请问谁有战争交响曲 昆明林肯公园园百度云,谢谢

投稿:41粉丝:96分享--dynmicweibozoneqqbaidu将视频贴到博客或论坛视频地址复制嵌入代码复制微信扫一扫分享收藏0硬币--稍后看马克一下~用手机看转移阵地~用或其他应用扫描二维码手机下视频请使用扫码若未安装客户端,可直接扫此码下载应用看过该视频的还喜欢正在加载...miniOFFSina Visitor System《好看》依托百度技术,精准推荐优质短视频内容,懂你所好,量身打造最适合你的短视频客户端!投稿:41粉丝:96分享--dynmicweibozoneqqbaidu将视频贴到博客或论坛视频地址复制嵌入代码复制微信扫一扫分享收藏0硬币--稍后看马克一下~用手机看转移阵地~用或其他应用扫描二维码手机下视频请使用扫码若未安装客户端,可直接扫此码下载应用看过该视频的还喜欢正在加载...miniOFF林肯公园主唱自杀,心碎之余,经典永恒在! - 简书
今天,小香一起床就觉得很难过,因为小香在念书时最爱的歌手——Linkin Park主唱Chester Bennington,自杀了。BBC报道,美国东部时间7月20日上午9时,林肯公园主唱Chester Bennington在洛杉矶的住宅内离奇死亡,年仅41岁。警方初步断定,是死于自缢。更多细节还在调查中。
乐队的另一个主唱Mike Shinoda,在Twitter上发表了这一沉痛的消息。并告诉大家,乐队将尽快发表官方声明。
相信Linkin Park陪伴着包括小香的很多人度过了青涩的时光,一直到现在的新歌发布。相信很多人昨天都还在耳边单曲循环他们的新歌。主唱Chester的嗓音,陪着很多不再年轻的人度过了无数困难的时刻。相信,不少人都会有这样的感受。Chester的离世,对无数中国乐迷真是信仰的崩塌。Linkin Park摇滚的传奇
Linkin Park(林肯公园)是一支来自美国加利福尼亚州的摇滚乐队。自出道以来,获得过20多个大奖,是首个YouTube点击率超过10亿的摇滚团体。他们称霸了欧美乐坛十多年。Linkin Park为很多欧美电影和美剧唱过主题曲或片尾曲,包括《越狱》、《寂静岭》、《暮光之城:暮色》、《极品飞车》等。和《变形金刚》更是合作了多次。甚至很多中国明星,都翻唱过他们的歌曲。Chester Bennington摇滚的旗帜
Chester Bennington,在1976年出生于美国。11岁时,父母离异。童年的经历,让他选择用歌声来宣泄心中的情感。1999年,Chester加入了当时还没有改名的Linkin Park。2000年,他带着乐队首张专辑《Hybrid Theory》,席卷全球乐坛,总销量突破2000万张,成为2001年全美专辑销售总冠军。
在2002年的格莱美颁奖礼上,他们斩获了最佳摇滚专辑。Chester带着乐队成员,向全世界宣告——“这是我们的时代,这个时代叫linkin Park!”此后,他们拿了2座格莱美奖、4座MTV音乐录影带大奖、5座全美音乐奖、10座MTV欧洲音乐大奖。
然而,这一切在几个小时前,突然终结了。对于Chester的死因,众说纷纭。有外媒猜测,长期服用的药物和酒精,造成了Chester心智的混乱,从而自杀。还有媒体找出了Chester当年接受采访的内容,他曾说自己幼年受到性侵,这段经历尤其痛苦。还有人说,Chester是为了挚友——Soundgarden主唱Chris Cornell,殉道。Chris Cornell在不久前自杀,7月20日是Chris的生日。不管真相如何,我们今后再也听不到Chester的歌了。也许有人觉得Linkin Park已经过气了。但就是这么一个“过气歌手”,引起了无数国内外网友的追悼。
Linkin Park的歌曲,承载着一代人的记忆。让小香和大家再来一起回顾。经典歌曲摇滚的激情
说起林肯公园最经典的歌曲,我们首先会想起《Numb》。这首2003年发行的歌曲,知道现在都经久不衰,也是英大手机歌单里的必备一首。Numb↓上下滑动查看完整歌词↓I'm tired of being what you want me to be我已经厌倦了你期望我变成的那个样子Feeling so faithless lost under the surface苍白的伪装下,是信仰沦失的灵魂Don't know what you’re expecting of me不知道你对我有何期待Put under the pressure of walking in your shoes沉重的压抑之下,依照你的轨迹亦步亦趋(Caught in the undertow,just caught in the undertow)(在思想激流中挣扎,只是徒劳挣扎)Every step that I take is another mistake to you我所做的每件事,对于你而言,都是一种错误(Caught in the undertow,just caught in the undertow)(在思想激流中挣扎,只是徒劳挣扎)I’ve become so numb I can't feel you there我心如冰封般僵冷,对你的摆布已漠然无觉I’ve become so tired so much more aware我已经身心疲惫,灵魂却骤然觉醒I’ve becoming this all I want to do我逐渐变成这个样子,所有想做的Is be more like me and be less like you重新蜕变回自己,挣脱你的羁绊束缚Can’t you see that you’re smothering me你有没有注意到你正在使我窒息?Holding too tightly afraid to lose control抓得如此之紧,只恐失去控制Causes everything that you thought I would be因为你此前对我的所有期待的幻想Has fallen apart right in front of you都土崩瓦解在你的面前(Caught in the undertow,just caught in the undertow)(在思想激流中挣扎,只是徒劳挣扎)Every step that I take is another mistake to you我所做的每件事对你而言,都是一种错误(Caught in the undertow,just caught in the undertow)(在思想激流中挣扎,只是徒劳挣扎)And every second