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管理存在的问题管理在中国的企业中存在一个错位的现象,高层管理者在做中层管理者应该做的事情,中层管理者在做基层管理者的事,而基层管理者呢?实际上他们在无形当中,&任命&了高层管理者应该做的事:例如,在高谈企业应该如何的起步、如何发展,如何壮大等等,这样的错位被称之为&管理错位&,带来的后果可想而知,每一个层级的管理者都很忙,但却没有效率,得不到想要的结果。如何避免&错位&我们应该明确自己的任务或是工作职责,必须树立正确的工作价值观,掌握实现工作目标的管理技能。首先是时间管理,高效率的人一天做了两天的事情,而低效率的人一天的事情却做了好几天,甚至有的人会毫无计划,浑浑噩噩的过着每一天。管理培训只是一个介质,告诉职业经理人必须掌握时间管理的技巧,提高时间应用的效率。其次是目标与计划管理, 为什么有些公司领导的想法和愿望是好的,但却执行不下去?为什么有些公司面临的市场压力只停留在少数几个人肩上,而不能传递下去?为什么目标变来变去,为 什么计划赶不上变化?管理者需要清楚目标管理的基本原则与目标分层设计的方法,以及有效推进目标管理与进行控制的要素、方法与技巧。第三点心态修炼:为什么有些公司中层参加了很多的培训,但效果却不是很明显呢?很多中层说我也知道应该鼓励员工而不是打骂员工,可是为什么在工作中却控制不住自己的情绪呢?一个有效的管理者首先能够控制自己的情绪,修炼自己的心态。最后一点技能的学习:在有效的时间内用对的方式做对的事情。真正意义在于什么?高层管理者、中层管理者、基层管理者在企业中的地位都是至关重要的,在现如今,企业的人才队伍素质是参差不齐,其结构是频繁调整的,因此培训工作更应是一项 长久的、持续推进的工作,而不是一蹴而就的行为。只有持续有效地培训,才能使企业各种不同素质的员工获得不间断的知识更新以及素质提升,才能使企业适应日 新月异的和充满挑战和机遇的竞争环境。<div class="votes" id="Score
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摘要:越来越多的企业开始重视企业员工培训,(五)员工培训是激励员工工作积极性的重要措施 员工培训是一项重要的人力资源投资,企业员工培训到底有什么重要的作用,是企业员工培训开发理论与实践的创新,员工培训的一个主要方面就是岗位培训。
One reason, enterprise training
1.培训需求分析不到位。管理人员在安排培训课程时没有对各种组织及成员的目标、知识、技能等方面进行系统的鉴别与分析,接到培训通知的人员觉得培训课程内容与自己没有太大的相关性。由于需求分析不到位,将员工的需求定错位,造成张冠李戴的现象。 2.培训时间安排不合理。公司在安排培训课程时经常利用休息日来进行,不想因为培训占用工作的时间,从而达到培训、工作两不误的目的。做为员工而言,休息日是公司给我的法定假日,企业就不能无偿的来占用这段时间。 对培训的错误认识 1.资历深的员工不屑于参加培训。部分员工认为培训只是针对新人或是基层人员,资历深的员工或是高层管理人员认为自己已经有足够的经验,再去接受培训让人耻笑。 2.培训就是观光、旅游。部分员工认为有了被外派培训的机会,刚好可以借机到处去参观和旅游,而没有认识到培训的意义以及经过培训所要达到的目标。 3.部门管理人员及员工没有认识到培训的重要性。管理人员安排培训是为了完成培训任务,而员工参加培训课程也是应付了事,致使企业投入了许多人力、物力和财力却未能达到预期的培训效果。
1. training needs analysis is not in place. Managers do not have to various organizations and members of the objectives, knowledge and skills in the arrangement of training courses for the identification and analysis of the system, the personnel training received notice that the training courses have no correlation with their too big. Because the demand analysis is not in place, the staff demand dislocation, caused by the phenomenon of the wrong person. 2. training time arrangement is unreasonable. In the training curriculum is often used to break, do not want to take up the work because of the training time, training, so as to achieve the purpose of work two. As an employee, the rest of the day is for my holiday, enterprises can not be free to take this time. On the training of the wrong understanding deep disdain to participate in training staff qualifications 1. Some of the staff believe that training is only for new or junior officers, senior staff or senior management personnel think they have enough experience to go to training people ridiculed. 2. training is sightseeing, tourism. Some of the staff that have been training opportunities, just can take the opportunity to visit and travel everywhere, but did not realize the importance of training and training to achieve the goal. The importance of management staff of 3. departments and employees have no understanding of the training. Management personnel training is to complete the task of training, and employee training courses is to meet up, the enterprise invested a lot of manpower, material and financial resources have failed to achieve the desired effect of training.
