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英文翻译principal and interest&&&& principal&&&& blend&&&&interest&&&&c. & f. pricecost & c. &f. c.i.f. & c.i. pricec.i.f.
...&&&&cost insurance freight and cost insurance,freight commiss ...&&&&interest and interest rate&&&&interest and profit&&&&interest on the principal&&&&principal and interest&&&&principal and interest&&&&interest payments being capitalized&&&&interest adjustment rate&&&&dividend withholding&&&&pension and profit sharing&&&&principal and interest&&&&capitalization of interest&&&&loan repayments and interest&&&&payment=capital+interest&&&&capitalized interest&&&&uncapitalized interest&&&&interest paid on the principal only&&&&bank book and interest slips&&&& kazutoshi&&&&accumulate at interest&&&&jinher
例句与用法Here ' s the deposit and the interest 230 dollars in all这是存款本金和利息共230美元。 Each loan repayment shall be based upon equal amortisation ( principal and interest )每项偿还借款都要基于分期付款(本金和利息) 。 Article 42 borrowers of loans should repay the principal and interest of the loans on time第四十二条借款人应当按期归还贷款的本金和利息。 Payments usually contain principal and interest that doesn t change over the life of the annuity付款通常包含在年金有效期内不会更改的本金和利息。 Payments usually contain principal and interest that does not change over the life of the annuity付款通常包含在年金有效期内不会更改的本金和利息。 Monthly principal and interest payment based on your original mortgage amount , term and interest rate根据贷款总额?年期与利率计算出的每月本金和利息付款。 Punctual payment of the principal and interest on all bonds , ~ s , and securities may be enforced一切债券、信用债券、票据和证券的本金和利息会予以立即支付。 Payments usually contain principal and interest that does not change during the life of the annuity付款金额通常包含本金和利息,该值在年金的有效期限内都不会改变。 Commercial banks are protected by law in duly recovery of principal and interest of the loans they extended商业银行依法向借款人收回到期贷款的本金和利息,受法律保护。 You may renew both the principle and interest . the default renewal period will remain the same as the original time deposit续存“本金+利息” 。我们将默认相同的期限续存本金和利息。 更多例句:&&1&&&&&&
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