
  According to a theory advanced by researcher Paul Martin,the wave of species extinctions that occurred in North America about 11,000 years ago,at the end of the Pleistocene era,can be directly attributed to the arrival of humans,i.e.,the Paleoindians, who were ancestors of modern Native Americans. However,anthropologist Shepard Krech points out that large animal species vanished even in areas where there is no evidence to demonstrate that Paleoindians hunted them.Nor were extinctions confined to large animals: small animals,plants,and insects disappeared,presumably not all through human consumption.Krech also contradicts Martin's exclusion of climatic change as an explanation by asserting that widespread climatic change did indeed occur at the end of the Pleistocene. Still,Krech attributes secondary if not primary responsibility for the extinctions to the Paleoindians,arguing that humans have produced local extinctions elsewhere.But,according to historian Richard White,even the attribution of secondary responsibility may not be supported by the evidence. White observes that Martin's thesis depends on coinciding dates for the arrival of humans and the decline of large animal species,and Krech,though aware that the dates are controversial,does not challenge them;yet recent archaeological discoveries are providing evidence that the date of human arrival was much earlier than 11,000 years ago.
  1. Which of the following is true about Martin's theory,as that theory is described in the passage?
  (A) It assumes that the Paleoindians were primarily dependent on hunting for survival.
  (B) It denies that the Pleistocene species extinctions were caused by climate change.
  (C) It uses as evidence the fact that humans have produced local extinctions in other situations.
  (D) It attempts to address the controversy over the date of human arrival in North America.
  (E) It admits the possibility that factors other than the arrival of humans played a role in the Pleistocene extinctions.
  2. Which of the following, if true, would most weaken Krech's objections to Martin's theory?
  (A) Further studies showing that the climatic change that occurred at the end of the Pleistocene era was even more severe and widespread than was previously believed
  (B) New discoveries indicating that Paleoindians made use of the small animals, plants, and insects that became extinct
  (C) Additional evidence indicating that widespread climatic change occurred not only at the end of the Pleistocene era but also in previous and subsequent eras
  (D) Researchers' discoveries that many more species became extinct in North America at the end of the Pleistocene era than was previously believed
  (E) New discoveries establishing that both the arrival of humans in North America and the wave of Pleistocene extinctions took place much earlier than 11,000 years ago
  3. In the last sentence of the passage, the author refers to “recent archaeological discoveries” (lines 27-30) most probably in order to
  (A) Refute White's suggestion that neither Martin nor Krech adequately account for Paleoindians' contributions to the Pleistocene extinctions
  (B) Cast doubt on the possibility that a more definitive theory regarding the causes of the Pleistocene extinctions may be forthcoming
  (C) Suggest that Martin's, Krech's, and White's theories regarding the Pleistocene extinctions are all open to question
  (D) Call attention to the most controversial aspect of all the current theories regarding the Pleistocene extinctions
  (E) Provide support for White's questioning of both Martin's and Krech's positions regarding the role of Paleoindians in the Pleistocene extinctions
  According to a theory advanced by researcher Paul Martin,the wave of species extinctions that occurred in North America about 11,000 years ago,at the end of the Pleistocene era, can be directly attributed to the arrival of humans,i.e.,the Paleoindians, who were ancestors of modern Native Americans.
  翻译:根据由研究者Paul Martin发展的一项理论,发生在大约11000年前更新世末期的北美洲的物种灭绝潮,可以直接归因于人类的到来,比如说Paleoindians,现代土著美国人的祖先。
  According to a theory advanced by researcher Paul Martin,the wave of species extinctions that occurred in North America about 11,000 years ago,at the end of the Pleistocene era,can be directly attributed to the arrival of humans,i.e.,the Paleoindians, who were ancestors of modern Native Americans. However,anthropologist Shepard Krech points out that large animal species vanished even in areas where there is no evidence to demonstrate that Paleoindians hunted them.Nor were extinctions confined to large animals: small animals,plants,and insects disappeared,presumably not all through human consumption.
  Krech also contradicts Martin's exclusion of climatic change as an explanation by asserting that widespread climatic change did indeed occur at the end of the Pleistocene. Still,Krech attributes secondary if not primary responsibility for the extinctions to the Paleoindians,arguing that humans have produced local extinctions elsewhere.
  But,according to historian Richard White,even the attribution of secondary responsibility may not be supported by the evidence. White observes that
  Martin's thesis depends on coinciding dates for the arrival of humans and the decline of large animal species,and Krech,though aware that the dates are controversial,does not challenge them;yet recent archaeological discoveries are providing evidence that the date of human arrival was much earlier than 11,000 years ago.