I waste is more than I can take并且我曾拥有的那些珍贵岁月,竟然生生荒废于虚无之中I’ve become so numb I can’t feel you there我心如冰封般僵冷,对你的摆布已漠然无觉I’ve become so tired so much more aware我已经身心疲惫,灵魂却骤然觉醒I’ve becoming this all I want to do我逐渐变成这个样子,所有想做的Is be more like me and be less like you重新蜕变回自己,挣脱你的羁绊束缚And I know我知道I may end up failing too我最终可能是失败收场But I know但是我也知道You were just like me with someone disappointed in you你我终究是殊途同归,因为你也经受着让他人深深失望的折磨和痛楚I’ve become so numb I can’t feel you there我心如冰封般僵冷,对你的摆布已漠然无觉I’ve become so tired so much more aware我已经身心疲惫,灵魂却骤然觉醒I’ve becoming this all I want to do我逐渐变成这个样子,所有想做的Is be more like me and be less like you重新蜕变回自己,挣脱你的羁绊束缚I’ve become so numb I can’t feel you there我心如冰封般僵冷,对你的摆布已漠然无觉Is everything what you want me to be你所要求我的就是一切吗I’ve become so numb I can’t feel you there我心如冰封般僵冷,对你的摆布已漠然无觉Is everything what you want me to be你所要求我的就是一切吗当然,下面这9首也很经典。New Divide↓上下滑动查看完整歌词↓I remembered black skies, the lightning all around me我忆起乌云满天,四下里电闪雷鸣I remembered each flash as time began to blur我忆起每个瞬间,岁月恍惚而过Like a startling sign that fate had finally found me这凶兆惊现,终不能逃脱这厄运And your voice was all I heard只能听到你在说That I get what I deserve我这是罪有应得So give me reason to prove me wrong to wash this memory clean那给我个理由,证明我错,将所有记忆涤清Let the floods cross the distance in your eyes让洪流飞越你眼里的深渊Give me reason, to fill this hole, connect the space between给我理由,填满豁口,将这断路铺平Let it be enough to reach the truth that lies让苦楚收手,直达真理彼岸Across this new divide跨越这新阵线There was nothing in sight, but memories left abandoned眼前一片漆黑,而记忆也尘封已久There was nowhere to hide, the ashes fell like snow没有藏身之所,灰烬飞扬如雪And the ground caved in between where we were standing在你我之间,天已崩塌地已陷And your voice was all I heard只能听到你在说That I get what I deserve我这是罪有应得So give me reason to prove me wrong to wash this memory clean那给我个理由,证明我错,将所有记忆涤清Let the floods cross the distance in your eyes让洪流飞越你眼里的深渊Give me reason, to fill this hole, connect the space between给我理由,填满豁口,将这断路铺平Let it be enough to reach the truth that lies让苦楚收手,直达真理彼岸Across this new divide跨越这新阵线In every loss, in every lie, in every truth that you'd deny每一次损失,每一次谎言,每个真相你都会否认And each regret and each goodbye was a mistake too great to hide每次反悔,每次分开,都已错到无可抵赖And your voice was all I heard只能听到你在说That I get what I deserve我这是罪有应得So give me reason to prove me wrong to wash this memory clean那给我个理由,证明我错,将所有记忆涤清Let the floods cross the distance in your eyes让洪流飞越你眼里的深渊Give me reason, to fill this hole, connect the space between给我理由,填满豁口,将这断路铺平Let it be enough to reach the truth that lies让苦楚收手,直达真理彼岸Across this new divide跨越这新阵线Across this new divide跨越这新阵线Across this new divide跨越这新阵线I remembered black skies the lightning all around me我还记得那漆黑的天空,电闪雷鸣将我包围I remembered each flash as time blur在模糊的时间中,我清晰的记得每道闪光Like a startling sign如同那惊天的征兆that fate had finally found