Conall inFinlay Ceo/President Finlay Construction

WoRMS - World Register of Marine Species - Conuber Finlay & Marwick, 1937
WoRMS taxon details
Conuber Finlay & Marwick, 1937&AphiaID: 584718
Classification: Biota > &(Kingdom)&& &(Phylum)&& &(Class)&& &(Subclass)&& &(Order)&& &(Superfamily)&& &(Family)&& &(Subfamily)&& &(Genus)
Typetaxon& accepted as
(type by original designation)
status source Huelsken T., Tapken D., Dahlmann T., W?gele H., Riginos C. & Hollmann M. (2012) Systematics and phylogenetic species delimitation within Polinices s.l. (Caenogastropoda: Naticidae) based on molecular data and shell morphology. Organisms, Diversity & Evolution 12: 349-375. , available online at &[]
taxonomy source Torigoe K. & Inaba A. (2011). Revision on the classification of Recent Naticidae. Bulletin of the Nishinomiya Shell Museum. 7: 133 + 15 pp., 4 pls. (look up in )&[]
Direct childtaxa (4)[][]&Species
TaxonomicEdit history&
&&[] [] [] [] []
&&Citation: Bouchet, P. (2011). Conuber. In:
MolluscaBase (2017). Accessed through:
World Register of Marine Species at on
&&&The webpage text is licensed under a Creative CommonsWeb Mining Company
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SmartViper &. All rights reserved. Version dkv760107
SmartViper &. All rights reserved. Version dkv760107Please enable JavaScript to view the page content.MommyCon :: Speakers
Geek Mom and Storyteller
Ehi Aimiuwu-Jinadu is a 29 year old software consultant, artist, mother of 5 and founder of Geek Moms & Company. Ehi has been creating projects, including artwork for shows, jewelry for retail stores, photography and video for clients, for over 8 years. Her greatest goal is to create documentary work.
Ehi will join us in NYC.
Ehi Aimiuwu
An Urban Ma
Ambyr is a natural hair wearin, dope beat dancin, two degree havin, detroit city reppin, cloth diaper washin, healthy food cookin, cute baby wearin, 7 continent hoppin – urban dwellin ma.
She blogs about what it’s like to be a cool mama living in an urban area.
Ambyr will join us in Chicago, NYC, Memphis, Austin, Orange County, Orlando, and Atlanta.
Ambyr Amen-Ra
Mother to four, Amy enjoys any outdoor activity and healthy cooking.
Mother to three fierce girls, iLana enjoys mentoring others, encouraging them to find and express their voices and live their truth.
Together, they are each other’s biggest fan and the creators and owners of AppleCheeks(TM) Cloth Diapers.
Amy and iLana will join us in Chicago, NYC, Memphis, Vancouver, and Orlando.
Amy and iLana
Ms. Ashley is anearly childhood enthusiast and play advocate based in the metro Atlanta area. Born and raised in Boston, Ms. Ashley is a seasoned early childhood caregiver and has served as a nanny, teacher, children’s museum interpreter and family helper for the last fifteen years. She offers a wide variety of services including preschool play classes and party planning for young children.
Ms. Ashley will join us in Atlanta.
Ms. Ashley
Just a normal mom of two who decided that she could help her community in a way that she loved the most – with cloth diapers and breastfeeding. After managing a local cloth diaper bank, she set her sights are filling a gap in her community for women and babies of color and their breastfeeding goals. As a locate educator and advocate, she is on a mission to help moms feel empowered as they navigate motherhood.
Sabrina will join us in Chicago and Atlanta.
Sabrina Azemar
Certified Signing Time Instructor
Jessie teaches hundreds of families a week how to use American Sign Language to provide the whimsical, physical and educational balance you are searching for. ASL can be an integral in supporting gentle parenting, following the child’s lead and learning style and fostering social-emotional development.
Jessie will join us in NYC.
Jessica Berrins
Kristen is a wife and mama to two amazing kiddos. She is a women’s health RN and is passionate about all things natural parenting from breastfeeding, to cloth diapering and baby wearing. With her unique perspective as a parent to a child with an immune deficiency (as well as other healthcare needs) she strives to educate parents on how the two worlds can cohesively exist.
Kristen will join us in Chicago and Memphis.
Kristen Beyke
Certified Advanced Holistic Doula
Yael Borensztein, RN, IBCLC, is a nurse, lactation consultant, birth doula and childbirth educator. She believes in nothing more than the right of women and families to information, power in decision making and access to support and is energized by any opportunity to build bigger, more supportive communities for women and parents in New York City.
Yael will join us in NYC.
Yael Borensztein
Dr. Mary Bove has a Doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine, a Midwifery Certification, and a Diploma of Phytotherapy/Herbal Medicine. Mary co-authored Herbs for Women’s Health and has been published in many magazines, journals and collaborative books on botanical and natural medicine. In collaboration with Gaia Herbs(R) Dr Bove developed an herbal remedy line designed specifically for children.
Dr. Bove will join us in Atlanta.
Babywearing education has been a passion for Laura for more than 5 years. Her belief in mentorship and community has enabled her to build two of the largest babywearing groups in the US. Also a Postpartum Doula, she has consulted for retailers and manufacturers. She currently teaches in the Los Angeles area, and is the Coordinator for Events and Education for Ergobaby.
Laura will join us at all of our 2017 events.
Laura Brown
Joe Carr is the cofounder of Serenity Kids Baby Food . He & his partner started Serenity Kids because they couldn’t find a baby food that was low in sugar, high in fat, and allergen free for their future child. He is passionate about creating a world where people of all ages and neurological orientations are healthy, included, and free.
Joe will join us in Orange County.
As a recognized expert in reading for 20 years, Dr. Carroll delivers actionable steps to parents in an easy to follow format that busy parents can work into their day. Her unique system grabs kids’ attention and keeps it focused on the right activities that promote a healthy, well-rounded child who reads because he wants to read.
Dr. Carroll will join us in NYC.
Dr. Colleen Carroll
Owner and Manufacturer of Tallulah Baby Designs and Babywearing Educator
Olivia is a military wife who has a love for all things art. Tallulah Baby Designs’ adventure started with the birth of her daughter. She enjoys sharing her love for babywearing with others and is dedicated in growing Tallulah Baby Designs to meet the needs of the ever-changing babywearing community.
Olivia will join us in Chicago.
Olivia Cash Agle
CBWS Trained Babywearing C BWI of Portland Advanced Babywearing Educator
Kat is a Trained Babywearing Consultant with the Center for Babywearing Studies.
She also enjoys her roles as an Advanced Babywearing Educator with BWI of Portland, as a Leader with Mamaroo, Mid-Willamette Valley Babywearers, and as President of the board of directors for Babywearing International, Inc.
