
聚焦 · 新闻中心
1.&& 征询客户对报价的看法
Hope everything goes well with you! He you kindly checked my offer? Hope they are workable for your market!
It is regret that I haven't received any information from your side. May I he
your idea about our offer? We will try to satisfy you upon receipt of your
reply. If there is anything we can do for you, we shall be more than pleased to
Hope we can build good cooperation with
you and your company.
Best regards.
2.&& 追踪客户的评价,尽量让客户回复
How are you recently? Several days no
news from you he you got my enquiry for xxxx? Fully understand that you are too
busy to reply us. But we are still waiting for your comments. We need your
feedback to go ahead. Thank you in advance.
Many thanks and best regards.
3.&& 本着坚持不懈的精神,重发报价,保证客户收到报价单
Hello, xxx,
Wish you he a nice day! May I ask whether
you he received my quotation? Now I am sending it again, if you he any other
ideas. Please feel free to contact me. We will do much better if you can give
any advices to us.
Waiting for your reply soon!
Best wishes.
4.&& 利用报价单的有效期给客户造成一点压力
Hello, xxx,
Hope everything goes well! It’s Judy. We
are in receipt of your inquiry dated on
xxx and quote you as follow: XXXXXXX. Please
kindly check whether price is suitable? Because price will be invalid on xxxx.
Wish we will promote business.
Best regards.
5.&& 最后一次寻求客户对所询价产品的意见,并附上产品目标表
Good day! My
friends, my quotation of xxx you might he received and considered. Could you
kindly advise your comments at your earliest convenience? Enclosed is the
E-catalog of Kington,
please kindly check! If there is any item
you are in need of, please contact me! I’ll be more than pleasure to offer the
information you want. Thanks.
I am of service at any time!
6.&& 了解客户其他的订单需求
Have you received and checked the
E-catalog send in my last email? Hope they are workable for your market! If you
find some product really attractive to you, please feel free to contact us. We
are more than pleasure to offer you with more information that you want. If you
want to estimate the products show, yes, sample can be sent for your reference!
We hope can establish a good business relationship with you in the near future.
Best regards.
7.&& 经常询问客户是否有新的询盘或订单
I hope you are doing good. He you got any
new orders? Please keep me posted if yes, I will send you our updated price for
your review.
Best regards.
8.&& 对于比较大的潜在客户,可以主动提出提供免费样品
Free sample can be sent for your
reference if you need. How's your opinion? As our communication, I hope that we
can build cooperation between us. Waiting for your reply.
Best wishes.
9.&& 最后的绝招,询问客户是否收到邮件
I have sent you email many times before
but have not received any reply from you so I am guessing the emails have not
reached you. Could you please drop me a short note if you receive this message
and also please tell me if you have any interest in our products? I don’t want
to keep bothering you if you don’t have any interest.
Best regards.
10.&&&&&& 新产品上市时,向客户推荐
Good morning! It is glad to inform you
that we have push xxx ,which with xxx(优势特点)such as perfect
design, low noise, light weight and so on. Attached with xx and xx for your reference and please have a try in your
market if possible.
Best regards.
11. 告知客户价格表的调整,用价格刺激客户
How are you? Long time no contact and
hope everything goes well with you. Our products and quotation had updated
.Would you please check our new quotation with new items in attachments? If he
any questions, please contact me freely.
Best regards.
12.&&&&&& 通过上述的跟进,看是否可以转换成订单
Hello, xxx,
I am writing for keeping in touch with
you for further business. If any new inquiry, welcome here and I will try my
best to satisfy you well with competitive prices as per your request, by the
way, how about your order (or business) with item ***? If still pending,I would like to offer our latest prices to promote an opportunity to
cooperate with each other.
