ds260中civil engineeringg指的是什么行业

泻药。在跑算法的时候最适合答题了呢(害羞脸&br&图像处理说到底是一门数学和实践结合的学科。所以要搞算法,数学基础必不可少,同时工程实践性的话,编程能力不能弱。二者不可偏废。&br&我向来推崇以练促学,以学促练。所以不会一上来就推荐一堆理论性东西的。&br&1)&b&opencv&/b&。无论以后是否使用opencv,咱先用着玩起来。找本书跟着写写demo,然后自己做点小应用,虽然一直在调用api但是大概知道图像处理是个什么玩意儿。(当然期间配合着可以学学C++或者Python)&br&2)&b&冈萨雷斯的数字图像处理&/b& + &b&opencv部分源码&/b&。调了这么久的api,是不是已经欲求不满了?所以我们开始研究算法吧,这时候对于一些常用的函数,我们可以去看看对应的实现,以及在理论上到底是个什么意思,为什么需要这样。记住是opencv的部分源码,不是让你去通看,看着看着就没兴趣了,而且也迷失了方向。&br&3)&b&数学。&/b& 对于算法走到后来就是很多数学的东西,对于这些我推荐的还是差哪儿补哪儿,哪儿不懂学哪儿。而不是抱着几门公开课,厚厚的书啃,这样就又迷失方向了,记住我们是要学图像处理的。&br&4)&b&项目实践&/b&。这个不用多说,找点实际问题去解决会进步很快哦。&br&当这儿,我们已经对图像处理有了一个熟悉感了,但是可能会觉得有些杂,这时候就是静下来系统的看看冈萨雷斯那本书了,慢慢的就会有一种通透的感觉。(我也没达到通透。。。)&br&以上就是传统图像处理算法的路子了。现在还有很火的 机器学习和深度学习 做图像处理的。大概路子差不多,学的东西不太一样。&br&1)&b&Keras/Caffe/Tensorflow/Mxne&/b&t等等 深度学习库或者&b&scikit-learn&/b& 机器学习库。语言推荐python,深入底层后也需要C++。DL库强烈推荐Keras上手,非常快。&br&2)深度学习方面的书比较少,主要还是以 &b&论文 &/b&为主吧,多看总有益。机器学习的书籍:国内:&b&《统计学习方法》&/b&(满满的干货),周志华的&b&《机器学习》&/b&,国外的《&b&An Introduction to Statistical Learning 》《ESL》《PRML》&/b&等等,当然看英文的可能比较辛苦。&br&3)因为这方面比较火,所以网上&b&公开课&/b&也不少。Ng大神的《Machine Learning》,林轩田的《机器学习基石》《机器学习技法》,HInton的《Neural Network for Machine Learning》,任选其一学习即可,英文稍差可以看林轩田的,台湾人,说的是中文。&br&4)&b&数学&/b&。线性代数,矩阵论,概率论,数理统计都会用到的。学习方法还是如上所说。&br&5)学ML/DL切忌纸上谈兵,多&b&实践&/b&。网上找点数据集,各种模型自己跑跑试试,改改,这样才能理解透彻。&br&&br&第一次答这么长,各位大爷赏个赞呗。么么哒~
泻药。在跑算法的时候最适合答题了呢(害羞脸 图像处理说到底是一门数学和实践结合的学科。所以要搞算法,数学基础必不可少,同时工程实践性的话,编程能力不能弱。二者不可偏废。 我向来推崇以练促学,以学促练。所以不会一上来就推荐一堆理论性东西的。 1)…
&img src=&/v2-3d0cbd18f60d8d080a71b_b.jpg& data-rawwidth=&1280& data-rawheight=&720& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&1280& data-original=&/v2-3d0cbd18f60d8d080a71b_r.jpg&&&p&当社会的目光都聚焦在人工智能和大数据这些前沿科技上时,聊「制造业」可能显得有些「格格不入」。但这正是许多人可能会忽略的一点:虽然这些前沿科技构成的虚拟世界显然更加丰富和有趣,但是它们是有多么依赖着看得见、摸得着的制造业啊!&/p&&p&但如果你觉得人工智能、区块链和云计算很酷,那你对于制造业也应该有相同的想法。和许多人的印象不同,看似「保守」的制造业,其实一直都在拥抱这些前沿科技,甚至早已将它们带入现实了。&/p&&h2&&b&制造业的「酷」是能实在地改变你的生活&/b&&/h2&&p&当你想买一个杯子时,首先肯定会想这个杯子的造型和颜色好不好看?材料是什么?会不会对身体有影响?握起来舒服不舒服?带着这么多疑问,在逛遍20家商店后,你幸运地碰到了满足你所有要求的杯子,于是你下单了。但这个杯子真的就像你以为的那样适合你吗?&/p&&p&&b&未来的制造业可不这么认为。&/b&这里举个例子,先看下面这张照片。&/p&&img src=&/v2-6f9ff61dfcac43aea54e95c_b.jpg& data-rawwidth=&1200& data-rawheight=&800& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&1200& data-original=&/v2-6f9ff61dfcac43aea54e95c_r.jpg&&&p&这是去年在德国汉诺威工业博览会上,美国前总统奥巴马和西门子CEO凯飒的一张合影。当时奥巴马希望了解一下「工业4.0」,而我们的CEO用一个有些「俏皮」的方式解释了一番。他将一根美国卡拉威公司采用西门子技术生产的高尔夫球杆送给他,并告诉他:&i&这是根据他的体重、挥杆姿势和力量等所有相关因素量身定制的一根高尔夫球杆,因此这根球杆可以有效地提升奥巴马的高尔夫球技,而造价却与普通的球杆没有区别。&/i&而这正是未来制造业的方向之一:满足客户个性化的需求,即所谓的&b&「大规模定制化生产」&/b&。&/p&&p&所以在未来,当你购买杯子时,正确的姿势可能是这样的:你首先输入手掌和手指的尺寸数据,智能的制造系统会计算出最符合你握力的杯子尺寸、杯子把手的形状;之后,你可以再提出偏爱什么材质,什么颜色或图案,如果一时选不出也不要紧,大数据和人工智能会为你推荐最合适的选项,而价格却并不会比以往贵一点点。而当拥有柔性生产能力和极高生产效率的工厂接到你的订单时,也会以最快的速度生产出符合你要求的产品。&/p&&p&&b&让定制化≠贵,这样的制造业听起来是不是更「酷」一些了?&/b&&br&&/p&&h1&&b&那么,制造业如何才能做到这样?&/b&&/h1&&p&西门子认为,解决方案只有一个,那就是&b&数字化(&/b&&b&Digitalization&/b&&b&)&/b&。其核心技术在西门子称之为&b&「数字化双胞胎&/b&&b&(Digital Twin) &/b&&b&」&/b&。它背后的逻辑是这样的:「&i&当制造商想要开发一款新产品时,他首先通过软件在虚拟的数字世界中进行设计、仿真和测试;之后再进入数字化的生产流程,这意味着从原料采购,订单管理,生产制造和质量管理每一个环节都可以收集数据,并互相打通;之后这些生产过程中的数据又可以回到虚拟的数字世界,进一步的优化产品性能和生产效率&/i&」。最终的目的是实现高效的柔性生产、提高产品质量并加快新产品的上市时间。&/p&&p&这就好比电影《钢铁侠》里经常出现的场景,托尼o史塔克在实验室里用手在全息投影下的虚拟世界中拽动钢铁战甲,查看各个细节的图像,从而进行更优化的设计。之后,机器人就可以帮助他把战甲制造出来了。&br&&/p&&p&虽然现实中我们还不能制造钢铁侠的战衣,但我们可以用这种融合虚拟与现实世界的方式生产出一辆帅到没朋友的跑车。在西门子的帮助下,意大利豪车品牌玛莎拉蒂解决了在面对快速变化的汽车市场时的一个重大难题:&b&如何在大规模生产下,依旧能实现极致的性能和传统意大利式的精致奢华?&/b&&br&&/p&&img src=&/v2-2c071a601c2c4bc62ff06_b.png& data-rawwidth=&916& data-rawheight=&610& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&916& data-original=&/v2-2c071a601c2c4bc62ff06_r.png&&&p&在都灵的新工厂,玛莎拉蒂借助西门子的数字化解决方案生产出了全新一代的Ghibli跑车。通过对软件里的数字化模型进行设计和测试&b&,西门子帮助玛莎拉蒂缩短了&/b&&b&30%的新款车型设计开发时间,将跑车上市的时间缩短16个月,而采用了西门子MES系统(生产执行系统)后,Ghibli跑车的产量提升了3&/b&&b&倍,&/b&却又保持了不变的品质。&/p&&h2&&b&上天下海,制造业酷到你想不到&/b&&/h2&&p&在西门子的工厂中,你也可以看到炫酷的制造业场景。在德国小城安贝格,有一家被业界誉为&b&最接近「工业&/b&&b&4.0&/b&&b&」的工厂——西门子安贝格数字化工厂&/b&。这里每年可以生产约1500万件西门子SIMATIC系列自动化产品,按每年生产230天计算,即平均每秒就能生产出一台。更让人惊叹的是,这里的产品一次性通过率高达&b&99.9988%&/b&,世界上还没有哪家同类工厂具备如此之低的缺陷率。安贝格工厂还实现了高度的自动化,这里的生产设备和计算机可以自主处理75%的流程工作。而在这背后发挥作用的,正是西门子数字化解决方案。&br&&/p&&img src=&/v2-afa8625aeb8dd0f52e1ef_b.jpg& data-rawwidth=&1200& data-rawheight=&800& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&1200& data-original=&/v2-afa8625aeb8dd0f52e1ef_r.jpg&&&p&其实,安贝格工厂并不是一建成时就这么酷。在1989年刚落成时,它仅仅采用了车间管理系统,并在每件产品贴上条码。经过20多年为满足产品质量、生产效率等需求不断的创新改进,一步步走向了「工业4.0」。&/p&&p&这种创新可以说很「西门子」。我们的创始人维尔纳·冯·西门子认为&b&「空有灵感毫无价值。创新的关键在于他的实际可操作性。」&/b&这不仅仅是维尔纳·冯·西门子的行为准则:&i&他发明的指针式电报机让人们更容易地使用电报,彻底革新了近代通信业;法拉第发现电磁感应后,又是维尔纳·冯·西门子首先发明了实用型发电机,才让人类真正地用上了电。时至今日,我们依然遵循西门子发电机的原理生产电力。&/i&同时,这种实用型创新也融入到了他所创立的西门子公司的血液中,其核心意义就在于将&b&「创新的科技转化为实际生产力」&/b&。虽然这些创新本身并不一定都是颠覆的,但我们相信这种创新所带来的结果都是颠覆性的!&/p&&p&凭借实用型创新精神,西门子还能帮制造业做得更酷!上天下海都不在话下。&br&&/p&&p&&b&&i&还记得这个有点可爱的小家伙么?&/i&&/b&&br&&/p&&img src=&/v2-c001e881da07ca85aa260e58a86bf7d4_b.jpg& data-rawwidth=&1124& data-rawheight=&814& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&1124& data-original=&/v2-c001e881da07ca85aa260e58a86bf7d4_r.jpg&&&p&这就是在2012年登陆火星的好奇号,在它的研发过程中使用了西门子产品全生命周期管理(PLM)软件。在虚拟的世界中仿真火星的重力场、太阳辐射等环境,目的就是要做到让「好奇号」准确无误地着陆,并能接受各种环境的考验。&/p&&p&而在更深更远的海洋之上,西门子正在帮助全球先进的钻井平台「稳稳」地完成深海油气开采任务。&b&「蓝鲸&/b&&b&1号」&/b& 这座由中集来福士打造的超深水、双钻井半潜式钻井平台,堪称海工装备里的「航空母舰」。&/p&&img src=&/v2-5f02d5b45aedf5_b.jpg& data-rawwidth=&2642& data-rawheight=&1980& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&2642& data-original=&/v2-5f02d5b45aedf5_r.jpg&&&p&这重达四万两千吨的大家伙最大作业水深可达3658米,最大钻井深度15240米。为确保平台的平稳,蓝鲸1号搭载了DP3 动力定位系统,在西门子DP3闭环动力解决方案的保障下,定位系统通过精确控制推进器的转速和方向,抵消风速、海浪和洋流的袭击,让这庞然巨物可以在怒海中稳如泰山。如果你想知道更多蓝鲸1号和西门子的故事,&a href=&/?target=https%3A///cn/zh/home/company/topic-areas/ingenuity-for-life/bluewhale.html%3Fstc%3Dcncg106212& class=& wrap external& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&请点击这里。&i class=&icon-external&&&/i&&/a&&/p&&h2&&b&西门子,也比你想象的要酷很多&/b&&/h2&&p&为贯彻这种实用型创新,西门子在研发上的投入也从不吝啬。翻开我们2016年的财报,你就可以看到西门子的研发投入&b&高达&/b&&b&47亿欧元,占全年收入的5.9%,甚至高于许多互联网公司。&/b&&/p&&p&所以当你听说,西门子这家看似传统的企业早早就研究起3D打印、区块链、云计算、人工智能,甚至无人驾驶这些新技术时,也就不足为怪了。&/p&&p&最近人工智能在围棋界玩的风生水起,但你知道吗?其实早在15年前西门子就已经开始着手研究人工智能,显然我们走了一条更加「实用」的路线。比如,&i&电厂中燃气轮机运行的每分每秒都在产生巨量的数据,这是由于燃机中安装着几千个传感器。通过人工智能分析这些数据,我们可以找到燃机最佳的运行状态,并能够预测即将发生的故障,提前做好准备。在医疗领域,我们利用人工智能来分析&/i&&i&CT以及核磁共振(MR)所采集的数据。为了对疾病进行诊断,我们可以向系统导入过去存储的所有病历信息,分析出不同医疗影像所对应的疾病。&/i&&/p&&p&而现在西门子的业务甚至变得越来越「软」。&b&你可能不知道西门子现在已经是世界十大软件公司之一了&/b&!数字化以及物联网在未来商业和技术变革中将成为主要的驱动力,所以西门子适时地推出了&b&基于云的、开放式物联网操作系统&/b&&b&MindSphere&/b&。这不仅需要强大的IT技术能力,同时又需要非常了解每一个垂直行业,简单说就是&b&「很懂工业」&/b&。只有这样,才能将工业用户的数据变为「有价值的数据」,从而带来商业上的成功。&/p&&p&看完这些,你是不是对于制造业这个「古老」的行业有了全新的认识?是否也对西门子有了全新的了解?我们所做的事情离你的生活那么远又那么近,那么传统又无比创新。但推动我们前行的东西170年来不曾改变,那就是通过科学技术为人类创造可以持续的价值,改变人们的生活。这也就是我们的品牌宣言Ingenuity for
