本人 20 出来赌博啊的图片打工打工比较早 现在想在北京开个奶茶店 奈何没有资本 万能的网友 给出出主意

提示:杭州湾大桥和山东胶州湾跨海大桥相继竣工,这是目前世界上最长的跨海大桥,可国人对此的反应远不及当年中国女排第一次夺得世界冠军时那么强烈.这除了说明中国的发展,也多少表明了中国人的心理已经走出了&输不起&的阴影,可是在美国加州,中国人正在承建旧金山---奥克兰跨海大桥,这让美国人又愤愤不平起来.正文太长,只译部分,想看原文的,地址是://business/global/26bridge.html?_r=1标题:Bridge Comes to San Francisco With a Made-in-China Label
(旧金山建桥,标签贴着&中国造&)图片:SHANGHAI —Talk about outsourcingAt a sprawling manufacturing complex here, hundreds of Chinese laborers are now completing work on the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge. Next month, the last four of more than two dozen giant steel modules — each with a roadbed segment about half the size of a football field — will be loaded onto a huge ship and transported 6,500 miles to Oakland. There, they will be assembled to fit into the eastern span of the new Bay Bridge. The project is part of China’s continual move up the global economic value chain — from cheap toys to Apple iPads to commercial jetliners — as it aims to become the world’s civil engineer. The assembly work in California, and the pouring of the concrete road surface, will be done by Americans. But construction of the bridge decks and the materials that went into them are a Made in China affair. California officials say the state saved hundreds of millions of dollars by turning to China.
“They’ve produced a pretty impressive bridge for us,” Tony Anziano, a program manager at the California Department of Transportation, said a few weeks ago. He was touring the 1.2-square-mile manufacturing site that the Chinese company created to do the bridge work. “Four years ago, there were just steel plates here and lots of orange groves.”
On the reputation of showcase projects like Beijing’s Olympic-size airport terminal and the mammoth hydroelectric Three Gorges Dam, Chinese companies have been hired to build copper mines in the Congo, high-speed rail lines in Brazil and huge apartment complexes in Saudi Arabia. In New York City alone, Chinese companies have won contracts to help renovate the subway system, refurbish the Alexander Hamilton Bridge over the Harlem River and build a new Metro-North train platform near Yankee Stadium. As with the Bay Bridge, American union labor would carry out most of the work done on United States soil.   American steelworker unions have disparaged the Bay Bridge contract by accusing the state of California of sending good jobs overseas and settling for what they deride as poor-quality Chinese steel. Industry groups in the United States and other countries have raised questions about the safety and quality of Chinese workmanship on such projects. Indeed, China has had quality control problems ranging from tainted milk to poorly built schools.   But executives and officials who have awarded the various Chinese contracts say their audits have convinced them of the projects’ engineering integrity. And they note that with the full financial force of the Chinese government behind its infrastructure companies, the monumental scale of the work, and the prices bid, are hard for private industry elsewhere to beat.   The new Bay Bridge, expected to open to traffic in 2013, will replace a structure that has never been quite the same since the 1989 Bay Area earthquake. At $7.2 billion, it will be one of the most expensive structures ever built. But California officials estimate that they will save at least $400 million by having so much of the work done in China. (California issued bonds to finance the project, and will look to recoup the cost through tolls.)   上海-----说说外包  在这零乱的综合厂区内,几百名中国工人行将完成旧金山---奥克兰跨海大桥所承担的生产任务。  下个月,最后四根巨型钢梁将装上巨轮,运往6500英里以外的奥克兰,吊装到该大桥东端的桥墩上。这样的大型钢梁共有20多根,每根所占路基面积有半个足球场那么大。  中国在全球的价值链持续攀升,而该工程则是此价值链的一个组成部分-----从廉价的玩具,到苹果iPad,再到商业客机。因为中国的目标就是要成为全世界的土木工程师。  在加利福尼亚的桥梁安装以及路面混凝土浇注,将由美国人来完成。但桥面建造以及相关的灌注材料,则由中国人负责。