
& 过年期间商家对兼职者大方 四倍日薪招人
过年期间商家对兼职者大方 四倍日薪招人
帮忙翻译中文到英文,关于大学生兼职的话题帮忙翻译下面中文为英文,不需要逐字翻译的,意思差不多就可以了单词的难度不超过4级范围谢谢啦~~标题:大学生是否应该兼职(take a part time job)大学生是否应该兼职是热门话题之一,我觉得,兼职既有积极的一面,又有消极的一面首先,兼职能够锻炼更多的社会实践能力,将知识转化成能力。其次,大学的课程相对轻松,兼职可以锻炼自己的时间安排能力。第三,兼职可以赚取生活费,减轻家庭负担。第四,兼职可以认识更多的人,培养自己的交际能力。不过,兼职也有消极的一面,首先,兼职容易影响大学生对待金钱的态度,容易形成拜金主义其次,社会环境很复杂,大学生容易受骗上当第三,工作后比较劳累,会分散学习精力总之,大学生兼职既有利又有弊。再次感谢!
标题:大学生是否应该兼职(take a part time job)Title: If Collage Students Should Take Part Time Jobs大学生是否应该兼职是热门话题之一,我觉得,兼职既有积极的一面,又有消极的一面Whether collage students should take part time jobs is one of the hot topics today. In my opinion, taking a part time job has both positive and negative sides.首先,兼职能够锻炼更多的社会实践能力,将知识转化成能力。First, taking a part time job provides opportunities to gain more social abilities and to turn academic knowledge into practical skills.其次,大学的课程相对轻松,兼职可以锻炼自己的时间安排能力。Secondly, collage schedules are relatively flexible, therefore taking a part time job can train one's time management skills.第三,兼职可以赚取生活费,减轻家庭负担。Third, having a part time job can bring in certain incomes and take some financial burden off the family.第四,兼职可以认识更多的人,培养自己的交际能力。Finally, through having a par time job one can get to know more people, and develop one's communication skills.不过,兼职也有消极的一面,But, there are also negatives about taking a part time job.首先,兼职容易影响大学生对待金钱的态度,容易形成拜金主义First, it influences college student's attitude towards money, one could become a money worshiper.其次,社会环境很复杂,大学生容易受骗上当And then, the social environment being complicated, a college student can easily be taken advantage of.第三,工作后比较劳累,会分散学习精力Last, a college student may get too tired from doing part time jobs to focus enough on the studies.总之,大学生兼职既有利又有弊。 In a word, there are advantages and disadvantages about college students taking part time jobs.
Title: Should part-time college students (take a part time job)
Should part-time students is one of the hot topic, I think, a part-time both positive and negative side
First of all, part-t...
Nowadays, there is a very hot issue in our life,which is the students in unis should take a part time job or not.And in my opinion(at point of my view), part time job could bring students some benefit...


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