Kat will join us in Chicago.
Kat Chaffin
Lydia Chan is the founder
and supports NYC families around elimination communication and potty training. She helps demystify the EC process and makes it simple and accessible to everyone. Her goal is to save the world – one diaper at a time.
Lydia will join us in NYC.
Lydia Chan
Ashley Sirah is the owner and creator of the Beautiful Me campaign which focuses on empowerment and love for self and others. She is also the author of a children’s book series focusing on diversity with its first instillation out titled “Beautiful Beautiful Me”. With her life and company slogan, We are born to Create, Love and Empower, Ashley Sirah is slowly changing the way people approach life.
Ashley Sirah will join us in Orange County.
Ashley Sirah Chea
Early Childhood and Parent Educator
Sally has had an interest in working with children since she was a child herself. In her early twenties she became a lead teacher, and eventually the owner and operator, of a preschool. Over the years, more and more parents came to her for advice, so she began to go to school to teach parents Positive Discipline. She is a mother of two, and a teacher of parents and children, alike.
Sally will join us in Vancouver.
Sally Cote
For over 23 year, Shari Criso has been a Registered Nurse, Certified Nurse Midwife, International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, nationally recognized parenting educator, entrepreneur, and most importantly, loving wife & proud mother of two amazing breastfed daughters.
Shari will join us in Cincinnati and Austin.
Shari Criso
Dr. Davis has both Doctorate and Masters degrees in Physical Therapy.
She provides specialized services to children and adults with developmental and intellectual disabilities. She is the CEO of Inspiration Physical Therapy Inc. and Inspire Create LLC., the parent company of the Little Balance Box(TM).
Dr. Davis will join us in NYC, Memphis, Austin, Vancouver, Orange County, Orlando, and Atlanta.
Dr. Shannon Davis PT DPT
A babywearing educator, textile designer, artist, business owner, and mother of 4, Alisa has combined her love of babywearing with her passion for art and design. Her company, Tekhni, was created with the mission of making wrapping available, accessible and attainable.
Alisa will join us at all of our events in 2017.
Alisa DeMarco
Leslie Dixon R.N., founder of The Birds & Bees Connection, was a school nurse for more than 20 years. Her agency’s unique parent-child courses prepare families for puberty & adolescence & are presented in schools, places of worship, private homes & more. Leslie blogs
& appears weekly on FB Live with blogger Kristen Howerton.
Leslie will join us in Orange County.
Leslie Dixon RN
Chief Founding Mom
Lisa Druxman is the founder of FIT4MOM, the company that created Fit4Baby, Stroller Strides and Body Back. She is the host of the Motivating Mom podcast and the author of the upcoming book, The Empowered Mama. She is a speaker, writer and fitness expert. But her passion is to get moms out of overwhelm and in to a life of health and happiness!
Lisa will join us in Chicago.
Lisa Druxman
Dr. B. Brett Finlay, PhD, OC is the Peter Wall Professor in the Michael Smith Laboratories and the Departments of Microbiology and Biochemistry at the University of British Columbia.
is an award winning world expert on microbiology, microbial infections and the microbiota, and how they affect human health and disease.
He is also the co-author or the bestselling book Let Them Eat Dirt.
Brett will join us in Vancouver.
B. Brett Finlay
Lisa is a board-certified lactation consultant in private practice and breastfeeding mom of 2 girls. She also teaches breastfeeding and childbirth education classes at her local community college and OB clinic. Her mission is to help families accomplish their breastfeeding goals.
Lisa will join us in Vancouver.
Lisa Follet IBCLC
Owner of Happy Mango
Phnewfula (pronounced new-fa-la) is an author, and entrepreneur mom of 2 living in Atlanta, GA.
She left a lucrative career in the music business to open Happy Mango, an eco-friendly pregnancy, baby, and kids boutique that makes sustainability accessible for all.
Phnewfula is a breastfeeding, healthy eating, and green living advocate.
Phnewfula will join in Atlanta.
Phnewfula Frederiksen
Rachel is a certified babywearing consultant through the Center for Babywearing Studies, and a certified kangaroo care consultant, through the US Institute of Kangaroo Care. She owns a Babywearing and Kangaroo Care Consultation and Sales Business admins in the Tandem Babywearing Facebook group. Her goal is to make babywearing an accessible tool for every caregiver.
Rachel will join us in Chicago.
Rachel Gaston-Pifer
A proud uncle to three, and a baby gear expert like no other.
Jamie will join us in Cincinnati and Austin.
Jamie Grayson
Crunchydadmom & Breastfeeding Support Advocate
Tony is a husband and father of 3. He is babywearing educator and the face of Crunchydadmom, a public figure dedicated to the babywearing, breastfeeding support and all things attachment parenting.
Tony will join in Chicago.
Tony Griffin
While raising three children and practicing physical therapy, Allison received various questions and numerous comments and realized that many adults wanted guidance on what to do with their babies during those precious times when they are awake and ready to interact. Hence, she created BLOOM, which aims to empower parents and caregivers to be confident and prepared by learning about infant development and playful interactions.
Allison will join us in Austin.
Dr. Allison Hall PT DPT
Carrie is Owner of CarrieFit, Creator of the Diastasis Recti Recovery System, Master Trainer for Beachbody Live, and Founder of Team Envision Coaching. She is a certified Pre and Post Natal Fitness Expert, Certified Health Coach, and Personal Trainer. Carrie has been in the fitness industry for 23 years. Since 2005, when she discovered that she had the injury. Carrie has helped thousands of people worldwide recovery from Diastasis Recti.
Carrie will join us in Austin.
Carrie Harper
Founder and CEO of MommyCon
Xza Louise Higgins is the Founder and CEO of MommyCon, a babywearing educator and lover of healthy & happy babies. She is a former branding expert who spends her spare time with her two children, and enjoying all of the amazing restaurants the city has to offer.
Xza will be at every 2017 event.
Xza Higgins
Isreal Jean Holland is a Black American Jewish woman from a bad neighborhood in Southeast DC who is part of the first generation of Black American women in her family to nurse and she wants to empower black women to take back their bodies and nurse their young regardless of their socioeconomic circumstances.
Isreal will join us in Chicago, NYC, Orlando, and Atlanta.
Isreal Jean Holland
Certified Peaceful Parenting Coach
Lisa is a social worker and a mama. Using her knowledge, professional experience, and personal journey as a parent, she coaches other parents to develop happier, healthier, and more peaceful relationships with their children. Lisa trained with Dr. Laura Markham of Aha! Parenting and is a Certified Peaceful Parenting Coach.
Lisa will join us in Austin, Vancouver, and Orange County.
