
如何培养求职中的积极心态? -- 福建心理咨询网
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&&&& 心理素质决定综合素质   近年来,社会对人才的需求发生了较大的变化,其中一个主要变化就是从专业型转变为素质型,现在大部分用人单位对毕业生不仅有专业技能上的要求,更重要的是综合素质上的要求。在综合素质培养过程中心理素质的好坏决定着综合素质的高低。比如好的工作态度的背后要依赖良好、稳定的情绪做支撑,优秀的团队精神的背后需要宽容的心态做基础。因此,注重培养良好的心理素质是培养提高综合素质的前提。  大学生应注重提高以下心理素质:  1、积极的心态   积极的心态是一种乐观、进取的心态。它是一种正面的心态,由希望、乐观、勇气、进取、慷慨等正面的特征组成;而消极的心态是一种反面的心态,它由悲观、颓废、抱怨、等待、我行我素等反面的特征组成。如何培养自己的积极心态呢?  一是从行动的角度培养;积极行动会导致积极思维,而积极思维会导致积极的心态。许多人总是等到自己有了积极的感受再去付诸行动,实际上是一种本末倒置,心态是紧跟行动的,如果一个人从一种消极心态开始,等待着感觉把自己带向行动,那他就永远成不了他想做的积极心态者。因此做任何事情都不要等待,不要想“这事等我心情好时再做吧”,而应该用行动来培养自己积极的心态。  二是从语言的角度培养。运用正面的语言暗示也有利于积极心态的培养,比如今天你忙了一天,终于把事情做完了,不要说:“我累死了。”而应从正面说:“紧张了一天,现在真轻松。”遇到困难的事情,不要说:“我不行。”而应说:“我经过努力一定能行。”  三是从环境的角度培养。环境包括你周围的人和事物,应该注意发现人和事物的闪光点,不要总是盯着别人的缺点和事物的阴暗面。因为任何人都有优点和缺点,任何事物都有正面和反面,任何一个社会都有好事和坏事,就象我们这个世界有白天和黑夜一样,因此在生活中注意称赞别人的优点,注意欣赏事物的美丽,而不是抱怨别人的不好或环境的恶劣,你的心态自然就会积极起来。
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申明:本站部分信息为网上搜集 旨在为广大读者提供参考 如有不妥请与我们取得联系求职面试技巧:怎样克服面试过程中的紧张心态
[摘要]当你终于获得了心仪单位的面试通知时,下一步要做的就是保持良好的状态参加面试。多数人在面试中犯错的主要原因是太过紧张,紧张是难以避免的,但太过就会造成失误,来看看如何调节心态吧。Always remember you're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. ----Winnie the Pooh永远铭记:你比你认为的更勇敢,比你看起来更坚强,比你想象的更聪明。 ----小熊维尼 Try to think that it's not that important: there will be other interviews in future and it's not the end of the world if you don't get this job. 尝试不要把它看得那么重要:未来还有其它面试机会,没有得到这个工作并不意味着世界末日。[cn/] Preparation is key - the more preparation you have done, such as working out answers to common interview questions, and doing careful research on the organisation and job, the more relaxed you will feel. 准备是关键:准备工作做的越多,面试的时候才会感觉越轻松,例如想好常见面试问题的答案,仔细搜寻关于这家机构和工作的相关资料。 Some people swear by visualisation. The night before, visualise yourself undergoing the whole interview, step by step, and imagine everything going really well, you answering questions confidently, and ultimately getting the job. 一些人通过想象来保证第二天的面试。面试前一天晚上,设想自己正在经历一场面试,一步接一步,想象一切进展顺利,自信的回答所有问题,最终得到这份工作。 Dress smartly but comfortably. If you look good, you will feel good. 穿着漂亮整洁并且舒适。如果你看上去很棒,你也会感觉很棒。 Adopting power poses beforehand can make you feel more confident at interview. Standing upright with hands on your hips, leaning over a desk with hands firmly on the surface, or steepling your hands can increase testosterone,decrease stress, and make you feel more in control, more confident and more assertive. Practicing power poses right before an interview can also increase performance. Research at Harvard Business School found that holding power poses for two minutes before interview led candidates to be evaluated more favourably and increased their chances of a job offer by 20%. So if you’re worried about a job interview or presentation, strike a power pose a few minutes beforehand (not of course at the interview!) but in the washroom, or before leaving home. 在面试前摆一个充满力量的姿势能让你在面试中更加自信。手放背后站直,斜靠桌子把手紧紧的放在桌子表面或者手指与手指接触形成一个金字塔,这样能增加体内睾丸素的分泌,降低压力,让你更加感觉到一切都在掌控之中,更加有自信,更加果断。在面试之前,练习充满力量的站姿也会提高现场的表现。哈佛商业学校一项研究表明:在面试之前,保持充满力量的姿势保持两分钟,这将会让考官们对候选人的评价更高,使得到这份工作的机会提高20%。因此,如果你很担心一场面试或者一个报告,只需提前几分钟在洗手间或者在离开家之前摆一个充满能量的姿势(当然不是在面试中)。 Start the interview in a positive manner - smiling, eye contact, a firm handshake at the start will help a lot. 以积极的态度开始面试 - 微笑,眼神交流,开始时一个坚定的握手会有很大帮助。 Don't worry too much about making a mistake: nearly everyone fluffs one question and research suggests interviewers prefer candidates who come across as human to those who appear "plastic perfect". 不要太担心犯错:几乎每个人都有回答错的时候,研究表明面试官更喜欢那些犯一点小错的人而不是看起来“假完美”的人。 Professor Sian Bellock investigated why our performance reduces under pressure. "Getting people to write about their worries beforehand ... can really help...so they are less likely to pop up and impact your performance.". 沙恩•贝洛克教授研究了我们在压力下表现会变差的原因。“让人们事先写下他们事先担心的事情能够有所帮助。这样在面试时这些担心就不会突然出现影响到你的发挥。”