life (博大精深,同心致远) 所阐述的。&/p&&p&&i&好了,&/i&&i&我说了那么多关于制造业有多酷的故事&/i&&i&,&/i&现在也来聊聊&b&「你希望未来的制造业可以有多酷」&/b&吧!&/p&&p&在评论区留下你的想法吧~我们会根据评论区回复的内容挑选出一名幸运知友在5月初前往烟台港参观蓝鲸1号的姊妹平台,近距离感受大国重器之美!(活动时间截止到21日中午12:00。西门子会承担活动期间的国内交通和住宿费用,我们将会通过私信方式和你取得联系,并告知此次活动的行程安排以及相关事宜。)&/p&
&img src=&/v2-c72448accc0a14ff4dcb7a_b.png& data-rawwidth=&1373& data-rawheight=&453& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&1373& data-original=&/v2-c72448accc0a14ff4dcb7a_r.png&&&p&转载补记,&/p&&br&&p&下面这段写于一年前的这个时候,时间过得真快,一年前还在犹豫未来要去哪里,相应老师的号召,把自己的经历写了下来,回来已经这么久了,又折腾了快一年,现在也快毕业并找到了下家,所以想顺手写一个申请phd的经验,想来为了完整,把之前的CSC的经历一并贴出来。&br&&/p&&br&&p&补充,关于回国的流程。&/p&&p&回国的时间最好在留学基金委要求的前后一周内回来,省事,也不会出岔子。其他的情况可能要跟当地的大使馆打报告或者甚至要打报告回北京和学校,不管怎么都是一件费时又费事的事情。&/p&&p&所以最后权衡再三,我放弃了可能去参加夏令营和暑期学校的机会,在海外待到了八月底。回来之后,要办的事情很简单,带着留学归国证明(记得离开前,找大使馆开好,留学结束前一定要做的事,没有之一,还有就是找学校开好各种证明包括成绩单),和护照(护照要看的是你的签证是不是已经过期了,其实就是检查你会不会再出国,虽然这种方式其实并没有啥用),和填好的表格,到学校的管理留学服务的部门盖章。然后寄过去就可了。&/p&&p&对了,值得一提的是,现在回国之后的手续都变成了线上,所以没有这么复杂,我刚好赶到了线下线上交替的时候了,所以耽误了好久,不过最后一切都是非常顺利。&/p&&p&真的到了一年的申请季节,帮老师写完了自科申请(希望可以中),也准备确定了下一步念书的学校,大概只有这一段闲暇,有机会来更一更关于phd申请的那些事吧。&/p&&p&-- 下面这段内容后来看,还有一些不完善的地方,我随手更新,有问题,可以评论,我看到了就会回答。&/p&&p&&b&(转载于自己2016年3月写的一段)关于留学基金委申请的一些心得&/b&&/p&&br&&p&写这段文字的时候已经距离申请快一年的光景,在王老师的建议下,我准备把这个申请大致的过程和一些可能需要注意的地方写下来,希望可以帮到师弟师妹们。&/p&&p&----------------------------------------------------------------&/p&&p&首先写一些基本情况好了。&/p&&p&为什么要走CSC的项目,其实这个问题也类似于CSC到底能够为你的留学做什么,其实我的体验是,就完全是一个fund,类似资金的支持,所以如果童鞋有其他的资金资助,就没有必要走CSC了,CSC也有规定,凡是拿奖学金到一定数额的也没有办法申请。CSC的资助的话,会有小小限制,包括回国时间和回国服务期等等,但是总体上来看,如果没有其他资金资助,还是很值的申请,手续不复杂,中签率高、钱多而且公派留学的名头,似乎总让人想到一百多前中国第一批留美幼童詹天佑他们的状况,让人自豪不已的情感吧。&/p&&p&留学基金委的资助项目有挺多的,各类国外的学校和中国的奖学金资助出国项目都是通过留学基金委这个渠道申请的(&a href=&/?target=http%3A//www./& class=& external& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&&span class=&invisible&&http://www.&/span&&span class=&visible&&/&/span&&span class=&invisible&&&/span&&i class=&icon-external&&&/i&&/a&),所以希望通过这种类似政府奖学金申请留学的建议多关注一下上面的项目,其中包括比较有名的与美国政府部门合作的著名“中美富布赖特”项目。其中可能于我们最相关的项目是联合培养硕士(3-12个月)和博士(6-24个月)与赴国外攻读博士学位研究生(36-48个月)。注意一下,一般申请的时间都是三月下旬开始,到四月第一周结束(一般是3月20日-4月5日申请,5月公布录取结果,具体时间以每年的“国家留学基金资助出国留学人员选派简章”为准),申请的大多数资料需要在留学基金委的网站上填写,我们学校会在学校的研究生部和国际事务处的网站上放出我们学校自己的截止时间(一般比正式的截止时间早一周的样子,但是可以之后补交材料)和材料要求。&/p&&p&首先是,在小木虫(&a href=&/?target=http%3A//emuch.net/& class=& wrap external& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&小木虫 - 学术 科研 互动社区&i class=&icon-external&&&/i&&/a&)论坛的“公派留学”板块可以找到一同申请志同道合的网友,这个地方也是寻找PETS-5考试资料的地方,里面有很多帖子关于申请的经验,遇到需要准备的材料不明白的,可以上去找找看没有类似的帖子,一般多多少少可以找到一些前辈的经验、模板和攻略。这个论坛在开始申请的时候帮到了我关于如何写研究(学习)计划和推荐信等等。&/p&&p&下面我就开始写一下整个正常的申请流程,我觉得可以首先联系外面的导师和参加英语考试,这两部分我强烈建议同时进行。因为申请的第一材料是外国学校的邀请信,所以邀请信提早要到、很多同学说,想先考出英语成绩再要邀请信,我觉得这个理解是不太对的,英语考试对于多数英语不太好的同学,可能是申请过程中占时间最多的一项了,而英语成绩其实对CSC申请来说是软性的约束,身边有很多同学,最后也没有托福雅思甚至我考的那个PETS的成绩,还是走了CSC,因为CSC提供一个北京的英语培训,这个很容易过的。&/p&&p&首先说,邀请信的问题。我没有联系因为我走的是校级交换的项目,其实这种校级交换项目我觉得并没有多好(含金量较低),首先就是学校的限制,并不能真正的选一个自己有兴趣的学校,然后也没有真正意义上的导师,反而在国外的生活更像是授课研究生和本科的课程学习,与真正的研究生活相去甚远。具体怎么联系外导,我没有这方面经历就没有发言权,不过在北京遇到几个申请到基金委的师兄师姐讲,其实没有很难,现在留学基金委在美国欧洲的学术圈有知名度,你在给教授写信的时候说明你未来希望可以申请CSC的奖学金(可以告知教授最后要是万一没有申请到奖学金,可能就没有办法去交流),然后介绍基本自己的情况和研究兴趣(可以海投,也可以重点陶瓷一个自己最想去合作的教授)。据说很多海外老师还是愿意接受这种申请的,因为对于他们来讲不用为你支付任何费用,反而多一个免费的帮手,对于缺少研究生的老师答应的概率应该不低的,对于我们申请者来说一般也都是海发邮件去寻找合适的外导。具体的操作可以看我后面附的陶瓷信的模板,陶瓷的目的是获得海外的邀请信(邀请信要包含的内容,CSC的网站有详细说明,我附在后面的一个模板,仅供参考)。我的情况有些不同,因为是参加的我们学校自己的校级交换项目,没有外导所以就直接拿了校级的合作协议作为邀请信。&/p&&p&寻找外导的同时,建议参加英语的相关考试,可以注意下CSC(留学基金委)对于外语的基本要求,成绩的话只要达标就行,我参加的是一年两次在武汉大学举办的PETS-5考试(考试报名方法可以查,武汉大学考试中心&a href=&/?target=http%3A//exam./& class=& wrap external& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&武汉大学考试中心&i class=&icon-external&&&/i&&/a&,需要现场报名),参加考试的原因其实当时也没有想着申请什么,只是那个考试价格相对TOEFL和IELTS便宜很多(报名费只有两百块),所以就参加了,没想到后面就用到了。不过对于希望以后进一步出国学习的师弟师妹们,还是直接参加TOEFL考试熟悉一下题型为好,托福考试的一年的次数也多很多,留学基金委的托福要求是95+,我后来在海外考了三四次托福,都在95分上下,其实95没有想象的难,所以保持信心一定可以达到的。&/p&&p&申请完外导之后,就是准备推荐信和研究(学习)计划。这个是需要中英双语的,但是没有必要严格翻译。其中中文主要是后期在申请系统里面填写的,有严格的格式要求和字数限制,英文的学习计划更像是申请学校时的PS + Research Proposal主要是写出研究计划,和项目的标书类似(是否要介绍自己的情况,我也不确定,我当时写的英文学习计划的第一段就类似PS,写了一些动机和个人教育经历在里面)。这个研究计划,大概需要有研究背景、设计和参考文献之类的,我当时用的是和王老师一起写的一个论文作为研究计划,具体的sample,小木虫上就有(附录中粘了一个我认为相对格式完整的)。我当时详细写了,研究背景,目标,假设提出,文献回顾,甚至研究设计和预期的结果、类似一个博士申请时的研究计划。&/p&&p&成绩单等就相对很容易。本科成绩单和学历学位证书这些可以联系本科学校档案馆出具中英双语的,研究生阶段找学院的研工办就可以解决,研究生阶段的成绩单英文要自己翻译。&/p&&p&最后是在留学基金的申请系统开放之后,按照要求填写申请就可以了。唯一要注意的点,在资助时间的月份上面一定要算好,不要像我一样草草的填写12个月,这个资助时间是按照天算的很严格而且提前超过一周回国按规定也要按天把发放的奖学金退还给大使馆。即使因为项目结束,最终如果提前超过一个月回国的话手续相对麻烦,我至今还没有办理妥当这件事情。(后来的证明,其实在国外续签签证远远比留基委同意提前回国简单多了,所以我就续了三个月的申根签证,待了整整一年完成了留基委的回国任务。)&/p&&p&系统填完后,上传相应的扫描件,最终会生成pdf文档,需要打印出来找相应的老师签字,这个地方需要注意的是,每一次修改申请系统都需要撤销重新提交,即使是重新上传附件。而每次重新提交后,生成的pdf文档的代码都会更新,这就意味着最好是最终确定了,再去找相应老师签字,我当时因为中间材料改了几次,所以找老师签了挺多次字的。这个系统和自科的申请系统真是相似啊,果然都是国家的钱,申请的流程如此类似,希望自科能中吧。提交之后,就可以默默祈祷,然后可以把这个抛到脑后了,不用刷论坛了,小道消息往往没多靠谱,不过一般学院的领导会在正式通知之前两周左右知道结果,因为这个录取需要单位统一,他们会提前签字,所以如果哪个分管科研的领导告诉你这件事了,你一定要感谢他。&/p&&p&到五月份,会公布录取结果,如果是一个红色的“喜报”的界面,那就要恭喜你了,表明你已经被录取了。此时,申请部分已经结束了,最最需要自己努力的阶段已经走完了,下一步就都是事务性的了,虽然要做的事情也很多,但是心情肯定是不一样的。首先是等国际交流处的老师给你发邮件让你去领取留学基金委的相应文件材料了,最终办完派出阶段的一些手续,这部分只要按照规则慢慢来,不要急一定没有问题的。领取基金委材料的时间可能在录取结果出来后的两周甚至更久,不过这段时间你可以开始准备去办理国际健康证、护照和签证的一些材料、并注册留学服务中心的账号(留学服务&a href=&/?target=http%3A//www./publish/portal0/& class=& wrap external& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&中国留学网新版 & 首页&i class=&icon-external&&&/i&&/a&是办理放发奖学金和购买机票的一个机构,就是负责你具体出国安排的,有三个城市可以选择,在北上广中,我选择的是北京,也应该是最大的留服中心)。学校最后会给你的是六本“协议书”(需要和担保人在公正处公证)和“公派资助证明的中英文信”(多复印几份,很重要的文件)。&/p&&p&之后大概需要做的事情是去留服中心的网站查询关于如何办理签证的要求,不过根据所在国家不同可能要求不一样,要自己看清楚。我去的国家是需要自己办理的签证并走的是反签程序,准备诸如财产证明(可以用留学基金委的资助证明)、无犯罪证明的公正含和签证申请、护照复印件和照片等等。然后公证留学协议和交保证金,这些留学基金委的系统上会有明确的指导,照着要求做,就没有问题。这个地方唯一要注意的是,签证可以早点办理,不用等所有的东西都齐了采取办理,因为外国驻华大使馆也不会考虑你留学基金委的手续是否已经办完了。所以安排签证的时间,包括是否去北京面签等等,都要根据自己的情况计划好,我当时办理签证的时间比较晚,所以也耽误了一些事情,不过最后还好一切都平安解决了,希望第师妹们一旦确定之后,尽早开始办理签证手续。&/p&&p&最后所有都办完了,就是购买机票的手续了(此时签证需要已经下来了),按照要求发送邮件给留服中心,他们会帮你选择航班购买机票,出发前两个工作日去北京的留服中心(北京的留服中心距离清北很近)领取前三个月的奖学金(奖学金的领取,是在附近的中国银行,当天就可以领取,所以注意银行的营业时间),“报到证”和机票确认单,那个时候如果是自己签证的话,可以带着大使馆给你的签证的收据是可以报销签证费用的(如果是暑假的话,留服中心可能人较多,建议早去排队)。关于资助的标准,网上有相应的文件,大概是1000欧元或者美金/月,硕士和博士研究生是一样的,还包括一次往返机票。&/p&&p&然后就是踏上出国的行程,记得到了国外要拿着“报到证”到相应的使领馆报道,并按照他们的要求提交材料就可以了,最后就可开始公派联合培养的学习了,真正的对你们的考验和挑战也就开始了。&/p&&p&到此为止,关于申请和排除阶段的流程和新的就基本写完了,这个过程我写了两千多字,看起来十分复杂,但是自己经历过后其实也还好,毕竟申请这个过程到后来出发大概经历了小半年的时间,需要做的事情就那么些,安排好去做,就一定没问题。联合培养本身也不是什么大事,对于我们来讲只是生活中的一段插曲,更多的是丰富自己研究生的经历,增加自己积累和拓宽自己的见识。联合培养是没有学历的,所以也有很多申请的同学建议,直接申请学位生,如果可以申请到名额的话,留学基金委对于学费也会全部承担的,也绝对是更好的机会。&/p&&p&又是一年申请季,最后祝师弟师妹可以有机会可以试试看。有句话讲:故土依旧,常回家看看;世界很大,该出去走走。