
In the 5th century both the Roman Empire and China were invaded by nomadic peoples and were divided. But why did the idea of unified China survive while Europe developed into many different states that never unified?
It's a rather complicated question to answer because China did not have a clear concept of nationalism (as defined by Benedict Anderson) before 1949.
Many of the subjects in an empire would identify themselves according to the ruling dynasty, so a subject of the Qin empire would be a &Qin& person, or a subject of the Han empire would be a &Han&. (The latter would be the basis for the Chinese ethnic majority identifying as Han. Also, many Chinese today still refer to themselves as Tang people in identification with the Tang Dynasty. This is why they still refer to Chinatown as Tang Ren Jie.)
There is also the matter of shifting boundaries. Conflicts with other tribes and kingdoms meant that each empire's borders would shift constantly. The territory of Qin China, for example, was mostly concentrated near the Yellow River. It is very much different from the territory of China during the height of Tang power, or present-day China's boundaries.
o how did the concept of a unified China survive? Primarily due to the socio-political groundwork laid down by Qin and Han. Please take a look at this very helpful collection, the History of Imperial China for more information.
Also, it should be noted that the concept of the &Mandate of Heaven& and the &Son of Heaven& made it possible to create a sense of continuity despite the change in leadership. Confucianism (rooted in Zhou and possibly pre-Zhou social mores and political principles) provides legitimacy through its concept of the Mandate of Heaven, wherein a bad ruler can be replaced by someone more deserving who has earned Heaven's approval.
Finally, on the matter of a shared cultural/social identity. Despite not having a clear concept of nationalism, the presence of shared history, culture, language, and customs made China's mostly-unified 5000 years possible.
&5000 years& isn't even supported by the most parodic of the nationalist historians
--see the recent Cambridge volume Early Chinese Empires.
Oh wow, 85£?!
我擦 居然要85英镑?!
I probably shouldn't have used &5000& years. It was a lazy step to try and shortcut what I wanted to say.
I agree with you that this concept of consistent unity isn't always true as far as China is concerned. That's why I specified a few of my questions with the concept in my first post. However, it is true that China is one of the oldest civilizations still in existence, hence the validity of OP's question despite some of the inherent problems within.
Finally, I would like to clarify that Confucianism really is simply an aggregation of earlier beliefs and practices. Even the books attributed to Confucius has the sage unwilling to take full credit, claiming that he learned his tenets from the learned people of Zhou.
Therefore I agree that claiming cultural unity through Confucian values is weak. What is true is that the Qin and Han empires managed to create a shared cultural identity (e.g. the use of a shared written language during the Q shared history during the military expansion of Han, etc.) that managed to keep the various tribes in the territory roughly linked, if not always unified.
It's a rather complicated question to answer because China did not have a clear concept of nationalism (as defined by Benedict Anderson) before 1949.
Does it mean the Romans had a clear concept of nationalism? Didn't Anderson say that the prerequisites of nationalism is print-capitalism - which would make that impossible?
Nationalism as you know it is an 18th century european invention.
I am not an expert on Roman history, so I don't dare make such claims. I merely mentioned that the lack of a clear nationalism in China made OP's question complicated. This is because claiming that China has continuous unity is something that few historians will agree with.
Wouldnt chinese nationalism go back to at least the 1890s
The birth of a nationalist movement does not equal to the greater populace embracing the concept of nationalism. Until 1949, many Chinese were more used to identifying with their clans first, then ethnic groups, then regions, then local governments, then -- in a very distant sort of way -- the emperor.
add to that the fact that china itself acted like a global economy in ancient times. unlike europe, china had specialized regions that produced certain goods. when china is separated, everyone in china suffers and they quickly want it to be reunited so trade can flow again. european countries are more compartmentalized so it was easier for them to be their own nation.
I think a large part of it has to do with the conquering party's intentions. With China it was the Mongolians who very much respected Chinese culture and desired to rule China rather than plunder it. Indeed the Mongolians ruled as a the Yuan dynasty in China for over 100 years. With the Germanic Barbarians there is little evidence to say they actually wanted to conquer Rome. Instead they focused on plundering Rome.
It seems to me that there is a pretty big part of this question that has not yet been discussed. In Europe, the collapse of the Western regime was not merely a political collapse, but coincided with a general collapse of urban civilization. In the 8th century in Europe, urban populations were considerably lower, as was the general population, than during Roman times. The economy of Europe transformed from one interconnected and protected by Roman political power to one predominantly defined by local forms of production centered on the manor. For one, the overwhelmingly local character of Europe likely contributed to the development of many localized customs and ethno-linguistic identities that perhaps might have made political unification more difficult. On the other hand, and I think more importantly, the construction and maintenance of a large, complex political formation was made more difficult by the generally depressed and simple nature of the European economy. By the time of European economic 'recovery,' there were too many disparate political powers in Europe competing with one another to get an edge with obviously the closest being Napoleon's France for a very brief moment.