Bryn Huntpalmer is a mother of two young children living in Austin, Texas where she hosts a birth stories podcast called The Birth Hour. Her mission with The Birth Hour is to encourage women to be informed about pregnancy and childbirth and know their options as well as creating a community for women to come together and support one another through pregnancy and beyond. You can connect with Bryn on Instagram @thebirthhour.
Bryn will join us in Austin.
Bryn Huntpalmer
Wife | Mother | Blogger | Product Amplifier
Bryttany is the main blogger . She is also a public speaker, collaborator, brand ambassador, and social media entrepreneur. When not sharing her stories, she may be crocheting or dancing with her kiddos and husband.
Bryttany will join us in NYC, Memphis, Orlando, and Atlanta.
Bryttany Hyde
Dr. Scott is a health and wellness expert in the Austin area. After suffering with a debilitating disease called Ulcerative Colitis at only 17 years old, he was able to find a way to heal his body naturally. He has been disease free for almost 15 years and is now sharing those secrets with his community by teaming up with his wife, Dr. Morgan, to provide the best in prenatal and pediatric wellness and preventative care.
Dr. Scott will join us in Austin.
Dr. Scott Ihrig
Planting seeds through song, Miss Jamie take young kids and their families on a musical adventure to her “farm”, where they learn values like hard work, exercise, and being kind to animals and each other. The catchy tunes both new and familiar will have everyone stompin’ their boots and hollerin’ for more fruits & veggies!
Miss Jamie will join us in Chicago.
Miss Jamie
Co-Founder of The Carrying On Project
Kit is a former US Marine and co-founder of The Carrying On Project, a Non-Profit dedicated to providing free quality baby carriers to low income military families. When she’s not working on TCOP, she’s an MBE for Babywearing International, a full time Psychology student in her final year at Virginia Commonwealth University, and a consumer of way too much caffeine.
Kit will join us in Chicago.
Kit Jenkins
David Johnson, Genexa’s CEO, is an entrepreneur, studied chef with a major in food chemistry and a finance background. In 2014, David co-founded Genexa with the goal to make something for the greater good of everyone around him. While his culinary skills have helped shape the taste and texture of Genexa medicines, his passion for making medicine healthier has driven the launch of this company.
David will join us in Orlando.
David Johnson
Babywearing Educator
Tiffany is an Instructor and Babywearing Educator with Babywearing Around Tulsa, located in Tulsa, Oklahoma. She is a strong advocate of babywearing as a means to help facilitate bonding in adoption, foster, PPD, and other “non-traditional” situations. Her first child is adopted, and that experience started her on her babywearing journey over 10 years ago.
Tiffany will join us in Chicago.
Tiffany Brooke Johnson
Founder and CEO of Whole Life, Angel began her journey of Natural Parenting as many others – one spoon of coconut oil at a time.
As a Certified Aromatherapist and expert in Dietary Health & Nutrition and Holistic Wellness, Angel shares her passion for healthy living. Her purpose stems from helping others begin and fulfill their journeys for living the whole life, with natural products, mentorship and community.
Angel will join us in Chicago, Memphis, Austin, Orange County, Orlando, and Atlanta.
Angel Jones
Babywearing Consultant, Tandem Trouble
LaKeta is the Babywearing Educator behind Tandem Trouble where she and her twins share images and tutorials of their babywearing adventures.
Working closely with her local BWI as a Volunteer Babywearing Educator LaKeta brings passion and love of wearing to her local community.
LaKeta will join us in Chicago.
LaKeta L. Kemp
Pediatric and Prenatal Chiropractic Physician
Sarah is the co-owner of Diversey Health Center, a family oriented chiropractic office in Chicago. She is a leader in raising happy families naturally through chiropractic care, education, and her passion for wellness and she was selected two years in a row as Chicago’s top chiropractor!
Sarah will join us in Chicago.
Dr. Sarah Keuss
Beth Kobliner is a commentator and journalist, author of the New York Times bestseller Get a Financial Life: Personal Finance in Your Twenties and Thirties, as well as Make Your Kid a Money Genius (Even If You’re Not), a new book for parents coming from Simon & Schuster in February 2017. Kobliner is one of the nation’s leading authorities on personal finance for young people.
Beth will join us in Chicago and NYC.
Beth Kobliner
Jennifer is the founder and CEO of Cotton Babies, Inc, a leader in the cloth diaper industry for more than 10 years. Cotton Babies manufactures the best-selling bumGenius(R) cloth diaper line, as well as Flip(R) hybrid system and Econobum(R) budget diapers.
Jennifer will join us at all of our 2017 events.
Jennifer Labit
Rita is CNM with 30 years of practice in women’s health. She has been named both a teacher of the year for residents and preceptor of the year for student nurse midwives. Her passion is for women to understand their bodies and be happy in them.
Rita will join us in Chicago.
Rita "Pixie" Ledbetter
Tori is a certified pre/postnatal fitness educator and founder of Babies at the Barre(TM). As a former dancer, Tori developed Babies at the Barre(TM) after the birth of her son in 2014 to get moms, including herself, back in shape safely by regaining the all important pelvic floor and core strength that is lost during pregnancy and birth.
Tori will join us in Chicago and NYC.
Tori Levine
Emily E. Little just finished her Ph.D. in developmental psychology at University of California, San Diego, and is the founder and director of the brand-new nonprofit organization, Nurturely: The science and nature of nurturing. Her research focuses on the role of infant-caregiver physical contact in breastfeeding and early development.
Emily will join us in Orange County.
Emily E. Little PhD
Kathy has been a neonatal expert for well over 30 years and is the co-founder of Parenting Resources, the Premier Education and Support Center for New and Expectant Parents and the Professionals who serve them. While she impacts the lives of babies and caregivers in her practice and teaching, she also brings her vast knowledge and passion to students throughout the country and online.
Kathy will join us in Memphis.
Kathy Loughren
Doula, Believe Birth Services. Childbirth Educator, Manhattan Birth.
Sarah became a doula in 2013 and since then she has become a full time birth worker, Certified Lactation Counselor, and Childbirth Educator, witnessing birth with awe, in nearly every birth setting imaginable. Through her desire to deeply understand birth, she is a fierce advocate for education and empowerment.
Sarah Will join us in NYC.
Sarah Anne Lovell
Kathy is a co-founder of Babywearing International of Grand Rapids, MI and serves currently as the Director of Education and a Master Babywearing Educator for the group. She teaches Babywearing 101 classes and works with the new educators of her local group. She also works under Babywearing with Kathy to provide additional educational opportunities in her local area and via Skype.
Kathy will join us in Chicago.
Moby Sales Manager, Boutique
Mom of 5 who’s mission is accessible babywearing and education.
Jess will join us at all of our 2017 events.