我希望师弟师妹们都可以申请到理想的学校能多去一个地方看看,去丰富自己的研究生生活。最后,愿你们都能前途似锦。&/p&&p&Steve&/p&&p&&/p&&p&&b&附件:&/b&&/p&&p&1. 陶瓷信的模板(联系外导用的)(来源:小木虫)&/p&&p&想与各位虫友分享一封一位外国教授给我写的推荐信(风格与国内教授不太一样)。&/p&&p&大概4月份初的时候,这位意大利教授告诉我他与他的同事准备在9月份申请一个博士职位,希望我能过去。因为我不想等那么久,所以就婉言谢绝了他,并告诉他我现在正在申请欧洲其他国家的机会,希望他能给我写一封推荐信。他给我回复到:It is always my pleasure to help you.......附件中就放着在他签名后扫描成PDF格式的推荐信,如下:&/p&&p&To Whom It May Concern,&/p&&p&This is to confirm that Mr. Wang worked in collaboration with me for a period of several months, during which time he carried out research work on problems of metal fatigue and non destructive tests. Specifically this included the applications of Lock-in Thermography and Quantitative Thermographic Methodology for rapid predictions of the fatigue limit and fatigue S-N curve of metals. Both theoretical and experimental works were carried out and the results of the developed methodology are very interesting.&/p&&p&I appreciated Mr. Wang’s work a lot, and we are looking forward to opportunities to continue the collaboration. This collaboration has already resulted in one paper presented by Mr. Wang at the ICEM 2008, the International Conference on Experimental M I expect several more publications will occur later.&/p&&p&These activities have formed part of an ongoing relationship between the University of **** (Italy) and the University of *** (China), which we value very highly.&/p&&p&I hope this letter would be helpful for Mr. Wang’s admission to your PhD program.&/p&&p&Yours sincerely,&/p&&p&Vincenzo&/p&&p&最后,我告诉他我已经拿到了Offer。意大利教授回复到:&/p&&p&I knew that, as Prof. Xavier sent me an email asking more information about you and I confirmed everything written in my recommendation letter. I'm a little sorry for that, but I hope all the best for you. In my opinion, the human and work experiences in other countries are important and formative as it happened to me.&/p&&p&留学文书:邮件陶瓷、推荐信&/p&&p&&a href=&/?target=http%3A//emuch.net/bbs/viewthread.php%3Ftid%3Dfpage%3D1%26view%3D%26highlight%3D%26page%3D2& class=& wrap external& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&小木虫论坛&i class=&icon-external&&&/i&&/a&&/p&&p&1、关于联系导师&/p&&p&途径一般有两个:1、由文献中的通讯Email联系;2、去大学的主页上找相关导师&/p&&p&找到合适的导师后就要给导师发Email了,这时候Email标题很重要,下面几个可供参考:visting student support by CSC;Asking for a visiting student;ask for Ph.D position等类似的即可&/p&&p&联系导师的Email内容模板可以参考如下:&/p&&p&Dear ×××,&/p&&p&My name is ×××, I'm a second year graduate student from ××× universiry ,majoring in ×××, and will graduate to get the Master's degree in June next year. I'm interested in research of ×××all the time, so I hope I can have a chance to go to study abroad to achieve my PhD degree.&/p&&p&At present, my government has paid more and more attention to overseas studying, and I'd like to tell you the policies of my government about sending students to study abroad. There is a special council called China Scholarship Council(CSC)which provides fund for excellent students to study abroad. The specific way is that students who want to study abroad through CSC should first apply for the certifications of tuition scholarship or tuition waiver from the universities they like and are yearning, then CSC will subsidize them with living expenses for about three to four years(PhD 4 years)during the period they study abroad. So I think this is really a precious chance for us, I hope I can grab it .&/p&&p&I have read the information about you and the Department of ×××, so I write this letter to consult that whether you'd like to enroll PhD students in 2010? If you do, please tell me the requirements of admission. Thank you very much.&/p&&p&Looking forword to your favorable reply.&/p&&p&Best wishes.&/p&&p&Yours sincerely,&/p&&p&×××&/p&&p&×××University&/p&&p&P.R. China&/p&&p&将此信发出去,就等待导师的回信即可。看导师的回复接着往下走就可以了。&/p&&p&有的导师不太了解csc所以有需要给导师解释清楚。附件中附有csc的英文说明大家可以参考一下&/p&&p&2、关于CV&/p&&p&好的CV会给导师一个好的印象。所以CV要精心制作。&/p&&p&CV示例见附件&/p&&p&3、关于推荐信&/p&&p&联系中的导师有的会要求发推荐信。&/p&&p&Dear Sir/Madam,&/p&&p&It is my great pleasure to recommend Miss **** as a worthy candidate for admission to your Ph.D. program and application for related financial aid.&/p&&p&I began to know Miss **** about two years ago on my Modern Casting class. During that semester, nearly thirty students took the course, but only after a few classes I began to pay special attention to her, because every class she took the front seat in the classroom and listened to me carefully. Each time I saw her eyes I could felt what a teacher desires most from a student: enthusiasm, concentration and positive communication. This enabled her to perform better than most of her fellow students and could put forward ingenious and well-thought ideas in free discussions. Also, of course, she was the top student in my class.&/p&&p&Furthermore, I would like to particularly point out what impressed me deeply about Miss ****. She has such a good sense of sincerity and responsibility that she helped me clean up the blackboard in almost every class break. It was easy to do others a favor for one time, but it was very difficult to maintain doing it time and time again. Afterwards, I have asked other teachers about this kind of thing and found the same case in other classes, which moved me strongly.&/p&&p&Through further contact with her, I find Miss **** takes an active attitude towards her major, and she has the habit of doing things carefully, which can be seen just from the schoolwork she presented in every class. Moreover, she also loves her life very much, and is often full of energy and vigor. Almost every person who has communicated with her can feel her zealousness.&/p&&p&Therefore, I would like to support Miss **** and strongly recommend her to your department for the reason that I believe if admitted, she will also excel herself in your program and make her contributions to your university.&/p&&p&Sincerely,&/p&&p&Professor of **** University&/p&&p&Dear Professor XX,&/p&&p&I am a potential graduate student from China. I am elated to find that your research matches my interest and my research experience perfectly, so I am writing to inquire the availability of combined master’s and PhD program in your group.