我今年6月份通过公司挑选去了脉动是什么公司旗下的的一个、Chaos Art Factory品牌中心,

  近期都是跟JC上课。JC喜欢板书,很多表达地道的句式可以抄录下来和大家分享。     今晚上课前,我们聊了网球和ROGER FERDERER.他说罗杰.费得勒给他留下深刻印象的是,He doesn’t care in to pressure/mentally tough\solid /dig deep/has power of heart.对网球的专注力给我们留下深刻印象。     课程话题是“主持会议”。主席的职责是:1.2.don’3.4.make everyone gets a chance to express their ideas.表达句式有:I think we’re getting sidetrached.let’s get back in trach/let’s justso ,you’re saying that...;let me see if I undelet any thoughts on this?waht do you think?what are you view on this?     举例我们召开会议讨论亚运会开幕式。planning commitee:    the openning ceremoy.1.singer(who must be famous/good reputation/has presence/pull it off );2.torch bearer(hold)(influencial/criteria sports person/accomlished);3.how to lightthe torch(creative/breath-taking/spectacular/has a wow- factor/expectional);3.4.5 critical thing GZ needs to prepare.
楼主发言:1次 发图:4张 | 更多
  有几处不妥:  sidetrach应为sidetrack  get back in trach应为get back in track  make everyone gets a chance,楼主确这是资料上给出的句式么?  what are you view
  LIFESTYLE( 15:42:21)[编辑][删除]标签:教育
本课程由来自澳大利亚的JC主讲。首先我们了解下多少种生活方式:1.C2.Hectic (very busy)3.F4.Glamorous(富有魅力的;迷人的, 富于刺激的;独特的 )5.Family-6.U7.W8.Alternative lifestyle.    
怎样适应生活方式的表达法:1.You will get u2.you wil3.you will settle4.fit5.Lifestyle that is centered/focused around.    
(1)You have a friend who lives a very unhealthy lifestyle(he is a chain smoker,drinks heavily and doesn’t watch his food.One day he has a minor stroke(小中风)and is recovering in the hospital.you visit him and want him to consider changing his lifestyle.    
I hate to see you like....    
I hate to say this but I feel that...    
I need to be frank/honest with you ....    
you cannot go on like this.    
you need to cut down on....    
you need to start watching what you eat....    
(2)Your son/daughter in high school is considering his/her career.explain them about the lifestyle related to that career.EG.doctor’s lifestyle,salesperson’s lifestyle,entertainment industry lifestyle etc.does a person’s personality need to fit into that lifestyle?    
(3)Do you think that the lifestyle of chinese people are becoming more westernized?    
(4)After living a big city.do you think you can settle permanently(for forever) a simpler lifestyle in the countryside?    
(5)What do you think is the general lifestyle of westerners?is there a major different between people in China?    
(6)What type of lifestyle do you think celebrities(famous people)live?are there any pros and cons(用法源自拉丁语。pro在此是指in favor of(赞成)的意思;而con则是拉丁语contra的简写,指in opposition to, against(反对)。两者现在为英文的拉丁字根,大都当前缀(prefix)用,此词语严格来讲,不加s,而加s的the pros and cons是名词,指“赞成者和反对者的论据”。但这里的pro和我们常讲到的“比赛遇到 pro”的不一样,后者是professional(行家,老手)的简称,具体用法要注意上下文。例: Let’s add up the pros and cons. 咱们把正反两方面的意见总结一下吧。)
  TO 偶尔不上网:我有很多英语学习资料,但是容量太多,邮箱发不出,你留下QQ号吧,通过QQ传送给你,希望对你有帮助.
  英国俚语(十二)( 19:16:17)[编辑][删除]标签:俚语 英国 教育
121.Square Mile.    
The square Mile is the city,the financial area of London.    
伦敦金融城(俗称“平方英里”Square Mile)伦敦金融城实际上指的是伦敦传统的金融区,它位于泰晤士河北岸,英国人习惯称之为伦敦市,是名副其实的“城中城”。伦敦金融城面积虽小,却是英国的经济中心,伦敦金融城的产值占英国GDP的3%。同时,它也是与华尔街齐名的世界三大金融中心之一。在这里,每天的外汇交易量高达6300亿美元,是华尔街的两倍,名列世界500强的企业,有75%在金融城内设立分公司或办事处。因此它被称为“世界经济的发动机”。    
122.Sticky wicket    
If you are on a sticky wicket,you are in a difficult situation.    
to be “on a sticky wicket”: to face difficulties (sticky wicket 原意是指板球比赛中,雨后周围场地泥泞的三柱门,因这种情况使球跳不高而难击,所以喻指艰难的处境).    
123.Stiff upper lip.    
If you keep your emotions to yourself and don’t let others know how you feel when something bad happens,you keep a stiff upper lip.泰然自若,坚定沉着.顽强不屈;坚定不移 .    
124.Take the biscuit.    
If something takes the biscuit,it is he absolute limit.    
英国人喜欢吃biscuit(薄脆饼干或小点心),正如美国人喜欢吃cake(蛋糕,糕饼)一样,巧的是俚语take the biscuit和take the cake竟然是同义语,都表示“获得一等奖,成为最佳者”。 take the biscuit/cake起源于小孩子玩的游戏。很容易想象一帮小孩子在一起玩竞争性的游戏,胜者可以得到可口的饼干或点心作为奖励。小孩子的心是最纯真无暇的,可大人们总喜欢把简单的事情搞复杂,就拿take the biscuit 这个短语来说吧,本来孩子们用它好好的表示“获胜得奖”,可大人们偏偏要从中找出一些讽刺、双关的含义来,比如说,如果某人的行事令人震惊或惹人讨厌,人们就会用take the biscuit/cake来形容这种行为“极其可恶”。 因此,如果你的朋友或同事获得了某一桂冠,你可千万别用“You take the biscuit!”这样的话来祝贺他,没准别人会以为你“居心叵测”呢。    
125.Take the Mickey(Take the Mick)    
If you take the Mickey,you tease someone.[英口]取笑某人,戏弄[挖苦]某人;杀某人的威风 .    
126.Tally ho!    
This is an exclamation used for encouragement before doing something difficult or dangerous.加油.    
&Tally Ho!&--当飞行员发现(在飞行员的视野之内)敌机时,飞行员可能会说这句话。(Macross Zero ep1里Shin在于3架MIG-29作战时。后坐的RIO-Edgar Lasalle就说过&Tally Ho!&)Tally Ho!大概可以理解为:Visual Contact with a bandit/bandits.    
127.Tears before bedtime.    
This idiom is used when something seems certain to go wrong or cause trouble.绝对错误.    
128.Teething problems    
The problems that a project has when it is starting are the teething problems.初期困難,創業階段的困難.    
teeth么,就是牙齿,teething,就是出牙期,大家长牙齿的时候都会有点疼痛,所以teething problem就是指初期的麻烦、困难。    
129.Ten a penny(Two a penny).    
If something is ten a penny,it is very common.不值钱 口语 语气是 鄙视的 就是便宜货的意思 .平平常常的;毫无价值的.“车载斗量”“过江之鲫”“多如牛毛”.
