
日 02:31:37 | 作者:城市口碑 | 来源:
Lehman's CEO to testify Lehman Brothers' former CEO is being called to testify about the investment bank's collapse. CNN's Ali Velshi reports. We are learning more now about the breaking news story we told you just a few moments ago that Lehman Brothers’ former CEO has been called to testify about the investment bank’s spectacular collapse last, last month. Let’s go now to correspondent Ali Velshi in New York for more details no this. So Ali, what have you been able to learn about this. Ralitsa, this is a major development in the effort to understand how the US financial system suddenly spiraled out of control, starting on September 15th with the collapse of Lehman Brothers. That was the biggest bankruptcy filing in US history. Now we have learnt the source directly involved with, the bankruptcy filing has conformed to CNN that former CEO, the CEO in place at the time of the bankruptcy D. Fuld is one of the people who has been called to testify in the Grand Jury, that is part of plus three investigations going on, two in New York, and one in the State of New Jersey. But federal investigations into what led to the collapse of Lehman Brothers. Now this is an interesting development because prior to the Enron and WorldCom scandals, there, it wasn’t necessary a federal offense to materially mislead investors but the// bill made that a material offense. So that meant that financial statement had to be signed up by the CFO and the CEO of the company and they had to attach to the fact that they knew what was in them and that they knew that information to be true. Well just days before the collapse of Lehman Brothers on Sept. 10th. There was a conference call with the company’s executives and analysts and investors and the investigations may be centering on whether the information that was disseminated at tha whether anybod whether the executives of the company or those who had been subpoenaed had other information. Now we don’t the details of the investigation or the grand jury, but the grand jury in the ed States is called to investigate whether federal crimes were committed in the particular incidence. And that is what we understand D. Fuld has to be subpoenaed to testify at.Yeah. That’s could possibly be huge. Ali, let’s look at the other side of the story. Uh, when he was testified in front of Congress, he pointed the finger at the government’s inaction. He said that had caused it.Yeah, look, this is what..this is going to be seen as the turning point in this economic crisis. Until then we knew the ed State we knew that the investment banks were having the trouble raising money and the federal government has stepped in a number of cases including that of Bear Stearns, try to guarantee purchase, guarantee the finance of these companies. That the federal government went into that weekend meeting prior to Sept. 15th with the understanding that they were going to try and find a buyer for Lehman Brothers and they emerged. You may recall what Bank of America which is one of the potential buyers ending up buying Merrill Lynch but nobody’s buying the Lehman Brothers. And the collapse of Lehman Brothers led us to this credit freeze because we realize that somebody’s company’s of no value, or will have no value even to the lowest bidder. So we have to understand what happened there. Was there information the public didn’t know? Uh, it seems very strange that they pointed the finger at the government. But what we do know is regulatory oversight in the ed States did seem to not be in order. We have more than a dozen regulatory agencies dealing with financial institutions in the ed States. I liken that / of having a regulatory system like a highway system that was built for cars that go 25 miles an hour when all your cars can go 100 miles an hour. There’s definitely something to be said for government oversight but I think this investigation’s gonna look very specifically at what executives of Lehman knew and that they told the investors.39Etiquette with your Ex, we went to the streets of New York and we asked women about situations in which they might need help when it comes to dealing with a former love.Ginny from New Jersey wanted to know whether it's better to tell or not to tell on an ex.My friend is dating my ex. I