&/p&&p&I got my Bachelor degree in Geological Engineering from XX University, one of the top universities in China, in June 2012, with GPA of 3.96 and rank the 3&/p&&blockquote&rd&/blockquote& out of 71 students. My research interest is in rock mechanics and underground engineering. My graduation thesis is to study the surrounding rock stability of tunnel by using Finite Element Method. I built a FEM model of tunnel with the assistance of ANSYS software, and studied the surrounding rock stability when the tunnel is built in difference depths and constructed in the rock masses range from intact hard rock to fractured soft rock. Now this paper is under review in the Chinese Journal of Underground Space and Engineering. In the July 2012, I also did an internship in the XX Corps. I built a FEM model and used the finite strength reduction method to analyze the stability of slopes in XX Reservoir, which is situated is in XX Province. However, I still found that my knowledge and skills are limited. The desperately thirsty for knowledge makes me decide to pursue my further education.&p&I am elated to find that you have performed so many brilliant researches in the rock mechanics and tunnel engineering in the past decades. I am also strongly attracted by these fields, so it would be a really desirable thing if I can advance my study under your supervision. I believe that the education and training in your group would prepare me a bright academic future, and significantly transform my life. So I am writing to inquire the availability of combined master’s and PhD position in your group.&/p&&p&[Currently, Chinese government has dedicated special funding and encouraged its graduate students to pursue Doctoral degrees in the top foreign universities. So if the combined M.Sc./PhD position is available in your group and my tuition fees can be waved or covered by scholarship, I can apply my living expense from China Scholar Council (CSC). (If you want to apply CSC Scholarship···)]&/p&&p&If I am fortunate enough to join your group, I would pursue the research with great passion and perseverance. Likewise, I am confident that my sound academic background, my research experience, and my strong resolve to pursue further education would make me an ideal candidate for your group.&/p&&p&My Curriculum Vitae is enclosed/attached, I would appreciate if you can read it. I am looking forward to hearing from you.&/p&&p&Sincerely&/p&&p&XXX&/p&&p&Email: &a href=&mailto:zhangshan@&&zhangshan@&/a&&/p&&p&Phone: (+86) &/p&&p&2. 联合培养邀请函要求的英文表述及模版参照&/p&&p&邀请函的具体要求(2008)&/p&&p&1.使用留学院校专用信纸&/p&&p&2.申请人的基本信息(包括姓名、出生日期、国内院校)&/p&&p&3.标明留学身份(联合培养博士生,美国学校提供的身份应能申请J-1签证,学生应向美方学校索取DS2019表)&/p&&p&4.留学的起止时间和留学期限&/p&&p&5.明确指导教师,留学专业或受邀人在国外要从事的研究课题&/p&&p&6.费用情况(是否免学费或提供学费,是否收取注册费或提供其他工作机会等。如收取学费,又提供资助或工作职位,则应标明具体额度。)&/p&&p&7.注明申请人的外语水平符合国外院校的要求&/p&&p&8.外方负责人的联系方式及发邀请人的签字&/p&&p&9.如申请专项奖学金项目,需要对方在邀请信中明确推荐意见。&/p&&p&我当时给导师写的邀请请说明:&/p&&p&Dear Prof.*** :&/p&&p&************&/p&&p&Applicant should also be demanded to submit invitation letter to China Scholarship Council (CSC). If possible, I sincerely want to obtain invitation letter from you and I’ll be very appreciate about it. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any question. According to the proposition of CSC, the invitation letter should contain following items.&/p&&p&a. Use special letter paper of host institution&/p&&p&b. b. Contain basic information of applicant, such as name, birth date and domestic institution&/p&&p&c. Indicate the station of applicant in host institution. Applicant could apply for J-1 with the station (I am visiting scholar?)&/p&&p&d. Indicate duration of study abroad&/p&&p&e. Indicate study topic and host supervisor of applicant&/p&&p&f. Indicate tuition of study (Exchanging student should be free of tuition)&/p&&p&g. Indicate intellectual rights of applicant’s work. (For the convention of my school, the intellectual rights should be shared by domestic institution and host institution. The applicant should be the first author of his/her work, the domestic institution should be the first unit and host supervisor should be corresponding author.)&/p&&p&h. Indicate English level of applicant meeting demands of Ph.D. study&/p&&p&i. Corresponding address and signature of the host supervisor&/p&&p&I’m sorry to disturb you so much and thank you again for your kindness.&/p&&p&Best wishes,&/p&&p&Sincerely yours,&/p&&p&3. 研究计划模板:&/p&&p&&b&AA&/b&&b&大学“国家建设高水平大学公派研究生项目”研修计划&/b&&/p&&br&&p&&b&姓名&/b&&b&/Name&/b&&/p&&p&Xxxxxxxxx&/p&&p&&b&学号&/b&&b&/Student ID&/b&&/p&&p&xxxxxx&/p&&p&&b&性别&/b&&b&/Gender&/b&&/p&&p&Male&/p&&p&&b&出生年月日&/b&&b&/Date of birth&/b&&/p&&p&Xxxxxxxx&/p&&p&&b&所在学院&/b&&b&/College&/b&&/p&&p&Xxxxxxxxxxx&/p&&p&&b&所学专业&/b&&b&/Major&/b&&/p&&p&Xxxxxxxxxx&/p&&p&&b&国内导师&/b&&b&/Domestic supervisor&/b&&/p&&p&Xxxxxxxx&/p&&p&&b&留学国别&/b&&b&/Hosting foreign country&/b&&/p&&p&Xxxxx&/p&&p&&b&留学院校&/b&&b&/Hosting foreign institution&/b&&/p&&p&Xxxxxxxx&/p&&p&&b&留学院系&/b&&b&/Hosting faculty or department&/b&&/p&&p&Xxxxxxxxx&/p&&p&&b&国外导师&/b&&b&/Hosting foreign supervisor&/b&&/p&&p&Xxxxxx&/p&&p&&b&学习期限&/b&&b&/Duration of study&/b&&/p&&p&&u& xxx&/u& months (from xxxxx to xxxxx)&/p&&p&&b&研究课题名称&/b&&b&Research Title:&/b&&/p&&p&&b&Minimization of energy requirement for producing solid fuel from sewage sludge employing hydrothermal treatment&/b&&/p&&p&科研课题背景介绍Research Background:&/p&&p&In China, over 1.58×10&/p&&blockquote&7&/blockquote& tons of dewatered sewage sludge, with 80% water content, was generated from wastewater treatment plant in 2008. About 60% of the organic substances, removed during the wastewater treatment process, become concentrated as sludge. Traditional disposal methods used by municipal solid waste treatment facilities, including landfills, composting, and incineration, are unsuitable for sludge disposal because of its high moisture content. Few proper sludge treatments or disposal methods are currently applied in China. The treatment and disposal of sewage sludge are significant environmental problems and have therefore become a major focus of current environmental protection policies.&p&Sludge incineration has received worldwide attention as an effective approach to reduce the quantity and toxicity of sludge. In Japan, most of burnable wastes are incinerated. However, direct sludge incineration is not cost-efficient and creates unstable burning which generates large amounts of gaseous pollutants. Currently, bio-energy is an excellent energy recycling technology with bright prospect, given its ability to turn refuse into energy. As such, in recent years refuse-derived fuel (RDF) technology has become a refuse processing technology adopted by advanced nations in Europe, America, and Japan etc.