  英国俚语(十三)( 08:41:33)[编辑][删除]标签:英国 教育
一鼓作气,把来自英国的RICHARD发给我的英国俚语学完吧.COME ON!    
130.Thick as mince.    
If someone is as thick as mince,they are very stupi indeed.愚蠢至极.    
131.Thin blue line.    
The thin blue line is a term for the police,suggesting that they stand between an ordered society and potential chaos(Police uniforms are blue).     
《细蓝线》(The thin blue line)是憨豆先生罗温·艾金森于1995年至1996年在英国领衔主演的室内情景喜剧集,讲述的是一个英国警察局里发生的种种趣事。蓝线指的是警察,美国的警察总是用蓝色的警戒线把案件现场围起来。  
132.Three sheets in the wind(Three sheets to the wind).  
Someone who is three sheets in the wind is very drunk.(seven sheets is an alternative number used).[俚]醉得东倒西歪,酩酊大醉.  
sheet 的一个词义是“系在帆下角的金属环上的帆脚索“。如果帆脚索没有系扣住时,船帆可以任意 随风飘扬。船员们称之为 in the wind。A sheet in the wind由此成为船员们一句口头语言,表示 tipsy(微醉)。Three sheets in the wind 自然是大醉特醉了。  
133.Tired and emotional  
This idiom is euphemism(委婉语;委婉说法)used to mean &drunk&,especially when talking about politicians.  
134.Up sticks.  
If you up sticks,you leave somewhere,usually permanently and without warning-he upped sticks and went to work abroad.
  135.Up the duff.  
If a woman is up the duff,she’s pregnant.  
up the duff.一般朋友之间聊天,如果料到怀孕,一般都不怎么说pregnant,可说,she’s up the duff.不过意思不是很友善。   
「天哪,我打賭她就要生崽子了。」1987年溫網冠軍、BBC特邀評論嘉賓卡什在休伊特與捷克人赫尼克比賽後的比賽轉播席上喊了起來。他以為自己的播音話筒已經關掉了。事實剛好相反,結果,全英國數百萬觀眾聽見了他這句刻薄的調侃,賽後的記者會上,路透社一名記者別有用心地把這句玩笑話轉告給了休伊特,而休伊特卻是笑著聳了聳肩不了了之。卡什差點為自己招來麻煩的評論原話是:「I bet she』s up the duff。」在西方,如果是熟人之間聊天,通常不會有人一本正經到使用「pregnant」這個詞,「up the duff」是個常用詞,不過意思裡有一些揶揄嘲弄的成分。總之,卡什說出這句話,對於已經懷孕的貝克絕對是種不尊敬的表現。  
A woman politician given an unimportant government position so that the government can pretend it takes woman sriously ia a wallflower.花瓶.  
我不是花瓶,我不想被糟蹋 .I’m Not a Wallflower,I don’t want to be Messed With.  
137.Who wears the trousers.  
The person who wears the trousers in a relationship is the dominant who control things.  
When someone wears the pants or wears the trousers, he/she is in charge of something and makes the important decisions. Wear the pants is often used in American English, while wear the trousers is in British English. wear the pants或者wear the trousers 两者都可以用来表示在公司或者是家庭中作决定的掌权当家之人。美语较为常用wear the pants。wear the pants过去常常用来形容在家庭婚姻中当家作主的女性,现在也可用在作决定的男子身上。从前中国妇女‘未嫁从父,既嫁从夫,夫死从子’,男人总是一家之主。传统西方家庭也是由穿裤子的男人掌权,所以英文成语to wear the pants/trousers(穿裤子)即‘当家作主’,常用来说牝鸡司晨,例如:(1) It is said of the couple that the wife wears the pants.(据说,他们夫妻之间,丈夫听命于妻子)。(2) Who wears the pants in the Huang family?(黄家由丈夫还是妻子作主?)Pants 是美式英语,trousers则是英式。    
138.Wood for the trees.    
If someone can’t see the wood for the trees,they get so caught up in small details that fail to understand the bigger picture.    
139.You do not get a dog and bark yourself.    
If there is someone in a lower position who can or should do a task,then you shouldn’t do it.    
140.wouldn’t touch it with a barge pole.  
If you wouldn’t touch something with a barge pole,you would not consider being involved under any circumatance(in american english,people say they wouldn’t touch it with a ten-foot pole). 我很讨厌它;连碰也不想碰它.
  LZ有BEC的资料吗?    我想要BEC的资料    在网上搜到的资料太杂乱,貌似没有用
  TO lily06886:打字的过程也是个学习的过程,快乐的过程.我也没有现成的资料,这些资料都是每次上课的资料。
  TO 爱吃狼的咩咩羊:重复产生兴趣、快乐,一件事情做多了,自然产生快乐的感觉!成功其实就是简单的事情重复做!
  TO 飘月虚痕:上课都是采用BEC标准教材。偶尔辅助些资料,但以教材为主。
  TO firewater_ly:谢谢您的支持,我们来一起来快乐学英语吧.英语能让你如虎添翼,鹏程万里!
  哪位是&MR.RIGHT&?( 10:52:10)[编辑][删除]标签:杂谈
分类:英语学习   星期一晚上,在单位的英语口语培训课上,EDDY给我们出了个难题,要我们讨论解决。是怎样的难题呢:漂亮的LENA刚刚失恋了,她的父老乡亲、亲朋好友可焦急了,纷纷出马给她介绍男朋友。人一多就眼花缭乱,谁是&MR.RIGHT”?大家来讨论一下吧。    Lena, a beautiful 27 year old woman just lost her boyfriend. She was going steady with him for the last 2 years, but he left her for another woman. You, her relatives and friends have gathered to offer a solution. You are now having a discussion about    1: who of the following candidates you could introduce to her as a new boyfriend and    2: how to introduce him to her.
    MOTHER: You think Harry, her childhood classmate is the best candidate. He has become rich, owns several houses and would probably care well for your daughter. He got divorced recently and he has other girlfriends, but you think that at least your daughter will be financially stable and have a good future. You also think of your own financial stability.    LENA’s BOSS: You have known Lena for many years and you think that your son Tom is the perfect candidate. He is a bit young, only 22, but at a recent party where he met Lena, he did not stop following her around and finally ended up kissing her on the cheek when it was time to say good bye. He says he would commit suicide if he can’t marry her. Unfortunately he will join the army next month and will be stationed in a city 1500 km away. The city has no airport.    GRANDFATHER: You know an older man, a neighbor, who is now in his 50’s. He was never married
and has a good position in a prestigious company Although he is ugly, he has a good heart and yearns for love and companionship. He knows Lena from when she was a child and sends her flowers every year for her birthday.    BEST FRIEND: You think you know just the perfect guy for Lena. Gary: He is a musician in a cool band that travels to many countries. He is known to have many girlfriends, but you think if he would be introduced to Lena, he would easily give up all his other girlfriends. He is also known to take drugs, but you think Lena can help him to stop that habit, and you also hope that you get to meet Gary personally.    FATHER: You know a policeman who is upright and honest. He does not earn a lot of money but he is very sportive and energetic. He has secretly taken photos of Lena when she was taking a bath and seems to like her very much. He is very short, only 1.5 meters. You think it is good to have a policeman in the family to protect you from crime.