know something about my ex that she really should know. Do I tell her or do I let it go?Whoop, well here to help us is Janet Taylor, a clinical instructor of psychiatry at Columbia University Harlem Hospital. And she sits on the advisory board of Family Circle and she's here with tips on ex etiquette 101.Janet Taylor, good morning.Thank you, good morning. Hannah. What do you think about the question from that last woman? She knows something, should she tell her friend about her ex?Well, it's a great question. Simple answer--let it go.Really, why?Because she doesn't wanna. . . you don't wanna be in the middle. One of the benefits of having an ex is that you have your own freedom to determine yourself and take control. You put yourself in the middle, if you're, if it’s your friend, she is gonna come back and ask you. You need to be prepared to tell the truth. But you don't wanna be the one who is micro-managing your ex-husband in the situation/, it's your time.Yeah, that sounds awful. That sounds like a very dangerous territory as well.Very dangerous territory.Em, something that people have a lot of problems with an ex. Together they have one set of friends. When they split up, what happen? So let's take a look at another question, Ok?OK.How are we going to deal with mutual-friends in a social situation?Wow, what advice to give people about that?Well, the dynamics is changed, so the relationship is changed, but your friends don't necessarily have to. A lot of times, friends don't know what to say, who do I invite, do I invite her, do I invite him? Test the waters, if they're really your friends, you'll know and they will be there for you. If not, then maybe you just have to re-engage new friends or find people who support you.It's not only friends that can be an issue, but also family members and one Family Circle er writes in this question. " I love my in-laws. I divorced their son, not them. And they're still my kids' grandparents. What's the best way to maintain my relationship with them? A lot of people have a problem with that.Exactly, embrace your in-laws, a lot of times grandparents are the only ones at difficult times to show unconditional love. Your kids need that, you need that. Older individuals, a lot of times have wisdom that you could take in. But the fact is just because y your kids still need them and your family.You know, sometimes there is a temptation, even though it's their son, to still ask your in-laws to take your side. And that's something that you really shouldn't do, right?Well, it's hard to say shouldn't, it's natural. I mean most divorces aren't necessarily pleasant. And so the sense is you take a side or another, but as adults, and thinking about what's best for yourself and your children. The cleaner you can be, and understanding that everyone needs support, it's better.Yes, so don't put your in-laws in a bad situation.I would try not to.Yeah, you know sometimes a lot of people have joint custody. They are dealing with two different households. And we had a question from Amy from Missouri about her and her ex who have different parenting styles.My ex and I have different parenting styles, so our children are getting mixed messages when they stay at each home. So what can we do to compromise for them?This is a tough one because people discipline differently, and it can be very confusing for the kids. So what should you do?Don't confuse parenting styles with parenting rules. Obviously, you are gonna have a different style, you're different individuals. The key is to decide, to communicate and decide on some parenting enforceable rules, maybe one or two, then you can agree upon. And then focus on that.So are these practical things like this "the kids are gonna go to bed at this time" or something like that?Again enforceable rules, bed time, who's gonna clean up after dinner. You know some issues that can be decided beforehand that can help with consistency in both households.Right, coz those kids need that stability,don't they? As much as they can living in two different households.Absolutely.Emm. . . thank you so much. Really appreciate your answering these questions.You're welcome25Asian fantasies亚洲的想象力No Mao suits here这里无极限There is cash in Chinese comic-book conventions中国的漫画书展有利可图Aug 6th 2011 | HONG KONG | from the print edition The Economist finally reveals the identity of its editors 经济学家最终揭露了编辑的目的。