Beyond Moi
Jeremy, dad to 6, made his MommyCon debut right alongside his wife, Jessica, at MommyCon Austin. The couple talked about sex, marriage, and raising six girls to a sold-out crowd.
Jeremy will join us in Chicago and NYC.
Jeremy Martin-Weber
The Leaky Boob
Don’t tell this mom of six girls to cover up while nursing. She is passionate, motivated and dedicated to helping mothers find the strength and courage to breastfeed in an unsupportive society.
Jessica will join us in Chicago and NYC.
Jessica Martin-Weber
BIRTHFIT Founder and CEO, Dr. Lindsey Mathews, has dedicated her chiropractic career to providing holistic support to the birthing community. Dr. Mathews works primarily with women (and their families) supporting them through movement challenges, fertility struggles, labor and delivery preparation and rehabilitation during the postpartum period.
Dr. Mathews will join us in Austin.
Dr. Lindsey Mathews DC
Founder and CEO of McAfee Farms and Organic Pastures Dairy Company.
Mark has lectured on Raw Milk production, food safety, and nutrition at Stanford Medical School, Rutgers University, 30 different states and internationally. He is certified in HACCP management from Chapman University and has developed and implemented award winning Food Safety Plans.
Mark will join us in Orange County.
Mark McAffee
Babywearing Educator
Jay is a Babywearing Educator and a Certified Lactation Counselor – passionate about providing support to caregivers in their personal parenting goals. The voice behind Modern Babywearing, Jay has used her blog as a platform to make Babywearing and Breastfeeding accessible to the modern-day parent.
Jay will join us in Chicago.
Jay McMillin
Advanced Babywearing Educator (ABE)
ABE for Babywearing International of Long Island (BWILI), Jess is a co-VP of her chapter and also heads the Education committee. She is the co-owner of Emmeline Textiles, a boutique machine woven wrap company that launched in 2016. As a company they have a tenacious enthusiasm for innovation and are dedicated to quality and accessibility.
Jess will join us in Chicago.
Jess McNeill
Joanna is a mom of two spritely children who are the fuel of her life. She is the founder of the Center for Babywearing Studies and the BOND Conference. She has spent the last 12 years dedicated to learning and sharing around her love and passion for babywearing, Kangaroo Care, the NBO and intentional positive interactions. She is an engaging, fun, and responsive speaker and teacher.
Joanna will join us in Chicago.
Joanna McNeilly
Rebecca is a gentle sleep consultant who truly believes that some children need a feed during the night until they are 12 months old, a fan of bedsharing and attachment parenting. Not one to judge you on your parenting choices, instead she supports you as you help your child learn to sleep more independently.
Rebecca will be at each of our 2017 MommyCon events.
Rebecca Michi
Co-founder of Bellies Inc.
Wife and mother of two.
Certified personal trainer with over 15 years experience working with pregnant women and new moms. Samantha is the in-house expert for the Marilyn Denis Show, a national TV show in Canada, has been featured on numerous other TV and print media and helped develop the Today’s Parent Healthy Pregnancy Guide.
Samantha will join us in NYC.
Samantha Montpetit-Huynh
Angel started her on-screen acting career on NBC’s hit show ER. While working as an actress on various television shows, commercials, & movies, Angel began honing her skills as a stand-up comedian and host. Angel launched her online career on YouTube in 2012 and uses her channel to create content around her family and skills as an entertainer by giving her real, down to earth, yet funny point-of-view.
Angel will join us in Chicago, Memphis, Orange County, and Atlanta.
Angel Laketa Moore
Infant Parenting Educator
Becca is the Founder of Baby Carriers Provide,
a nonprofit dedicated to integrating baby carriers into WIC and other public health programs.
She is also the Infant Parenting and Breastfeeding Prep. Instructor as St. Joseph’s Hospital in Ann Arbor, MI. She also serves the community with a babywearing and lactation private practice specializing in families facing unique challenges such as multiples or premature birth.
Becca will join us in Chicago.
Rebecca Morse
Mama, wife, amateur suburban homesteader. Yvonne strives to live a sustainable lifestyle while rocking the suburbs, balancing the needs of three children and an often reluctant husband.
Yvonne will join us in NYC and Orlando.
Yvonne Muse Brown
Houseful of Nicholes
Natasha is a married mom, and parent of four – including multiples. She loves Chicago with all of her heart, and makes room for Benedict Cumberbatch and Bruno Mars in there too. She’s been blogging for 7 years and there’s nothing she isn’t willing to try – once.
Natasha will join us in Chicago.
Natasha Nicholes
Chief Science Officer at Ergobaby
Dr. Norholt has been engaged in studying the effects of infant carrying on child psychological development since 2004.
He is actively engaged in developing research in novel attachment through his international network of family practitioners, midwives, obstetricians, pediatricians and child psychologists.
Dr. Norholt will join us in Chicago.
Henrik Norholt
Matt is a wonderful husband and loving father. After acting as the birthing coach during his daughter’s birth, he has become an advocate of natural childbirth. Matt also has a passion for encouraging dads. He believes that more dads would be involved in the birthing process if they were shown how.
Matt will join us in Vancouver.
Matt Petitmermet
Tiffany is the creator . A blog about motherhood, gluten free living and family travel. She started her blog with a mission to bring quality content and information to her fellow online mamas. She is a kinda crunchy, breastfeeding, baby wearing, attachment parenting, and natural child birth supporter.
Tiffany will join us in Vancouver.
Tiffany Petitmermet
Global Safety Advocate
Allana has been a CPST since 2001. In 2004, she founded a NPO, Sit Tight, which provided education and free car seats to underserved communities. As the Global Safety Advocate at Diono, Allana facilitates educating the staff, consumers and the media about car seats. She also writes blogs on CPS issues.
Allana will join us in Memphis, Austin, Vancouver, Orange County, Orlando, and Atlanta.
Allana Pinkerton
Owner + Founder, NYC Family Birth & NYC Placenta
Erin is the owner and founder of NYC Family Birth & NYC Placenta and spends her days (and many nights) supporting expecting and new families throughout NYC as a birth and postpartum doula, placenta encapsulation specialist, lactation counselor, childbirth educator, and CPR/First Aid instructor.
Erin will join us in NYC.
Erin Poluach
Babywearing Educator
Amy Rainbow is a Childbirth Educator, Babywearing Educator, and Postpartum Doula who specializes in woven wraps as Amy Wraps Babies. She believes strongly in the power of wovens as not only a baby carrier but a postpartum comfort device and more, and she works to spread the love of woven wrap babywearing with caregivers of all identities.
Amy will join us in Chicago.
Amy Rainbow
Lisa is the owner and creative design force behind 2Lambie Creations. 2Lambie, like so many other babywearing companies, began at a kitchen table. It continues to grow, evolve and offer additional products like handbags, blankets and of course lambie lovies in addition to the original product onbuhimos.