&/p&&p&In China, sewage sludge was mixed with auxiliary fuels, sulfur-fixating agents, and preservatives. The blends were granulated generating sludge-derived fuel (traditional SDF, T-SDF). Most researchers focused mainly on the T-SDF technology and have made important contribution to understand the combustion characteristics of T-SDF. However, all these technologies relied mainly on adding a large number of coals (about 50%) to improve the heat value and lower the moisture content of fuels. The heat value of T-SDF depends merely on the quantity and proportion of auxiliary fuels, not the reduction of water content of sludge. In some extent, this process realizes sludge recycling and harmless treatment. However, the volume and weight of T-SDF are also increased, resulting in increase of operating cost. Moreover, the small proportion (about ~40%) of sludge in the T-SDF leads to a lower capacity that cannot meet the needs of sludge treatment. Therefore, it is urgent for us to find a cost-effective and energy-saving way to realize sludge recycling, harmless treatment and reduction.&/p&&p&The core issue to produce solid fuel from sewage sludge is how to efficiently remove the water from sludge. The object of this project is to minimize the energy requirements for producing cost-effective and applicable solid fuel from sewage sludge.&/p&&p&Hydrothermal treatment (or thermal hydrolysis) is a process in which the sludge is heated as an aqueous phase to temperatures (normally) varying between 120 and about 400°C. The hydrothermal treatment process aims to disintegrate the sludge and result in a formation and accumulation of dissolved products. This makes it possible to recover and recycle useful resources from the sludge, such as volatile fatty acids, phosphorous compounds, organic compounds for enhanced anaerobic biogas production, and coagulants. After hydrothermal treatment, the sludge and other waste biomass can be dehydrated by mechanical methods and dried under natural circumstances easily, used as substituted fuel which we called it novel sludge-derived fuel (N-SDF) in this research.&/p&&p&His research will study the influence of hydrothermal conditions on natural drying characteristics of sewage sludge and other waste biomass, the drying mechanisms of hydrothermal treatment sludge and waste biomass. This research will not only drive the development of sludge treatment technologies but also lend a hand to other waste biomass treatment.&/p&&p&In previous studies, we found that the N-SDF produced from sewage sludge by employing the hydrothermal treatment is easier when drying under natural circumstances. After 24h natural drying, about 50% water was removed. Comparing with raw sludge, the drying is faster. Obviously, the heat value of N-SDF can be improved further, which increase the stability of combustion. However, some factors are still unclear and needed to be studied further, limiting its popularization and applications. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct this research.&/p&&p&xxxxxxxx is developing and commercializing total technologies to convert unutilized resources such as solid wastes and biomass into high value added energy resources (solid fuel, gaseous fuel, liquid fuel and electric power) by combining various technologies which have been jointly developed with many companies. We have done many work and made some progress in the field of Waste-to-Energy in xxxxxxx. Because of our outstanding contributions to the development of waste-to-energy technologies, With the co-advising of Prof. xxx and I, this project can be finished on time.&/p&&p&&b&References:&/b&&/p&&p&Wang, W., Luo, Y.X., Qiao, W. 2010. Possible Solutions for sludge dewatering in China. &i&Front. Environ. Sci. Engin. China&/i&, 1:102-107. Doi: 10.-010-001-z.&/p&&p&Jiang, J.G., Du, X.J., Yang, S.H. 2010. Analysis of the combustion of sewage sludge-derived fuel by a thermogravimetric method in China. &i&Waste Management&/i&, 30: .&/p&&p&Chen, W.S., Chang, F.C., Shen Y.H., Tsai, M.S. 2010. The characteristics of organic sludge/sawdust derived fuel, &i&Bioresource Technology&/i&, doi: 10.1016/j.biortech..&/p&&p&Jiang, Z.L., Meng, D.W., Mu, H.Y., Yoshikawa. K. 2010. Study on the hydrothermal drying technology of sewage sludge. &i&SCIENCE CHINA Technological Sciences&/i&, 1:160-163. doi: 10.-009-0423-7.&/p&&p&Neyens, E., Baeyens, J. 2003. A review of thermal sludge pre-treatment process to improve dewaterability. &i&Journal of Hazardous Materials B&/i&, 98:51-67.&/p&&p&Yoshikawa. K. 2009. Hydrothermal Treatment of Municipal Solid Waste to Produce Solid Fuel. 7th International Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Aug 2009, Denver, Colorado.&/p&&p&Namioka. T., Morohashi. Y., Yamane. R., Yoshikawa. K. 2009. Hydrothermal Treatment of Dewatered Sewage Sludge for Fuel Production. &i&Journal of Environment and Engineering&/i&, 1:68-77.&/p&&p&Namioka. T., Yoshikawa. K. 2005. Innovative Pretreatment Technology for Wet Biomass Utilizing Middle Pressure Stream. Nihon Kikai Gakkai Nenji Taikai Koen Ronbunshu.3:259-260.&/p&&p&Morohashi. Y., Yamane. R., Namioka. T., Yoshikawa. K. 2008. A Study on Improvement of Dehydration Performance of Sewage Sludge by the Hydrothermal Treatment. &i&Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Part B&/i&. 744:.&/p&&p&Morohashi. Y., Yamane. R., Yoshikawa. K. High Efficiency Dehydration of Sewage Sludge by the Hydrothermal Treatment and the Press Filter, 26th Annual International Conference on IT3, May 14-18, 2007, Phoenix, AZ.&/p&&p&Zhao, P.T., Ge, S.F., Chen, Z.Q. 2011. A Study on the Improvement of Sludge Dewaterability by Thermal Conditioning. ICEICE. Wuhan. Accepted.&/p&&p&&b&申请人国内科研准备工作概述&/b&&b&Theoretical Review:&/b&&/p&&p&In recent two years, his main work is related to sludge recycling, and that's his interest. He has done some related research in sludge recycling.&/p&&p&In the project of sludge drying and incineration, he used a rotary dryer to dry sludge, and then the semi-dry sludge with 40% moisture content was incinerated in coal-fired boiler. To overcome the defects of wedge-shaped paddle dryer in sewage sludge drying, we designed the horizontal disc rotary dryer and did some research on the characteristics of viscous zone of sludge drying. The sewage sludge drying process could be divided into three stages: paste, viscous, and granular. In viscous stage, the moisture content of sludge is about 55%.