加州官员说,包给中国做,可节省上亿美元。  几周之前,加州交通局的项目经理Tony Anziano 说:“中国人建的桥梁让我们印象深刻”。他考察了占地面积达1.2平方英里的中方公司施工现场。他说:“四年前,这儿只有钢板和大片大片的桔林”。  倚仗着北京机场新航站楼,三峡大坝这样的样板工程,中国公司已获准建设刚果铜矿、巴西高铁以及沙特的巨型公寓。  单在纽约市,中国公司就签订了多个合同,帮助翻修地铁,整修哈莱姆河上的亚历山大汉密尔顿大桥,以及建造杨基体育馆附近的北方铁路新站台。至于说建这座大桥,美国工会又将大部分工作就地包给了中国人。  美国钢铁工人联盟对跨海大桥合同极尽诋毁,指责加州把好的工作机会都送给了外国人,并讽刺中国的钢材是劣质钢材。美国及其它国家的实业集团就中国在此类工程上的安全性和工艺质量提出质疑。中国确实存在质量监督问题,从毒牛奶到建设质量低劣的学校,都属于这样的问题。  但是那些高管和官员们则对这些合同大加赞赏,他们说,工程竞标让他们对中标公司的诚信深信不疑。他们还认为,这些基建公司身后有中国政府强大的金融实力作后盾。其工程之巨大,还有竞标价格之优势,让别的私营公司,很难与之叫板。  新桥有望在2013年通车,取代旧桥,旧桥因1989年地震受损而出现问题。该桥耗资72亿美元,是讫今最大的投资项目之一,但加州官员说,中国承担这么多的工程任务,所以最少能节省4亿美元。(加州已经发行债券,通车后收费还债)。    以下就不译了,请看网友评论:    George W. Tush  NYC  June 26th, 2011  11:54 am  Our government at work.   Taking jobs from Americans and shipping them overseas. Don’’t look to our elected leaders to curtail this onerous practice. Not when it is done by private industry. And not when our leaders do it themselves.   This bridge could have been constructed in California by union workers making decent, living wages. We are no longer our government’’s priority. Our elected leaders no longer feel any responsibility to us. The story of this bridge is shameful.   Sorry, Mr. Lincoln, but our government for the people has indeed perished from this earth.  这是我们政府干的好事。  政府把美国人的工作抢过来送给外国人。这事“劳心费力”,可是别指望我们的当权者会有所收敛。这桥由私营企业来建,他们不会减少外来雇工,由领导人亲自主持,也一样不会的。  加州这座大桥本来可以由工联的工人们去做的,这样就可以获得一笔可观的糊口钱。可政府不再优先考虑我们,当权者不再替我们负责了。这事丢人现眼。  遗憾啦,老总统林肯先生,我们的为民政府已经从地球上消失了。    Pennington,NJ  June 26th, 2011  11:54 amAbraham   Lincoln once said, &If we buy a ton of steel from England, it will cost us $25. We will have the steel and England will have the $25. But if we buy the ton of steel in America for $30, we will have the money and the steel.& I can’’t remember the exact words, but that’’s the basics of it. If we spend a little more on buying in America, we will have the jobs as well. It’’s time to stop the out-sourcing and look into building the American manufacturing industry again. Short term outlooks lead to long term unemployment.   林肯曾经说了:“如果我们从英国买一吨钢材,花去25美元。我们得到了钢材,而英国人得到了那25美元。但如果我们买美国的,一吨30美元,那么我们既赚到了钱,又有了钢材”具体怎么说我记不清了,但基本是这么个意思。如果我们多花点钱买美国货,那我们嫌钱了,就业也解决了。现在是时候了,不要搞什么外包了,重整美国的制造业吧。目光短浅会招致人民长期失业的。    Frank Baudino, M.D.  Merced, CA  June 26th, 2011  11:55 am  One reason it pays to outsource jobs is that other countries provide medical coverage for their citizens. By hiring foreign workers, U.S. companies avoid the huge cost of providing medical insurance for employees.  Another good reason for the U.S. to adopt the single payor system--it will make us more competitive on the world market.  外包的理由之一就是别的国家为他们的公民承担医疗费用。所以美国公司雇用外国工人就不用负担巨额的医疗保险费。  还有一会好理由,就是美国采用单一的支付制度,这让我们在国际市场上更具有竞争力。    Baboulas  Katmandu, Nepal  June 26th, 2011  11:55 am  This is a perfect example of sovereign abdication for a short term capital . It is especially fitting that this is done in the Bay area, in plain sight of the two premier civil engineering schools in the US and the world - Berkeley and Stanford - which have produced great engineers. Shame on the state of California. As so many say now, &we deserve what we get&.  这是一个为了短期资本的成本优化放弃主权的典型事例。而这事发生在奥克兰海湾地区就更是如此。显而易见,这儿有美国乃至世界最早的两个土木工程学俯----伯克利和斯坦福,他们培养了杰出的土木工程师。加州这么干,真是丢人。就象许多人说的那样:“我们所得到的(指美国自己建桥)是天经地义的”。    5.hc  Nigeria  June 26th, 2011  11:55 am  With their budget problems, it’’s not difficult to understand why California might choose to scrimp on costs. But for a state and city known for its liberal ethos one would think they’’d take into consideration that the low cost is only possible because of an authoritarian state’’s financing and suppression of workers’’ rights.  因为预算问题,加州选择压缩成本,就不难理解。但对于一个信奉自由的州市来说,人们会以为,政府官员们应该考虑到,低成本只是在独裁国家融资制度以及侵犯工人权益的条件下才有可能的。    