回复日期: 15:06:00 1#       I think Harry is the best one.       作者:kevin_kexb
回复日期: 16:41:00 2#       我们讨论的结果也是HARRY!GREAT IDEA THINKS ALIKE!    共1页
  雅思作文应遵守的原则(转载)( 22:47:09)[编辑][删除]标签:教育
分类:英语学习   雅思作文表明你观点的几条原则    这是一个好朋友发给我的,转载给大家,以冀有所帮助。    1.经济原则  1)钱  女人就业:  Women find they must work to earn enough money to provide for their family.  Once they get married, the majority of women continue working since the financial pressures of setting up a house and establishing a reasonable standard of living often require two incomes.  Those professional childcare facilities come at a cost and often require two salaries coming into a family to be afforded.  Indeed it could be argued that by giving mothers the opportunity to work and earn extra money children can be better provided for than previously. There is more money for luxuries and holidays and a more secure family life is possible.  艺术:  The arts can be an important attraction for tourists, bringing considerable revenue into the country.  Government subsidy of the arts is unnecessary as if art is good enough, then people will pay for it. If art is not good enough to be popular, then government should not reward it for its failure.  Art is not a commodity.  死刑:  It is cheaper to kill them than to imprison for life.  Prisons in many countries are over-crowded and under-funded, and this problem is made worse by life sentences or delayed death sentences for murderers.  全球化:  Globalisation has increased world prosperity.  血腥运动(Blood sports):  Many rural communities would be devastated by a ban on hunting.  英语国际语言:  If everyone spoke the same language it would be much easier for people to move and work in different countries or to conduct trade with each other.  穿校服:  Parents often find some uniform items, e.g. jackets, very expensive compared to the rest of their child’s wardrobe, and complain they can never be worn outside the school environment.  控制人口:  They identify population control as a means to raising living standards.  If education does not succeed within a time scale, it may be necessary to consider other measures, such as tax incentives or child-benefit payments for small families only.
  童工:  However, in many countries children work because their families need the additional income, no matter how small.  It is an unfortunate fact that many employers prefer to use the services of children simply to save money by paying them less than adults and it is this type of exploitation that should be discouraged.  教育还是治疗:  There is also an economic argument for doing so. Statistics demonstrate the cost-effectiveness of treating a condition in the early stages, rather than delaying until more expensive and prolonged treatment is necessary.  旅游:  Tourism is the largest industry in the world.
It surpasses trade in oil, steel, and armaments in total dollar value and in employment created.  Often large sums of money are needed to attract tourists, so significant capital investment may be wasted.  太空:  Space exploration is a waste of resources.  Our dreams of exploring space are a luxury we cannot afford.  禁烟:  A further point is that governments throughout the world make huge profits from levying taxes on cigarettes. This provides funds which are used for building schools, hospitals and other public amenities.  A further issue is that smoking costs governments millions of pounds because of the large number of people who need treatment in hospitals for smoking related problems.    2)就业:  女人就业:  This also helps to create jobs in the childcare sector, generating employment for more people.  核能:  The nuclear industry is a major employer.  父母共同照顾孩子:  The economic and employment situation in many countries means that jobs are getting more, not less, stressful, requiring long hours and perhaps long journeys to work as well. Therefore it may remain for many a desirable ideal rather than an achievable reality.  旅游:  Tourism increases employment opportunities. Additional jobs, ranging from low-wage, entry level to high-paying professional positions in management and technical fields, generate income and raise standards of living. As tourism increases in importance, tourism-related employment needs will also increase.  Many hotels are part of large international chains, choosing to exploit local labour purely because it is cheap.  禁烟:  The tobacco industry also employs tens of thousands of people throughout the world.
  3)时间:  电视:  Nowadays many people spend the biggest part of their free time watching television.  兼职工作:  After-school jobs are bad for teenagers because they take time away from studying.  运动:  Sport is a waste of school time and resources.    2.生理原则:  体育课:  Encouraging physical activity in the young through compulsory PE fights child obesity and contributes to forming lifelong habits of exercise.  体罚:  The actual physical damage inflicted via corporal punishment on children can be horrifying.  Some parents lose control and can injure children - even breaking bones or causing bruises.  禁烟:  There is little doubt that smoking tobacco is extremely harmful to the smoker’s health.  配枪:  Routinely arming police officers allows them to defend themselves.    3.心理原则  电视:  Depression is a well-known psychological problem of modern society. The popularity of TV watching is among the reasons of this phenomenon. Violence, aggression, crimes and wars are broadcast through the daily news as well as in movies, showing dark pictures that encourage psychological tension, pessimism and negative emotions.  While TV and movies shouldn’t be a way to hide from life, sometimes it can help us to cope.  压力:  Some students have mental breakdowns and, in extreme cases, attempt suicide because they cannot handle the pressure.  体罚:  They learn that force is an acceptable factor in human interaction; they feel humiliated and lose self-respect.  A physical punishment is likely to provoke resentment and further misbehavior.  课外活动:  Without the opportunity to do this, they could grow up immature and unformed.  Iit is also important to remember that children need to relax as well as work. If everything they do must have educational or academic relevance, then they will soon get tired of studying altogether, which is the last thing parents would want.  抽烟:  First, smoking undoubtedly helps many people to relax.  Indeed the more of a ’forbidden fruit’ cigarettes become, the more attractive they will be to adolescents.( 逆反心理)  媒体:  Excessive sex and violence in the media can lead to similar behaviour in viewers (studies in the USA have shown this).  Psychologists claim that television does not have a simple, direct stimulus-response effect on its audiences. (模仿心理)  配枪:  Routinely arming the police is an effective deterrent to criminal behaviour.  People may feel safer when they see armed police, especially if they perceive them as a response to a heightened risk.
  4.权利自由原则  动物:  It is a breach of their natural rights to take them by force into captivity for our own purposes.  Animals have the right to be treated as beings of value in themselves, not as the means to human ends.  死刑:  The right to life is inviolable and protected by law.  One human right is the right to life and taking a life away by execution is cruel, inhumane and degrading.  极限运动:  People should be free to participate in activities with others as long as it does not affect the safety of non-participants.  摄像机:  They feel that being watched constantly is like being in a jail, and that ordinary people are losing their freedom because of these devices.  强迫老年人退休:  Compulsorily retiring old employees can affect the older individual’s freedom - and right - to work and can deprive society of valuable experience and insights.  禁酒:  Banning alcohol infringes people’s civil liberties to an unacceptable degree.  禁烟:  While a government has a responsibility to protect its population, it also has a responsibility to defend their freedom of choice.  新闻审查:  Banning advertisements is a severe restriction upon freedom of speech.  We have accepted that freedom of expression_r_r should have limits.  The risks of stifling free expression_r_r far outweigh the potential for unacceptable material.  An individual’s rights end when they impinge on the safety and rights of others.  媒体报道名人:  Famous people deserve privacy and respect.  Although, generally speaking, the media should not interfere in people’s private lives, there are times when it is correct to do so.  母亲在家带孩子:  Mothers should have as much freedom as anyone else in society to decide what is best for them and their children.  家庭教育:  If they feel that the child would be best educated at home, by them or by another, that is their right.  控制人口:  They feel that this is one area of life where they have the right to make decisions for themselves.  分开教育:  Among these opponents are “equal education” advocates, who argue that every student has the same right to enjoying high quality education regardless of gender, race, wealth, and most importantly, regardless of their minor differences in intellectual abilities.