&/p&&p&To study the mechanism of sludge dewatering, the main parameters SRF characterizing sludge dewaterability were experimentally investigated and a paper has been accepted by Journal of Southwest University (Natural Science Edition). The sludge flocculation process was studied through fractal dimensions which were determined by image analysis. Two-dimensional fractal dimensions &i&Df&/i& and one-dimensional fractal dimensions &i&D&/i&1 of flocs formed at different flocculation time and the filtrate speed and specific resistance to filtrate (SRF) of conditioned sludge were determined to assess sludge dewaterability. Based on the change of fractal dimensions, the sludge flocculation process was divided into three stages: primary par flocculi collide with each other, group to equilibrium stage. The critical watershed flocculation times are 45s and 150s respectively. At the very end of flocculi stage and the beginning of flocs, the time is generally set as 45s and when a subsequent dewatering step is applied, lower moisture content sludge cake would be obtained. These researches will provide a theoretical basis for this application.&/p&&p&We used the saturated steam to conditioning sewage sludge and applied the steam explosion to crush the cell walls and transform bond water into free water for improving sludge dewaterability. A pilot scale experimental device has been built and operated in Yangzhong, Jiangsu province, in September 2010. He has also done some lab scale experimental study on sludge thermal conditioning. He investigated the factors affecting sludge dewaterability by thermal conditioning experimentally, and found that the major factors for improving sludge dewaterability by thermal conditioning are conditioning temperature and residence time. He also found that the optimal temperature and residence time for treating municipal sludge are 180°C and 60mins, respectively. The moisture content of sludge cake is 50.88% after pressure filtration for 50 minutes. Thermal conditioning transforms organic compounds of sludge into soluble substances and greatly increases the COD of the separated water. After thermal conditioning at 180°C, the COD of the separated water is about 420 times of the original sludge. Thermal sludge conditioning has the advantage of low energy consumption and can help us achieve the goals of sludge reduction, harmlessness and efficient utilization.&/p&&p&He used dewatered sludge (20% DS), leaves and straw (unbroken) as raw materials, applied the hydrothermal and hydrothermal treatment/steam explosion to produce sludge derived fuel. The biomass (leaves, straw etc.) is not pre-broken. The final product is almost odorless, and the heat value of dry solids didn’t change after hydrothermal treatment. The process integrates advanced sludge dewatering and sludge derived fuel together and is easier to implement. Compared with T-SDF technologies, this process incorporates the advantages of advanced sludge dewatering and sludge derived fuel. The heat value of N-SDF depends mainly on the water removal of sludge not the adding of auxiliary fuel, the proportion of sludge can be highly increased. The production cost of fuel is reduced because sludge drying and auxiliary fuel are no longer required. With a moisture content of 60%, the low heat value of the fuel is 8500 KJ/kg and can be easily burned in a coal-fired boiler. These researches provide a basis for an experimental study of the application.&/p&&p&He is very interested in what he has done and what he will do. With the co-advising of Prof. Yoshikawa, Prof.Ge and I, I am sure he can finish this project on time and make a progress in his research.&/p&&p&&b&出国学习预期目标&/b&&b&The Goals Of The Research:&/b&&/p&&p&(1) To learn some energy conversion technologies, especially waste-to-energy technologies.&/p&&p&(2) To study sludge recycling technologies systematically, and do some research on minimization of energy requirement for producing solid fuel according to Prof. Yoshikawa’s lab facilities, find an efficient method suitable for China’s national conditions to realize waste-to-energy.&/p&&p&(3) To evaluate and characterize the performances of N-SDF, using life-cycle assessment (LCA) to access the economic feasibility of solid fuel produced from sewage sludge and some other waste biomass.&/p&&p&&b&科研方法&/b&&b&The Experimental Methods:&/b&&/p&&p&&b&(1) &/b&&b&Mechanisms of Hydrothermal Treatment Improving N-SDF Drying Properties:&/b&&/p&&p&&b&The influence of hydrothermal conditions (Temperature, Pressure, and Residence Time) on particle Size Distribution:&/b& The moisture content of the dewatered sludge would be determined first and then some certain sludge will be placed in the reactor (MMJ-500, OMLAB-TECH CO., LTD., Tochigi, Japan). Three main parameters-(1) Pressure (1.2-2.6Mpa), (2) residence time (10-90 min), (3) Temperature (120-250°C) are varied to understand the characteristics of hydrothermal-treatment sludge. After hydrothermal-treatment for a certain time, 5 samples formed under different hydrothermal conditions will be diluted 100 times with distilled water. Particle size distribution (PSD) was determined by particle measuring systems’ two-sensor particle counting system, which allows a user to measure particles in most liquids quickly and efficiently within the range of 0.2–125.0 μm. The particle 10 counter provides up to 30 user-selectable sizing channels, allowing a very complete analysis of the particle size distribution and simultaneous measurement of various quality assurance standards. The Particle Measuring system incorporates two LiQuilaz(R) volumetric particle counters combined with the LS200 Syringe Sampler. The two LiQuilaz(R) particle counters detect particles suspended in liquid between 0.2 and 125.0 μm. The first particle counter that samples the liquid is a LiQuilaz S02, which measures particles ranging from 0.2 to 2.0 μm. The second particle counter, the LiQuilaz E20P, detects particulates ranging from 2.0 to 125.0 μm. By combining these two particle counters, the user has up to 30 user-selectable channels for collecting information on the samples. After then, the N-SDF will be dried in an electric oven at 378k until the mass difference reached less than 0.5%. Ultimate analyses will be conducted with an elemental analyzer (PerkinElmer, 2400 Series II CHNS/O System), and the heat values will be measured with a calorimeter (Shimadzu, CA-4PJ).&/p&&p&&b&Data Analysis:&/b& Although the use of arithmetic-mass mean has been identified more properly to provide a wide scale for differentiate mean sizes of different PSD; this study will use the geometric-mass mean particle size.