
Royal Bank of Scotland Online – Bank Accounts, Mortgages, Loans and Savings
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that keeps it
Our&Clear Rate Platinum credit card has one simple low rate on purchases and balance transfers.
Representative 11.1% APR (variable).
Annual fee applies
To apply, you must be a UK resident, 18+ and earn at least ?10k per year.
Have an unexpected bill to pay?
Whether you have an unexpected bill to pay or would like a safety net just incase, an arranged overdraft could help you keep it covered!
Available to customers with eligible current accounts who are aged 18 and over. &Overdraft usage fees apply.
What's new in our mobile app
With our latest update you will be able to:
View app notifications
Access ‘My profile’
Download the app with an international number
View iPad improvements
App available to Digital Banking customers with a UK or International mobile number in specific countries. Limits apply. Fingerprint login available on selected devices.
Bank of England Base Rate increase
Learn more about the latest interest rate rise and see how it could affect you.&
If you have a product with us, we've got useful tools and guides to help you understand your next steps.
A credit card that keeps it simple
Our&Clear Rate Platinum credit card&has one simple low rate on purchases and balance transfers.
Representative 11.1% APR (variable).&
Annual fee applies.
You can transfer balances of any amount up to 95% of your available credit limit. The minimum balance transfer amount is ?100.&
To apply, you must be a UK resident, 18+ and earn at least ?10k per year.
Looking for an everyday bank account?
Our Select account comes with all the essentials that make banking easy.
To apply you must be 18 or over and a UK resident.
Looking to buy a rental property?
If you're thinking about investing in property and becoming a landlord, take a look at our Buy to let guide.
We've got the tips and tools to help you through the process every step of the way.
>PERSONAL','cq_hier1':'RBS>','cq_channel':getChannel('CATEGORY:RBS>>PERSONAL')}">关于国际汇款到国内银行所需时间的问题 - 外贸财务 -
福步外贸论坛(FOB Business Forum) |中国第一外贸论坛
UID 2004212
阅读权限 25
UID 2031962
福步币 2 块
阅读权限 40
UID 1388672
阅读权限 40
回复 #1 灵隐子 的帖子
UID 1933146
阅读权限 40
半个月的也有 过两天又是端午节 抓紧问下吧
UID 2189038
阅读权限 40
深发展的香港账户一般都不好用吧,我们开的是香港汇丰银行的,一般收到水单,没问题的话5天能到账(假期除外),手续费也比国内银行少很多,像你这样也没办法, 如果很急的话,只能催客户 。让他们银行去催中转银行。
UID 1997592
阅读权限 25
我以前有个客户汇款也是汇了好久大概俩星期到帐的,可能中转行比较多,不过自己要上心,让财务多跑跑银行 你再跟客户联系下确认汇款无误吧,要是汇错了 那真心的麻烦
UID 2004212
阅读权限 25
终于搞明白了,原来是客户把账户公司名的最后面的LIMITED 缩写成LTD,后来钱又被退回去给客户了,重新更正过三天就能收到了,不过手续费好贵,要5%。谢谢各位分享!
UID 2114319
阅读权限 0
UID 1979172
阅读权限 40
奶奶的 现在我也遇到问题 肯尼亚巴克莱银行,客户一开始没写我们公司名字,然后钱到我们银行不能入账,后来改了到现在一个礼拜还没收到通知, 请问怎么办啊
UID 2509332
阅读权限 40
回复 #7 灵隐子 的帖子
UID 2837301
阅读权限 25
当前时区 GMT+8, 现在时间是
Powered by D1scuz! && 2001-求助 问你个事情,从英国巴克莱银行
一般是怎么收费用的? - 出口交流 -
福步外贸论坛(FOB Business Forum) |中国第一外贸论坛
UID 272801
阅读权限 25
求助 问你个事情,从英国巴克莱银行
但是手续费&&他说在英国收手续费的话太贵 , 他要求在中国这边收手续费&&不知道是怎么收费的&&
有谁知道 帮帮忙& &谢谢!
UID 292234
阅读权限 60
是不是问问中国银行? 或许他们知道。。。。。。
UID 109153
福步币 75 块
阅读权限 60
当前时区 GMT+8, 现在时间是
Powered by D1scuz! && 2001-


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