
& 如何判断译员对讲话理解的准确性
& & &译员对讲话理解得是否准确,拿什么判断呢?首先要看自己理解的东西是否符合演讲人讲话的逻辑。为此,认为我们应特别注意演讲人所谈的题目。
& & 另外,从心理学角度来判断,也很重要。因为演讲人就某个题目所谈到的内容,对译员来说可能预先并未料到。译员应重视预先未料到的这部分内容,注意演讲人列举的事实和说明的理由之间的联系。对于这种内在的联系,可能讲话者并未注意,但译员却必须从思想深处予以充分的重视。
& & 现在把问题稍微扯得远点。在日常生活中,许多人都可能会有这样的体会:在远处有人对你说话,或者在不太远的地方正在对你讲话时,过了辆汽车,结果你什么也没听清楚。口译时也会遇到类似的问题。比如,会场的音响效果不好,电化设备不足,话筒电路不通等等。上述种种问题,译员都希望力求能够解决,希望通过改善音响效果、改进设备质量,力求能够听清讲话的内容。即使不能完全听清,也希望能够听懂讲话的内在联系。
& & 演讲人无论是自觉地还是不自觉地,总是从思想上很重视听众的接受能力,注意使听众能够听懂自己所讲的内容。译员则不同,他仅仅是个传话人。他不需要别人回答他,也无须为他传出的话所引起的反应而着急。译员在传话的过程中,除非是为了表示对双方的尊敬,就职业本身来说,没有任何必要去关心双方的品质和性格。
& & 上海法语翻译还需要指出的是,在大多数情况下,演讲人对所谈及的内容要比译员了解得更多些。译员也很了解这一点。他可以利用这一有利条件,帮助自己更好地理解讲话的内容。有些讲话,初看上去,似乎平淡无味,但若经仔细思考,却有许多耐人寻味、发人深省之处。因此,译员不应象中学生做拉丁文翻译练习那样,拿到一篇短文后,不经思考就胡乱写一通,而是应该从讲话全文的连贯性方而加以理解。
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绩效是什么意思 绩效在线翻译 绩效什么意思 绩效的意思 绩效的翻译 绩效的解释 绩效的发音 绩效的同义词 绩效的反义词 绩效的例句
绩效 基本解释绩效词典:表现;表演;演技;执行。绩效 网络解释1. 1. Performance evaluation:说到我的绩效(Performance Evaluation)的时候,我和老板探讨了一下我的一些建议和感受,老板也给我说了说他觉得我的长处和短处,我们谈得很坦诚、尽管不大尽兴,还是能感受到许多.2. job performance:组织承诺高的员工通常隐含工作绩效(job performance)高、离职(turn-over)倾向低. 指组织只专注於其较具优势的核心(core)企业功能执行,譬如:只专注於行销功能或者生产功能,而将其较不具竞争优势的功能外包出去.3. achievement:推进干部挂职锻炼工作规范化,可以借鉴中小企业OPA管理理论,实行目标(Object)、过程(Process)、绩效(Achievement)相统一的管理方式,实现管理的螺旋式上升.绩效 双语例句1. 绩效的翻译1. 接着,利用产业组织理论对汽车业的规制绩效进行评估,以市场结构和市场绩效作为衡量规制绩效的标准。&&&&With respect to the theories in industrial organization, performance of regulation of automobile industry is evaluated based on the market structure and market performance.2. 其次,在马柯维茨的现代投资组合理论和威廉·夏普的资本资产定价模型的理论基础上,系统地阐述了目前关于证券投资基金的绩效评估具有代表性的三种风险因素调整绩效衡量方法,即夏普业绩指数、特雷诺指数、詹森业绩指数,并对其进行了比较研究。&&&&Secondly, in the modern portfolio theory of Markowitz and William Sharpe - Capital Asset Pricing Model the theoretical basis, the system expounded on the current performance evaluation of securities investment funds representative of the three kinds of risk-adjusted performance measurement method, which Sharpe performance index, Treynor index, Jensen performance index, and a comparative study of them.3. 911查询·英语单词3. 这些上市公司是我国经济发展的主力军,它们绩效的好坏直接影响到我国经济的发展状况。&&&&To some extent, the unreasonable capital structure arrangement has limited the4. 在供应链管理实践中,托运人对承运人的选择多从对承运人绩效考核的角度进行研究,这是一种事后考核的管理,缺乏激励和主动性,导致因选择承运人失误而造成大量损失的案例比比皆是,这主要是由于托运人与承运人之间存在信息不对称的原因造成的。&&&&On the practice of supply chain management, we always studied the carriers`performance when the shippers choose carriers to carry for him. This kind of research belong to afterwards assess, it is short of goad and initiative. Many cases about lose can be find everywhere because of choosing improper carriers, the main reason is that there exist asymmetric information between the shipper and the carrier.5. 在高速公路建设项目管理过程中,管理部门需要对管理过程及最终的管理效果进行了解,即高速公路建设项目管理绩效评价问题,它是对项目管理工作综合效果进行的评价,对于定量、定性指标都要求给出相应的评价结果。&&&&It is doing the evaluation is in progress to project management work that the evaluation is imitated by the project management twist hempen thread.6. 百事可乐的成功源于高品质的产品、高标准的绩效、独特的竞争优势以及我们员工的高尚操守。&&&&PepsiC''s success is the result of superior products, high standards of performance, distinctive competitive strategies and the high integrity of our people.7. 经过调查统计和分析,发现导致问题的原因是XH印刷厂职能部门管理人员原有的薪酬体系中,岗位工资没有考虑各岗位之间的相对价值,绩效工资没有与员工的业绩挂钩,且未实行绩效考核。&&&&Through investigate and analysis, the paper finds the direct reason is that the posting pay didn`t take the relative value among each