&/p&&p&&b&Natural Drying Characteristics of N-SDF:&/b& To study on the natural drying characteristics of N-SDF, the dewatered sludge will be first dehydrated by a cylinder pressure dewatering device to form a reference sample. And then 5 samples formed under different hydrothermal conditions and the reference sample will be dried 24h under natural circumstances. The weight of these samples at different drying time will be recorded to calculate the drying speed used to access N-SDF drying properties.&/p&&p&&b&Inner Structure of N-SDF:&/b& The dewatered sludge and hydrothermal treatment sludge will be pressed bya cylinder pressure dewatering device firstly and then dried under natural conditions until the mass difference reached less than 0.5%. The changes of materials surfaces will be recorded by a CCD camera equipped with a microscope. These images will be analyzed by computer software (Image Pro-Plus) to calculate the porosity of the materials surfaces. The dried N-SDF will be broken to measure the BET specific surface area and inner porosity.&/p&&p&&b&Water distribution in N-SDF:&/b& The total water content was determined by drying at 105 oC until a constant weight was reached. The bound water content was measured using the dilatometric method. It is based on the assumption that free water freezes at temperatures near the freezing point of pure water whereas bound water does not freeze even at temperatures as low as -20°C. The volume expansion observed when cooling sludge to temperatures down to -20°C is therefore solely due to the water–ice transformation of the free water. Its measurement allows the determination of both the free water content and the bound water content of the sample knowing its total water content. Volume expansion measurements were performed using xylene as an indicator fluid between room temperature and -12.5°C. It was checked that no further volume variation due to the water transformation occurred for temperatures down to -20°C.&/p&&p&&b&(2) &/b&&b&Combustion&/b&/ &b&Co-combustion&/b&&b&Characteristics of N-SDF:&/b&&/p&&p&&b&Combustion&/b&&b&Characteristics of N-SDF:&/b& The samples were first dried in an oven under 105°C. The ratio of the weight loss between the mass weights is the water content. Then the dried samples will be sealed in the crucible and heated in the muffle under 600°C for 2h. The weight loss is the volatile matter. The samples will be put in the muffle under 800°C in an oxidizing atmosphere for 2h, and the residues are the ashes. The fixed carbon can be calculated by 1 - the volatiles content and the ash content. Thermogravimetric analysis could be done with a thermogravimetric analyzer. Several granules would be randomly picked, dried, ground into powder and screened through 80 mesh screen. Around 10 mg of each sample will be then analyzed in the thermogravimetric analyzer with a heating rate of 10°C /min from ambient to 700°C under an air flow of 150 mL/min. Perkin-Elmer 2400 Series II CHN organic element analyzer will be used to ultimate analysis of these fuels.&/p&&p&&b&Co-Combustion&/b&&b&Characteristics of N-SDF and coal:&/b& Thermogravimetric tests will be performed in a SHIMAZDU D50 simultaneous TGA/DTA analyzer. The sample weight loss (TG) and rate of weight loss (DTG) are recorded continuously under dynamic conditions as functions of time and temperature in the range of room temperature to 700 °C. DTG (first derivative of TG curve) analyses share be done from weight loss profiles with respect to time. All the experiments would be carried out at atmospheric pressure, under a constant volume flow rate of air at 150 ml/min, at a constant heating rate of 10 °C/min (or 20 °C/min) using a non-isothermal type of TGA. These dynamic runs were carried out by placing about 10 mg of dried sample on a pan. The characteristics parameters will be obtained by analyzing TG and DTG profiles of the blend, Thermogravimetric studies of the behavior of N-SDF with added coal during combustion. After an initial moisture removal, the temperature at which the weight loss started can be denoted as the volatile release temperature. Temperature at which a DTG curve showed peak value will be denoted as the maximum weight loss temperature. Burnout temperature can be detected based on the mass stabilization. The ignition temperature will be decided based on the temperature at which the DTG had its peak value and the corresponding slope to the intersection with respect to the TG profile. The TGA parameters showed a good reproducibility as determined by multiple tests with standard errors were within ±3 °C. For the ultimate analysis of these fuels, Perkin–Elmer made 2400 Series II CHN organic elemental analyser will be used.&/p&&p&&b&Economic Analysis:&/b& using Life-cycle Assessment (LCA) to access the economic feasibility of N-SDF.&/p&&p&&b&References:&/b&&/p&&p&Namioka T, Morohashi Y, Yamane R, Yoshikawa K. 2009. Hydrothermal Treatment of Dewatered Sewage Sludge Cake for Solid Fuel Production. Journal of Environment and Engineering, 41: 68-76.&/p&&p&Prawisudha P, Muthuraman M, Yoshikawa K. Production of low chlorine content solid fuel from MSW using innovative hydrothermal treatment for coal co-fired application.&/p&&p&Vaxelaire J. Cézac P. 2004. Moisture distribution in activated sludges: a review, 38: &/p&&p&García-Mesa&a href=&/?target=http%3A///science%3F_ob%3DArticleURL%26_udi%3DB6V24-50B49P8-B%26_user%3D_coverDate%3D11/30/2010%26_rdoc%3D1%26_fmt%3Dhigh%26_orig%3Dsearch%26_origin%3Dsearch%26_sort%3Dd%26_docanchor%3D%26view%3Dc%26_searchStrId%3D%26_rerunOrigin%3Dscholar.google%26_acct%3DC_version%3D1%26_urlVersion%3D0%26_userid%3Dmd5%3D037c59c177bcba1e7c2d00%26searchtype%3Da%23aff1& class=& wrap external& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&a&i class=&icon-external&&&/i&&/a& J.J., Poyatos&a href=&/?target=http%3A///science%3F_ob%3DArticleURL%26_udi%3DB6V24-50B49P8-B%26_user%3D_coverDate%3D11/30/2010%26_rdoc%3D1%26_fmt%3Dhigh%26_orig%3Dsearch%26_origin%3Dsearch%26_sort%3Dd%26_docanchor%3D%26view%3Dc%26_searchStrId%3D%26_rerunOrigin%3Dscholar.google%26_acct%3DC_version%3D1%26_urlVersion%3D0%26_userid%3Dmd5%3D037c59c177bcba1e7c2d00%26searchtype%3Da%23aff1& class=& wrap external& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&a&i class=&icon-external&&&/i&&/a& J.M., Delgado-Ramos F., Mu?io M.M., Osorio F and Hontoria E. 2010. Water quality characterization in real biofilm wastewater treatment systems by particle size distribution. 