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This was my greatest dream. To escape death and to show the necromancing world that I was the one true king. After all, they had thought that I was getting sloppy, but what those idiots didn’t know was that I was preparing my final act. The one true show, the magnificent display of black magic, the revelation of my real prowess.
It was on my death bed that I decided to complete what my colleague Nicholas Flamel had attempted to do. The secret wasn’t in the philosopher’ that was only a temporary fix, the real method was to use the Grayin Incantation. As my breaths alternated between deep and peaceful to fast and harsh, I kept only one thought on my mind. The incantation. I knew that if this was going to work I would need to have it in my thoughts the moment I breathed my last breath. If I lost my focus for even one second, it meant that I would be gone, I couldn’t leave the world in the hands of the bumbling idiots either. They thought that I wouldn’t be able to notice the influx of birds suddenly appearing by my window. It was now my turn to give them a surprise.
I had succeeded. My thoughts had remained on the incantation until the end. Immortality was now mine. The only thing I had to get used to were these puppet strings. The books hadn’t mentioned anything about controlling your body through puppetry. I had always presumed I would be able to control it through my thoughts. Now I had to deal with fucking strings? Eh, I guess it’s not too bad. It’ll take a bit of time, but once I’ve finished that, I’ll be well on my way to making it into Necromancy history.
Before I did any of these things though, I needed to figure out what I would do with the Society when they came for my body. I was sure that they were going to try to remove all traces of my existence as fast as possible. There had been rumors of other necromancers putting spells on themselves to cause
havoc once they passed, after all. Maybe I could use this to my advantage. When they came for me, I would suddenly revive my corpse through the use of the strings, and send it flying at them. The slight moment of their fear would be enough for me to trap them with my spells. My start to fame would be conjoined with setting a reputation in the realm. Jacksfield the Great evaded death.
The owl had left, when my body stopped breathing, to notify the others. That gave me approximately thirty minutes before they arrived. Thirty mi thirty minutes to cement my place in history. I would end those fools and take control of the association for sure this time. They would regret all the times they mocked me.
I could hear their loud and intruding footsteps on my porch. They were here to get rid of me. No respect for their elders, I thought. The new generation needed to be taught some manners.
&This fool’s end has finally come! Who did he think he was? The ruler of the Necromancer World?” one of the burlier body handlers said as he entered the room.
“Yeah. Let’s play with this one for a while, he’s caused a lot of trouble to the plans of the council. He’s always trying to capture the normies to test on them or something like that,” said the scrawny wimp they had sent to register my death.
I let them enter and observe, making sure that the skinny death registrar had finished my report. I needed a clean sheet. After all, I couldn’t let the Society know that I was still alive if I wanted to have freedom in this world.
When the report had been finished, I decided that it was time. With all my might I flung my corpse at the two. The sight of their faces was priceless. The fear that they felt made me feel truly alive again. Their screams became my delight.
The games were fun, but if I was going to escape I needed these two to forget I ever existed, and the ministry needed to believe that too. So, I used my body transformation spell and turned the brawny one into a lookalike of myself and the skinny one into an owl. Now the ministry would think that they had been caught with an after death spell.
Freedom was now mine, and the search for all of the secrets of Necromancy had started.
Thank you so much!!!!!!!
Thanks a lot for the replies guys, I just came across it on my calculator and wondered why they weren't the same. I guess I will have to look into arc tangents, and arc sines, as we haven't learnt about them in school yet.
This seemed to be quite literally the way to solve it, thank you!
Can you list all the steps you would follow?
Getting the answer myself. As the way I did it doesn't make much sense:
I did 200/0.18. then divided that by 60.
Thanks a lot!
Do you know where I could find articles with English translations or would I have to translate them my self?
Though, by increasing reading comprehension do you think it would also increase my speaking and listening ability for French?
Thanks for the help!
And what were your craziest experiences when you were gone?
