过100ppm(0.01%)的限度恰当地控制了该原料药中的这种有机挥发性杂质 (参见下面的计算公式) 1.5微克/日 亚异丙基丙酮控制限度=―――――――――――― × 106=150ppm 10毫克/日× 103毫克/毫克??所用的气相色谱分析方法已经过验证,其准确度、精密度、线性、灵敏度、可 靠性、耐用性和选择性均适用于这些残留溶剂和有机挥发性杂质的常规检测控 制的要求。 原料药与成品药中具有基因毒性和致癌性的杂质?具有基因毒性和致癌性基因毒性的杂质:可以直接与DNA结合 或通过影响参与DNA复制的酶,间接地导致DNA损伤。由于快 速分裂的细胞在积极合成新的DNA,所以它们对基因毒性 (Genotoxic)杂质特别敏感,甚至可能因受损太重而导致凋亡。?欧洲医药局(European Medicine Agency, 简称EMEA, Committee for Medical Products for Human Use, 简称CHMP) 在2006年就首先颁布了《基因毒性杂质限度指南》,并于2007 年1月1日起正式实施。 FDA于2008年12月发表了控制这类杂质的指导原则(草案)。 对任何可疑的但未知具体毒理的基因毒性杂质,基于具体药物 的每天最大摄入量以上两个指导原则草案都推荐1.5毫克/日作为 控制限度。? 原料药与成品药中具有基因毒性和致癌性的杂质?毒性关注限(TTC: Threshold of Toxicological Concern)是由FDA下属的食 物安全和营养中心为“与食物接触的物质”所提出的一个规定限度。 TTC是通过对700多种致癌物引发肿瘤超过50%概率的致癌基剂量进行简单 的线性外推而得。对食物而言,TTC值等于1.5微克/日相当于人的生存期中 (平均以70年计)百万分之一患癌症的概率。也就是所谓的有效安全剂量 (VSD:Virtual Safe Dose)。 对药物而言,1.5微克/日相当于人十万分之一的致癌概率,相对于目前人类 四分之一的“自然”患癌症的比例,一般认为是可以接受的。 因为服药是一个有意识的治疗过程,副作用总是伴随着药物的治疗效用, 而药物的使用期相对于人类的生存期是短暂的,所以除了极少数的基因毒 性杂质,这一标准是可以接受的。在某些极端情况下,如生命受到即时威 胁或极短的使用期限,较高的限度也是可以接受的。对于比终身服药短的 临床试验,可以接受高数倍的限制标准。 许多基因毒性杂质的化学结构中具有某些特定的官能团称为示警结构 (Alerting Structure)。这些官能团包括硝基和亚硝基化合物,环氧化物, 磺酸酯,亚磺酸酯,氯化物等。???? 具有基因毒性和致癌性的杂质的论证和控制? 在康乐化学有限公司生产的某原料药的筛选试验中发现一个未知峰。经GCMS鉴定和标准品的比较,证实为2-氯丙烷。从化学角度来看,2-氯丙烷可由 生产过程中异丙醇和盐酸的耦合反应形成。 ? 2-氯丙烷是一种已知的具有基因毒性的烷基化试剂。在最近几年,由于这种 类型化合物的基因毒性或致癌性,该化合物在药品中的含量控制已受到相当 的重视。 ? FDA在2008年12月公布的制药业指南草案中对具有基因毒性的杂质建议了1.5 微克/日的合理限度。低于该限度的基因毒性杂质无须进一步论证。根据该原 料药的最高日用量0.6毫克/日和1.5微克/日的限度,可计算出2-氯丙烷的允许 限度为不超过2500ppm。因此,2-氯丙烷控制限度建议为100ppm。该限度也 与原料药厂商的内部限度一致。民药集团和原料厂商的3个批号分析结果显示 “未检出”,说明符合要求。 1.5微克/日 2-氯丙烷控制限度=――――――――――――――×106=2500ppm 0.6毫克/日×103微克/毫克 谢谢大家!
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