THE violet and turquoise eyes, the blue wigs, antlers and angel wings all remind you that this is not the queue for the supermarket. The 1,100 people with the most striking costumes were spared the HK (.85) admission fee to Hong Kong’s Ani-C Games convention, which lasted from July 29th to August 2nd. The result was a riot of Chinese opera, Japanese anime, French maids, Conan the Barbarian and Star Wars.蓝紫色和蓝绿色的眼睛、蓝色的假发。鹿角和天使翅膀,所有这一切都在提醒你,这些不是超市排队的人。这1,100个装束特别的人每个人都可以免费获得价值30元港币(3.85美金)的入场券参加7月29日至8月2日的香港动漫电玩节。这是一场中国戏剧、日本动画、法国女仆、野蛮人柯南以及星际战争的狂欢。Some 700,000 people crammed into the convention centre to gawk at comic books, see the latest games and watch their fantasies strut by. That number has more than trebled since 1999. Ani-Com has grown racier, too. A company called Gameone hired a dozen models to dress as characters from its electronic games, including a Japanese porn star. The first 40 visitors who filled out a special registration card each received a hug.将近70万的观众涌入会场中心入神的翻阅动漫书籍、观看最新的游戏以及观赏他们梦寐以求的表演。这个人数是1999年的三倍之多。动漫节也越来越新潮了。深圳市泰傲互动科技有限公司雇了十几个模特模仿他们公司的电玩人物的装扮,其中包括一位日本的AV女优。前40名填完特制的签到卡的观众会得到该女优的拥抱一个作为奖励。202Short breaks make people happier than one long holiday, psychologists claimTaking frequent short breaks is better for you than one long holiday, research has found.Psychologists believe that people who use their holiday allowance in bursts rather than all in one go are happier.People who take so-called mini-breaks have more happy memories than those who holiday for an extended period of time, they claimed.Dan Ariely, a behavioural economist who wrote The Upside of Irrationality, suggested that holidaymakers break up extended time away by doing some work in the middle of their break saying this would make them more appreciative of their time away from the office.The explanation is that people's enjoyment wanes as they become accustomed to their holiday lifestyle.Prof Ariely, who teaches at Duke University in North Carolina, said: "On a long vacation, day seven is less good than day one because it's not as exciting. That's why in general, going away four times [a year] provides more benefit than you would expect, and going away for one week provides less benefit than you would expect."However other experts disagree. Tim Harford, the author of Dear Undercover Economist, said that taking an increased number of trips would only increase the stress associated with travelling to and from a holiday destination.He said: "If you pack three times as many holidays into the same amount of leave, you can expect three times as much trouble. It's not obvious to me that it's worth it."Vocabulary:all in one go:一次性地背单词 ― 装英语词汇572
Constitutional reform宪法改革All change英国剧变Britain is on the verge of constitutional upheaval英国正在宪法剧变的边缘THIS may seem an odd moment to make the claim, but Britain is a country in the grip of a modernising frenzy. The outside world may see an unvarying kingdom of royal weddings, golden carriages and clip-clopping Horse Guards, with a young prime minister drawn from the old Establishment. But strip away the pageantry, and David Cameron’s Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition is proposing radical changes to the constitutional order.现在似乎还不是下结论的时候,但是英国正受到对现代化的狂热情绪配。在国外人看来这个王国并无变化:皇室婚礼、黄金马车、马蹄得得的皇家骑卫队以及正当权的年轻首相。但是在这华丽的虚饰下,大卫卡梅隆的保守党、工党、自民党联合政府正提议彻底改革宪法。A national referendum on May 5th and months of parliamentary wrangling lie ahead. But if all the changes being proposed by the coalition come to fruition, British democracy could look and feel very different by the next general election, set by the coalition for May 日全国范围的公民投票后是长达数月的议会辩论。如果所有联合政府提出的改革都得到成效,下一次联合政府举行大选时(2015年5月)英国的民主会让人们看到、体会到很大的不同。Depending on the outcome of the referendum, that general election may be held using a new voting system: supporters of change call it the biggest shake-up since votes for women in 1928. Voters are to be asked to choose between keeping the winner-takes-all system of first-past-the-post (FPTP) and moving to the alternative-vote (AV) method, in which voters rank candidates in numbered order of preference. Under AV, if no candidate wins more than 50% of voters’ first preferences, the least popular candidate is eliminated and the second preferences of those who voted for him are distributed. The process continues, redistributing third, fourth or lower preferences until someone crosses the 50% line.公投的结果将决定大选是否会采取新的投票体制:改革持者称之为继1928年妇女获得投票权后最大的改革.投票人将选择是保留赢者通吃的简单多数制(FPTP)还是改为排序投票制(AV),后者框架下投票人根据喜好对候选人排序,如果没有候选人获得超过半数的首选,得票最少的候选人将被淘汰,其选票划入排在第二位的候选人名下。以此类推,经过对排在第三位、第四位甚至更靠后的候选人选票重新划分直到有人的得票超过半数。029