6.amysn  Brooklyn, NY  June 26th, 2011  11:55 am  Did I do my math right? For about a six percent savings, CA sent this project to China? Don’’t they think that there would have been more than a six percent return on their money, had they hired a US company? Think of all those people working, earning money, buying things, paying taxes. And this is the state doing this? Wow.  我没算错吧?为了节省6%的开支,加州就把这工程包给了中国?他们就没考虑到这钱在美国花出去回报会超过6%?他们雇用美国公司没有?想一想吧,那些美国人工作,挣钱,买东西,再交税有多么可观。加州政府就这么干?哇噻!!    Susan  New York  June 26th, 2011  11:55 am  Wake up America! If we don’’t start taking education seriously in this country and start training more engineers, scientists and designers, we will lose more and more of these jobs to China. Cutting education budgets, scholarships and financial aid to students is like driving a nail into America’’s coffin.  美国你醒醒吧!如果我们本世纪还不开始认真考虑美国的教育问题,培养更多的工程师,科学家和设计师,我们会把越来越多输给中国。削减教育预算,减少奖学金以及对学生的经济援助,无异于在美国这口活棺材上钉钉子。    8.jimtowndem  June 26th, 2011  11:55 am  years ago i was an inspector on a Chinese hydro electric built in the sierras, and i hope that this bridge is better built than that plant. after the Chinese left we ended up pretty much rebuilding the plant to actually make it work.  数年前,我在中国群山之中修建一座水电站里负责质量检验。我希望这座桥比那电站修得好一点,当时中国施工人员走后,我们做了许多乱尾工作,才让那电站正式运转起来。    9.Don  Oregon  June 26th, 2011  11:55 am&...California officials estimate that they will save at least $400 million [of the $7.2 billion project cost]&   Wow, they saved a whopping 1/2%.   Worth it? Ask an unemployed American steelworker!  “加州官员估计他们最少会节约4亿美元(总投资72亿美元)”  哇,节省了近5%的投资啊。  这样做值吗?问问失业的美国钢铁工人吧!    10.John Smith  Lexington, KY  June 26th, 2011  11:55 am  the bridge looks quite ugly. Whose idea to build a second bridge to close?  那桥看起来很丑,在老桥这么近的地方又建一座桥,这是谁出的馊主意呀?    11.HIGHLIGHT (What’’s this?) JVG  San Rafael, CA  June 26th, 2011  11:55 am  I expect to travel frequently across this bridge and will never feel as good about it as if it were totally made in the US. $400 million (a small portion of the overall cost) is not the actual savings achieved by having the steel manufactured in China, because 3,000 American workers spending their wages in the US would have produced significant revenues for the states. Shipping the massive parts across the world creates a huge carbon footprint. There is more to think of than upfront dollar savings. We need to bring manufacturing jobs back home, especially when an &icon& is the result.  我可能要经常从这桥上走,但那感觉永远也不会有全部美国制造那么好。因为钢材由中国生产,所以那区区4亿美元也就谈不上什么节省,要知道3000美国工人把他们工资花在美国会为国家带来一笔巨大的收入。运送巨大的构件漂洋过海,碳排放量是巨大的,透过节省美元,我们有更多的东西需要思考,特别是在这看看“图标”就知道是个什么结果的当口。(污蔑中国产品质量?)    12.William LeGro  Los Angeles  June 26th, 2011  11:56 am  &Talk about outsourcing& is right. The appalling absence of moral responsibility in giving this work to China fits right in with our New America. If you asked the American taxpayers if they wanted to save $400 million of what would have been a $7.6-billion contract by sending the jobs to China, I’’m sure they would have said &NO!& These days, $400 million is chump change to government, but it’’s still a home, food and clothing to American workers. And the fact that our government and businesses are willing to profit by employing Chinese workers for a dollar an hour for 70-hour weeks just pours more salt in the wound.   I’’m wondering how this decision ever passed public scrutiny, or whether it was made despite public opposition. The implication in this article is that the unions and others who criticized the contract were just whiners-as-usual, but the fact of the matter is that price is definitely not everything, despite what the collusion of government and business tells us. When I think of all the jobs that keeping this work in America might have created - not just the construction jobs themselves but those jobs derived from them - I’’m angry and depressed, and I feel betrayed. And betrayal by those entrusted with our tax money and our welfare has become far to common a feeling for me these days.   “说说外包”所言极是,把工作交由中国人做,这种极端不负责任的做法,刚好符合新美国的特征。如果问问美国的纳税人是否愿意为省4亿美元而把工程让给中国人做,我保证他们都会说“NO”!这年月,4个亿对政府来说只是小钱,而对广大美国工人来说,则意味着衣食住行等日常必须。美国政府和企业愿意雇用中国工人以榨取利润,中国工人每周工作70个小时,每小时工资1个美元 ,这无异于向美国的伤口上撒盐。  不知道这个决定是怎样逃过公众监督而获得通过的,也许就是不顾民众反对而强行通过的。  该文暗示工会以及其它民众反对这个合同,也只是象平常一样,发发牢骚而已,但事实是:价格不是万能的,尽管政府和企业沆瀣一气,相互勾结。每当我想起把这活儿留在中国所能创造的就业机会,我想到的并不是这项建筑工程本身有多少就业机会,而是这个建设项目中能衍生出多少工作机会。我很愤怒,也很压抑,我感觉被卖了。我们向他们交税,我们的福利仰仗他们,可被他们出卖了,这些天来我一直有这种感觉。  13.steven  Fremont CA  June 26th, 2011  11:56 am  Two months ago it was reported that the single biggest group of people (over 50%) who run the toll at the Bay Bridge were cars owned by people who cannot be identified by their license plate because such information is blocked. These are cars of people who hold elected office in the state of California. Two weeks ago a bill in the legislature requiring them to be identified if they run the bridge toll was permanently tabled in committee. These people who give away the jobs are not willing to pay the toll, use their political power to prevent them from being identified and view themselves as above the law.  据报道,两个月前,一大帮人开车从跨海大桥收费站经过,从车牌上无法确认车主的身份,因为相关信息被遮盖,这些车主均是加州现任政府官员,两周前,立法机关有一项法案,要求他们从桥上经过时,表明身份,但该议案被永久性搁置。这些家伙把工作机会拱手送人,却不愿意出过桥费,利用权力来隐瞒身份,将自己凌驾于法律之上。    14.mr. bob  NY  June 26th, 2011  11:56 am  We Americans are on the S.S. Ship of Fools, sailing into the sunset. (A ship by the way, made by exploited Chinese workers).  我们美国人都傻瓜船上的傻瓜蛋,驶向没落。(另:这船是由被剥削的中国工人制造的)    15.Liz  New York, NY  June 26th, 2011  11:56 am  I hope for the people of San Francisco that the Chinese are better at building bridges than they are at making pet food or children’’s jewelry.  祝愿旧金山的人民,但愿中国人建桥的水平比做宠物食品或儿童首饰的水平高。    16.Master Of The Obvious  United States  June 26th, 2011  11:56 am  A bridge in San Francisco, shale oil in Canada, natural resources in Africa....it seems the Chinese are appearing everywhere. The world power structure and economic landscape is dramatically changing. How long will the US continue to hang onto the past and not prepare for the future?  旧金山大桥,加拿大页岩油,非洲天然气。。。中国人好象是无孔不入,世界力量对比和全球经济版图正在发生巨变,美国不能未雨绸缪,还能在过去的功劳薄上躺多久呢?  17.bvdon,  Port Jeff  June 26th, 2011  11:56 am  So, on a 7.2 billion dollar project they saved 0.4 billion, but many American jobs were lost in the process. Talk about biting the hand that feeds you.  所以,72亿美元的工程,他们就能省下4个亿,可因些也砸了许多美国人的饭碗。反咬衣食父母,说说这个道理吧。    18.George  PhilaPa  June 26th, 2011  11:56 am  As an American, this is utterly disgusting.   So much is wrong about this entire project and every comment made by those quoted, I don’’t even know where to begin.  Shame and disgrace upon you all.  作为一个美国人,觉得这太恶心人。  整个工程和每一条引述的评论都是极端错误的,我不知道从何说起。  可耻,丢人。    20.jimaaron  Canton Mi  June 26th, 2011  11:56 am  his is what is wrong with the U.S., we export our work and money to China or ANY other Country to save a few cents. You don’’t have to be a rocket scientist to understand if you keep exporting about $50 Billion a month your Country will soon be broke. I’’m sure this bridge will make the Internationalists like George Soros very happy!  美国的错误在于,我们把工作机会和钱输出到中国或其它任何国家,只是为了省几个子儿,要是每个月输出500亿美元,那么这个国家很快就要破产,这个道理不是非要火箭科学家才懂的。我想,这座桥肯定让乔治索罗斯这样的国际问题专家万分高兴!    Wireman James  Prescott, Arizona  June 26th, 2011  11:56 am  This is a shame. No wonder our economy is in the doldrums. To hell with skilled American Labor, when we can get Chinese labor to work 16 hours a day at $12 a day. Don’’t believe it, read the article. And meanwhile, yea, just keep buying ’’Made in China’’ products.  丢人啦!毫无疑问,美国经济现在萎靡不振。我们可以让中国人一天干16个小时,一天12块美金,让那些美国熟练工人见鬼去吧。别听丫的胡说八道。对了,同时就停地买中国货吧:((       June 26th, 2011  11:56 am  Isn’’t there anyone in this country that build a bridge?  美国就没一个人会做桥呀?    