Lisa will join us in Chicago.
It all started in 2009 with an idea to film modern cloth diapers to help educate confused parents. Today, Dirty Diaper Laundry is the leading cloth diaper resource! No longer changing diapers, Kim has added #vagangelist to her resume as she proselytizes and spreads the gospel of reusable menstrual products.
Kim will join us at all of our 2017 events.
Buyer, Sprout San Francisco
Andi Rothfeld is the Head Buyer for Sprout San Francisco, a natural and organic baby boutique. Their mission and their passion is to help make your home the healthiest and happiest place it can be for your baby to live and grow. They keep up-to-date on the latest research and meticulously evaluate every product they carry to ensure everything is free from harmful chemicals.
Andi will join us in Chicago.
Andi Rothfeld
A birth worker from Oxford, MS, Stacey loves focusing on families as they face new challenges. Her passion for travel and organization has led her own family on a journey to sustainability and conscious living.
Stacey will joins us in Memphis and Atlanta.
Stacey Sanford
Co-Founder, City Dads Group
Matt is the co-founder of City Dads Group, a dynamic and diverse community of more than 7,000 fathers in 26 cities across the United States. Matt works with reporters, brands, and entertainment outfits to encourage more accurate and positive portrayals of fathers and fatherhood in media and advertising. He also hosts the Modern Dads Podcast.
Matt will join us in NYC.
Matt Schneider
Kate holds as Masters in Health Administration and is a Certified Babywearing Educator, Lactation Counselor, Postpartum Doula, Child Passenger Safety Technician, holds Certifications in Child Welfare and has been trained by Postpartum Support International. She is the co-founder of Parenting Resources, the Premier Education and Support Center for New and Expectant Parents and the Professionals who serve them.
Kate will join us in Memphis.
Kate Schnetzer
Creative Director, Birth in the Know, LLC
In 1994, Betsy she established Tenth Month Doula Services, the first of its kind in South Florida.
She is the creator of Down the Canal – The Game of Birth. She offers online classes for birth workers, serves on the Citrus Committee of Florida Healthy Babies Initiative and is a founding member of the Coalition for Improving Maternity Services.
Betsy will join us in Orlando and Atlanta.
Betsy K. Schwartz
Miss Jordan is a musician and mommy of a 2 1/2 year old who has combined her love of music and her love of children to create Miss Jordan’s Music Time, an interactive parent/child music class! She is a huge fan of MommyCon and looks forward to bringing her fun class to Orlando this year!
Miss Jordan will join us in Orlando.
Jordan Shepherd
Founders of Lunapads
Madeleine and Suzanne are longtime friends and social entrepreneurs. In 2000, they founded Lunapads, a pioneering reusable menstrual pad company that is dedicated to feminism, sustainability and having a better relationship to your body.
Madeleine and Suzanne will join us in Chicago, Austin, Vancouver, and Atlanta.
Madeleine Shaw and Suzanne Siemens
Owner + Founder, The Daily Doula
After a career in education, marketing and design, this Manhattan-living, preppy clothes-loving, epidural and c-section having mom became a postpartum doula and certified breastfeeding counselor. Through her platform as The Daily Doula, Margot helps all types of families tackle this crazy parenthood thing one daily doula tip at at time.
Margot will join us at MommyCon NYC.
Margot Simmons
Dr. Whitney is a women’s health physical therapist and a women’s clinical specialist. She’s passionate about promoting awareness, well-being, and healing with a goal of empowering women during the pre/postnatal periods to address discomforts or concerns. Whitney loves teaching women ways to take care of themselves during pregnancy and how to get their bodies back after childbirth.
Dr. Whitney will join us in Chicago, NYC and Orange County.
Whitney Sippl DPT WCS
Dr. Sirchio is passionate as a physician and post-graduate educator in her support of women’s health. She is the BIRTHFIT Chicago Regional Director and her love of moms and motherhood is deep and unwavering.
Dr. Sirchio will join us in Chicago.
Dr. Gina Sirchio
Manager of Business Development & Kindermusik Teacher Trainer
Jessica is a lifelong musician and educator.
She and her husband Luis opened Bucktown Music in Chicago in 2008, offering music lessons and Kindermusik classes.
She was hired by Kindermusik International in March 2016 to be part of the teacher training team and has been sent all over the USA and even to Australia to train educators.
Jessica will join us in Chicago.
Jessica Solares
Liability Attorney
Founder and owner of The Soliz Law Group, Cynthia has handled over a thousand liability claims through her law practice in Austin, TX. She is also an avid babywearer and lover of all things babywearing. Combining passions, Cynthia speaks on liability law for babywearing educators, working to provide crucial information to advance the industry and safeguard educators.
Cynthia will join us in Chicago.
Cynthia Soliz
Co-founder, City Dads Group
Lance is co-founder of City Dads Group – a dynamic and diverse community of over 7,000 fathers dedicated to being active in their children’s lives.
City Dads Group has dad groups in 25 major metropolitan areas throughout the United States. Lance frequently contributes to the conversation about modern fatherhood, work-life balance, shifting gender roles, and brand’s marketing to dads.
Lance will join us in NYC.
Lance Somerfeld
Loveologist Wendy Strgar is an award-winning entrepreneur, author, and sexual health educator, whose work has helped thousands of people reclaim their passion and heal their relationships. A pioneer in the organic personal care product industry, she is the founder and CEO of Good Clean Love, a woman-owned Certified B Corporation – a company publicly committed to being a force for global good.
Wendy will join us in Chicago, Vancouver, and Orlando.
Wendy Strgar
Advanced Babywearing Educator & Owner of Carrying with Karyn LLC
Karyn, of Carrying with Karyn, is a babywearing educator who has been serving Northeast Ohio since 2013. She teaches babywearing classes at Mother Rising Women’s Studio in Chardon, Ohio and provides in home consultations to those who request it.
Karyn will join us in Chicago.
Karyn Tankersley
Male?a is the co-founder & head master alchemist at BALM! Baby and Elevated Body Care. She specializes in natural, herbal, skin & whole body care. She has held workshops & sessions on a range of holistic wellness topics, including: Sustainability, Cloth diapering, Women’s health, Herbs, DIY & more.
Male?a will join us in Chicago, NYC, Memphis, Austin, Vancouver, Orange County, and Orlando.
Male?a Taylor
Certified Holistic Birth and Postpartum Doula, Certified Lactation Counselor, Lamaze Trained Perinatal Educator
Grace was originally called to birth work in 2001 when she first heard what a birth doula is and does. Since then she expanded base of knowledge and experience to include lactation and postpartum support and education.
Grace will join us in NYC.
