
09-09-09 &匿名提问
百度和谷歌有在线梵文翻译词典 你可以去搜搜 很方便的
我就在西藏额 ``个人不会翻译`  不过我打上字的梵文你那里没字体也显示不出来我可以问别人额  要的话Q我`
唐笔对不起,我明白了. 一米,很高兴听到你说就好了,希望你明年毕业. 当你想访问欧洲,钱并不是问题,唯一的问题是时间和语言. (但我们的工作语言) 我tryed学习中文,但,美国很难,所以,美国仍然非常恶劣. 该公司在中国的业务是非常恶劣的工厂生产,为我们的顿河,笔想要工作,为我们提供更多的. 所以现在生产已转移到印度. 我不能来广州,我在本月,米,因此抱歉. (因为生产已移至) . 但我会国美电器回广州,因为我喜欢有很大差别. (时,我激动,现在笔) 下周一,米前往意大利(米兰) ,为企业及方式回巴黎(法国) . 希望很快看您。 您度过了美好时光在您的家乡?????
Don,t be sorry I understand. 不用说对不起,我明白。I,m very happy to hear that you are ok, and that you graduated next year.很高兴听到你一切都好,你明年就要毕业了。 When you want to visit europe money is no problem, the only problem is time and the language.(but we are working on the language) 你想来欧洲玩儿的话,经济不是问题,唯一的问题是时间和语言。(但我们就是做语言工作的)I tryed to learn chinese but it,s very difficult, so It,s still very very bad. 我试着学汉语,但是太难了,所以汉语仍然很差。The business in china is very bad the factory who produce for us don,t wanna work for us any more. 在中国的生意非常糟糕,为我们提供生产的厂商不愿再与我们合作了。So now the production has been moved to India. 所以现在产品都转向了印度。I can not come to Guangzhou this month I,m so sorry.(Because the production has been moved.) 很抱歉,我这个月不能去广州了。(因为生产转移到了印度)But I will gome back to Guangzhou because I like it very much.(When, I don,t now) 但我仍然会回广州,因为我非常喜欢那儿。(但什么时候回去,我也不知道)Next week I,m going to Italy (milano) for business and on the way back to Paris (france). 下星期,我要去意大利(米兰)谈生意,顺路回趟巴黎(法国)。Hope to see you soon. did you have a good time in your home town????? 希望快点儿见到你。你在你家乡过的好吗?
&&&&On the citation of grammatical terms("语法")and their grammatical
view-points by scholars in Nansong(南宋)Dynasty
--Further discussion about the effect on the development of the ancient Chinese grammar by Sanskrit grammar
&&&&Intelligent Tibetan Input System Incorporates Syllables & Sanskrit & Vocabulary
&&&&Chinese Buddhist Scriptures in DongJin(东晋), NanLiang(南梁 ), Sui and Tang Dynasties (隋唐), introduce sanskrit grammar and have promoted the development of ancient Chinese grammar
&&&&The Study of Sanskrit Manuscripts in German Turfan Finds:A Review
&&&&The Bower Manuscript and Siddhasra: Two Sanskrit Medical Classics in the Ancient Western Regions
&&&&On the citation of grammatical terms("语法")and their grammatical
view-points by scholars in Nansong(南宋)Dynasty
--Further discussion about the effect on the development of the ancient Chinese grammar by Sanskrit grammar
&&&&Intelligent Tibetan Input System Incorporates Syllables & Sanskrit & Vocabulary
&&&&Chinese Buddhist Scriptures in DongJin(东晋), NanLiang(南梁 ), Sui and Tang Dynasties (隋唐), introduce sanskrit grammar and have promoted the development of ancient Chinese grammar
&&&&The Study of Sanskrit Manuscripts in German Turfan Finds:A Review
&&&&The Bower Manuscript and Siddhasra: Two Sanskrit Medical Classics in the Ancient Western Regions
为了更好的帮助您理解掌握查询词或其译词在地道英语中的实际用法,我们为您准备了出自英文原文的大量英语例句,供您参考。&&&&&&&&&&&& Sir William Jones, a British orientist,declared in 1786 that Sanskrit bore to Greek and Latin "a stronger affinity……than could possibly have been produced by accident……have sprung from some common source, which perhaps no longer exists." From then on, comparative philology came into being.English belongs to the west Germanic branch of the Germanic sub-family, which in turn is a member of Indo- European family, the largest one in the world. Therefore, some common-sense knowledge about English's evolution from... Sir William Jones, a British orientist,declared in 1786 that Sanskrit bore to Greek and Latin "a stronger affinity……than could possibly have been produced by accident……have sprung from some common source, which perhaps no longer exists." From then on, comparative philology came into being.English belongs to the west Germanic branch of the Germanic sub-family, which in turn is a member of Indo- European family, the largest one in the world. Therefore, some common-sense knowledge about English's evolution from its various ancestors will lead to a rational comprehension of this particular language. This essay proceeds from a diachronic approach and, with the help of many examples, draws a detailed pedigree of English. For those whose fields of research concern linguistics, Anglo-American language and literature, this essay would serve as a concise guide. As to the average undergraduates of English departments or others who attempt to master English, this paper would broaden their cognitive horizons.十八世纪英国学者Sir William Jones指出:梵文与希腊文和拉丁文“如此相象,绝非偶然”,“它们具有共同的来源,这个来源或许已不存在。”从此以后,一门新的学科——比较语言学诞生了。英语属于日耳曼语支中的西日耳曼语分支,而日耳曼语本身又属于世界上最大的语系——印欧语系。所以,掌握一些英语与其各代语祖之间在进化过程中的一些基本知识,可以使读者对英语有一个理性的认识。本文以丰富的实例,从历时性角度,为读者描绘了一幅详细的英语家谱图。对有志于研究语言学,研究英美语言文学者,本文也许具有提纲契领的指导意义。对大学英语专业的本科学生以及其杷愿意掌握英语者,阅读本文可能会收到扩大视野,升华认识之效。 Sir William Jones, a British orientist, declared in 1786 that Sanskrit bore to Greek and Latin "a stronger affinity……than could possibly have been pro- duced by accident……。