So do you have any tips for going to live in complete solitude, I talked about the course on botany because, I guess, it would help you learn which plants and other form of sustenance you could acquire in the wild for the purpose of surviving on your own. And what countries did you go to for your journey? Another question where did you usually live while you were in solitude, as I'm talking about forests and caves?
Edit: Also is it possible to get funding for these retreats?
Just wondering where did you go during the time when you were meditating, did you go to any monasteries. If a person where to go live on their own do you think by maybe taking a course on Botany or something similar they would be able to sustain themselves and live in complete solitude?
Can you provide a list of tips to succeed in this journey?
Thanks, so it's all down to the amount of time you spend with books? Also can't you just get a bachelors degree at Imperial College London.
You go to Oxford University, did you study a lot just wondering?
When you go in do you turn the shower to full cold, and do you put on soap and everything when your inside or do you just get right out.
May I ask for tips to get past the first few weeks?
No problem! Have fun!
Happy Birthday!
Hahahah I'm 14 too, we have to get over this addiction no matter how
long it takes! We will get over!
How does falling asleep quickly attribute to SP could you please explain that and what I have to do?
helpapps & tools&3Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our  and . & 2017 reddit inc. All rights reserved.REDDIT and the ALIEN Logo are registered trademarks of reddit inc.新手科普:
1.新手在&一开始我要练谁&的这个问题上,不要盲目追求SR和SSR 。没必要一开始就搞个座敷童子给大佬点火,新手核心式神都没出来,你练一堆辅助,到后来难过的是自己(by 俄罗斯老流氓绘里亲)
2.前期尽快搞到一个输出,重点培养一下,带全队。现在常见的:姑获鸟,妖狐,白狼,红叶,络新妇等等。碎片副本出鬼使黑,海坊主。(by 焱返)