performance pay didn`t associate with the stuff`s performance and the company didn`t carry out performance appraisal.8. 绩效治理是一项从企业总体战略着眼,本着提高企业整体业绩为目的,对员工个体和部门整体进行考核的业绩治理制度。&&&&Performance management is from the enterprise overall strategy have sth in mind, act on raise enterprise whole outstanding achievement to be a purpose, individual to employee the system of outstanding achievement management that has assessing with sectional whole.9. 在目前的人事制度改革中,对于职能部门员工的绩效考核是一项重要内容。&&&&During the present personnel system reform, the performance appraisal to function staff is an important content.10. 应用数据包络分析模型对我国50所重点院校的科研绩效进行了评价。&&&&A data envelopment analysis was used to evaluate the performance of scientific research in 50 universities.11. 第五章对我国开展政府绩效审计的现实环境进行分析。&&&&&&Chapter 5 analyses the environments of government performance audit in our country.12. 因此,除了常规的财务审计方法,政府绩效审计还需要一些独特的方法。&&&&&&Among them, statistical analysis of the British government and its performance audit of the good results.13. 第六章结合我国国情,对我国开展政府绩效审计的模式进行分析。&&&&&&Chapter 6 analyses the mode of government performance audit under the background of our country.14. \u\u\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD14. 而我国政府绩效审计的开展历史则相对较短。&&&&&&And the Chinese Government to carry out performance audit is a relatively short history.15. 本文从思想开拓、系统设计和系统实施运行等三方面对企业员工绩效管理系统进行了初步探索。&&&&&&The author studies the staff performance management system through mind development, system design and system operation.16. 结果发现,外资银行参股中资银行的行为,对被参股银行的财务绩效改善的作用较为明显,但对其全要素生产率的改进尚未表现出明显的促进作用。&&&&&&The results show that foreign equity participation plays a significantly positive role on target banks'performance improvement, but fails to show significant influence on the total factor productivity improvement of target banks.17. 政府绩效评估是联结公众与政府的纽带、提高政府业绩的工具,对于推进政府机构改革有着深远的意义。&&&&&&Government administration performance evaluation is the bond that link public with government and good tool of lofting government performance, which is the important point in pushing government institution reform.18. 中国神马集团神马实业公司,河南平顶山 467000)信息沟通是整个绩效管理系统中最重要的一环。&&&&&&Information communication is one important link in the whole performance management system.19. 很奇怪的是,我们大多发现找时间替属下做定期评估是件很困难的事,但却拼命地想从自己的老板身上得到工作绩效的反馈。&&&&&&It is curious that most of us find it hard to get round doing regularappraisals of the people who report to us, yet still desperately wantfeedback from those we report to.20. 很奇怪的是,我们大多发现找时间替属下做定期评估是件很困难的事,但却拼命地想从自己的老板身上得到工作绩效的反馈。&&&&&&It is curious that most of us find it hard to get round doing regular appraisals of the people who report to us, yet still desperately want feedback from those we report to.绩效是什么意思,绩效在线翻译,绩效什么意思,绩效的意思,绩效的翻译,绩效的解释,绩效的发音,绩效的同义词,绩效的反义词,绩效的例句,绩效的相关词组,绩效意思是什么,绩效怎么翻译,单词绩效是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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&2017  京ICP备号-6 京公网安备30 和你讲话 的翻译是:Talking to you 中文翻译英文意思,翻译英语
And you speak
And you speak
Talking to you
And you speak
Speaks with you
相关内容&aTom read about it in a 汤姆闻悉它在a & athe parents always chatter in side say me 父母聊天在旁边总认为我 & a我想要一个mp3 Je veux mp3 & a这可能会导致不能处理好面对的问题 This possibly can cause the question which cannot process faces & aI am really too shy to speak with people. It makes me feel scared but at the same time I am dying because of loneliness 我真正地太害羞的以至于不能与人讲话。 它做我害怕的感受由于寂寞,但我同时垂危 & a--May I put my coat here? --Sorry, you can't. --我可以这里投入我的外套? --抱歉,您不能。 & a越来越多的人站出来反对破坏环境 More and more many people stand the opposition destruction environment & aChinese state councilor 中国国务委员 & aIt allows the import of parts from every International standard format and defines the desired technology for the subsequent cut generation. 它允许部分进口从每个国际标准格式并且定义了期望技术为随后裁减世代。 & aFigure 16. Typical Connection Diagram (Single-phase, 2-wire – Isolated from Power Line) .................. 40
& a一朵向日葵 A sunflower & a为什么我的嘴角总有微笑,那是因为我明白了梦想的真正意义。 正在翻译,请等待...