have sprung from some common source, which per- haps no longer exists." From then on, comparative philology came into being. English belongs to the west Germanic branch of the Germanic sub-family, which in turn is a member of Indo-European family, the largest one in the world. Therefore, some common-sense knowledge about English's evolu- tion... Sir William Jones, a British orientist, declared in 1786 that Sanskrit bore to Greek and Latin "a stronger affinity……than could possibly have been pro- duced by accident……。have sprung from some common source, which per- haps no longer exists." From then on, comparative philology came into being. English belongs to the west Germanic branch of the Germanic sub-family, which in turn is a member of Indo-European family, the largest one in the world. Therefore, some common-sense knowledge about English's evolu- tion from its various ancestors will lead to a rational comprehension of this particular language. This essay proceeds from a diachronic approach and, with the help of many examples, draws a detailed pedigree of English. For those whose fields of research concern linguistics, Anglo-American language and literature, this essay would serve as a concise guide. As to the aver- age undergraduates of English departments or others who attempt to master English, this paper would broaden their cognitive horizons.十八世纪英国学者Sir William Jones指出:梵文与希腊文和拉丁文“如此相象,绝非偶然”,“它们具有共同的来源,这个来源或许已不存在。”从此以后,一门新的学科——比较语言学诞生了。英语属于日耳曼语支中的西日耳曼语分支,而日耳曼语本身又属于世界上最大的语系——印欧语系。所以,掌握一些英语与其各代语祖之间在进化过程中的一些基本知识,可以使读者对英语有一个理性的认识。本文以丰富的实例,从历时性角度,为读者描绘了一幅详细的英语家谱图。对有志于研究语言学,研究英美语言文学者,本文也许具有提纲契领的指导意义。对大学英语专业的本科学生以及其他愿意掌握英语者,阅读本文可能会收到扩大视野,升华认识之效。 According to the descriptions in“A History of Agriculture in India”by Randhawa,M.S.(1980),it is clear that the history of rice cultivation in India is later than that inChina.Randhawa reviewed the archaeobotanical records of rice in 36 places in India.Among them,the earlist one where rice has been cultivated goes back to 2300 B.C..As forChina there are 40 places of prehistoric archaeobotanical records of rice cultivation,ofthem 2 places can be traced back to 7000 B.P.,3 places to 6000 B.P.,7 places to 5000 B.P.,21... According to the descriptions in“A History of Agriculture in India”by Randhawa,M.S.(1980),it is clear that the history of rice cultivation in India is later than that inChina.Randhawa reviewed the archaeobotanical records of rice in 36 places in India.Among them,the earlist one where rice has been cultivated goes back to 2300 B.C..As forChina there are 40 places of prehistoric archaeobotanical records of rice cultivation,ofthem 2 places can be traced back to 7000 B.P.,3 places to 6000 B.P.,7 places to 5000 B.P.,21 places to 4000 B.P.,and 7 places to 3000 B.P..So it is obivious that the archaeo-botanical records of rice cultivation in China is more ancient than that in India.The mostancient literature of India is the Vedas,which was compiled by Aryans in about 1000 B.C.but rice is not mentioned in the early Vedic literatures.In regard to China the history ofrice cultivation has been 5000 years as mentioned by numerous Chinese ancient literatures.It is meaningful to review the viewpoint of De Candolle(1886)and Vavilov() on the origin of cultivated rice.De Candolle proposed that China was aprobable country where rice was originally cultivated.He said:“When I said the cultiva-tion of rice in India was probablly more recent than in China,I did not mean that theplant was not wild there(India).Rice existed perhaps before all cultivation in SouthernAsia from China to Bengel as shown by the variety of names in the monosyllabic lan-guages of the races between India and China.”On the other hand,Vavilov proposed thatIndia is the native country on the origin of cultivated rice,and China with other Asianrice regions are the sceondary center.His words were based upon the distribution of com-mon wild rice and the abundance of cultivated rice varieties in India.It seems thatVavilov did not know about the geographic destribution of common wild rice in southernChina.Moreoves,rice varieties are much more numerous in China than those in India.Based upon the above-mentioned facts,the auther of this paper concludes that theChinese rice was originally developed in China,and was not introduced from India.根据‘印度农业史’的纪述,印度种稻的历史是晚于中国的。该书引用印度稻谷考古学纪录计36处,其中最早的一处是公元前2300年的。与中国比较,中国史前出土稻谷40处,有2处是距今7000年的,3处距今6000年的,7处距今5000年的,21处距今4000年的,7处距今3000年的。印度最古老的文字记载是梵文经典(Vedas),我国称之为吠陀经。梵文是雅利安人(Aryans)的文字。吠陀经大概是在公元前1000年缩成的。在最古老的吠陀经里并没有提到水稻。与中国比较,中国神农氏教民稼穡,稻为五谷之一,距今约为5000年,是早于印度的。1886年 DeCandolle 说到中国种稻的历史早于印度,他说:“栽培稻可能原出亚洲南部的中国直到盂加拉之间,因为在中国与印度之间,各民族对稻的称呼都是单音节的。”再者,中国有普通野生稻分布。中国栽培稻种的变异非常丰富多采,中国的栽培稻种质资源是多于印度的。由以上各方面所见,中国的栽培稻种不是来自印度。Vavilov 把中国列为栽培稻的次级起源中心,那是不确切的。栽培稻是中国的原产作物。&nbsp&&&&&相关查询
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