3.等你有了一个强力输出,就需要辅助了,比如大家的爸爸荧草,现在还流行座敷童子,山兔,妖琴师,惠比寿,兵俑,椒图等等,抽到就留着吧,平民又好用。 (by 焱返)
4.请把雪女留着吧。前期你可能觉得她抢火,但来到斗技场上,对面雪女有你哭的。当初我把雪女喂给白狼了,现在战战兢兢的企图养回来(by 霙引 )
5.镰鼬兄弟之绊升到LV3是兔子加强版,没升到就是只咸鼬。椒图涓流升到LV2才能拉出去用。 (by 千鸟破风)
6.有的式神觉醒后解锁的技能用不着升,就可以先升技能再觉醒,避免升到觉醒技(然而我急着用惠比寿还是把他先觉醒了&&吃成了331,冷漠.jpg (by 千鸟破风 )
7.姑获鸟是神一般的SR!一定要搞一只养!技能一,20%自带破防的普攻!技能二,30%使用一次普攻协助队友攻击!技能三,33%*3的AOE伤害+88%终结伤害!(by 警觉的野鹿)
8.一些R卡其实用好了很强,不要随便当狗粮喂了,而且升满技能很容易。【座敷童子】唯一的打火机,蹭大佬队伍带一个大佬会很感谢你的。【椒图】连线平摊伤害,克制单体攻击,对面有群攻的时候慎用。【山兔】拉全队行动条,非常好用。【食发鬼】打退对面行动条。【兵佣】强制对面普攻自己。大家的爹萤草就不说了。(by 纳兰寻佚)
9.一直有萌新问这个式神怎么样balabala 或者sr ssr r哪个最强哪个要觉醒balabala的,我只想说,没人辣鸡的卡只有懒[laji]的人 (by 鸠白JIUJIU )
1.说几个比较好的御魂:针女【暴击式神专用御魂】镜姬【反弹什么的不要太恶心,当然,这个看脸】珍珠树妖【治疗专用,不过貌似这个治疗效果对惠比寿的旗子没啥用&&】雪幽魂【12冰冻效果,可以给雪女】 (by 饭粒桑的仓库_)
2.不要过度沉迷于刷五星御魂,其实3-5御魂,每升一级提升属性百分比都是增加2%,在你没能力刷到六星御魂的之前,有合适的御魂就先带起来吧。(by 肉圆子小丢丢)
3.建议一星二星的御魂拿去升级御灵,3-5属性不好的御魂拿来升级御魂,这样,比较能省点钱&& (by肉圆子小丢丢)
4.御魂每升三级就会增加一次副属性,有可能是在原有副属性上增强,也有可能是新增副属性,御魂一共可以升到15级,有五次增加副属性的机会(by 肉圆子小丢丢)
5.御魂:输出式神二号位刷速度四号攻击六号暴击或者攻击(by GRAVITIC-LOVE)
6.速度御魂很重要,他打你一下。你可以打他两下(by 瑾希)
7.单段攻击就不要装针女了= = 心眼破势网切看情况用 (by 千鸟破风)
8.御魂这个东西,等等级高了再去刷吧,在你拥有两只四星以上的式神是就可以为御魂做准备了,等级低的时候不用太过着急,推荐刷御魂五层六层,这两个效率和爆率都不错 (by 影小辉)
9.三星御魂不强化,最后如果有四星五星的话,在吃三星强化过的御魂会比没强化的经验少 (by 智商高的颖_)
1.千万不要连抽,抽卡看签到凶吉,选个没人抽卡的时候抽,诀窍(by 两仪桐)
2.抽卡不要连续抽,多囤点,看着公告上欧洲人刷SR小喇叭的时候再去试,每次抽隔一会儿。 (by GRAVITIC-LOVE)
3.哦对了语音抽卡,找个没人的地方,喊两个字的,要冲着手机之类的设备的语音输入口,一定是喊 ,声音越大越好,可以小拖长音,叠词特管用,我现在挨个喊舍友外号,出了好几次SR~~~(by 水晴)
4.十连抽是无底洞!无底洞!无底洞!新人一定要注意!我就是十连只出一个sr的典型!千万别十连! (by 白零_qq)
5.非洲人不要以为氪金就会出SSR(????&???) 一定要在建号的时候就用送的卡试试手气 红再玩 不红就删号重来 一个过来人的忠告T▽T(by 月下十六夜)
6.关于抽卡,玄不救非。但是曾经写了两次&死&掉出来两sr_(:з」&)_不信非的可以试试看_(:з」&)_别回头来打我就行...... (by 木羊羊羊羊羊)
7.画符抽好牌的绝密就是一笔画,画复杂。语音大声吼出最中二的语言 (by 悠墨想做小裙裙软妹服汉元素 )
8.画符请用语音高喊日语例如:网易我?你(别问我?是什么) (by Anjou)
1.红豆子建议先喂到十级 (by duckey今天写作业了吗)