Grace Veras Sealy
Pediatric Developmental Therapist
Nat has been working with families and their infants and toddlers of all abilities both in Thailand and the United States for over eight years. Her specializations includes infant mental health and early intervention for children with special needs. As the President of the Infant Massage USA Illinois Charter, Nat enjoys empowering families to use nurturing with their infants.
Nat will join us in Chicago.
Nat Vikitsreth
Kim is the founder of Pelvienne Wellness Inc and Co-Founder of Bellies Inc.
She combines the support aspect of a doula with fitness principles to help women prepare their body for birth, recover optimally and restore their core confidence for motherhood.
With a strong emphasis on the pelvic floor and the abdomen, Kim empowers and educates women so they can birth and recover, better.
Kim will join us in Chicago, Vancouver, and Orange County.
As a queer, black mother of two children, Julia’s parenting journey is not that of the prototypical Babywearing personality. Life as a multi-marginalized mother and domestic violence victim made babywearing a literal tool of survival when Julia’s oldest was born in 2012. Now, as a survivor, Julia shares this life-saving and life-changing tool with others through World on My Shoulders – a national non-profit serving domestic violence victims and low-income caregivers.
Julia will join us in Chicago.
Julia Walker
Latch the Babes
Brandy Watson is a sexual abuse survivor who overcame it to breastfeed five children. She has 15+ years of personal breastfeeding experience and has a passion for helping other mothers.
Brandy is a La Leche League leader, former WIC lactation specialist, and was a trainer for a breastfeeding peer counselor program for underprivileged women in her community.
Brandy will join us in Memphis.
Brandy Watson
Husband to Dr. LuAnne Wells and father of 2 awesome kids, he is thankful to his service in the military that has allowed his family to live all across the U.S. and have many exciting experiences. It is a challenge he couldn’t have done it without the partnership of his wife. Together they have learned how to make more natural choices for their family and are eager to share what they know with others.
Bert will join us in Orlando.
Bert Wells
Doctor of Chiropractic
Chiropractor and Natural Living Educator at Natural Adjustments, Dr. Lu is passionate about helping individuals and families make transitions to natural living. She works to support health naturally, protect the environment and promote community in everything she does. Dr. Lu is personally passionate about advocating for breastfeeding and educating about babywearing.
Dr. Wells will join us in Chicago.
Dr. LuAnne Wells
Associate Professor & Babywearing Educator
Dr. Williams is an Associate Professor at Arizona State University in the School of Social Work. Her areas of expertise include mother-infant bonding, parenting, and parenting interventions. She has published over 50 peer-reviewed manuscripts, 75 conference presentations, and 2 book chapters in the area of child development and family relationships.
Dr. Williams will join us in Chicago.
Lela Williams
Tanya Wills is a graduate of the midwifery program at Yale School of Nursing, where she received her Master of Science in Nursing and also earned her R.N. She is the Owner & Founder of Manhattan Birth Midwifery, practices as a home birth midwife, and also provides well-woman care, primary care, and lactation consultations.
Tanya will join us in NYC.
Tanya Wills
Dawn is a Speech Language Pathologist, Feeding Specialist and co-author of MAKING MEALTIMES EZPZ: FUN WAYS TO USE THE HAPPY MAT. She works for EZPZ designing feeding products and providing feeding advice for families and professionals. Dawn has a private practice, Spectrum Speech & Feeding, where she helps thousands of children overcome picky eating stages and food refusals.
Dawn will join us in Chicago, Austin, Orange County, and Orlando.
Dawn Winkelmann
Babywaering Consultant
Ben is a CBWS Certified Babywearing Consultant. Married for 10 years to his amazing wife Lara and daddy to 3 boys. Ben has been babywearing for over 5 years and graduated from the Center for Babywearing Studies in January of 2015. It is his passion to get more caregivers, especially men, babywearing and feeling comfortable in their carrier of choice.
Ben will join in Chicago.
Ben Winton
Laura has been in the potty training field for more than a decade. She holds nothing back when it comes to sharing potty training know-how, and is an expert at dealing with potty training regression. The Super Undies and Scaredy Cat Potty Training Team is all any mom needs to punch potty training fear in the face!
Laura will join us at all of our 2017 events.
Laura Wojciechowski
Texas native, bearded travel addict, and wearer of babies and plaid.
Mat has a genuine passion for guiding parents in this meaningful season of life and for fostering healthy, happy families through positive education, and honest, light-hearted speaking events. Mat’s experience in retail, product training, as a Babywearing Educator through CBWS, and CPST (Child Passenger Safety Technician) have all fostered these passions.
Mat will join us at all of our 2017 events.
Erica, founder of Knocked-Up Fitness, holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Kinesiology & Health and is a Certified Personal Trainer, Pilates Instructor, Nutrition Coach and most importantly a Mom of three. Author of ‘The Knocked-Up Fitness Guide to Pregnancy’ book, she has created prenatal and postpartum workout dvd’s and programs. Along with instructor trainer pre/postnatal courses and certifications and her brand NEW Core Rehab Program.
Erica will join us in Chicago.
Erica Ziel
Pam Allyn is a world-renowned literacy expert, author and motivational speaker. She is the Executive Director and Founder of LitWorld, a groundbreaking global literacy movement serving children across the United States and in more than 60 countries, and LitLife, a cutting-edge consulting group working with schools to enrich teaching methods and curriculum in reading and writing.
Meeshi has studied and taught multicultural dances for over 20 years. Amber has supported women in their transition into motherhood as a Birth Doula, Placenta Encapsulation Specialist, Postnatal Yoga Instructor and Nanny. Through GroovaRoo(TM) they lead funky babywearing line dance classes for new mamas, papas and their little “joeys” in San Diego, California. GroovaRoo is merely a small part of our greater life’s mission to build communities of families where dance is an integral part of everyday life.
Meeshi and Amber Anjali
Jen, aka Mrs. Spray Pal, is a mother of two, a cloth diaper advocate, successful business woman, social media influencer, and co-inventor of the Spray Pal with her husband. Jen has become well-known in the industry through social media outlets where she shares tips and tricks, but also an inside look into being a mother of a premature child with special needs and the amazing (and sometimes humorous) journey it entails.
Jennifer Aprea
Mary is a birth and adoption doula and childbirth/ breastfeeding educator serving and caring for all families as they grow.
Mary Auker-Endres
Cortney is a birth doula, professional babywearing educator, founding director of Babywearing NM, and mom! When she’s not interacting with our community members, you can probably find her at home in Albuquerque, NM, weaving a little, cooking a lot, and talking non-stop.