  资助艺术:  So-called &elite culture& should be available for all to enjoy, and not just confined to the rich.    5.文化原则  1)文化重要性  捕鲸:  Whale hunting is an important aspect of some people’s cultural heritage.  建筑:  Architecture is part of a country’s cultural heritage.  语言:  Language is a type of cultural heritage.  Language is often seen as a badge of identity and more conflict may be created if the global community is seen to prefer one language to another.  电视:  Television is mostly directed to films and shows that have commercial purposes but little cultural value.  旅游:  It is not purely ecosystems which are damaged by the pressure of consumption (e.g. by sewage output or pressure on water resources), but also ancient monuments or heritage sites.    2)文化多元性  电视:  It changes our society for the worse, making us all conform to a bland, &Hollywood& model of entertainment in which regional traditions and diversity are lost.  语言:  The diversity of languages is endlessly fascinating.  政府资助艺术:  Subsidised companies can afford to take more risks and to experiment, enabling new styles and forms of art to emerge and to become popular.  旅游:  Tourism demands that an area conform to a certain stereotyped image, requiring the local inhabitants to make a caricature of their own culture.  寄宿学校:(多样性)  Spending all your time in school restricts the circle of people you come into contact with.  Interaction with other pupils is a crucial element of a child’s development  体育:  PE is an aspect of school being about more than just book learning – it is about educating the whole person, a holistic education that betters us in an all-round sense, rather than a merely academic experience.
  6.道义原则:  捕鲸:  Killing whales for human use is morally wrong.  Modern whaling is humane, especially compared to the factory farming of animals like chickens, cow and pigs, (themselves a relatively intelligent and social species).  捕猎:  Traditional hunting methods are often particularly cruel.  Overall, however, the essential point is that it is morally wrong to kill animals for pleasure and no amount of economic benefits can make that right.  动物试验:  We need to make sure that the millions of animals who are used for testing new products are treated with the minimum of suffering. Although some animal testing may be unavoidable at present, treating our fellow creatures as mercifully as possible will demonstrate our humanity.  Those against the use of animal testing claim that it is inhumane to use animals in experiments. I disagree completely. It would be much more inhumane to test new drugs on children or adults.  治疗还是教育:  Obviously, there is a strong human argument for catching any medical condition as early as possible.    7.教育原则:  电视:  Many scientific and cultural programs are shown on television, which give new educational opportunities for our society.  动物园:  Zoos nowadays are not marketed as places of entertainment - they are places of education.  博物馆免费:  Free and cheap access to the arts is crucial for education.  死刑:  By executing criminals you are ruling out the possibility of rehabilitation.  Some criminals are b  如何控制人口:  This could be done by a process of education that points out the way a small family can mean an improved quality of life for the family members, as well as less strain on the country’s, perhaps very limited, resources.  童工:  If learning responsibilities and work experience are considered to be important, then children can acquire these by having light, part-time jobs or even doing tasks such as helping their parents around the family home, which are unpaid, but undoubtedly of value in children’s development.  课外活动:  If they cannot play make-believe games, how can they develop their imagination? How can they learn physical co-ordination or learn important social lessons about winning and losing if they do not practice any sports?
  DESCRIBING A COMPANY( 21:59:02)[编辑][删除]标签:德国 马克思 杂谈
接替KORNEL的是来自德国的外教MARCUS.我们听到他名字的发音,第一反映“MARX”卡尔.马克思了。MARCUS赶紧解释不是那么回事:“MARX”是卡尔.马克思FAMILY NAME,BUT MARCUS IS HIS FIRST NAME.尽管他是德国人,但他却不怎么会说德语,像第二外语一样说得很慢,因为他从四岁开始就接受英语教育。MARCUS阅历丰富,做过很多工作,去过很多国家,也教过很多学生,富有教学经验,挺好玩的,经常做些滑稽表情、动作。哈哈,不会讲中文,因为他很懒,不愿学。今晚的主题是“DESCRIBING A COMPANY”。    
首先,MARCUS和我们每个人都作了自我介绍,认识一下。然后一起探讨描述公司的表述,要了解公司,要知道公司的什么呢?1.2.history of the pany structure\organisation(research and development, human resources,marketing ,finance production department);4.company pany products\6.size of the company(employees);7.loc8.9.10.social and invir11.slogan\12.13.head quarter\14.language in the company.15.CEO(chief executive officer);    
1.What ’s your company’s name?    
2.what does your company do?    
3.what does your company produce?    
4.where is your company based(located,situated)    
5.what is your company’s main activity?    
6.how many people do you employ?    
7.who is the company owner?    
8.how many branches does your company have?    
9.how much was your turnover( the ratio of the number of workers that had to be replaced in a given time )last year?    
10.who is your major competion?    
11.where is your headquarter located?    
12.what languages do you speak in your company?
  FAMILY( 09:59:26)[编辑][删除]标签:家庭 杂谈
1.Where is the best place to raise a family?why?据称是switzerland(瑞士),小孩一出生,就有大大的银行储蓄帐户等着,衣食无忧.many nordic countries
like sweden\finland\danmark\norway
and canadan are also better choices.    
2.In Chinese culture,what responsibilities come along with being the eldest in the family?    
3.What do you think of married couples(DINKS,Double Income No Kids)who decide not to have any child?
4.Is spanking 打屁股 a good way to discipline children.    
5.Do you think the divorce rate in China is increasing?    
6.You are a travelagent.You need to recommend 4 places in China which you think is ideal for a family holiday.海南岛三亚,四川九寨沟,广西桂林,云南丽江.    
7.Your close relative asks you to recommend him for a job.you go see your boss to talk to him about it.what things would you tell your boss about your relative?the job position is a sales manager for a computer company.remember &blood is thicker than water&.    
8.Should children help with the housework?    
9.How much or how often should they help?    
10.What kinds of housework are not appropriate for children to do?    
11.Is the nanny and /or the day-care centre the third parent?    
12.Is number of old folks homes are increasing?
  THE KINGDOM OF SWEDEN( 22:59:16)[编辑][删除]标签:瑞典 杂谈
记得我刚从瑞典回来,到安仕顿上课,正好由瑞典籍的CECI主讲“THE KINGDOM OF SWEDEN”,真是太巧了,我不想滔滔不绝地侃侃而谈都难,其他人就听着吧。    
1.Do you know what the capital of sweden is called?what is the chinese name.    
2.Sweden is a Monarchy,what does that mean?君主统治, 君主制度    
3.What do you think the Swedish King and the Royal family is for,what do they do?    
4.How many people live in Sweden?how many people live in GZ? what is the consequence of these figures do you think?    
5.Sweden is cold,6 months winter,-20’C.how does this shape people?    
6.How big area does the country of Sweden have?how many people per square kilometer is that?how many people per square kilometer do you have in China?because of these different numbers,how do you think these two countries differ?    
7.What is the main product of Sweden?what was the main product 25 years ago?why the change?    