Colorado  June 26th, 2011  11:57 am  And we wonder why American manufacturing has disappeared? Gov`t projects should be entirely from &made in America& products. While raw materials might come from elsewhere that should be all. Clearly we remain unwilling to help ourselves by spending the money to have an economy at all.  我们就纳闷,为什么美国制造就玩没了呢?政府工程就应该完完全全的美国制造啊。原材料倒是从外边进口,但得就此打住。很明显,我们仍然不想帮自己人,根本不想花钱振兴经济。    Austin, TX  June 26th, 2011  12:20 pm  Particularly interesting was the comment that &I don’t think the U.S. fabrication industry could put a project like this together.& The U.S. can no longer feasibly repair a bridge ourselves today. Yet, we were able to build that same bridge from scratch in 1936. Pay attention, it is a sign of the times.  Also, where in this country will you find a 55 year-old willing to work 7 days a week, 7am to 11pm, for $12 dollars per hour? We still don’’t have any real economic pain in this country, such that was felt during the Great Depression. Perhaps some pain like that again would serve current generations well.  Finally, I still do not believe very much quality comes out of China. The article mentioned tainted milk and shoddy school buildings. There was also the dry-wall fiasco, led paint in some toys, and poison pet food, to name a few. Those are just the cases of notoriety.  特别有趣的评论是这一条:“我想美国的制造业对这样一项工程,无可奈何。”今天的美国就连修桥都不能了。可是我们在1936年,白手起家,却能建起这一样的桥梁。注意:这可是时代的标志呀。  还有,在美国,哪儿能找到55岁的人,愿意一周工作7天,每天从早上7点干到晚上11点,每小时工资12美元?美国还没有真正感觉到上世纪经济大萧条时期那样的痛感。没准再来一次那种痛感,对现在这一代美国人有好处。  最后,我仍然不太相信中国质量,该文提到了毒牛奶,学校建筑豆腐渣工程,还有砌墙偷工减料。有些玩具涂料含铅,以及有毒的宠物食品,这只是其中几例。这些都是声名狼藉的案例。  Most new appliances and tools come from China, and while they’’re very cheap, the quality is far from where it was years ago. Part of the problem is that we have accepted living in a throw-away society. Very little is built to last.   Bought a complicated washing machine that went bad after a few years? Pitch it and buy another one. Your fridge on the fritz? Trade it in for one that works. Your spouse getting your down? Trade in your spouse for a newer model. This is true for most things in our culture today, and it is unfortunate.  My Depression era grandparents are all rolling in their graves.  很多电器和工具都来自中国,很便宜,但是其质量和前些年没得比。部分原因是因为我们已经接受了现今社会的生活,那就是:东西用过了就扔。经久耐用的东西几乎没有。  一台复杂的洗衣机,用几年就坏了,你买过吧?扔了再买新的。电冰箱出毛病了?以旧换新的。老婆(老公)看不顺眼?换个新型的。在当今我们这个文化里头,这些事大多都是真的,此乃大不幸也。    待续-------------------    
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  还有,在美国,哪儿能找到55岁的人,愿意一周工作7天,每天从早上7点干到晚上11点,每小时工资12美元?  ...........................................  这真的在说我们的工人吗?汗!原来我们全是变形金刚
  楼主的翻译贴经常看到。不愧是翻译帝。  翻译水平很不错。
  Frank Baudino, M.D.    Merced, CA    June 26th, 2011    11:55 am    One reason it pays to outsource jobs is that other countries provide medical coverage for their citizens. By hiring foreign workers, U.S. companies avoid the huge cost of providing medical insurance for employees.    Another good reason for the U.S. to adopt the single payor system--it will make us more competitive on the world market.    外包的理由之一就是别的国家为他们的公民承担医疗费用。所以美国公司雇用外国工人就不用负担巨额的医疗保险费。    还有一会好理由,就是美国采用单一的支付制度,这让我们在国际市场上更具有竞争力。   =======================================================  美国的医保都是商业保险,要由企业支付大半,剩下的又美国人自己负担。一般一年医保费用为1.3万美金左右。  不过中国的医保也要单位和个人缴费,这个人讲的“别的国家为他们的公民承担医疗费用”是错的。
  (加州已经发行债券,通车后收费还债)。  ==============  眼前一亮啊
      廉价劳力输出而已!  湖南民工在上海广州建高楼大厦,是湖南崛起了,还是上海广州崛起了?        
  @美国不可战胜  21:30:34  廉价劳力输出而已!  湖南民工在上海广州建高楼大厦,是湖南崛起了,还是上海广州崛起了?  -----------------------------    因为钢材和混凝土不是湖南产的,公司利润也没给湖南。懂了吗?JY    美国这座桥全是中国包下来的,从就业到产业链到利润全归中国了
  支持翻译贴, 辛苦了      0.0路过!
  还有,在美国,哪儿能找到55岁的人,愿意一周工作7天,每天从早上7点干到晚上11点,每小时工资12美元?  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  我的娘,中国人也是偶尔才这样工作(我也只试过一个星期做了两个半星期的工作时间然后拿了一周的钱,那也不是天天这样,天天这样老子早不干了)还是个中老年人,在中国也是寥寥无几吧,如果能够经年累月的按照上面的时间工作,那就不是人了,那是机器人,就是机器人也需要润滑啊    老一辈的中国人我相信有这样的人...