Two, the importance of enterprise training
Enterprises with the development of science and technology and social progress, "things" at the request of more and more high and new, with people and things are often in contradiction dynamic. We must recognize that an enterprise to be in an invincible position in the competition in modern society, we must pay attention to the training of the staff. More and more enterprises begin to pay attention to employee training, and even some enterprises therefore spared no expense to do it. Enterprise staff training in the end what is important, allow enterprises to pay so much attention?
(a) talent capital. Many people do not understand the training and development of human resources to increase its value, in fact, with the continuous expansion and development of the enterprise, the staff training is the decisive factor of productivity, market competition and economic achievements. The quality of people's modernization is more important than any other factors, the training concept has been changed from "training is a shift cost" to "training is the biggest investment.".
(二)员工培训是提升员工技术、能力水准,达到人与“事”相匹配的有效途径。 1.员工培训的一个主要方面就是岗位培训,通过岗位培训来提升员工的岗位操作技能,适应岗位需求。 2.员工上岗后也需要不断地进步和提高,参加更高层次的技术升级和职务晋升等方面的培训,使各自的专业知识、技术能力达到岗位规范的高一层标准,以适应未来岗位的需要。
(two) the staff training is to enhance staff ability level, to reach people and "things" effective way to match. One of the 1. main aspects of staff training is through job training, job training to improve the staff's job operating skills, to meet the requirement of post. 2. employee also need to constantly improve and progress, in a higher level of technology upgrade and promotion and other aspects of training, high level standards to make their professional knowledge and technical ability to meet job specifications, to meet the future needs of the job.
(三)员工培训是培育和形成共同的价值观、增强凝聚力的关键性工作。 一个企业人才队伍建设一般有两种:一种是靠引进,另一种就是靠自己培养。所以企业应不断地进行职工培训,向职工灌输企业的价值观,培训良好的行为规范,使职工能够自觉地按惯例工作,从而形成良好、融洽的工作氛围。通过培训,可以增强员工对组织的认同感,增强员工与员工、员工与管理人员之间的凝聚力及团队精神。
(three) the staff training is to cultivate and develop common values, enhance the cohesion of the key work. An enterprise personnel generally has two kinds: one is by the introduction, the other is to rely on their own culture. So the enterprise should continue to carry out staff training, staff to instill corporate values, behavior norms of good training, so that employees can consciously work in practice, so as to form a good and harmonious working atmosphere. Through training, employees can enhance on organizational identity enhancement between employees and employees, employees and management staff cohesion and team spirit.
(四)员工培训是提升员工技术、能力水准,达到人与“事”相匹配的有效途径。 员工培训的一个主要方面就是岗位培训,其中岗位规范、专业知识和专业能力的要求被视为岗位培训的重要目标。岗位人员上岗后也需要不断地进步、提高,参加更高层次的技术升级和职务晋升等方面的培训,使各自的专业知识、技术能力达到岗位规范的高一层标准,以适应未来岗位的需要。员工培训工作显得尤为重要,实践证明它也是达到预期目标的一条有效途径。
(four) the staff training is to enhance staff ability level, to reach people and "things" effective way to match. Employee training is a major aspect of job training, an important goal of the post standard, professional knowledge and professional ability requirements are considered as training. Post staff also need to constantly improve and progress, in a higher level of technology upgrade and promotion and other aspects of training, high level standards to make their professional knowledge and technical ability to meet job specifications, to meet the future needs of the job. Staff training is particularly important, practice has proved that it is an effective way to achieve the desired goal.
(五)员工培训是激励员工工作积极性的重要措施 员工培训是一项重要的人力资源投资,同时也是一种有效的激励方式,例如:组织业绩突出的职工去外地参观先进企业,鼓励职工利用业余时间进修予以报销费用等。据有关调查,进修培训是许多职工看重的一个条件,因为金钱对于有技术、知识型员工的激励是暂时的,一段时间可以,长时间不行,他们更看重的是通过工作得到更好的发展和提高。
(five) the staff training is an important measure to motivate staff enthusiasm for staff training is an important investment in human resources, but also an effective incentive way, for example: organization of the outstanding performance of the employee to visit advanced enterprises, encourage employees to use their spare time to study expenses etc.. According to the survey, training is a condition of many valued employees, because the money for technology, knowledge workers incentive is temporary, for a period of time, long time no, they pay more attention to the work to get better development and improve.