8.What do you think people is sweden like to eat?do you think this kind of eating habit make people special?对瑞典人的吃没什么特别印象。    
9.How do you think the mentality characteristics of sweden are?how is that different from the way chinese behave?    
10.What do you think is most difficult:a chinese who lives in sweden or a sweden who lives in china.答案不言而喻:CECI喜欢广州不得了,而一个中国人生活在瑞典头几年是会疯的,尽管风景如画,但漫漫长夜,如何度过?    
11.In general,do you think sweden adapt well to a new country?    
12.In sweden all education from kindergarten to university is for free,hospital and medicine is for free,roads and bridges are for free,old people and unemplyed people get support from the government,beaches and forests are never private they are for everyone.why do so very few countries offer welfare benefits like this(its only swedenin the world that has this system)去瑞典留学是中国学生不错的选择,因为学费是免费的。    
13.IKEA is swedish.the design of the furniture sold there is calssical swedish.but still tne profit of IKEA in china is very good,why do you think?    
14.Sweden is a Neutral country ,what does that means?    
15.Sweden is A European union member,but do not use the currency Euro.why?因为瑞典比较富裕。    
16.The crime-rate in sweden is very low.why is it so?    
17.In sweden wine and liquor can only be brought in special shops if you are 18.is that a good idea?有一次,我在餐馆买酒,服务员老问HOW OLD ARE YOU,原来不满18岁,是不可以喝酒的。
  《1421:中国发现世界》( 21:49:12)[编辑][删除]标签:郑和船队 哥伦布 美洲 杂谈
《1421:中国发现世界》是一本由前英国皇家海军潜水艇指挥官加文·孟席斯撰写的畅销书,书中提出郑和船队的分队曾经实现环球航行,并早在西方大航海时代之前便已发现美洲、澳大利亚、新西兰的论点。至今为止,《1421:中国发现世界》一书已有16种文字的译本,在全世界62个国家发行。孟席斯本人也在伦敦建立了郑和协会,建立郑和研究组,并建立“1421:中国发现世界”网站,号召全世界有兴趣的人士提供线索。基本论点: 1.郑和船队已经环行世界,发现美洲、澳大利亚、新西兰,并在这些地方建立了殖民据点。 2.郑和船队绘制了世界地图。这些地图落入哥伦布手中。 证据: 1.根据历史纪录,哥伦布拿了地图去“发现”美洲。 2.哥伦布在美洲看到中国人 3.根据古地图证明1428年以前已有全世界地图,证明哥伦布根本不是最早发现美洲的人。 4.加拿大苏人,Cree Orjibwa人种的DNA,包含来自东方的成分。 5.今天美国南卡羅萊那州、北卡羅萊那州的明和人(Ming Ho)、新墨西哥州的纳瓦霍人、佛罗里达州的莫斯库克人(Moskoke)是郑和船员的后裔。[1] 6.在新西兰发现几百年前中国人的殖民据点。 7.中国明代鄭和掌握世界上最先进的航海技术和最大船队。 8.库克船长發現中國人在澳洲有聚落村莊活動。
years ago I stumbled(绊倒、震惊) upon an incredible discovery,a clue hidden in an ancient map which,though it did not lead to buried treasure,suggested that the history of the world as it has been known and handed down for centuries would have to be radically(excessively) revised(重新修订).    
I was pursuing an interest that had become a consuming passion for me:medi(middle eva) history,and in particular the maps and charts of early explorers.I loved to examine these old charts,tracing contours(shape,轮廓),coastlines,the shifting shapes of shoals(a group fishes) and sandbars,the menace(dangerous) of rocks and reefs(暗礁),I followed the ebb(退潮) and flow of tides ,the pull of unseen currents and the track of prevailing winds,peeling(剥离) back the layers of meaning contained within the charts.    
The wintry plains of Minnesota started me on my reseach.It was not necessarily the first place you would think of to discover a document with such profound implications,but The university has a remarkable collection of early maps and charts,and one in particular had attracted my attention.It had been in the collection of a wealthy British collectore born in the late eighteenth century,but its existence had remained virtually unknown until the collection was rediscoveres half a century
  Michael Jackson 的点点滴滴( 22:44:13)[编辑][删除]标签:杂谈 分类:英语学习       Michael Jackson虽已离开了我们,但永远在我们心中。今晚单位英语培训课程中,德国外教ED与我们一起共同怀念这些流行天王,分享他的传奇人生、美妙音乐和精彩舞蹈(我表演了下他的太空舞步),引起大家阵阵唏嘘。            &This is it, this really is it,& announced Michael Jackson in his last official public appearance, at the O2 centre on March 5th, 2009. He could have had no idea how true that phrase would turn out to be. The self-styled King of Pop is dead. There was to be no triumphant comeback, just a final bizarre twist in pop’s strangest soap opera.      And that is what Michael Jackson’s existence had long since turned into, a particularly weird real life melodrama, played out in tabloid newspapers, gossip magazines, TV inquisitions and a succession of court rooms.      It was a story of a prolonged and ugly fall from grace told in whispers and innuendo, but all too rarely (sadly) in song. It was eight years since he made a record, and probably twenty since he made a good one.      Jackson rose like a showbusiness meteorite from much loved child star to the greatest pop icon of his time, but once installed on the throne he craved, he seemed to unravel before our very eyes. He mutilated his appearance in a vain attempt to turn himself into his childhood fantasy hero, Peter Pan, the boy who never grew up. He installed himself in a playground that he called Neverland, with monkeys and other animals for company. He entangled himself in inappropriate relationships with young boys.      He married and divorced Elvis Presley’s daughter. He acquired children through some surrogate shenanigans with his nurse. His nose apparently fell off. He blew an astonishing amount of money and wound up an itinerant superstar, pursued through the courts by creditors and sheiks baying that he owed them millions of dollars.      ....................................................    And his focus seemed to be lost. The recording sessions ground to a halt. The record never came out. But when he was in the studio, when he was working on the music itself, the engineer said Jackson was totally present, totally alive, comporting himself not as a star but as a true musician.
  同学CHRISTY 的感言.     近来,在学英语,同学KEVIN一直要我写些读书笔记,无奈我的英语实在不行,只能写些个人感受。学习英语的一个多月中,真正感到了自己英语水平的低下,身边的同学无论口语听力都远远在我之上,实在惭愧。安的外教个个都非常厉害。本来今年很想参加“黄埔一期”训练营,但时间与金钱不允许,但李一直是我学习的榜样。I can’wait to speak fluent english.      If each of us will only have the wisdom and patience to begin by exploring ourselves we will find that we contain all the riches necessary to be able to succeed in whatever endeavors to which we may set our minds and hearts.