me我永远无法摆脱我的宿命And your voice was all I heard只有你的声音在我耳边萦绕That I get what I deserve一切都是我自找So give me reason那么,请给我理由to prove me wrong证明我犯下的错to wash this memory clean将这记忆洗去,Let the floods cross the distance in your eyes任你的泪水如决堤Give me reason给我理由to fill this hole填充这空白connect the space between连接被撕裂的空间Let it be enough to reach the truth that lies让那如同真相的谎言Across this new divide穿过这新的裂缝There was nothing in sight眼前一片空白but memories left abandoned遗落下记忆也被摒弃There was nowhere to hide我无处藏身the ashes fell like snow灰烬如雪般飘散And the ground caved in between where we were standing我们之间的大地开始下沉And your voice was all I heard只有你的声音在我耳边萦绕That I get what I deserve一切都是我自找So give me reason那么,请给我理由to prove me wrong证明我犯下的错to wash this memory clean将这记忆洗去Let the floods cross the distance in your eyes任你的泪水决堤Across this new divide穿越我们之间这新的分歧In every loss in every lie每一次的谎言与失败In every truth that you‘d deny那些你拒绝承认的真相And each regret and each goodbye每次别离,每次悔改was a mistake too great to hide都是无法隐藏的巨大错误And your voice was all I heard只有你的声音在我耳边萦绕That I get what I deserve一切都是我自找So give me reason那么,请给我理由to prove me wrong证明我犯下的错to wash this memory clean将这记忆洗去,Let the floods cross the distance in your eyes任你的泪水如决堤Give me reason给我理由to fill this hole填充这空白connect the space between连接被撕裂的空间Let it be enough to reach the truth that lies让那如同真相的谎言Across this new divide穿过这新的分歧In The End↓上下滑动查看完整歌词↓It starts with one thing I don't know why现在 有件事 我不明白 为什么It doesn't even matter How hard you try不管你怎样努力都无济于事Keep that in mind我把它保存在记忆里I designed this rhyme To explain in due time写下这首歌曲 在适当的时间 作一下解释All I know我所知道的是Time is a valuable thing时间是宝贵的Watch it fly by As the pendulum swings看着它随着钟摆飞逝Watch it count down To the end of the day看着一天天慢慢结束The clock ticks life away生命在钟表的滴答声中流逝It's so unreal Didn't look out below如此的不真实 我没有料到以下的事Watch the time go Right out the window看着时光从窗外流过Trying to hold on,But didn't even know我努力地想坚持 但却不知道Wasted it all just To watch you go我投入一切的结果 是看着你离我而去I kept everything inside and我只能把一切放在心里Even though I tried,It all fell apart即使我努力过 也无济于事What it meant to me will这一切对我来说Eventually be a Memory of a time when最后都 成为了一段往事I tried so hard And got so far我那么努力 那么坚持But in the end It doesn't even matter可是结果却 无济于事I had to fall To lose it all我不得不失去 我的一切But in the end It doesn't even matter可是结果却 无济于事One thing,I don't know why有件事 我不明白 为什么It doesn't even matter How hard you try,不管你怎样努力都无济于事Keep that in mind我把它保存在记忆里I designed this rhyme,To remind myself how写下这首歌曲 来提醒我自己I tried so hard In spite of the wayYou were mocking me尽管你会嘲笑我Acting like I was Part of your property是你财产的一部分Remembering all the Times you fought with me还记得那时 你一直和我吵架I'm surprised it got so (far)我很惊奇 那已经是很久的事Things aren't the way They were before现在的情况不同了You wouldn't even Recognise me anymore你可能都认不出我了Not that you Knew me back then我不再是原来的样子But it all comes Back to me (in the end)但是当思绪回到过去(最后的结局)You kept everything inside我只能把一切放在心里And even though I tried,即使我努力过It all fell apart也无济于事What it meant to me will Eventually be a这一切对我来说 最后都Memory of a time when成为了一段往事I've put my trust in you我把信任都托付于你Pushed as far as I can go我尽心竭力For all this为了谁There's only one thing you should know只希望你能知道一件事…Battle