101: .&/p&&p&Catallo W.J., Comeaux J.L. 2008. Reductive hydrothermal treatment of sewage sludge, waste Management, 28: .&/p&&p&Jiang J. G., Du X.J., Yang S.h. 2010. Analysis of the combustion of sewage sludge-derived fuel by a thermogravimetric method in China. Waste Management, 30:.&/p&&p&Heukelekian H, Weisberg E. Bound water and activated sludge bulking, 1956 Sewage Ind. Wastes 28: 558–574.&/p&&p&Muthuraman M, Namioka T, Yoshikawa K. 2010. A comparison of co-combustion characteristics of coal with wood and hydrothermally treated municipal solid waste, Bioresource Technology, 101: .&/p&&p&Murakami T, Suzuki Y, Nagasawa H, Yamamoto T, Koseki T, Hirose H, Okamoto S. 2009. Combustion characteristics of sewage sludge in an incineration plant for energy recovery, 90: 778-783.&/p&&p&Muthuraman M, Namioka T, Yoshikawa K. 2010. Characteristics of co-combustion and kinetic study on hydrothermally treated municipal solid waste with different rank coals: A thermogravimetric analysis, Applied Energy, 87: 141-148&/p&&p&&b&科研工作时间安排&/b&&b&Time Plan&/b&&b&:&/b&&/p&&p&1.12 taking courses and enhancing the ability of English communication, initiating to design the &/p&&p&2.05 studying on the influence of hydrothermal conditions (Temperature, Pressure, Residence Time ) on particle size distribution of s&/p&&p&2.09 studying on natural drying characteristics of N-SDF produced from solid waste, conducting heat value analysis and finishing the research on the mechanisms of Hydrothermal Treatment improving sludge dewaterability and N-SDF&/p&&p&2.12 studying on combustion characteristics of N-SDF;&/p&&p&3.05 studying on co-combustion characteristics of N-SDF&/p&&p&3.08 economic analysis of N-SDF system, final data analysis, and paper writing.&/p&&p&&b&回国后工作&/b&&b&/&/b&&b&学习计划&/b&&b&The Study/Work Plan After Returning To China:&/b&&/p&&p&After returning to China, he will finish my doctoral dissertation, and do some research on recycling waste biomass and co-combustion characteristics of N-SDF and Chinese coal.&/p&&p&&b&国内导师签字&/b&&b&Signature Of Domestic Supervisor&/b&&b&:&/b&&/p&&p&&b& Date(yy/mm/dd) :&/b&&/p&&p&&b&国外导师签字&/b&&b&Signature Of Hosting Foreign Supervisor: &/b&&/p&&p&&b& Date(yy/mm/dd):&/b&&/p&
转载补记, 下面这段写于一年前的这个时候,时间过得真快,一年前还在犹豫未来要去哪里,相应老师的号召,把自己的经历写了下来,回来已经这么久了,又折腾了快一年,现在也快毕业并找到了下家,所以想顺手写一个申请phd的经验,想来为了完整,把之前的CSC…
&img src=&/v2-df68c43ff8ebe83be5edf7d_b.jpg& data-rawwidth=&1408& data-rawheight=&770& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&1408& data-original=&/v2-df68c43ff8ebe83be5edf7d_r.jpg&&&p&
自从人类进入了工业时代,随着电气技术的发展,我们不仅能在乐队和歌手表演的时候去欣赏音乐,也可以利用电子设备来把现场的表演录制下来,然后再由设备在我们想欣赏的时候重放出来。音乐欣赏也从最初的达官贵人和贵族特供慢慢的普及到每个人。不仅是在家里和影院里,随着汽车工业崛起,早在近一个世纪以前,我们就开始给汽车上装配音响系统了。虽然当时因为科技所限只是电子管式的无线收音机,但已经拉开了汽车音响的发展帷幕。&/p&&img src=&/v2-53da33e2ecdf5ed6c0ccddb_b.jpg& data-rawwidth=&5184& data-rawheight=&3456& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&5184& data-original=&/v2-53da33e2ecdf5ed6c0ccddb_r.jpg&&&br&&br&&p&对于喜欢音乐的人来讲,欣赏音乐是一种刚性需求。尤其是在开车的情况下,如果仅仅是堵车时红绿灯机械的交替和吵杂的鸣笛声或者是各种行车噪音伴随着我们的行程,那是多么的枯燥和难以忍受。如果在车水马龙的路上或者山清水秀的旅途中,有应景且非常高品质的音乐流淌在车内,让我们能尽情的徜徉在音乐的海洋里,使堵车变成乐趣,旅途更为惬意,更是把当时的心境升华到极致。&br&&/p&&img src=&/v2-fd385eeabd406d2d86796_b.png& data-rawwidth=&865& data-rawheight=&576& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&865& data-original=&/v2-fd385eeabd406d2d86796_r.png&&&p&
Harman/Kardon 、 Bowers&Wilkins 、 BOSE 、 Bang&Olufsen 、 Burmester 、 JBL 、 DYNAUDIO
、 FOCAL 、 Mark Levinson 等均在音响领域中不断的探索新技术,各自都发展出了自家的特色。在细分领域,不仅家用音响设备有自家独特的风格和竞争力,也在汽车音响中发挥了各自不同理念的技术优势。每个品牌都有其独特的理念与对音乐的理解,在开发出不同技术与产品的同时,经营理念与发展方式也产生了不同的方向。在与世界各车企合作中,有些音响品牌合作的车企比较多,依靠诸多经验来不断完善自己的技术和产品;而有些品牌就很钟情于某些车企,试图用自己品牌的理念与车企的定位碰撞出更为独特的火花。
成立于 1972
年的 Mark Levinson (马克莱文森)只钟情于雷克萨斯,并且仅给 ES以上的高配及顶配车型才有搭配,彰显了自己不同寻常的尊贵身份。&/p&&p&同样专注于技术领域的
Lexicon (莱斯康)并不被大众所熟知,不过这位「隐士」在专业音频领域有着非常傲人的技术成果,世界上 80% 的音乐公司都在使用 Lexicon 的设备进行录音和混音。而「隐士」孤僻的性格也体现在它与车企合作上。到目前为止,它只与现代的高端车型捷恩斯、起亚旗舰轿车
K9 ,以及劳斯莱斯这样的超级奢华车型有合作。&/p&&p&
而诞生于 1946
年的世界知名品牌 JBL 相对于之前介绍的这两个品牌就显得「人缘」非常好,能在国内销量非常好的丰田旗下多款车型:凯美瑞、
RAV4 、普拉多等看到 JBL的身影。也为起亚多款车型定制过音响系统:索纳塔九代、 K5 、索兰托、纳智捷大 7SUV 、大 7MPV 、 Master CEO 等。当然, JBL 不仅钟情于为「平民」车型打造音响系统,还为超级跑车法拉利的多款车型:
F12berlinetta 、 GTC4Lusso 、 488
、 California T 等开发过音响系统。&/p&&img src=&/v2-0d1e6b2bab0e932c8a32bf_b.png& data-rawwidth=&865& data-rawheight=&553& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&865& data-original=&/v2-0d1e6b2bab0e932c8a32bf_r.png&&&p&
同 JBL 一样
Infinity 音响在汽车领域也有着比较多的合作伙伴,其中包括了很多自主品牌,搭载的对象大多以旗舰车型为主,如吉利博瑞、哈弗 H9 等。另外,索纳塔八、进口现代雅尊、雅科仕,起亚凯尊等韩系车也都使用了
Infinity 音响。&/p&&p&
有着相同理念的还有丹麦的 Bang&Olufsen(B&O),Bang&Olufsen 音响创立于1925 年, B&O 最初的业务也是做收音机,随后拓展到留声机甚至电视机,当然还有音响。它所引进的声学透镜技术
(Acoustic Lens Technology)
和适应性低音结构 (Adaptive
Bass Construction)
B&O 与很多豪华汽车品牌都进行过合作,我们最熟悉的 BBA 三兄弟就都与B&O达成长期合作,具体车型包括奔驰的SLS AMG、宝马5系/6系/X5/X6,以及几乎全系奥迪车型等。此外,英国超跑品牌阿斯顿·马丁也是 B&O 的忠实伙伴,
DB9 、 DB11 、 Vanquish 、 Rapide等车型上都使用了来自 B&O 的音响系统。&/p&&img src=&/v2-13b1d98a87_b.png& data-rawwidth=&702& data-rawheight=&527& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&702& data-original=&/v2-13b1d98a87_r.png&&&p& 同Bang&Olufsen一样,成立于1978年的Burmester(柏林之声)也是专注于和豪华车企合作,比如:保时捷和奔驰高端车型。&/p&&p&
Harman/Kardon(哈曼卡顿)。这个品牌为很多豪华车型定制了出色的音响系统,包含进口的奔驰、宝马 7系列、路虎揽胜、劳斯莱斯 幻影等豪华车都采用了哈曼卡顿顶级的 harman/kardon Logic7 音响系统。不仅是豪华车型,在 MINI 、 JEEP 和克莱斯勒的部分车型上也可以看到 arman/Kardon 的身影。甚至因为该品牌的名气与口碑都非常好,市场上催生了很多假冒的哈曼卡顿音响。&/p&&p&
Harman/Kardon (哈曼卡顿),还包含 JBL 、 Becker
、 AKG 、 Infinity 、 Mark Levinson 、 Lexicon 、 ReveL 、 Bang&Olufsen 和 Studer等知名音响品牌组成了一个庞大的音频帝国。不仅涉及家用,在舞台、车载、耳机、手机、便携式音响领域都在不断的开发更好的产品。每个品牌都有自己对于声音的独特见解,由此也产生了不同品牌产品之间的差异。我们并不能粗暴的去评判产品之间的优劣。只是对于不同风格音乐的表现,众多品牌有着不同的声音取向。至于哪个品牌更适合你,这就是仁者见仁智者见智了。&/p&&p&
而 Harman/Kardon (哈曼卡顿)旗下资质最老、涉及领域最多的非 JBL 莫属。不仅在舞台音响、家用音响、便携式音响等领域有非常丰富的产品线还与各种进口合资车企有长期合作。不仅如此,
JBL 也有非常丰富的后改装产品供原车未能搭配高品质音响系统的发烧友升级。借助了 JBL 从其他领域的威望、名声和开发经验, JBL 的车载音响发展也是非常迅速。归功于 JBL
JBL 音响系统在诸多的汽车音响大赛中也屡获殊荣。&/p&&p&
在国产品牌车企的崛起下, JBL也不仅限于为进口品牌车企开发音响系统。近期也开始和一些注重驾驶体验的国产品牌车企开始合作——在刚刚上市的国产新秀江淮瑞风 A60上就搭载了由 JBL 为其量身定制的环绕立体声音响系统。下面我们就以这辆车为例,来看看专业音频团队是如何为车辆量身定制音响系统的。&/p&&p&
江淮瑞风 A60 这套
JBL 音响系统包含仪表台中置扬声器、门板高低音扬声器、后挡风玻璃底下的环绕扬声器、重低音扬声器等 13
JBL 专门开发的功放来驱动。 JBL 官方介绍:该系统由哈曼「金耳朵」团队进行了3轮专业级调音,在哈曼严苛的调音标准下达到了非常棒的立体环绕音响效果。&/p&&img src=&/v2-efac4bdd86f10_b.png& data-rawwidth=&865& data-rawheight=&553& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&865& data-original=&/v2-efac4bdd86f10_r.png&&&p&
第一轮调音完成了 MP5 (车载导航屏幕)与音响功放之间的信号通讯、输出参数的匹配测试,验证 MP5输出通道满足音响功放的调音需求。通过调节,显著的提升了音效表现:细节响应更出色、动态相应更好并且营造出环绕声和出色的空间立体感。&/p&&p&


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