  这是英国BBC的报道.China is staging mass celebrations to mark 60 years since the Communist Party came to power.        Vast lines of tanks, soldiers and missile launchers are being paraded through the capital Beijing.         President Hu Jintao has appeared on the rostrum at Tiananmen Square in a black Mao-style tunic, seen by analysts as a symbol of his control of the military.         He was joined by his predecessor Jiang Zemin, Premier Wen Jiabao and other senior leaders.         After a 60-gun salute, the Chinese flag was formally raised in the centre of the historic square - where revolutionary leader Mao Zedong proclaimed the founding of the People’s Republic of China on 1 October 1949.         The military parade, expected to show previously unseen missile technology, followed a drive-by inspection of the armed forces and a speech by President Hu which lauded China’s progress.         The president, speaking from the same spot where Mao Zedong had stood 60 years ago, claimed China had a bright future, had made global economic strides and would unite all cultures and ethnicities within it.         President Hu Jintao said China would ’’push forward the peaceful development of relations across the Taiwan Strait’’    Some reports say the extravaganza will use twice as many fireworks as featured in the opening ceremony to last year’s Olympic Games.         National Day is an annual highlight for the Chinese government, but extra effort has been made to mark the 60th anniversary of what China sees as the start of its transformation from an impoverished country into a global contender.         On the eve of the festivities, the country’s leaders held a dinner for 4,000 people in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.         Premier Wen Jiabao praised China’s development and said he was looking forward to celebrating &the centenary of New China& in 40 years’ time.
  STOCK MARKET( 21:52:39)[编辑][删除]标签:stock 股票
common sentences:1.Shanghai compsite    2.Broker/ up 100 points(increased);9.was down 100 points(dropped);10.significantly dropped(crashed/slumped);11.significantly increased(skyrocketed/shot up);12.Gained 10%/Lost 10%.    
1.Who are the parties involved in the stock market and what are their roles?    
2.Why do companies list on the stock exchange?    
3.Name some listed companies in china and briefly talk about what they do.    
4.You are a financial news reporter.you need to report the performance of today’s A -share index?    
5.What can make a stock’s price go up?what can make a stock’s price go down?    
6.are managed funds less risky then directly buying share?    
7.The news reports that’chinese companies are now very expensive&.what do they mean by that.    
8.Do you think now is a good time to get into the stock market?
  Rio to stage 2016 Olympic Games        发这篇博文于我的意义在于,2006年我曾造访过风景如画的里约热内卢,感受了巴西的美丽、热情、快乐和激情。        Brazil will become the first South American country to host the Olympics after the city of Rio de Janeiro was chosen to stage the 2016 Games.        Rio won a majority of the 95 votes at the meeting in Copenhagen, eliminating Madrid in the final round. Tokyo and Chicago had already been knocked out.        &The world has recognised that the time has come for Brazil,& said President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva.        In the second round, however, Rio almost secured the absolute majority needed to win outright, with 46 of the 95 votes cast. Madrid came a distant second with 29, while Tokyo was eliminated after receiving 20.        The final ballot saw Rio win by a comprehensive margin of 66 votes to 32.        More than an hour later, IOC president Jacques Rogge finally revealed the result to the world: &Like in every competition there can only be one winner.        &Tonight, I have the honour to announce that the Games of the 31st Olympiad are awarded to the city of Rio de Janeiro.&        The Brazilian bid team leapt to their feet in celebration, began singing their &Marvellous City& song, waving flags and hugging each other.        A tearful President Lula told reporters afterwards: &The other countries made proposals. We presented a heart and a soul.
  如何激励孩子学习(转载)( 08:48:37)[编辑][删除]标签:学习 激励 育儿
分类:儿童教育   How to motivate your child to study 如何激励孩子学习  Praise  Consistently praise your child everyday for what they are doing well.
Don’t save the praise for only the top score.
Tell your child specifically what you like about what they are doing or what they have done. A hug or pat on the shoulder increases the messages impact.
When possible involve other adults in helping you praise your child.
Here’s how:  One parent praises the child for their behavior or achievement   This parent praises the child in front of another person (family friend, grandparent, or other parent)   The other person now praises the child   赞扬    在你的孩子表现好的时候时不时地给予赞扬。不要只是在他们得高分时才赞扬他们。特别要告诉你的孩子,他们在过去和现在有什么是你觉得做的好的。一个拥抱或在肩膀上轻轻拍一下都可以有很好的效果。如果有可能,让别的大人和你一起赞扬你的孩子。就比如:    &O
一位家长赞扬孩子的行为和取得的成绩    &O
这位家长在别人面前赞扬孩子(朋友,祖父母,或别的家长)    &O
然后其他家长也赞扬这个孩子    Incentives    When praise is not enough, sometimes we have to use other incentives to get your child motivated.
An incentive is something that pushes a child into action.
Once children start working on their own, the rewards can be phased out but make sure to keep up the praise.
It is important to note that reward do not have to be expensive.
More than anything, children want their parents’ attention.
Rewards may include watching their favorite movie together, going to the park or getting an ice-cream together.    奖励    当赞扬不足以给孩子激励时,有时我们可以用奖励来激励孩子。奖励也就是推动孩子行动的东西。一旦孩子开始自己行动时,奖励可以慢慢去除,取而代之的是继续给予赞扬。非常重要的一点是不要用很贵的奖品。比起任何东西,孩子更需要的是家长的关注。奖励可以是和他们一起看最爱看的电影,一起去公园或一起吃冰激凌。   Communicating your expectations    Tell your child clearly and firmly that you expect them to do their homework responsibly.    Give choices:
Would you prefer to do your homework before or after a snack?
  Don’t argu use the broken-record technique.
‘Feel free to watch TV when your homework is done.” Regardless of how your child tries to test this statement- keep repeating it.)   Back up your words with actions.
Show your child that you mean what you say and say what you mean.   Call your child’s teacher if your child cannot do the homework assignments, or does not bring home assigned work
  国庆随感( 23:39:28)[编辑][删除]标签:国庆 恐龙博物馆 外教 波兰 杂谈
随感四、河源市应大力发展恐龙文化之旅,价值连城的文物却被养在深闺人未识,太可惜。河源有项吉尼斯世界记录:the largest collection of dinosaur eggs numbers 10008 at the heyuan museum of gd.keeper of the records GUINNESS world records ltd.
  陪老外找工作( 22:52:22)[编辑][删除]标签:老外 找工作 杂谈
今天下午DEVID HE发短信我,问我是否有空参加免费的、有老外的英语角活动,当然有空参加啦!六时在地铁口等上DEVID,还有个老外名叫WAYNE(中文名:黎伟言),来自澳大利亚。聊着聊着,原来这个有趣的老外是来找工作,这次他是去个英语俱乐部面试当英语教师的。去面试前,我请老外和DEVID吃个晚饭,随便向ASD推荐了下。一路走一路聊天,看到红灯也继续冲,WAYNE笑言他都变成中国人了。到了俱乐部,热闹非凡,很多人在讲英语。我们一行进入里面房间,俱乐部总经理和他面谈,好玩的是,英语俱乐部的总经理居然不懂英语,需要我和DEVID为他们翻译。后来,总经理觉得无趣,叫了英语老师过来和WAYNE继续面谈,他就走开了。这次老外的找工作面试竟成了聘用老师与准聘用老师的面试了,乐得我们一边看热闹。我过去和总经理聊了一下,原来俱乐部才刚开业三个月,以免费活动为主,为控制成本,还没聘用外教呢。WAYNE能否来当英语教师,还要看俱乐部经营状况哦。    
既然来了俱乐部,WAYNE当然要客串个主持啦。今晚的主题是:how was your national day holiday?    