By contrast, to the extent that the end of the Han and the invasions and warfare of the Northern/Southern period disrupted commerce and manufacture, it was not nearly to the extent of the European cataclysm. By the 8th century, again, Chang'an (modern day Xian, a center of political power as early as the Zhou state and the main capital of the Tang dynasty) had a population (including suburbs) of perhaps 1.9 million people and was probably the largest and most sophisticated urban settlement in human history up to that point. Chang'an was also essentially the beginning or the end of the Silk Road, depending on one's perspective, and had an incredibly diverse and cosmopolitan character, as did many of the other major cities in the Tang period - Luoyang certainly as the other seat of political power, but also commercial cities like Jiangdu, Suzhou, and Hangzhou (the later capital of the southern Song). Europe, by contrast, had almost no urban activity in comparison. The strength and continued functioning of the Chinese economy allowed for the continuation of high urban populations and for the continued existence of the shih as a force of governmental and administrative power. It also allowed for the resources to concentrate sufficiently to establish and maintain vast political systems. These systems were obviously not perfect. Tang power was great, but just 150 years after Li Yuan's founding of the dynasty, Chang'an lost practical control of large portions of the northeast and Chinese civilization was wracked by warfare and destruction as part of An Lushan's rebellion. The Tang's eventual collapse in 907 was prefigured by many decades by the collapse of central political power and the dominance of warlords and bureaucratic administrators of state monopolies.
Ultimately there are many reasons to think that a unified Europe could have been possible despite differences between peoples at various times, but I think the chief problem was an issue not of consciousness but of practical and material limitations to political power.
Although one thing you should keep in mind, the collapse of urbanization did not happen in a vacuum. It happened because (well this is Chris Wickham's theory anyway) of the breaking of the dual trade spines of the western and eastern empire, the Carthage-Rome route, and the Alexandria-Constantinople route due to military conquest.
o in this case, one could argue that the economic factors for the demise of the empire were still subject to military/political forces.
Compare this to the Chinese world where there was a limit to the amount of easy trade and transport (no Mediterranean sea, only ground and river transport), thus most urban centers were still capable of supporting themselves through the economy of their immediate hinterlands,This hinterland support would be crucial as the empire fragmented, and especially in the post-Han era, as power began to cluster around aristocratic stronghold ownership of fortified cities. Something that ironically didn't happen in the west because of the limiting of conflict to primarily top level political players within a kingdom or state, rather than in China with regional conflict involving all classes of people between competing states (although this process would eventually come to the west in the 10th century after the collapse of the Carolingian empire).
What did the infrastructure of Chang'an look like in the 8th century? I am having trouble imagining how a city of 2 million could be run in that time period.
I would also add that Europe was untied in a way unlike China. God. The political boundaries weren't as defined or as important as so much that every citizen be united under Christendom.
Ian Morris, in Why the West Rules ... for Now, argues that China's economy recovered after the fall of the Han dynasty because of the discovery of refugees in the South that they could reclaim swamp land and make it into productive rice paddies. No such new resources were discovered in the Mediterranean, so it simply wasn't practical to create a new empire after the Roman empire declined, despite several efforts to do so (not just by Europeans but also by nations from the Middle-east). While this theory isn't accepted by everyone, it certainly seems that China discovered some means to recover more quickly than the West, and it really wasn't until the Industrial Revolution that the West again jumped ahead of the East.
I'm not going to answer, just take issue with the question. The idea that a unified China &survived& while a unified roman empire didn't discounts the byzantines and Holy Roman Emperors, while elevating a history of diversity, disunity, and frequent dynastic struggle in China to a &surviving idea of unity.& The idea of a unified Rome/Europe lasted straight up until Napoleon, who intentionally cast himself in the role of a Roman emperor. If he had won and the 20th century went differently in China, this might be a curious student in from the country of Hunan asking why the unified idea of rome &survived& in Greater France while China developed into many different states.
I think questions like this are often rooted in a complete lack of understanding about the tremendous diversity there is in China, still, despite a program in the 60s designed explicitly to eliminate it, which itself followed a massive nationalization effort by the Nationalist government. To believe that &China& is a monolithic political entity going back for-all-intents-and-purposes forever is to completely take the CCP's propaganda at face value.
Also, anyone who gives you a just-so story of any of these kinds:
It's just geography!
omething something china had a unified writing system (because europe didn't have Latin, apparently), something something vernaculars can't develop in China (even though they did)
Examination system!
Religions are different!...is generally wrong. Many of these are interesting concepts and all can tell us interesting things about their respective areas of history, and all are constantly overstated and anachronistically projected across millennia (with analogues in their counterpart ignored) to present a tidy narrative that goes &they are like this and we are like this.&
我不是想回答,而是对这个观点提出争议。这种统一的中国存活了,而统一的罗马却没有的想法, 忽略了拜占庭和神圣罗马帝国,然而却强调了一个有着多元化、分裂 同时又为&统一才能存活&而频繁斗争的中国历史。 统一欧洲这种想法一直延续到了拿破仑,他有意第将自己扮演成罗马皇帝。如果他赢了,并在20世纪以不同的方式与中国相逢,可有会有一个来自湖南国的好奇学生会问为什么有着统一罗马思想的大法国存活了,而中国却分裂了。我认为这类问题通常由于缺乏对于中国巨大多样性的理解,尽管伴随着一个庞大的民族化进程,一个60年代的计划企图消除它。 但中国无论怎么看都是一个永远落后的政体,你们看到的只是GCD宣传的表面而已。(感谢iceye2072的翻译


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