经济学里fall of giants mobinormalcy 是什么意思

fall outside of
According to this theory, a wide range of sexual fantasies exist that fall outside of a set standard of normalcy.
If you read over the legal definition of "child pornography, " you can see where this image might fall outside of its lines.
The meeting also serves as a platform for partnerships and regional agreements on clean energy and climate projects that fall outside of the United Nations structure.
Malcolm King says measures to deal with some of these problems might fall outside traditional health interventions.
VOA: special.
International Labor Organization,ILO, figures say almost 80 percent of Thailand's female workforce fall into the informal sector category, many in areas outside Thailand's labor protection laws.
VOA: standard.
According to the ONS many public sector organisations fall outside of this categorisation.
Because Equity Linked CDs are a bank offering, they fall outside of the normal SEC or FINRA regulatory area and exist in a grey netherworld with little oversight.
They don't have celebrity endorsers, are burdened with tongue-twisting names, fall outside of popular research fads or simply kill so swiftly that there are few survivors left to lobby for research support.
- 来自原声例句
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当当读书客户端万本电子书免费读Displaced families back home as normalcy returns to Afghan Kunduz city - Xinhua |
<meta name="keywords" content="KUNDUZ,militants,city,Taliban,government
Displaced families back home as normalcy returns to Afghan Kunduz city
KUNDUZ, , Oct. 17 (Xinhua) -- After almost two weeks of fierce fighting and evicting Taliban militants from Kunduz city, capital of Kunduz province 250 km north of Kabul, normalcy has returned to the war-ravaged city and the people who escaped the war for safer placed have begun returning home.
"After the fall of Kunduz to the Taliban, I migrated to Mazar-e-Sharif city but returned my home on Friday," Kunduz resident Abdul Rahim told Xinhua on Saturday.
Taliban militants in a bold attack captured Kunduz city on Sept. 29.
Afghan forces backed by the U.S. military launched counter-offensive and recaptured the city after 11 days of bloody fighting which had left hundreds of people mostly militants dead.
"My demand for the government is to chase Taliban rebels elsewhere in and around Kunduz to ensure lasting peace and security in the province," Rahim added.
Following Taliban retreat from Kunduz city, President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani visited Kunduz on Friday and ordered government forces to pursue the militants in Kunduz and northeastern provinces until lasting peace and stability return to the northern region of the country.
Provincial government resumed its routine duties on Saturday. Talking to media, acting governor of Kunduz province Hamdullah Daneshi said that all roads linking Kunduz to neighboring Baghlan and Takhar provinces have been reopened, traffic restored, shops opened and people have resumed their normal life.
"I returned my home today, I am happy of returning normalcy to the city," Nizamudin told Xinhua.
However, Nizamudin urged the government to continue the operation against Taliban militants till their physical elimination, otherwise, the armed insurgents would regroup and cause chaos in Kunduz region again.
Taliban militants, according to locals and officials, had massively abused human rights including extra-judicial killing of civilians and looting during their brief rule over Kunduz city, a claim spurned by the armed outfit as fabricated.
However, government forces, according to security officials, have been chasing militants in Chardara district of Kunduz province to smash their hideouts and clean the way for targeting the armed outfit in their bastion in neighboring Dasht-e-Archi district.
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Displaced families back home as normalcy returns to Afghan Kunduz city
KUNDUZ, , Oct. 17 (Xinhua) -- After almost two weeks of fierce fighting and evicting Taliban militants from Kunduz city, capital of Kunduz province 250 km north of Kabul, normalcy has returned to the war-ravaged city and the people who escaped the war for safer placed have begun returning home.
"After the fall of Kunduz to the Taliban, I migrated to Mazar-e-Sharif city but returned my home on Friday," Kunduz resident Abdul Rahim told Xinhua on Saturday.
Taliban militants in a bold attack captured Kunduz city on Sept. 29.
Afghan forces backed by the U.S. military launched counter-offensive and recaptured the city after 11 days of bloody fighting which had left hundreds of people mostly militants dead.
"My demand for the government is to chase Taliban rebels elsewhere in and around Kunduz to ensure lasting peace and security in the province," Rahim added.
Following Taliban retreat from Kunduz city, President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani visited Kunduz on Friday and ordered government forces to pursue the militants in Kunduz and northeastern provinces until lasting peace and stability return to the northern region of the country.
Provincial government resumed its routine duties on Saturday. Talking to media, acting governor of Kunduz province Hamdullah Daneshi said that all roads linking Kunduz to neighboring Baghlan and Takhar provinces have been reopened, traffic restored, shops opened and people have resumed their normal life.
"I returned my home today, I am happy of returning normalcy to the city," Nizamudin told Xinhua.
However, Nizamudin urged the government to continue the operation against Taliban militants till their physical elimination, otherwise, the armed insurgents would regroup and cause chaos in Kunduz region again.
Taliban militants, according to locals and officials, had massively abused human rights including extra-judicial killing of civilians and looting during their brief rule over Kunduz city, a claim spurned by the armed outfit as fabricated.
However, government forces, according to security officials, have been chasing militants in Chardara district of Kunduz province to smash their hideouts and clean the way for targeting the armed outfit in their bastion in neighboring Dasht-e-Archi district.
[Editor: huaxia]Likewise, preventive measures fall outside the purview of the health sector.
Unfortunately, all the main risk factors that contribute to these diseases fall outside the direct control of health officials.
The meeting also serves as a platform for partnerships and regional agreements on clean energy and climate projects that fall outside of the United Nations structure.
Q: What can we do for patients for whom research results are not relevant because their disease is rare or they fall outside the common age range?
Save heroics for the additional, unexpected tasks that fall outside the regular daily needs of developing a product and satisfying a customer.
The Terma ATIS Plus generates high quality voice broadcasts from METAR data, and generates an error alert if values fall outside user-defined limits or if data do not comply with WMO standards.
If you read over the legal definition of "child pornography, " you can see where this image might fall outside of its lines.
For smaller ones that fall outside the comforting embrace of the state or have less diversified loan portfolios, the outlook is bleaker.
Let your boss know that you're willing to learn new skills or take on projects that might fall outside your normal duties.
There are many tasks that a given role may include that fall outside standard applications giving way to the adhoc applications the business user tend to when there is no formal solution.
一个特定的角色可能有很多标准应用程序不能处理的任务。 在没有正式的解决方案时,业务用户往往采用临时的应用程序。
These students also fall outside government restrictions on numbers, chiefly because they are on bespoke courses reserved for one firm's employees.
But the past two years have been full of events that fall outside the two-thirds band that defines business as usual.
According to this theory, a wide range of sexual fantasies exist that fall outside of a set standard of normalcy.
Measure items that fall outside established business guidelines or key indicators.
Expressions, however, tend to work with simpler types of data that—at least in Java—fall outside of the object hierarchy.
One design consideration unique to TP is the need to handle rows that fall outside the ranges of values defined in the CREATE table statement.
The Fringe, part of the larger London Games Festival, exists to "promote and celebrate the wide variety of gaming experiences which—for whatever reason—currently fall outside the mainstream."
The DOM Level 3 specifications represent significant bodies of new functionality in their own right, and so fall outside the scope of these articles.
Malcolm King says measures to deal with some of these problems might fall outside traditional health interventions.
At present, the cotton price than early fall outside a lot, but still tends to firm, textile enterprise procurement is also mostly inquiry.
At present, the cotton price than early fall outside a lot, but still tends to firm, textile enterprise procurement is also mostly inquiry.
- 来自原声例句


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