This national day is a special one,since ,it’s the 60& anniversary of the founding of the people’s republic of china.also,the Mid-autumn people to have get-together,how did you celebrate that two great days and did you enjoy your hoilday?share with us.    
main discussion points:1.Did you go travel?2.did you watch the national day parade and the grand ceremony for the founding of the people’s republic of china on TV at home with your family?were you moved?3.was your time with your family in the mid-autumn festival unforgettable.
  alibi( 22:11:48)[编辑][删除]标签:嫌疑犯 犯罪现场 杂谈
今晚单位英语培训的话题是“alibi ”,继续由来自德国外教ED主持。某银行昨晚12时左右被劫了1000万,犯罪分子逃离现场。终于警察发现了点蛛丝马迹,把嫌疑犯带来问话。可以我们扮演的嫌疑犯已订好攻守同盟,滴水不漏,警察无可奈何了吗?就看我们的表演吧。最终,我们三个嫌疑犯默契地和警察博弈,冲出囚徒困境,逃脱法律制裁。    
有关新闻:    Jail for giving murderer false alibi    A man has been jailed by the District Court for 14 months for giving a convicted South Australian murderer a false alibi.      今天的新闻说一个人做了假证,证明别人不在犯罪现场而犯了罪,被关进监狱jail。嫌疑犯被指控了,需要举证自己无罪,其中一个办法就是举出自己不在犯罪现场的证据,不在现场的证据在英文里就是alibi,搜索了一下alibi这个单词,居然相关新闻真不少,alibi是一个很常用的单词,但更常用的一个单词应该是alias,外号,别名,化名的意思,这两个词都来自于同一个词根就是ali-,‘外面的,其他的’意思,alibi就是在现场的‘外面’,也就是不在场。    alias,n,别名, 化名    alibi,n,某人在别处的证据, 不在犯罪现场的证人    alien,adj,外国的, 外国人的陌生的性质不同的,n,外国人, 外侨, 局外人外星人,都是‘外面的’ali-    alienage,n, 外国人的身份
  &BOOKS AND LIVES&( 19:03:27)[编辑][删除]标签:阅读 书籍 杂谈
分类:英语学习   这是很久以前在安讨论的话题,都忘记是哪个外教主持的了,复习下吧.如果你喜欢阅读,成功就会永远在旁边陪伴你!     Discussion:     1.Do you think someone can be influenced highly in their lifr by a book they read?     2.There are many things you can read:novels,poetry,fact,fiction,biographies etc.also magazines and papers.is all reading good reading?     3.Which book did you get new ideas from yourself?     4.How did it change your life ot how you look at things and why?     5.How is the &written word& ,books ,different from for example films in how they affect people?     6.If you read an internet-novel and a paper-book,how is the feeling differet?     7.Where and when do you usually read?     8.How much do you usually read,do you read more or less now compared with before?     9.What kind of titles do you pick,do you usually go for the same theme or do you vary?     10.Which authors do you like,contemporary or historic,and why?     11.What makes you read a book?a nice cover?someone recommended it?your teacher forced you to read it? you want to impress your girlfriend with knowledge?it is a &classic& and you feel you must read it?or...?    
12.When and after you read,do you discus the content with someone?    
13.Do you read material composed by non-chinese or just domestic works?    
14.If you read foreign books,do you read them in the original language?    
15.Did you ever try to read a book in the original language as well as the translation?    
16.Many things are &lost in translation& or changed unintentionally.why?    
17.Do you think there will still be paper-books and libraries 500 years from now?    
18.Which book do you think will live on and what literature will be forgetten in the future?
  JC让你讲英语更加礼貌( 21:52:08)[编辑][删除]标签:英语表达 礼貌得体 杂谈
今晚BEC课程继续由来自澳大利亚的JC主讲。JC是个潜心研究英语教学的老师,传授很多地道得体的句式,并写在黑板上。他总是强调讲英语要有礼貌,要优雅,要有品味,不要太粗鲁,太松散,太低俗,而这是中国学生讲英语的通病。因此,在他课堂上,我真有点不敢乱讲英文,想好再讲,想到更地道、更有礼貌后再讲,否则他会在过程礼貌地、得体地纠正你的表达方式,或者引导你说出标准的句式。今晚他教了什么标准句式呢?看看吧。我们角色扮演,推销种记忆药片,怎样说:my memory is failing me and absent-mind,it is inevitable a seroius problem,I must fight a losing battle/an uphill battle.what can I do? My memory pills(medicine) can help you.this medicine target children/the eldly,is a natural pill,based on TCM(traditional chinese medicine,no side effect,80% of our customers swear their memory has improved,carried out a trial in the hospital,is tried and tested,please trust me,there is no better medicine to help your memeory.    
推销完记忆药片,我们又情景模拟了打电话,BEC商务课程嘛,能少得了打电话吗?Take turns to play each role in this phone conversation.you may find it helpful to go through it together deciding exactly what you’re going to say,before you actually begin the role play:Answer the phone,say who you are.say who you are ,ask to speak to Mrs Watson.sa she’s not available.offer to take a message.ask when she’s available.not till Monday,offer to take a message.say when you’d like her to call you back.ask for caller’s number and extension.give your number and extension.ask the called to spell his/her name.spell your name and company name.check that you have all the information down correctly.listen carefully ,correct any mistake,say goodbye.    
JC总能让你讲英语更加礼貌,比如电话结束前,讲什么好呢?1.anyway,I guess that’2.Is there any thing else 3.In that case,I’ll talk to you next time.4.That ’s called a telephone.
  kan le tou
  世界七大奇观( 22:36:12)[编辑][删除]标签:世界奇观 旅游
wonders of the world:1.G2.Epypt’3.Taj Mahal印度泰姬陵;4.Babylon’5.6.Bird’7.T8.Machupichu--the lost cith of the I9.The three G10.11.E12.st.peter’13.Grand canyon大峡谷.    
关于世界七大奇观,一个小孩的回答是:we can in love.
  婚姻保鲜术( 22:04:43)[编辑][删除]标签:婚姻 情感
Happy Marriage by the Numbers    
When 4000 couples in the UK who had been married for more than 16 years,on average,were polled(survey,ask,investigate) on the keys to a long-lasting relationship,some interesting facts were discovered.on average,these married couples wanted four cuddles(special) a day.... romantic gestures from their partners very 10 day....unsolicited(don’t ask something back) helpful gestures three a month....and seven cozy(comfortable) nights in and two dinner dates out a month.    
We can make our own marriages happier by incorporating these& happy marriage behaviors&into our lives,Striving(struggle,try best)to give your spouse(husband or wife),say four cuddles a day might start out feeling artificial but eventuall will become a rich part of the fabric of your relationship.because kindness reaps kindness in relationships,you will encourage your spouse to reciprocate(do the same thing back someone do to you )    
1.ROMANTIC GESTURES EVERY 10 DAYS.surprising your spouse with flowers or a romantic dinner reminds your partner that you still are in love with her/him.    
2. FOUR CUDDLES A DAY.make sure to hug or affectionately touch your partner at least four times a day.    
3.THREE HELPFUL ACTIONS A MONTH.taking the iniviate to do the dishes or make your spousecoffee in the morning shows that you are paying attention and makes your partner realize how central she in in your thoughts.    