Cortney Baca
For more than a decade Elizabeth has practiced midwifery, expertly combining her diverse body of skills in pre & perinatal psychology, acupuncture and communications to passionately educate and inspire women to understand their bodies and birth experiences. With a degree in Child Psychology from Tufts University, Elizabeth is uniquely in tune with the full spectrum of family needs around childbirth.
Elizabeth Bachner LM & CPM
Suzanne lends a new perspective at MommyCon, supporting moms no matter how they feed their babies with the #ISupportYou campaign.
Suzanne Barston
Jade Beall is a world-renown Photographer specializing in truthful images of women to inspire feeling irreplaceably beautiful as a counter-balance to the airbrushed photoshopped imagery that dominates main stream media. Her recent work “A Beautiful Body Project” has touched 100,000’s of women’s lives and garnered global attention from media outlets including the BBC, The Huffington Post & beyond.
Jade Beall
Chasity Boatman received her B.A. in journalism and sociology from Stephen F. Austin University in 2013. Since then she’s opened two restaurants with her husband, started a blog that has gained national media attention, and become a Postpartum Progress Ambassador. She writes about postpartum mental health, miscarriages, rainbow babies, and other topics related to motherhood. She also spoke at MommyCon Austin in 2014 about postpartum depression and exclusively expressing.
Chasity Boatman
Dr. Erica Boland is a Chiropractor, doula, BIRTHFIT affiliate, wife and mom of four boys. It is her mission to empower women dealing with core and pelvic floor issues in the postpartum period to take a functional, active approach in their care. No sit-ups, no crunches, no gimmicks. Physical and emotional support from within!
Erica Boland
Mary Boyden is the Founder & Editor of Momma Bear Magazine, an annual print publication that provides hope for motherhood. She’s the young mother of two girls, and a huge believer in grace over guilt, and community over competition.
Mary Boyden
Michelle is a mother, yoga teacher and birth worker. She serves the growing families of the DC area as a birth doula, childbirth educator, prenatal yoga teacher, as well as teaching baby sign language, baby yoga and children’s yoga.
Michelle Brady
Michelle is a mom to two amazing kids ages 5 and 2. She is a VBE with BWI of Orlando and has made it her top priority to provide resources and education to Spanish speaking families.
Michelle Colon
Kacey Coppola, along with her sisters Kate and Kara, is the author of the deeply loved book The Daily Soul Sessions For The Pregnant Mama. Kate and Kacey are Country Music Recording Artists and grammy nominated singer songwriters. After getting pregnant with their first kiddos, writing songs turned into this collection of daily inspirations. Now they’re committed to staying positive and creative everyday, and they’re passionate about sharing that inspiration with mamas everywhere!
Kate and Kacey Coppola
Dr. Dara DaCunha is a chiropractor, doula, professional babywearing educator, and mother of two. Her practice in Scottsdale, Arizona focuses on pregnancy, postpartum, and infant care. Dr. Dara is known for her treatment protocols that solidify nursing relationships through chiropractic care and various forms of body work. Her experience as a personal trainer and yoga instructor support the priority she places on rehabilitating the postpartum body.
Dara DaCunha DC
Melissa has been supporting women in birth since 1997, working in hospital, birth center and home birth settings.
Having attended nearly 1000 births in her career, she brings a wide range of knowledge about each location, as well as the best way to achieve an empowering, safe and natural birth, in whichever location suits you best.
Melissa is a licensed midwife and owns and operates the only free standing birth center in the South Bay.
She is also a wife, and mother to four amazing adult kids.
Melissa Dean
GentleBirth Classes in Florida are exclusively presented by Lisa Dowling. Lisa is very passionate about parents, both Moms and Dads, having a positive experience of childbirth no matter what cards they are dealt on the big day. Lisa trained with DONA International as a labor Doula and then certified with GentleBirth as an instructor. Lisa now exclusively teaches these highly acclaimed GentleBirth Workshops in Florida.
Lisa Dowling
Allyson Downey is an entrepreneur, MBA, writer, and parent who has built a career on the power of trusted advice.
In 2013, she launched weeSpring, a Techstars-backed startup that helps new and expecting parents collect advice from their friends about what they need for their baby. She is also the author of Here’s the Plan: Your Practical, Tactical Guide to Advancing Your Career During Pregnancy and Parenthood (Seal Press, 2016).
Allyson Downey
Valya Dudycz Lupescu is the co-author (with Stephen H. Segal) of Geek Parenting: What Joffrey, Jor-El, Maleficent, and the McFlys Teach Us about Raising a Family (Quirk Books). She is also the author of the Amazon bestselling novel The Silence of Trees and founding editor of Conclave: A Journal of Character.
Valya Dudycz Lupescu
An eco-conscious and budget savvy mother of four, (and foster parent to three more) Meg was concerned about the amount of consumables purchased and waste generated by her nine member household. Meg now owns and operates generationMe, a business focused on waste-free products. She also speaks on topics focusing on women and young girls health, specifically in regards to healthy and waste free periods.
Meg Eldridge
Pamm Fontana is a parent, pastor, and the writer
(living eco-friendly, gentle parenting, and fresh takes on theology). Sometimes growth happens in leaps and bounds, but Pamm’s strategy is all about taking one step at a time. Make one change that you can live with, and then when you are ready make another, then another. Over the course of a week, month, year, and beyond, you’ll be able to look back and see that your lifestyle is radically different as a result of those livable changes.
Pamm Fontana
Through her professional dance experience, her love for families bonding together, and her research on brain-based dance and early childhood development led her to establish Rock With Me and Dance(TM)and Babywearing Hip-Hop Dance (TM). Garners methods are based on gentle rocking,swinging and spinning techniques that help babies sense of Balance and sensory motor development.
Mariesha Garner
Angelique gives lectures, workshops, and classes about babywearing, cultural sensitivity, and teaching. She offers business consulting through Interchange and serves as the non-board chair of the Baby Carrier Industry Alliance’s Educator C as a Regional Volunteer for World On My Shoulders, and as vice president and training coordinator for Babywearing International of Greater Houston.
Angelique Geehan
Dr. Jay Gordon is known across the globe as a strong proponent of breastfeeding, and attachment parenting principles.
Dr. Jay Gordon MD FAAP
Jamie was once on the cover of Time Magazine promoting full-term nursing alongside her three year old son, Aram. Now she joins MommyCon as an advocate of support for all parents in the #ISupportYou campaign with Kimberely Simon and Suzanne Barston.
Jamie Lynne Grumet
Caroline founded My Atlanta Moms Club in 2012 and has been collaborating locally with Georgia moms ever since to bring information, friendship and all things “”mommy”” to her group! She launched a website in 2016 that showcases local mom bloggers, businesses and events in the greater Atlanta area. She has a passion for helping moms connect and conquer the world together! Who runs the world? MOMS!