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says the ed States “unequivocally” supports the economic recovery plan of Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou. Clinton held talks with top Greek officials in Athens in advance of a critical European meeting Thursday on a second financial bailout for Greece.美国国务卿克林顿说,美国“明确”持希腊总理帕潘德里欧的经济复苏计划。克林顿在欧盟举行重大会议之前到雅典和希腊高层官员举行了会谈。星期四欧盟举行的会议将讨论欧盟是否向希腊提供第二轮援助的问题。The ed States will have no role in the bailout decision, to be made by the 17 key “Eurozone” countries of the European Union.美国将不会参与是否援助希腊的决定,这个决定将由欧盟的欧元区17个关键国来达成。But Clinton delivered a strong message of political backing, saying she was pleased to be in Athens in what she termed “challenging times” to demonstrate the ed States’ “unequivocally strong support” for NATO ally Greece.但克林顿传达了政治持的坚定信息。她说,她很高兴在这个困难时刻来到雅典,来展现美国对北约盟国希腊明确而强有力的持。The Secretary of State said the Papandreou government’s new round of austerity measures and tax hikes are strong medicine and difficult therapy for Greek citizens, but said the ed States has every confidence of an eventual economic rebound.克林顿国务卿说,帕潘德里欧政府新一轮的紧缩措施和增税是一剂猛药,对希腊人民来讲是艰难的治疗方法,但她说,美国对希腊经济最终复苏完全有信心。“I have faith in the resilience of the Greek people. And I applaud the Greek government on its willingness to take these difficult steps. Greece has inspired the world before and I have every confidence that you are doing so again. And as you do what you must to bring your economy back to health, you will have the full support of the ed States,” said the US top diplomat.克林顿说:“我对希腊人民的恢复能力有信心。我持希腊政府愿意采取这些艰难的步骤。希腊从前鼓舞了世界,我完全相信你们能够再次做到。所以当你采取必要的措施健全经济时,你们将有美国的全力持。”Clinton spoke at a press event with Greek Foreign Minister Stavros Lambrinidis, newly installed after the recent Greek Cabinet shakeup. 克林顿是在与希腊外交部长兰姆布里尼迪斯一起召开的记者会上讲的话。869
Japanese told to go to bed an hour early to cut carbon emissionsThe Japanese government has launched a campaign encouraging people to go to bed and get up extra early in order to reduce household carbon dioxide emissions.The Morning Challenge campaign, unveiled by the Environment Ministry, is based on the premise that swapping late night electricity for an extra hour of morning sunlight could significantly cut the nation's carbon footprint.A typical family can reduce its carbon dioxide footprint by 85kg a year if everyone goes to bed and gets up one hour earlier, according to the campaign.The amount of carbon dioxide emissions potentially saved from going to bed an hour early was the equivalent of 20 percent of annual emissions from household lights, "Many Japanese people waste electric power at night time, for example by watching TV until very late," a ministry spokesperson told The Daily Telegraph."But going to bed early and getting up early can avoid wasting electrical power which causes carbon dioxide emissions. If people change their lifestyle, we can save energy and reduce emissions." The campaign also proposes that people take advantage of an extra hour of morning sunlight by improving their lifestyles in general by running, doing yoga and eating a nutritious breakfast.It is the latest initiative tackling climate change by the Japanese environment ministry, which is faced with the challenge of reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 25 per cent from 1990 levels within the next decade.It was the same government department that launched the high profile Cool Biz campaign five years ago, which encourages workers to wear short-sleeved shirts and offices not to turn air con lower than 28 degrees during the summer.Vocabulary:tackle: to make a determined effort to deal with a difficult problem or situation 应付,处理,解决(难题或局面)significantly: in a way that is large or important enough to have an effect on something or to be noticed 有重大意义地;显著地;明显地high profile: attracts a lot of attention or publicity 高调的背单词 ― 装英语词汇138
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