4.SEVEN NIGHTS IN AND TWO DINNER DATES OUT A MONTH.your &cozy nights in & should be different from your everyday routine.
  强权外交(Diplomacy)( 10:15:40)[编辑][删除]标签:军事 区块
分类:英语学习   介绍一款非常好玩的游戏给大家,叫强权外交(Diplomacy)。我们已安仕顿国际英语课堂上由KORNEL教玩了一次,非常简单易学,非常好玩,比MAFIA杀人游戏更好玩。规则看起来很复杂,其实玩起来很容易入门:就是你选择两个部队,可以一支陆军(Army)、一支舰队(Fleet);也可两支都是舰队(Fleet)或(Army),然后由你指挥攻打天下,想要成功登顶,征服全世界,就需要的纵横捭阖的政治智慧了!!!(远交近攻、围魏救赵、空城计、明修栈道,暗渡陈仓。。。)记得,没有永恒的朋友,只有永恒的利益。在某一时期,你可联合盟友攻打敌人,但到一定时候,因为资源有限,强者只有一个,你和盟友是要分裂的。    听KOREL听,他及他的朋友特别喜欢此游戏。此游戏有相应的网站(),你也可发EMAIL寻找玩家和地图,然后加入玩耍。     游戏概况    强权外交(Diplomacy)是一款策略游戏,在一幅二十世纪初的欧洲地图上进行。有英国、法国、德国、意大利、奥匈帝国、俄罗斯、土耳其七个国家供玩家选择,每个国家由一个玩家控制。
  FORBIDEN HISTORY( 18:24:59)[编辑][删除]标签:历史 杂谈
分类:英语学习   今天下午安仕顿国际英语写作课由来自英语的RICHARD主讲。RICHARD觉得写作教材太简单了,可我认为这是非常好的教材,所以他总想讲的别的内容,比如他喜欢阅读的书。他对历史书籍感兴趣,上次试图讲解《1421》,被我们认为太难而作罢。今天他讲《FORBIDEN HISTORY》,朗读第一段落,给我们听写。然后讲了他的历史观,说想预测未来,就去阅读历史吧,历史写着灵魂,历史是个循环cycle,历史是宝贵的经验教训。为此,我翻看了下《FORBIDEN HISTORY》,回家上网找找相关内容。    FORBIDDEN HISTORY - J. Douglas Kenyon (ed.)    Posted by Greg at 00:25, 13 Aug 2005   A review of Forbidden History: Extraterrestrial Intervention, Prehistoric Technologies, and the Suppressed Origin of Civilization, edited by J. Douglas Kenyon. Bear and Co.    By Colin Wilson    FORBIDDEN HISTORY is available from Amazon US and UK.    This is a book that provoked waves of nostalgia in me, for a dozen years ago, when the tremors of the ‘forbidden history’ revolution were just beginning to upset the world of academic archaeology, I happened to be close to its seismic center. For all practical purposes, this consisted of two men: the subversive Egyptologist John Anthony West, and the Boston geologist Robert Schoch.    One day in the autumn of 1993, I received out of the blue a letter from John West, containing a magazine article describing how he had persuaded the police sketch artist Frank Domingo to go with him to Cairo with a view to studying the face of the Sphinx, and giving his opinion on whether it could be the pharaoh Chefren, the builder of the second pyramid. Domingo, said the article, had compared the face of the Sphinx with the bust of Chefren in the Cairo Museum, and concluded that the answer was no. The chin of the Sphinx is bigger than Chefren’s, and the angle from the ear to the mouth is quite different. And this, said the article, seemed to demonstrate Schoch’s conclusion that the weathering of the Sphinx was caused by rain, not by wind-blown sand, and that the monument is probably around five thousand years older than it is generally supposed to be.    All this delighted me, for I had been impressed by West’s 1979 book Serpent in the Sky, which summarized the views of that extraordinary philosopher and Egyptologist Schwaller de Lubicz, and concluded by citing his conviction that Ancient Egypt was colonized around 9,000 BC by survivors from the destruction of Atlantis, and that this explained the amazingly high level of its culture in pharaonic times. 。。。。
  TRANSPORTS OF DELIGHT?( 20:34:43)[编辑][删除]标签:杂谈
ACTIVITY 1:How many different modes of transport can you think of?    
ACTIVITY 2: Discuss with other students the advantages and disadvantages of 5 of the means of transport you thought of in in Activity 1.    
ACTIVITY 3 Read all the following question then use them to begin a conversation with your partner.    
1.which type of transport do you think is the most/the least dangerous?make a list,then explain your opinions to your partner using comparative structures like the ones.    
2.CAN you ride a horse?a bicycle?a motorbike?can you drive a car?which do you think is more difficult to learn to do?explain your answer.    
3.how old do you
have to be to a drive in your country?do you think this age limit is right?why /not?    
4.are there enough car parks in your country?how difficult is it to find parking spaces in cities?what do you think the government should do to reduce parking problem?    
5.which annoying habits of other drivers annoy you the most?why?    
6.do you think that motor racing encourages people to drive faster?why?    
7.do you prefer to travel by public transport or to use your car?    
8.do you enjoy traveling by boat?do you prefer small boats or large ships?    
9.would you like fo fly in a hot air balloon?why/not?    
10.what types of transport do you think will become more important
  策略思维 THINKING STRATEGICALLY( 22:04:03)[编辑][删除]标签:策略思维 博弈论 杂谈
《策略思维--商界、政界及日常生活中的策略竞争 THINKING STRATEGICALLY--THE COMPETIVIE EDGE IN BUSINESS,POLITICS,AND EVERYDAY LIFE》是我最喜欢、收获最大、体会最深的名著。通过对博弈论的学习,我已初步具备博弈分析任何事物、现象的能力,具有策略思维。    
许多书籍已经尝试为制定目的找出策略思维的方法。TOM SCHELLING 关于核策略的著作,尤其是《冲突策略》(STRATEGY OF CONFLICT)和《军备与影响》(ARMS AND INFLUENCE),都负盛名。MICHEAL PORTER的《竞争策略》(COMPETITIVE STRATEGY)描绘商业策略当中的博弈论教训,也同样有名。STEVEN BRAMS 最有名当数《博弈论和政治》(GAME THEORY AND POLITICS)。    
  读书笔记---博弈论与信息经济学( 22:39:09)[编辑][删除]标签:博弈论 合作博弈 信息经济学 读书笔记 财经
外行人了解博弈论最著名的案例就是“囚徒困境”(PRISONERS‘S DILEMMA)。博弈论,英文为GAME THEORY,是研究决策主体的行为发生直接相互作用时候的决策以及这种决策的均衡问题,又称“对策论”。其可划分为合作博弈(COOPERATIVE GAME)和非合作博弈(NON-COOPERATVIE GAME),主要判断标准是有否“BLINDING AGREEMENT”。合作博弈强调的是团体理性,就是COLLECTIVE RATIONALITY,强调的是效率(EFFICIENCY)、公正(FAIRNESS),公平(EQULITY);非合作博弈强调的是个人理性、个人最优决策,其结果可能有效率的,也可能是无效率的。    
  FOOD SATEFY( 17:04:52)[编辑][删除]标签:食品安全 健康


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