  单在纽约市,中国公司就签订了多个合同,帮助翻修地铁,整修哈莱姆河上的亚历山大汉密尔顿大桥,以及建造杨基体育馆附近的北方铁路新站台。至于说建这座大桥,美国工会又将大部分工作就地包给了中国人。  ——————————————————————————————    确实不知道中国的企业都已经做了这么多的国际化工程,太孤陋寡闻了,怪不得好多JY一天到晚都在诋毁中国的进步,原来是担心以后没有美分挣了啊......    祝贺祝贺    
    说句实话,天涯现在很多愤青到处幸灾乐祸,自我感觉良好,不知他们从哪来的自我优越感    看了美国人的评论,感觉他们很理性,从造桥承包给中国人制造,看出自己很多弊端。。他们宁愿多花点费用,也不希望自己的国人失业。。    而国观呢,一片歌舞升腾,好像中国马上世界第一的架势,谁都不放在眼里。。当然如果这事发生在中国,绝对是另一派评论,什么血汗作业中国已经不屑了,要产业升级之类的YY
  嗯,没错,等桥修好了,再来一个反倾销或者贿赂案啥的,美国人白得一座桥。    P民就是P民,这么个推倒胡的牌都看不懂。
  “译言网”上有现成的翻译!  下面是楼主省略的内容之一,“廉价而又大量的劳动力”是选择中国公司的原因,——中国人命苦!  ————————————————————    但是选择上海振华重工令人惊讶,因为这个公司没有桥梁建设的经验,其主要业务是制造港口起重机。    但是加州政府官员和美国桥梁的管理人员说振华的优势在于其巨大的钢铁制造设备,廉价而又大量的劳动力和良好的固定资产(振华甚至拥有其自己的港口和轮船。)    美国桥梁和萤石合资企业的工程指导人布莱恩 A.皮特森在一次电话会议上说:“我认为美国的制造行业不能将一个项目如此进行整合,大部分美国公司没有那么大的仓库,设备以及现金流。中国甚至负责装船,并且是用他们自己的船送到我们的港口。”    尽管美国的工会们喋喋不休,共和党人,前加州州长阿诺施瓦辛格却力挺这个项目。他甚至在去年九月亲自参观上海的工厂时赞扬说:“工人们在这里为我们建造跨海大桥。”    振华公司为这个项目投入的钢铁切割工,焊工,抛光人员以及工程师多达3000人。他们在2009年将主桥墩,28段巨大的用来作为道路基础的三角形桥面建成并装船运输。    55岁的钢铁抛光工潘中旺是一个典型的振华工人。他早上7点上班,晚上11点才下班,经常一周工作7天。他住在公司的宿舍并且挣每天12美金的工资。    周三早上,他边给新跨海大桥的一个桥面进行抛光边对我们说:“原先一天只挣9美金,现在是12美金,所有东西都在涨价,他们应该给我们涨工资。”    为了确保桥梁达到安全要求,250名加州、美国桥梁和萤石企业的员工和顾问同时进驻上海。  
    作者:斯密特巴恩 回复日期: 23:16:00  回复
          说句实话,天涯现在很多愤青到处幸灾乐祸,自我感觉良好,不知他们从哪来的自我优越感        看了美国人的评论,感觉他们很理性,从造桥承包给中国人制造,看出自己很多弊端。。他们宁愿多花点费用,也不希望自己的国人失业。。        而国观呢,一片歌舞升腾,好像中国马上世界第一的架势,谁都不放在眼里。。当然如果这事发生在中国,绝对是另一派评论,什么血汗作业中国已经不屑了,要产业升级之类的YY  ===========================    扯淡,白纸黑字就在上面,明明只有美国P民的嫉妒和愤怒。
  我们工资低(但在国内算不错了,我叔叔在安哥拉一万多点一个月,最普通的工人最少都5 6千,貌似还没算加班和奖金,这还是两年前的数据)  我们质量有保证(一般出国搞工程的企业多数都是有实力的或者是国企,开玩笑质量会差,质量绝对是性价比全球最高的)  我们的员工勤劳(这个不用多说都知道,我们是穷过来的人,并且多干还能多挣)  美国佬他们又要工资高 又要福利好 还要轻松工作 还要各项法律保障 国家实力再强也没得法 因为现在是全球化时代 除非回到殖民时期买卖奴隶
  作者:美国不可战胜 回复日期: 23:35:23   ......................................................  你说的话还指名道姓,确实?在普通工地你去问过没,怎么说话很不靠谱,11个小时?帮我介绍,大量需求!