  根据由研究者Paul Martin发展的一项理论,发生在大约11000年前更新世末期的北美洲的物种灭绝潮,可以直接归因于人类的到来,比如说Paleoindians,现代土著美国人的祖先。然而,人类学家Shepard Krech指出大型动物物种甚至在那些没有证据表明Paleoindians捕杀它们的地区也消失了。灭绝也不仅限于大型动物:小型动物、植物和昆虫都消失了,推测不全是由于人类的捕食。通过指出在更新世末期的确发生了广泛的气候变化,Krech也反驳了Martin把气候变化作为一种解释排除在外的做法。不过Krech仍然将Paleoindians的到来作为灭绝潮的第二原因,如果不能作为首要原因的话,他认为人类在其他地方造成了当地物种的灭绝。但是,在历史学家Richard White看来,即便将Paleoindians的到来归于第二责任可能也无法得到证据支持。White观察到Martin的论点基于人类到来和大型动物物种数量下降发生的时间一致,而Krech,尽管意识到这个时间是有争议的,并未对其提出挑战;但是近期的考古学发现提供证据表明人类到来的时间远早于11000年前。
  ·Human arrival=extinction
  ·Not climate change
  However, SK:
  ·No human=extinction (M ○-& )
  ·Nor, small extinction (M ○- )
  ·Climate change ○+ (M ○- )
  ·Human ○+ ○-
  But, RW:
  ·Human ○-
  ·M ○- , K ○-
  ·∵human arrived early
  1. Which of the following is true about Martin's theory, as that theory is described in the passage?
  (A) It assumes that the Paleoindians were primarily dependent on hunting for survival.
  (B) It denies that the Pleistocene species extinctions were caused by climate change.
  (C) It uses as evidence the fact that humans have produced local extinctions in other situations.
  (D) It attempts to address the controversy over the date of human arrival in North
  (E) It admits the possibility that factors other than the arrival of humans played a role in the Pleistocene extinctions.
  (A): 无中生有:原文提到了Paleoindians捕食大型动物,并没有说主要依靠捕猎存活
  (C): 混淆文义:C项所说为Krech而非Martin的观点提供了证据
  (D): 张冠李戴:试图解决人类到达北美争议的是Richard White而不是PW
  (E): 与原文相反:原文Martin只考虑Paleoindians的到来是原因,把气候变化都排除在解释之外,并未考虑其他可能的解释。
  2. Which of the following, if true, would most weaken Krech's objections to Martin's theory?
  (A) Further studies showing that the climatic change that occurred at the end of the
  Pleistocene era was even more severe and widespread than was previously believed
  (B) New discoveries indicating that Paleoindians made use of the small animals, plants, and insects that became extinct
  (C) Additional evidence indicating that widespread climatic change occurred not only at the end of the Pleistocene era but also in previous and subsequent eras
  (D) Researchers' discoveries that many more species became extinct in North America at the end of the Pleistocene era than was previously believed
  (E) New discoveries establishing that both the arrival of humans in North America and the wave of Pleistocene extinctions took place much earlier than 11,000 years ago
  果1: Species extinctions cannot be directly attributed to the arrival of humans.
  因1: Large animal species vanished even in areas where……
  Nor were extinctions… large animals: small animal…through human consumption.
  果2: Krech contradicts Martin's exclusion of climatic change as an explanation
  因2: Widespread climatic change did occur at the end of the Pleistocene.
  正确答案应该包含因1或者因2的反面,需要注意的是,climatic change这个表达存在奇异,因为change可以向好的方向发展,也可以向不好的方向发展,因此如果因1和因2的反面在选项中都出现,优先选择因1的反面。
  3. In the last sentence of the passage, the author refers to “recent archaeological discoveries” (lines 27-30) most probably in order to
  (A) Refute White's suggestion that neither Martin nor Krech adequately account for Paleoindians' contributions to the Pleistocene extinctions
  (B) Cast doubt on the possibility that a more definitive theory regarding the causes of the Pleistocene extinctions may be forthcoming
  (C) Suggest that Martin's, Krech's, and White's theories regarding the Pleistocene extinctions are all open to question
  (D) Call attention to the most controversial aspect of all the current theories regarding the Pleistocene extinctions
  (E) Provide support for White's questioning of both Martin's and Krech's positions regarding the role of Paleoindians in the Pleistocene extinctions
  1)手段目的题:正确答案为(E)。“recent archaeological discoveries”之前的那个分句写White表达对Martin和Krech的质疑,于是紧接着举出最近的研究发现以证明White的这种质疑是有据可循的。
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She had a sort of breakdown some years ago, and since then she has been very shy...
You use since to mention a time or event in the past when you are describing an event or situation that has happened after that time.
The percentage increase in reported crime in England and Wales this year is the highest since the war...
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When you are talking about an event or situation in the past, you use since to indicate that another event happened at some point later in time.
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约 6,000 人被捕,后来其中的几百人又被释放了。
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If you say that something has long since happened, you mean that it happened a long time ago.
Even though her parents have long since died, she still talks about them in the present tense.
You use since to introduce reasons or explanations.
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