2.送的白达摩不要喂!不要喂!留着升5星6星用!平时结界里就放着狗粮吃经验!这样等到25级30级的时候才不会因为狗粮不够拖后腿。。。 (by -番茄战士-)
3.黑达摩留着给SSR用,这游戏急不来的,静下心来玩。 (by 白石溪__)
4.没事的时候可以养养不用的卡当狗粮,还是升星用的,合理使用结界经验和观战区。 (by 焱返)
5.结界里面放狗粮,不然你满级了会因为没有狗粮犯愁的。 (by 警觉的野鹿)
6.和别人组队就不要带狗粮啦!翻车真的超级困扰的!!(by remirror逆镜)
1.别以为金币没用,金币可以强化御魂和商店买御魂,强化御魂会消耗大多数金币请注意(&???`)商店&&别乱买看看自己式神缺哪一号位[1-6]以及什么种类建议不是五星别买(buy 鸠白JIUJIU)
2.每周的两面佛碎片要换,打几场斗鸡就有了,反正不用赢,进去直接退也是有小牌牌的。每周的黑达摩要换!要换!(by 焦糖遥遥酱)
3.逢年过节多看活动页面(by 焱返)
1.首先记住一点,如果打斗技,速度很重要,速度很重要,速度很重要!先手决定一切,控代表对对面套路的破坏,这也是阎魔这个式神为什么pvp很强的原因,全游戏最高的初始速度+两回合的沉默!(by 血月流觞_qq)
2.不要听上面的说得【不要觉醒雪女】,等你在斗鸡被对面雪女冻到天荒地老的时候你就尽情哭吧,没有任何控会比雪女更好了。(by 纽扣扣扣)
3.千万不要觉得草爹无敌而忘记其他奶。斗鸡1200(即5v5)场上,惠比寿才是奶中霸主。插旗真的可以恶心死你(by 纽扣扣扣)
4.一定要养只山兔/座敷童子。我是被斗鸡的山兔折磨疯了才开始后悔没养的&&一定要养一只山兔啊,5v5的场上我已经感觉除了我人人都有高速山兔了&& (by 纽扣扣扣)
5.斗技感觉打不过的时候直接退吧,不要浪费对方和自己的时间。(by 纽扣扣扣)
6.阴阳师请一定要带神乐。神乐请一定带疾风。疾风可以加一点鬼火。(by 纽扣扣扣)
7.斗鸡不过是用来攒两面佛的,不要太过认真啦。角色搭配无绝对,祝大家都打上2000 (by 纽扣扣扣)
8.涅槃之火斗技请慎用,当你血量低于30%的时候,你其实离死也不远了。 (by GRAVITIC-LOVE)
9.斗鸡没有逐一攻破,有钱人养天狗,平民养鸟,这游戏目前是多段群攻的天下 (by 人送外号伏地魔_)
10.打斗技,先把对方的雪女,妖琴师,山兔这样的弄死,不然也有你哭的科科,让你都出不了手啊 (by 霙引)
1.每隔一段时间可以去公会地图领10点体力。公会突破10分钟打一次,突破是赚取体力的好地方,千万不要浪费了。(by 警觉的野鹿)
2.御灵是一定要升级的,目前大部分人的技能等级比较高的是晴明,在pve的话晴明还是不错的,有些剧情关卡特别需要晴明这个式神,pvp的话还是用神乐比较好,疾风这个技能非常棒 (by 饭粒桑的仓库_)
3.千万不要开小号过手瘾 你会后悔的 (by 禾浔南烟)
4.【一个不算秘密的秘密】抽卡的时候点击分享还可再得一张蓝符!!!!!!一周一次!!!!!!!!! (by 小立风)
5.每周分享式神图卷都有抽卡券可以拿 (by 朝泽君)
6.结界防守放五个低级N卡&&只要人人献出一点爱,世界将变成美好的人间 (by 七七七七七琰)
7.开碎片车,怪的等级取决于车主,选个车主等级低的,不然小黑秒你 (by 焱返)
8.加入一个强大的阴阳寮,才有强大的支援,能索要的碎片更好,有的NB阴阳寮经验加成就没停过,,, (by あすかですか?_qq)
9.记得给卡上锁&& (by Mukasu)
10.打小黑本就不要带椒图了!!!!!小黑们是aoe带她有个卵用!!!!!尤其是高速椒图,还抢火!!!!!! (by 千鸟破风)
11.觉醒多打~定时退治,好好玩狩猎,别人送了心请随手回送 (by 睛弥_qq)
12.【萌新注意】如果打本遇到大腿请把你的式神攻击改为普攻!普攻!普攻!不要和大腿抢鬼火!!! (by 瑾希)
13.新手不要太过相信总结出的固定套路,式神用法可以多看看,最后不要抢火&& (by 西刀)
14.关于撒豆子&&要往前撒不用说了,但一定要撒头顶上!!!甚至是头顶上方一毫米处!这里最好中!! (by 水晴)


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