& a你是我现在唯一可以停靠的港湾! You are the harbor which I only may anchor now! & a至于作业,多数学生每天都做 As for the work, the most students do every day & awhere u tell me that u love 正在翻译,请等待...
& a- Patentsituation - Patentsituation & a潜在 幸福 Bonheur latent & a直到他的朋友离开他,他才意识到遵守诺言的重要性 Leaves him until his friend, he only then realizes observes the promise the importance & aWTH CRYSTAL IRIS EXTRACT
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& afile axpewinpe.is-couid not be loaded 文件axpewinpe.is-couid不被装载 & athe joy luck club 喜悦运气俱乐部 & a因特网的使用日益普及;网络为我们带来许多好处;网络的使用也存在一些问题 Internet's use po The network brings m The network use also has some problems & a这些玩具必得达到严格的安全要求后可出售给儿童 These toys must after achieve the strict safety requirements may sell gives the child & aIn me the tiger sniffs the rose,it's terrible 在我老虎嗅玫瑰,它是可怕的 & a小朋友们,你们知道怎么打招呼吗? The children, you knew how greets? & a肾功能不正常的几种情况 正在翻译,请等待...
& a那里天气不错 正在翻译,请等待...
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& aroad to school 教育的路 & ayou can carry
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& ahe sense of oppression which Gemma had felt in the Gadfly’s society was intensified by the gipsy’ and , when , a moment later, the host came up to beg her to help him entertain some tourists in the other room, she conscented with an odd feeling of relief. 他芽体有毛毡在讨厌的人的社会由吉普赛人的存在增强的感觉压迫; 并且,当,后片刻,主人在另一间屋子出来乞求她帮助他招待有些游人,她conscented以安心的一种奇怪的感觉。 & aThere is an orange______the tree. 有orange______the树。 & a工作范围: Operating region: & aitunes was not installed 正在翻译,请等待...
& aThere is a bar in the town with name The White Hrose 有一个酒吧在镇以名字白色Hrose & a对我来说,失去时间就是失去生命。我不能还没实现自己设定的目标就离开这个世界。miss . set the goal . leave without To me, loses the time loses the life.I cannot not achieve the goal which oneself establishes to leave this world.miss. set the goal. leave without & aprimary wife 主要妻子 & a但是我觉得我能承担起更多的责任,接受更多的挑战,所以我决定改变我的工作 正在翻译,请等待...
& a充满传奇色彩的物理天才 Fill legend color physical talent & a矿难 The ore is difficult & a美女 你讓我變的好硬 The beautiful woman you let me change good hard & a他名声不好 正在翻译,请等待...
& a告诉一些国际大事 Tells some international important matters & a她认为这部电影怎么样 How does she think this movie & aopen your heart everything is new 打开一切是新的您的心脏 & a工商银行
贺捷 Industry and commerce bank He Jie & aU r so lucky! Cherish! Wish u be healthy U r很幸运! 爱护! 愿望u是健康的 & a和你讲话 Speaks with you &经过我和老板的反复沟通,这句话怎么翻译好呢? - 外贸英语 -
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discuss with my boss again and again,仅供参考啊
UID 1639543
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来自 广州白云区
discuss with my boss one million times.
UID 1580961
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来自 深圳在左,天堂在右
bargaining with boss for a long time
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After several deep (or&&tough) discussions with my boss
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according to the double check with our boss
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UID 977681
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a tough talk with my boss ....
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