Caroline Hoffman
Amanda founded Bouncing Bambini, focused on bringing the joy of music and movement to the youngest dancers in the DMV area! Zumbini(TM) is a music and movement class for children, 0 to 3 years, to attend with their music-loving caregiver. We combine original Zumba(R)-style music with dancing, singing, instruments, and scarves to create a fun and engaging 45-minute class.
Amanda Holliday
California Baby founder Jessica Iclisoy single-handedly helped create the baby category in Whole Foods and made California Baby the first natural brand to go mass by selling in Target. A true pioneer in her industry, Jessica continues to push the boundaries of what’s possible in natural products.
Jessica Iclisoy
Birth & breastfeeding & babywearing, cloth diapering, attachment parenting, and a natural lifestyle are all big topics in the Jaeger home. When Jo is not being a resource to her babywearing or birth community, she is raising her 2 children the best she can. Reading labels in the grocery store, using tinctures to calm a crazy toddler, regular visits to a chiropractor, and essential oils are all small pieces of a large move to a more natural lifestyle. All-the-while, she is still just an Average Jo.
Jasmine is a maternal, infant and family health educator who educates, encourages and empowers families to living well by offering them a unique and simple approach to living a healthier lifestyle. She is passionate about raising physically, mentally and emotionally inspiring kids through food, family, fun and fitness. She lives in the city with her two joy-filled kids, Lilly, 9 years, Luke, 6 years old and her supportive husband of who runs his own practice and keeps Jasmine happy with a good bottle of red wine.
Jasmine Jefferali MPH
Kelley is the author of an autobiography on survival, “My Self” about family dynamics, sexual assault, postpartum depression and addiction. Her mission is to inspire all women to be the best version of themselves through sharing her experience, strength, and hope after overcoming tremendous adversity. Her publisher calls her the female “Rocky.”
Kelley Kitley LCSW
Laney is passionate about empowering women both inside and outside of motherhood. She is mom to three little girls, is a trained babywearing educator, and finds joy in travel, art, design, heirloom tomatoes, and making a difference.
Laney Kolker
Sally Kuzemchak, MS, RD, is a registered dietitian, educator, author, and mom who blogs about feeding kids and staying sane at Real Mom Nutrition. She blogs weekly for Parents magazine and collaborated with Cooking Light on Dinnertime Survival Guide, a cookbook for busy families.
Sally Kuzemchak
Want to know how to get a toddler to fall asleep on their own? What about getting your toddler to eat their dinner, changing their socks and listening to every word you say? Bunmi does not have the answer, but she can certainly get you through the tumultuous toddler years with some humor.
Bunmi Laditan
Leah Love is an Empowerment Guidess for women of all ages. She’s a trained Red Tent facilitator and have created a Pink Tent program to help girls feel powerful, happy, and loved as they transition into adulthood. Also a Tantra and Sacred Sexuality teacher, Leah specializes in supporting women as they reclaim themselves, live in wholeness, and create healthy and passionate relationships.
Ashley Lynn is a wife to a Navy man and blessed to be a mom of 6. As a stay at home homeschooling mom to 6, having her hands freed up through baby wearing was life changing. She became a babywearing educator and consultant to spread the babywearing love.
Ashley Lynn CBE
Tammi McKinley is a Certified Professional Midwife, attending homebirths throughout Northern Virginia. She has been a midwife since 2004. Tammi is active in her state midwifery association, Virginia Midwives Alliance, and has been published in Midwifery Today. Tammi assists a diverse population of women and their families. She also attends breech, vbac and twins births.
Tammi McKinley CPM
Alanis Morissette is most well known for being an award winning singer, but will take the stage at MommyCon to share her journey in motherhood! From birth to breastfeeding to her experience with postpartum depression.
Alanis Morissette
Julianne Neely MSW, LCSW is a special needs mom, foster parent, business owner, and pediatric therapist in Chicago, IL. She treats children struggling with a variety of emotional and behavioral issues at her private practice, Individual and Family Connection in Roscoe Village. She is a leading expert in pediatric mental health and has written over 20 publications for major magazines and online resources.
Julianne Neely MSW LCSW
Barbara is the co-founder of Attachment Parenting International and the co-author of the book and parenting curriculum, Attached at the Heart. She holds a master’s degree in Education, and has led parent workshops for over 25 years. She is the mother of four adult sons and resides in Nashville , TN.
Barbara Nicholson
Lysa is the co-founder of API and co-author of Attached at the Heart. She has a master’s degree in human development and family studies. She is a Certified Family Life Educator (CFLE) with the National Council on Family Relations. She is the mother of two sons and grandmother of three.
Lysa Parker
Before becoming a full time mom to her special little guy two and a half years ago, Maren was a special education teacher for nearly a decade. She has worked with children with emotional impairments, and mild, moderate, and severe intellectual disabilities. She prides myself on behavior modification and creating lessons that meet children where they are, but allow them to access curriculum.
Maren Pearson
Dr. Bob Sears spoke on the benefits of educating prior to vaccinating at our Los Angeles event in 2013. He is an author and a practicing physician in the greater Los Angeles area.
Dr. Bob Sears
Stephen H. Segal is the coauthor of the new Quirk book Geek Parenting: What Joffrey, Jor-El, Maleficent, and the McFlys Teach Us about Raising a Family (with Valya Lupescu), the Hugo Award-winning former editor of Weird Tales magazine, and the editor & coauthor of Geek Wisdom: The Sacred Teachings of Nerd Culture.
Stephen H. Segal
Sarah Showfety is the author of Dear Baby: I’m Sorry…Apologies for Life’s Little Parenting Fails and creator of the popular blog Dear Baby XO. She is a humor writer, mom of two and lover of not cooking who enjoys sharing her comic mommy blunders online. Because momming is hard and we all need to laugh.
Sarah Showfety
Lindsay is a mom to a beautiful little girl, Eliana. She has been happily married for over 10 years to her husband Louis. Lindsay works full time as a pharmacist at a hospital in Michigan. She is also one of the leaders of her local babywearing group. She enjoys speaking about safe medication use and non-medication alternatives.
Lindsay Simonetti PharmD
A social worker turned blogger turned awe-inspiring mother who isn’t afraid to be a Badass Breastfeeder.
Abby Theuring
Nancy is a Handweaver that has been weaving for 18 years. She has been weaving baby wraps since 2009 and has lead the resurgence of handweaving in the baby wrap world.
Nancy Warwaruk
Naya is a mom to two rambunctious boys and a Certificated Lactation Educator and Counselor. Her difficult breastfeeding journey sparked an interest in learning about all things lactation. She blogs about motherhood, style, and breastfeeding at Lactivist in Louboutins. In her spare time Naya enjoys shopping, hanging out with her family, and taking as many naps as she can.
Naya Weber
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