(六)员工培训是建立学习型组织的最佳手段 学习型组织是现代企业管理理论与实践的创新,是企业员工培训开发理论与实践的创新。企业要想尽快建立学习型组织,除了有效开展各类培训外,更主要的是贯穿“以人为本”提高员工素质的培训思路,建立一个能够充分激发员工活力的人才培训机制。成功的企业将员工培训作为企业不断获得效益的源泉。学习型企业与一般的企业最大的区别就是,永不满足地提高产品和服务的质量,通过不断学习和创新来提高效率。
(six) employee training is the best way to build a learning organization of learning type organization is the innovation of the theory and practice of modern enterprise management, is the innovation of enterprise staff training and development of theory and practice. Companies want to build a learning organization as soon as possible, in addition to effectively carry out all kinds of training, more important is through the "people-oriented" and improve the quality of staff training ideas, establish a staff can fully arouse the vitality of the talent training mechanism. The source of the success of the enterprise staff training as enterprises continue to obtain benefits. The learning enterprise and general enterprise the biggest difference is that never satisfied to improve the quality of products and services, to improve efficiency through continuous learning and innovation.
Three, block six errors in training
In some of our enterprises, can often find such an interesting phenomenon: the operator of a
(一)培训要马上见效 经常听到有些管理者说:“我不反对员工培训,但我要马上看到效果。否则培训就没有必要进行。” 很多管理者都有这种心态,他们希望培训效果立竿见影。但是我们有必要向他们澄清一个观点:培训确实有效,但不会马上见效。为什么呢? 1.将培训学到的理论知识转化为能推动生产力的行为需要时间。 2.员工不一定马上就能将培训所学到的知识、技能应用到实践工作的机会。 所以,我们判断一个培训到底有没有效果,不能目光短浅,应该放长远一点。
(a) training to immediate often heard some managers said: "I do not oppose the staff training, but I want to see the effect immediately. Otherwise, there is no need for training." Many managers have this mentality, they hope the immediate effect of training. But we need to clarify a point to them: training is really effective, but not effective immediately. Why? 1. training will learn the theoretical knowledge into productivity can promote behavior need time. 2. employees not immediately will be able to learn the knowledge and skills training into practice job opportunities. Therefore, we judge a training in the end there is no effect, not short-sighted, should put a long-term.
(二)培训是“为人作嫁衣” 受训人员离职是培训给企业带来的一个十分普遍的令人头痛的问题,也是培训发展的一大障碍。很多企业为了不给他人作嫁衣,采取了比较极端的做法,通过削减培训去达到控制员工跳槽的目的。 其实,大可不必因噎废食,这一问题不是没有办法解决,有几家大企业的做法就很值得我们借鉴。 麦当劳是如何留住人才的:北京麦当劳有限公司认为,要使人才培训后不是流动,而是更加稳定,关键是要把培训与个人的发展相结合,要计划一下他未来的一两年可能达到什么位置,让他清楚上面的职位需要多少人,现有多少人,有多少职位有待升迁和补充。让员工感觉到他的前途是看得见摸得着的,而所有的离职率、升迁率等因素都是用科学的方法计算出来的,而且要实打实地兑现的。 博士伦的防范措施:公司要求员工在接受培训前要签定《培训服务协议书》,规定员工接受某类培训后在本企业的最短服务年限,如果未满服务期限要求流动,应补偿企业的培训损失。这对保护企业的培训投入起到了一定的作用。 公司还采取预先做好人才储备工作的对策,将流动频率较大的关键岗位进行职位分解,把上一级的职位一分为三或一分为四,一旦该职位出现空缺,下级人员能及时进行补充,这样对下级人员来说有了晋升的机会,企业的业务又不至于因一两个人的流动而中断。 总结麦当劳和博士伦的成功经验,问题的解决可以从两个方面入手: 1.将企业培训计划同个人发展计划融为一体,留住员工。 2.未雨绸缪,做好人才流失的防范措施。
(two) training is "as a wedding dress trained staff is a very popular training brings to the enterprise headache, a major obstacle is the development of training. Many enterprises in order not to make the wedding dress, take a more extreme approach, by reducing the training to employees to achieve control. In fact, not Yinyefeishi, this problem is not a solution, there are several large enterprises is very worthy of our reference. McDonald's is how to retain talent: Beijing McDonald's company believes that to make talent training is not flow, but more stable, the key is to combine the development of training and personal, to plan his next one or two years may reach what position, let him know that the above position requires many people, how many people. How many jobs need to be promoted and complementary. Let the staff feel that his future is tangible, and all of the turnover rate and the rate of promotion factors are calculated by using scientific methods, but also to real cash. Bausch & Lomb preventive measures: companies require employees to receive training in training before signing "service agreement" provisions, employees receive certain training in the shortest length of service, if not full service time requirements should flow, enterprise training loss compensation. This to a certain extent on the protection of the enterprise training investment. The company has also taken measures in advance in order to reserve talents, the key positions of higher frequency of job flow decomposition, the position on a level one is divided into three or four, once the vacancy occurs, the staff can timely supplement, so to subordinates to say with the chance of promotion, business and not for one or two individual flow interruption. The successful experience of McDonald's and Bausch & Lomb, to solve the problem from two aspects: 1. the enterprise training plan with personal development program together to retain employees. 2. for good talent loss prevention measures.