Symphony↓上下滑动查看完整歌词↓I got a long way to go还有一段漫长的征程And a long memory久远的回忆I've been searching for an answer只为探寻一个最终的答案Always just out of reach却总是遥不可及Blood on the floor血流遍地Sirens repeat警笛轰鸣I've been searching for the courage我一直苦苦寻觅勇气To face my enemies让我直面残酷的敌人When they turn down the lights当他们熄灭所有希望的光亮I hear my battle symphony这首战争交响曲在我心中回响All the world in front of me整个世界就在我的眼前If my armor breaks假使我的铠甲都已残破I'll fuse it back together我也将重新振作Battle symphony战争交响曲Please just don't give up on me请不要放弃我And my eyes are wide awake视线并未模糊 而我绝对清醒For my battle symphony只为心中这首战争交响曲For my battle symphony只为心中这首战争交响曲They say that I don't belong他们说我格格不入Say that I should retreat劝我该迅速撤退That I'm marching to the rhythm合着落寞的Of a lonesome defeat挫败旋律毅然向前But the sound of your voice你的声音Puts the pain in reverse反而成了我无法言说的痛No surrender no illusions绝不投降 不抱幻想And for better or worse不论好坏When they turn down the lights当他们熄灭所有希望的光亮I hear my battle symphony这首战争交响曲在我心中回响All the world in front of me整个世界就在我的眼前If my armor breaks假使我的铠甲都已残破I'll fuse it back together我也将重新振作Battle symphony战争交响曲Please just don't give up on me请不要放弃我And my eyes are wide awake视线并未模糊 而我绝对清醒If I fall get knocked down如果我失败 遭受敌人重击Pick myself up off the ground我也会重新振作 再次启程If I fall get knocked down如果我失败 遭受敌人重击Pick myself up off the ground我也会重新振作 再次启程When they turn down the lights当他们熄灭所有希望的光亮I hear my battle symphony这首战争交响曲在我心中回响All the world in front of me整个世界就在我的眼前If my armor breaks假使我的铠甲都已残破I'll fuse it back together我也将重新振作Battle symphony战争交响曲Please just don't give up on me请不要放弃我And my eyes are wide awake视线并未模糊 而我绝对清醒For my battle symphony只为心中这首战争交响曲For my battle symphony只为心中这首战争交响曲
Leave Out All the Rest↓上下滑动查看完整歌词↓I dreamed I was missing,我梦见我迷失了you were so scared而你恐惧万分But no one would listen,但,无人倾听'cause no one else cared因为根本没有人在意After my dreaming,噩梦之后,I woke with this fear我在惊恐中醒来What am I leaving当我离开这里的时候,when I'm done here?我会留下什么?So if you're asking me,所以,如果你这样问了我,I want you to know我希望你知道When my time comes,当时过境迁,forget the wrong that I've done就遗忘那些我所犯下的错误吧Help me leave behind让我在离开之后,some reasons to be missed留下一点被怀念的理由Don't resent me,别怨恨我,and when you're feeling empty当你感到空虚的时候Keep me in your memory,让我留在你的记忆里,leave out all the rest然后,忘却余下的一切Leave out all the rest,忘却余下的一切 。don't be afraid别再害怕。