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A recent study revealed that staying positive on your job hunt ensures you a better chance of
a job. Staying
in the face of
rejections can be quite tough & here are a couple of ways to cope:最近研究显示找工作时保持积极心态会让你更有可能成功。被拒绝多次后还能保持乐观很难&&下面是一些解决方法:
Avoid talking to negative people. You need all the
you can get, so try not to talk to those who have lost all hope and are trying to get you to feel the same way. Misery loves company, and spending time with negative people can influence how you feel as well.别跟消极的人说话。你需要的是加油打气,所以不要跟那些失去所有希望还想让你感同身受的人交谈。悲伤会传染,和消极的人呆在一起会影响你的情绪。
Work out. When you're unemployed, working out will help you stay positive. The
released during your workout are known to boost moods. Studies have shown that working out also gives you more energy, which is
during your job hunt.运动。你失业时,运动会帮你保持积极的心态。锻炼时产生的内啡肽会振奋情绪。研究表明运动也会让你有更充沛的精力,这在求职中非常重要。
Wake up early.
the shades on your window so you'll be waking up to the sunrise every day, or set an alarm clock that will get you up at an early hour. Just because you don't have to clock into an office in the morning doesn't mean you should sleep in. In fact, researchers from Roehampton University found that people who get up earlier have happier and healthier lives than those who sleep in. Develop healthy sleep habits for a better mood.早起。把窗帘拉开,这样你能每天在太阳升起时醒来,或者定闹钟让自己早起。你不需要早上去办公室打卡并不意味着可以睡懒觉。事实上,罗汉普顿大学的研究人员发现,早起的人比赖床的人活得更快乐、更健康。为了有个好心情,养成健康的睡眠习惯吧。
Go to networking events. Going to networking events is not only just good for building up your professional Rolodex, but it also benefits your positivity. The people you meet at events will give you encouraging advice on your job hunt and can also be potential leads. It will give you hope and help you persevere on your job search journey.去参加社交活动。这不仅有利于建立你的人脉,也会增加你的积极性。在活动上认识的人会在求职上给你有用的建议,也会成为潜在的机会。它会给你希望,帮你在求职路上更坚定。
Read as much as you can. Enrich your mind by doing a lot of reading during your spare time. There will be a big difference in your mood if you decide to spend the day reading educational content rather than watching reality shows.尽量多阅读。在空闲时间看大量书籍充实思想。如果你决定花一天时间看有教育意义的书而不是真人秀,你的心情会有很大不同。
Avoid reading really negative articles. There's going to be a lot of really negative articles about the dismal job market or your profession. Try to avoid the
of reading too many of them, because they can't really help your situation. Reading a few articles will give you a reality check, but poring over too many of them is going to get you down.不要看负能量的文章。会有很多负面文章报导就业市场低迷或你想从事的职业。尽量抵住诱惑不要看太多,因为这些东西不会对你的情况有实际帮助。看几篇会让你认清事实,但看太多只会让你失望低落。
Don't overspend. Do be
during this time and try not to overspend. Money is definitely a big
for job hunters and there's nothing more depressing than seeing the numbers in your bank account drop. If you are planning on buying things you can't afford to cheer yourself up, remember that there are . Find frugal alternatives that won't drain your bank account, especially if you're not making income.不要花太多钱。求职期间一定要节俭,尽量不要超支。钱对求职者来说是个很大的压力源,没有什么比看到账户金额减少更令人沮丧的了。如果你想买付不起的东西让自己振作起来,要记住这样做是有后果的。找些便宜的物件替代,这样不会花光账户里的钱,特别是在你没有收入的情况下。


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