  需要这样的窗口帖,开眼界。    有些事情,不说不知道,一说吓一跳!    多年前听说非洲遍地是中国商人的时候,很奇怪。今天没人感到奇怪了吧。    
  26.American Me  Los Angeles  June 26th, 2011  12:21 pmI can't believe this, sending public works construction projects overseas at time when Americans need jobs? This is the stupidest thing a gov't can do to its people. Saving money on the backs of foreigners being paid slave wages, while too many Americans are unemployed - like me -. Hiring American workers could have kept someone from losing their home, keep money in the local economy and help keep people off welfare. I cannot see how the $400 million savings on this project outweighs the need of jobs for the American worker. Where are the loud voices in SF? I can't believe that circumcision, selling fish as pets and rights of animals - i have pets too - outweigh the needs of people. If people are jobless with a bad economy, everything else should not even be on the back burner but not even thought about.  我简直不敢相信,美国人正需要工作,却把公共建设项目包给外国人做?这是政府为人民做的最愚蠢的事,靠奴役外国人省钱,而让这么多的美国人象我一样没了工作。雇用美国人本可以让某些人不至于流离失所,不会让这些钱外流,也可以帮助人们不靠救济过日子。我看不出节省这区区4亿美元比美国工人对工作的渴望更重要。旧金山的喧闹在哪儿呢?我不敢相信,阉割礼、宠物鱼以及动物权益比人们的需求更重要。要是经济不景气,人们没了工作,那别的东西,就不要说是次要的啦,就连想也都不要想了。  Kensington  June 26th, 2011  12:21 pmCheck that out. 7:00 am to 11 pm,   often 7 days a week, for 12 dollars a day. That's the kind of deal the State of California made with the devil. Saved a little chump change they did and at the same time pretty much trumpeted what kind of existence the purse-strings managers are planning for the American working class.   Recall that Governor Arnie, the guy who keeps very interesting secrets, refunded $4 billion in DMV taxes upon entering office in 2003, charging his predecessor with fiscal irresponsibility and promising reform. The deficit grew steadily from there by a factor of somewhere between 5 and 10, leaving the State of California in the mess it's in now. Wouldn't we kill to be back where we were in those sweet days of 2003 when we flushed Governor Davis down the toilet?   We'll have a nice shiny new bridge soon, and nobody but a chosen few will be able to afford the tolls (now 6 dollars for most drivers and going much much higher, since taxes sure aren't) unless working from 7 am to 11 pm, &...often ... 7 days a week...& becomes the norm.   Wake up Americans, you are being had.  通常一周做7天,一天12块美金。这是加州政府和恶魔的交易。他们确实省了点小钱,可那些管钱袋子的人,却鼓吹他们正在为美国的工人阶级规划怎样美好的生活。回想起阿诺德。施瓦辛格州长,这家伙埋藏着有趣的秘密,他在2003年入主加州的时候,退还了4亿美元的机动车辆管理税,指责他的前任在财政上不负责任,并且承诺改革,由此财政赤字稳步增长,撇下今天这个乱摊子,拍屁股走人了。我们要是能回到2003年那美好的时光,岂不美哉?当时我们把戴维斯州长赶下台。  我们不久就有了一座闪亮的新桥,而且只有少数几个人能交得起过桥费,(现在大部分车主交6美元,还会上涨N多,因为税收肯定不会不变的)除非“每天从早上7点干到晚上11点,一周通常干7天”成了工作时间标准。  醒来吧,美国人,你们正被人掐住了啊。  Makawao, Hawaii  June 26th, 2011  12:21 pmLet's see.  Make it easy for American companies to export jobs. Hollow out your industrial base. Make it easy for foreign products to compete with the few domestic industries left. Create a tax environment protecting overseas profits. Destroy the middle class.  美国企业输出工作机会很容易,也就掏空了本国的工业基础。外国产品和国内少数剩下的企业竞争也很容易。设立税收制度,保护外国的利润,于是就毁掉中产阶级。  Voila:      Nottingham UK  June 26th, 2011  12:21 pm  It would be an idea to make politicians sit a course in basic economics. That $400 million would have injected growth and jobs into the areas that the USA needs if it is to compete on the &world stage&.   有一个办法,让美国的政客们上一门基础经济学课程。如果美国要在世界舞台上和他人竞争,那么这4亿美元就会投放到美国所需要的领域,促进经济增长,提供就业机会。    NYC  June 26th, 2011  12:21 pm  Uh oh. We better have major inspections and testing on that bridge! This could be more fatal than all the melamine-infused food combined!  啊哦。我们最好对这座桥来个大检测吧。这可能比所有添加三聚氰氨的食品加起来还更要命啊!  
  看来美国人还真没明白过来    4亿美元当然比给美国人工作机会重要啦    那些大资本家
  看来没少塞钱,哈哈。  省下的钱绝不止4亿。
  看看    ★ Sent from iPhone App: iReader Tianya 7.20 - iPad Lite  
  加州已经发行债券,通车后收费还债  =================  老牛不是说,只有个人修的路和桥才收费,政府修的不收费吗!
  这个工程包给中国人做,能节省4亿,按期保证质量完成    给美国人做,工程干到25%发现预算得翻一番,工期得拖1年,干到50%发现预算需要在翻一番的基础上再翻一番,工期得在增加1年的基础上再增加1年,干到75%的时候……
  作者:@斯密特巴恩 回复日期: 23:16:00  回复
          说句实话,天涯现在很多愤青到处幸灾乐祸,自我感觉良好,不知他们从哪来的自我优越感        看了美国人的评论,感觉他们很理性,从造桥承包给中国人制造,看出自己很多弊端。。他们宁愿多花点费用,也不希望自己的国人失业。。        而国观呢,一片歌舞升腾,好像中国马上世界第一的架势,谁都不放在眼里。。当然如果这事发生在中国,绝对是另一派评论,什么血汗作业中国已经不屑了,要产业升级之类的YY  ==========================================  你是新来的吗?你想看到中国真正的FF么?你想知道这些请出门随便转去天涯杂谈,那些美狗人和杂谈的网友比起来算什么哦?