I've taken my beating,我已结束我的心跳,I've shared what I made我已分享我的创造I'm strong on the surface,表面上我是这样的坚强,not all the way through然而事实上,却并一贯如此I've never been perfect,我从没做到过完美,but neither have you但你不也一样?So if you're asking me,所以,如果你这样问了我,I want you to know我希望你知道When my time comes,当时过境迁,forget the wrong that I've done遗忘那些我所犯下的错误吧Help me leave behind some让我在离开之后,reasons to be missed留下一点被怀念的理由Don't resent me,别怨恨我,and when you're feeling empty当你感到空虚的时候Keep me in your memory,让我留在你的记忆里,leave out all the rest然后,忘却余下的一切Leave out all the rest忘却余下的一切Forgetting all the hurt inside遗忘掉,you've learned to hide so well那些藏匿内心深处的伤害Pretending someone else can come假装成,and save me from myself那个能够拯救我的人I can't be who you are我不能变得和你们一样When my time comes,当时过境迁,forget the wrong that I've done就遗忘那些我所犯下的错误吧Help me leave behind让我在离开之后,some reasons to be missed留下一点被怀念的理由Don't resent me,别怨恨我,and when you're feeling empty当你感到空虚的时候Keep me in your memory,让我留在你的记忆里,leave out all the rest然后,忘却余下的一切Leave out all the rest忘却余下的一切 。Forgetting all the hurt inside遗忘掉,you've learned to hide so well那些藏匿内心深处的伤害Pretending someone else can come假装成,and save me from myself那个能够拯救我的人I can't be who you are我不能变得和你们一样I can't be who you are我不能变得和你们一样From The Inside↓上下滑动查看完整歌词↓I don't know who to trust your surprise不知道相信说.没有惊奇.everyone feels so far away from me每个人感觉起来离我很远.happy thoughts sift through dust and the lies沉重的思想筛过尘埃和谎言.trying not to break but i’m so tired of this deceit努力不去打破. 但我厌倦欺骗.every time i try to make myself get back up on my feet每次我努力让自己.恢复自我.all i ever think about is this我想的都是这些事all the tiring time between无时无刻感到厌烦and how trying to put my trust要怎样努力使你相信我.in you just takes so much out of me而我又不需要做太多的事情.take everything from the inside and throw it all away我拿出内心所有事. 扔掉一切cuz i swear for the last time i won’t trust myself with you因为我发誓/最后一次. 我不会将自己托付于你.tension is building inside steadily心里越来越紧张.everyone feels so far away from me每个人感觉起来离我很远.happy thoughts forcing their way out of me沉重的思想逼迫他们远离我.trying not to break but i’m so tired of this deceit努力不去打破. 但我厌倦欺骗.every time i try to make myself get back up on my feet每次我努力让自己.恢复自我.all i ever think about is this我想的都是这些事all the tiring time between无时无刻感到厌烦and how trying to put my trust要怎样努力使你相信我.in you just takes so much out of me而我又不需要做太多的事情.take everything from the inside and throw it all away我拿出内心所有事. 扔掉一切cuz i swear for the last time i won’t trust myself with you因为我发誓这是最后一次. 我不会将自己托付于你.i won’t waste myself on you我不会浪费时间在你身上.you你you你waste myself on you浪费我的时间在你的身上.you你you你
My December↓上下滑动查看完整歌词↓This is my December这是我的十二月This is my time of the year这是一年中,我的时间This is my December这是我的十二月This is all so clear这一切都如此清晰This is my December这是我的十二月This is my snow covered home这是我被冰雪覆盖的家This is my December这是我的十二月This is me alone是独自一人的我And I而我(Just wish that I didn't feel like there was)(Something I missed)(只希望我不会错过什么)And I并且我(Take back all the things I said to make you)(Feel like this)(收回所有我所说过的 会让你有这种感觉的话)And I而我(Just wish that I didn't feel like there