
上传用户:yfstxpnipw资料价格:5财富值&&『』文档下载 :『』&&『』学位专业:&关 键 词 :&&&&权力声明:若本站收录的文献无意侵犯了您的著作版权,请点击。摘要:(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。)亚瑟王传奇是中世纪欧洲文学的珍宝,它在东方人心目中的文明位置年夜概仅次于《圣经》和莎士比亚的作品。它不只在文学史上占领主要的位置,并且对研讨中世纪西欧骑士精力也具有极端主要的价值。亚瑟王传奇升华了现实生涯中优良骑士的典范抽象,反应了西欧中世纪优良骑士身上大胆、忠实、对基督教的果断崇奉、寻求声誉、谦虚宽容和尊敬妇女等精力面貌。亚瑟王传奇是中世纪西欧国度有关亚瑟王的浩瀚作品的总称,个中最主要的有亚瑟王的出生、“圆桌骑士”、寻觅圣杯和亚瑟王之逝世。亚瑟王的故事自公元6世纪起便开端在不列颠传播,到了15世纪,英国人马罗礼在后人的基本上,聚集了各类亚瑟王的传奇故事,写成了流芳百世的散体裁的《亚瑟王之逝世》。这部著作可谓是亚瑟王传奇的集年夜成者,同时也是本文写作所参考的重要材料。骑士精力是骑士的魂魄,它包含忠实、大胆、崇奉果断、同情弱者,掩护妇女、谦虚宽容和具有激烈的声誉感等,这些优良的品德在亚瑟王传奇中都获得了活泼的描绘和充足的展示。骑士精力也是西欧平易近族精力的主要构成部门,它关于近古代东方社会发生了深远的影响,成为很多人的行动指南。骑士精力和亚瑟王传奇对文艺中兴以来的西欧社会在各方面都发生了深远的影响,勇于冒险的精力、浪漫主义的恋爱不雅、激烈的声誉感和名流风姿等都是骑士精力潜移默化的影响的产品。Abstract:The legend of King Arthur is the treasure of medieval European literature, and it is only next to the Bible and Shakespeare's works in the place of civilization in the eyes of the people of the East. It not only occupies the main position in the literary history, but also has the extremely important value to the study of the Medieval Western Europe Knight energy. The legend of King Arthur and sublimation of the abstract model of excellent knight in the real life, the reaction of the medieval excellent Knight bold, faithful, to Christian resolute faith, seeking reputation, humility, tolerance and respect for women and mental outlook. The legend of King Arthur is a vast collection of works by the Medieval Western European countries. One of the most important is the birth of King Arthur, the Knights of the round table, the search for the Holy Grail and the death of King Arthur. The story of King Arthur since the 6th century began in the British spread to the 15th century, British troops Luo Li descendants, gathered all kings of the Arthurian legend, wrote the immortal granular cut the King Arthur's death &. This book can be described as the legend of the king of Arthur, who is also an important reference for the writing of this article. Knight spirit is the soul of knight, it contains faithful, bold and resolute faith, sympathy for the weak, to protect women, modest tolerance and has the intense sense of honor and so on, these excellent character in the legend of King Arthur won the show lively description and adequate. Knight energy is also a major component of the Western European people's energy, it has a profound impact on the eastern society in recent times, a guide to action for many people. Knight energy and Arthurian legend of since the Renaissance, the Western European Society in all aspects have taken place in the far-reaching influence, adventurous spirit and romantic love indecent, intense sense of honor and celebrity charm, are products of knight spirit which exerts a subtle influence.目录:导言5-6一、亚瑟王传奇6-10&&&&(一)、亚瑟王传奇在西方文化中的地位和作用6-7&&&&(二)、亚瑟王传奇的主要内容7&&&&(三)、考古、真实记载的亚瑟王和文学作品中的亚瑟王7-10二、亚瑟王传奇中的骑士精神10-27&&&&(一)、忠诚11-13&&&&(二)、勇敢13-16&&&&(三)、坚定的信仰16-20&&&&(四)、同情弱者,尊重妇女20-22&&&&(五)、谦卑,宽容22-24&&&&(六)、荣誉观24-27三、亚瑟王传奇的影响27-36四、结语36-37参考文献37-39分享到:相关文献|  推荐期刊投稿
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关于名声,个人还是推荐2c的单奶,可能有人说小圆好,但是2c和3c比,有时候可能就因为这1c而背锅,刷名声地点强烈建议 邪教神殿-活人的祭坛 这个图。
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