(三)培训耗时、费钱、费力,不如让人力资源部把精力多放在“挖人”上。 企业的软环境就像一池水,人才就像鱼,其他企业培养出来的人才被“挖”过来后,在价值观、管理理念以及企业文化等方面的认同上存在很大的鸿沟,游过来的大鱼可能会因为不适宜企业软环境这池水,而很快又游走了。 越来越多有远见卓识的企业管理者看到了自己培养人才的重要性,他们把更多的精力投入到培训工作中去,把企业的软环境搞好,在自己企业的“池塘”里培养自己的“大鱼”。
(three) training is costly and time-consuming, laborious, let the human resources department to focus more on "digging". The soft environment is like a pool of water, just like fish, other enterprise talents are digging around, there is a big gap in the values, management philosophy and corporate culture and other aspects of the identity, because the fish swam may not suitable for enterprise soft environment and soon this water. Walk. More and more farsighted enterprise managers see their own culture the importance of talent, they put more energy into the training work, to improve the soft environment of the enterprise, in their own enterprises to develop their own pond fish "".
(四)培训是培训部门的事 这也是目前一些企业管理者在培训当中走进的一个误区。在一个组织里,培训需要多方面的支持,尤其需要高层和各级管理者的支持。企业要形成合力,养成培训和学习的气氛,这样培训才能有效开展。
(four) training is the training department. This is a misunderstanding of some enterprise managers in the training into. In an organization, training needs the support of many, especially senior managers at all levels and support. Enterprises to form a joint force to develop training and learning atmosphere, such training can effectively carry out.
(five) believe that training is a kind of welfare, ignoring the employees to participate in training the obligation and responsibility that will lead to employees the importance of training, training can not play due role (six) do training needs analysis, there is no specific training, training project is unreasonable, resulting in the training effect with. In the survey, the vast majority of employees of the enterprises hope to strengthen the training, and the training needs is effectively a direct link. Of course, the training department should bear the primary responsibility, at least not the training department to convey the correct concept of training for enterprise managers and colleagues, resulting in their work in a passive situation. Department of management supervisor is a key figure in the implementation of in-service training, without their participation, could not implement effective on-the-job training. From the analysis of the original work, to on-site training, and the final assessment, check and follow up the performance of the staff training, supervision departments will play a major role. The training department is not possible for each training activity are Qinliqinwei, but can not do everything for others.
Four, how to enhance the effectiveness of training
How to get out of a staff training, creating an ideal positive effect is obvious, it must be in the training concept, way of continuous innovation.
(a) staff training to the concept of innovation. We must change the staff training is a waste of human material and financial resources and to establish the concept of employee training is a kind of investment behavior of enterprises, can enable enterprises to obtain long-term comprehensive income behavior.
(two) staff training to be innovative. The training is not equivalent to the lecture boring training is difficult to attract employees, resulting in the lack of interest in staff training, no enthusiasm. Therefore, in the training mode, you must change the traditional way of listening to what I said, can use role-playing games, simulation and various training methods to interact in the classroom, stimulate staff learning interest, full participation, improve the training efficiency.
(三)员工培训计划要有创新。 1.加强培训需求分析,要根据企业现状及目标,系统制定各部门、岗位的培训发展计划。 2.要根据不同部门、不同层级、不同岗位制定不同的培训主题,设置不同的培训课程,在培训的内容上体现不同的深度。
(three) the training plan should be innovative.
(四)培训师的选择要创新。专门的培训师的选择固然非常重要,但企业内部领导以及内部职工成为培训师在相互的认同上更为亲近。企业内部培训师有以下几个方面的优势: 1.对各方面比较了解,使培训更具有针对性,有利于提高培训的效果。 2.与学员相互熟识,能保证培训中交流的顺畅。 3.培训相对易于控制。 4.内部开发教师资源成本较低。
(four) the choice of trainer to innovation. Special Trainer selection is very important, but the internal leadership and staff training become closer in mutual recognition. Internal training division has the following advantages: 1. of all aspects of the understanding, make the training more targeted to improve the training effect. 2. and students are familiar with each other, to ensure smooth communication training. 3. training is relatively easy to control. 4. the internal development of teaching resources at low cost.


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