was)(Something I missed)(只希望我不会错过什么)And I并且我(Take back all the things I said to you)(收回我对你说过的所有的话)And I give it all away just to have somewhere to go to而我,吐露这一切,只是为了找到一个归宿Give it all away说出这一切To have someone想要找到一个人To come home to成为我回家的理由This is my December这是我的十二月These are my snow covered dreams这是我被冰雪覆盖的梦This is me pretending这是我的伪装This is all I need这就是我所要的一切And I而我(Just wish that I didn't feel like there was)(Something I missed)(只希望我不会错过什么)And I并且我(Take back all the things I said to make you)(Feel like this)(收回所有会让你产生这种感觉的话)And I而我(Just wish that I didn't feel like there was)(Something I missed)(只希望我不会错过什么)And I并且我(Take back all the things I said to you)(收回所有会让你产生这种感觉的话)And I give it all away just to have somewhere to go to把这一切都吐露出来,只为找到一个归宿Give it all away把一切都说出来To have someone去找到一个To come home to能成为我回家的理由的人This is my December这是我的十二月This is my time of the year这是一年中我的时间This is my December这是我的十二月This is all so clear一切都如此清晰Give it all away just to have somewhere to go to把一切都吐露出来,只为找到一个归宿Give it all away把一切说出来To have someone是想找到To come home to一个可以作为回家的理由的人Give it all away just to have somewhere to go to把一切都吐露出来,只为找到一个归宿Give it all away把一切说出来To have someone是想找到To come home to一个可以作为回家的理由的人Faint↓上下滑动查看完整歌词↓I am a little bit of loneliness我有一点孤独A little bit of disregard有一点冷漠Handful of complaints但是面对事实But I help the fact我无能为力That everybody can see these scars谁都能看见这些伤疤I am what I want you to want我渴望你能感同身受What I want you to feel什么是我希望你能感受到的But its like no matter what I do但是无论我做什么I can't convince you都无法说服你To just believe this is real相信这是事实So I let go of watching you所以我只能看着你Turn your back like you always do像往常一样转过身Face away and pretend that I'm not不愿面对我,假装我是错误的But I'll be here cause your all that I've got因为你是我的全部I can't feel the way I did before我无法忍受以前的方式Don't turn your back on me不要漠视我I won't be ignored我不想被忽视Time won't tell时间也无法愈合There's damage anymore这种创伤Don't turn your back on me不要漠视我I won't be ignored我不想被忽视I am a little bit insecure我有一点不安A little unconfident有一点自卑Cause you don't understand因为你不能理解I do what I can即使我已尽我所能But sometimes I don't make sense但是有时候,我无法让一切变得有意义What you never want to say你从来没有说过什么But I've never had a doubt但是我很确定It's like no matter what I do但是无论我做什么I can't convince you都无法说服你For once just to hear me out就这一次,请听我把话说完So I let go of watching you所以我只能看着你Turn your back like you always do像往常一样转过身Face away and pretend that I'm not不愿面对我,假装我是错误的But I'll be here cause your all that I've got但我还是会在这里,因为你是我的全部I can't feel the way I did before我无法忍受以前的方式Don't turn your back on me不要漠视我I won't be ignored我不想被忽视Time won't heal时间也无法愈合There's damage anymore这种创伤Don't turn your back on me不要漠视我I won't be ignored我不想被忽视Now!现在Hear me out now现在听我把话说完Your gonna listen to me like it or not你必须倾听我所说的话,不管你喜不喜欢Right now!就是现在Hear me out now现在听我把话说完Your gonna listen to me like it or not你必须倾听我所说的话,不管你喜不喜欢Right now..