Thanks and best
总部地址:广州市越秀区水荫路119号星光映景大厦5A | All Rights Reserved客户不回邮件跟进_百度文库
&&外贸客户不回邮件 如何跟进
作为一名新手,客户不回你的邮件,会受打击。做为有经验的业务,客户太多,一个个的跟进,费神,累人。何不作出一份有效地跟进邮件表呢?让客户跟着你的节奏走。个人觉得效果还是不错,大家可以根据自己的情况作些改变,做出一份属于自己的文件吧!会让你在跟进客户的时候省时省力!刚给客户报价了之后一定要做到勤跟进。在第一个月最好能够跟进到十次以上,后续就客户情况可以放缓步伐了。报完价后第一件事情就是询问客户对于我们报价的看法,评价,并且要问几次。很多人都知道,有一部分客户在这个时候就会给你回复了的。一.询问客户对报价的看法Dear xxx,Hope everything goes well with you!Have you kindly checked my offer? Hope they are workable for your market! It is regret that I haven't received any information from your side. May I have your idea about our offer? We will try to satisfy you upon receipt of your reply.If there is anything we can do for you, we shall be more than pleased to do so.Hope we can build good cooperation with you and your company.Best regards二.追问客户的评价,求回复Dear xxHow are you recently?Several days no news from you have you got my enquiry for xxxx? Fully understand that you are too busy to reply us. But we are still await for your comments. We need your feedback to go ahead. Thank you in advance.Many thanks and best regards.三.本着小强精神,保证客户收到了报价,重发报价Hello, xxx,Wish you have a nice day!May I ask whether you have received my quotation? Now I am sending it again, if you have any other ideas. Please feel free to contact me. We will do much better if you can give any advices to us.Waiting for your favorable reply soon!Best wishes四:利用报价的有效期给客户一点压力Hello, xxx,Hope everything goes well! It’s Judy.We are in receipt of your inquiry dated on xxx and quote you as follow: XXXXXXX . pls kindly check whether price is workable ? Becasue price will be invalid on xxxx.Wish we will promote business.Best regards.好吧, 关于客户的这次询价问了这么多还没有回复的话, 我们最后一次问一下, 然后进行询盘的转化吧。五:最后一次寻求客户对所询价产品的意见,附上产品目录表Good day! My friends, Judy again.My quotation of xxx you might have received and considered. Could you kindly advise your comments at your earliest convenience?Enclosed is the E-catalog of Kington, please kindly check! If there is any item you are in need of, please contact me! I’ll be more than pleasure to offer the information you want. Thanks…I am of service at any time!BR这个时候差不多半个月过去了, 我们要学着挖掘客户的其他订单需求了。六:待客户在目录表中发现适合他们市场的产品Hello, my friends,Have u received and checked the E-catalog send in my last email? Hope they are workable for your market! If you find some product really attractive to you, please feel free to contact us. We are more than pleasure to offer you with more information that you want.If you want to estimate the products show, yes, sample can be sent for your reference!We hope can establish a good business relationship with you in the near future.Best regards七:时不时的问下是否有新的询盘或者订单Dear xxI hope you are doing good.Have you got any new orders ? pls keep me posted if yes, i will send you our updated price for your review.Best regards.八:对于较大的客户我们也可以主动提出提供免费样品哟Dear xxx, Free sample can be sent for your reference if you need. How's your opinion? As our serveral communication, I hope that we can build a cooperation between us.Waiting for your reply.Best wishes九:最后的绝招Dear xxx,I have sent you email many times before but have not received any reply from you so I am guessing the emails have not reached you.Could you please drop me a short note if you receive this message and also please tell me if you have any interest in our products? I don’t want to keep bothering you if you don’t have any interestBest regards十:新产品上市就是很厉害的时候了哦Dear xxxGood morning !It is glad to inform you that we have lanched xxx ,which with xxxx优势特点 such as perfect design, low noise, light weightxxxx.Attached with xx and xx for your reference and pls have a try in your market if possible.Best regards.xxxx我们的报价以及目录表都发过了。 但是我们在工厂做外贸的知道, 很多大公司需要的是很长期的跟进的。 这时候我们把我们的价格表微微的调整一下,发给客户。 以价格的调整刺激一下客户。十一:告知客户价格表的调整Dear xxx,How are you? Long time no contact and hope everything goes weill with you.Our products and quotation had updated .Would u pls check our new quotation with new items in attachments ?If have any questions,pls contact me freely.Best regards.十二:看看可不可以转换订单吧Hello, xxx,Now I am writing for keeping in touch with you for further business.If any new inquiry, welcome here and I will try my best to satisfy you well with competitive prices as per your request. By the way, how about your order (or business) with item ***? If still pending I would like to offer our latest prices to promote an opportunity to cooperate with each other. Thanks and best regards, Kevin不知大家同不同意一句话:客户的跟进无非就是找出很多的看似正规的理由跟客户保持联系嘛!所以, 以下的时机肯定是不可错过的咯~~~可选邮件:1.客户过节, 送祝福Dear xxxxHappy xxx and we wish you, your family, company enjoy your holidays.As for xxx, if you need any info,pls contact me at any time. We will try our best to satisfied with your requirements.  May god bless you and have a nice day.2.给客户发送一封关心的信, 提醒客户注意休息,身体健康Deer xxx,Good day!Happy the coming new year! I know that you will be much busy than before. But, please renmenber to keep enough rest! As all of us know, healthy is the most inportant in your life.Best regards3.如果我方过节的话Dear XXXXSorry for re-troubling you.pls find my pervious email below. Could you kindly check by return today. Because we will on holiday from xx to xx and my email access may be limited.Thank you in advance.Bset regards.大家看到这里, 心里也想到了很多好的跟客户保持联系的方法了吧.也欢迎你给我们分享!来源:商网
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