  Really glad I don't live in CA any more, though reading that worldwide these types of large-scale engineering projects are increasingly awarded to Chinese companies does not inspire confidence. As so many have noted, the cost savings were minimal compared to the overall construction budget. And in this age of trying to source food, fuel, etc. closer to home, the environmental impact of shipping across the Pacific was or wasn't taken into consideration? Meanwhile, our erstwhile Steel Belt rusts into oblivion, and workers who would otherwise be earning solid incomes for themselves, contributing to the tax base, shortening the unemployment lines, giving some real meaning to &America First& are left to the slings and arrows of WalMart dominion.看得出,整个世界象这样的大工程越来越多的成为中国的囊中之物,让人灰心,但好在我再也住加州这鬼地方了。很多人说了,节约成本跟整个工程预算相比,不值一提。而且在这年月,都在尽力地混口饭吃,寻找燃料什么的,那他们有没有考虑过离家近点,送货漂洋过海对环境有多大的冲击呢?还有,我们从前的钢带都生锈了,被人遗忘了。那些钢铁工人们,原本可以挣到固定收入的,为国家税收作贡献,减少失业大军的数量,让“美国优先”有着实在的意义,可现在,这些人成了沃尔玛的祸害。
  加州已经发行债券,通车后收费还债    。。是不是代表这桥 已经被私有了??  
    作者:原来你也来了 回复日期: 22:34:11  回复
  作者:@千秋功过谁人诉 回复日期: 22:48:54  回复
      什么时候我们有他说那样的语言自由?      ==================================    语言自由? 是什么东东?  不是中国人吧?谁说中国没有言论自由就去杂谈看看~    另,支持翻译贴~
  我没明白 一天12刀? 工作10多个小时
一个月不过2000多的收入 这活有中国人愿意干?
  55岁的钢铁抛光工潘中旺是一个典型的振华工人。他早上7点上班,晚上11点才下班,经常一周工作7天。他住在公司的宿舍并且挣每天12美金的工资。    12X7=84元 跑去美国 一天84元,当工人是傻逼?在国内的中东部这么加班都不可能是这个工资
  @迷失第七夜  12:59:22    我没明白 一天12刀? 工作10多个小时 才80块RMB左右 一个月不过2000多的收入 这活有中国人愿意干?   -----------------------------  答案是不可能啊,现在就光搬砖一天好的都要接近两百块的,差的也一百多啊,一天84块,真傻啊还是假傻啊!!!有虚假报道
  周三早上,他边给新跨海大桥的一个桥面进行抛光边对我们说:“原先一天只挣9美金,现在是12美金,所有东西都在涨价,他们应该给我们涨工资。”  ---------------------------  八十多块钱啊,施瓦辛格还真当中国人有多穷啊~~~~~~~这么少有人干吗??????还这么高强度
  去非洲的外劳赚的也不止这个数。一天12刀倒是有可能在当地发的生活费。  外劳工钱一班在国内发
  @鹤舞苍穹云为伴  16:03:23    周三早上,他边给新跨海大桥的一个桥面进行抛光边对我们说:“原先一天只挣9美金,现在是12美金,所有东西都在涨价,他们应该给我们涨工资。”    ---------------------------    八十多块钱啊,施瓦辛格还真当中国人有多穷啊~~~~~~~这么少有人干吗??????还这么高强度  -----------------------------  哥一天工资就是80     哥就是穷B一个
  @鹤舞苍穹云为伴  16:03:23    周三早上,他边给新跨海大桥的一个桥面进行抛光边对我们说:“原先一天只挣9美金,现在是12美金,所有东西都在涨价,他们应该给我们涨工资。”    ---------------------------    八十多块钱啊,施瓦辛格还真当中国人有多穷啊~~~~~~~这么少有人干吗??????还这么高强度  -----------------------------  我认为可能是外国的12刀咧比中国境内的12刀值钱些,这和月亮外国的圆是一样的道理
  不现实!估计是12刀 是午餐补助吧!
  美国人根本不知道中国工程牛不是靠人力便宜,是靠设备牛。美国建造设备落伍严重。  72亿美金修那么个小桥,要不就是加州内部腐败掉了,要不就是承建公司发了大财。
  @zansan1  18:14:32    建筑那些技术搞了那么多年,又不是什么很高端技术,如果是某些需要前沿技术的工程看他们会给谁。主要是工程项目管理的执行情况。  -----------------------------  钢结构部分的技术含量还是挺高的。现在就日本,德国在这方面比较领先,之前中国很多工程,例如广州会展中心的钢结构都是日本人做的。中国现在也不错,希望能接到越来越多工程


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