就是现在I can't feel我无法忍受The way I did before以前的方式Don't turn your back on me不要漠视我I won't be ignored!!我不想被忽视I can't feel the way I did before我无法忍受以前的方式Don't turn your back on me不要漠视我I won't be ignored我不想被忽视Time won't tell时间也无法愈合There's damage anymore这种创伤Don't turn your back on me不要漠视我I won't be ignored我不想被忽视I can't feel我无法忍受I won't be ignored我不想被忽视Time won't tell时间也无法愈合Don't turn your back on me不要漠视我I won't be ignored我不想被忽视Good Goodbye↓上下滑动查看完整歌词↓So say goodbye and hit the road就这样说句再见之后立刻上路Pack it up and disappear收拾好包袱赶紧消失You better have some place to go你最好要找到下一个去处'Cause you can't come back around here因为你再无重返此地的机会Good goodbye好聚好散Don't you come back no more(你别再回到这里来)Live from the rhythm it's生存于韵律满布的世界Something wild venomous在这个险象丛生之境Enemies trying to read me对手意图解读我的内心You're all looking highly illiterate你们纯粹是有眼不识泰山Blindly forgetting if I'm in the mix似乎没看到只要有我参与的歌曲You won't find an equivalent你不可能找到任何一首替代品I've been here killing it我在这一带支配的时长Longer than you've been alive you idiot远超你这愚者从出生到现在的时间And it makes you so mad你感到恼羞成怒Somebody else could be stepping in front of you因为居然有人能比你还早占先机And it makes you so mad that you're not the only one你感到不快,因为你并非独占鳌头的那一位There's more than one of you人外有人,天外有天And you can't understand the fact你还是对实情不知所以That it's over and done hope you had fun没反悟到一切已终结,望你走得愉快You've got a lot to discuss on the bus把你的陈词滥调留在归途大巴上Headed back where you're from驶回你该待的地方So say goodbye and hit the road就这样说句再见之后立刻上路Pack it up and disappear收拾好包袱赶紧消失You better have some place to go你最好要找到下一个去处'Cause you can't come back around here因为你再无重返此地的机会Good goodbye好聚好散Good goodbye有缘再会Good goodbye好聚好散Good goodbye有缘再会Goodbye good riddance谢天谢地,终于诀别了梦魇A period is after every sentence每一个段落都有终结的句点Did my time with my cellmate和我的死党熬过了艰难时光Maxed out so now we finished劳顿的日子如今都已过去Every day was like a hail date曾经每天都像折磨之日Every night was like a hailstorm每个夜晚有如冰雹骤降Took her back to my tinted windows此刻我带原配回到座驾里摇下车窗Showin' out she in rare form展露出她独一无二的神韵Wings up now I'm airborne此刻我仿佛在展开双翅纵情翱翔King Push they got a chair for him王者Push驾到,他们为他备好王座Make way for the new queen铺下大道迎接新任王后The old lineup where they cheer for 'em荣归从前他们为其欢呼雀跃的地方Consequence when you ain't there for him若你招之不来后果不堪设想Were you there for him你可有为他守候过?Did you care for him你可有为他在意过?You were dead wrong你真是到头都不肯认错Don't you come back no more(你别再回到来这里)So say goodbye and hit the road就这样说句再见之后立刻上路Pack it up and disappear收拾好包袱赶紧消失You better have some place to go你最好要找到下一个去处'Cause you can't come back around here因为你再无重返此地的机会Good goodbye好聚好散Good goodbye有缘再会Don't you come back no more你别再回到来这里Good goodbye好聚好散Good goodbye有缘再会Don't you come back no more(你别再回到这里来)没想到,你在歌里说的那句再见竟是永别。不管怎样,小香还是希望你正如歌词所说的,在天堂继续战斗,我们也会在人世之中不断打拼,寻找一份适合自己的工作,不断拼搏。愿有缘再会。R.I.P.
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