
& [会计专业的就业形势]会计专业的就业形势如何
篇一 : 会计专业的就业形势如何社会在发展,对各种各样的人才需求不定,但是现在不管是什么专业,对我们大学生而言,就业压力还是蛮大的,为此我就以会计专业就业形式展开了调查。选择了会计为专业的我,在这次调查中自然比较关注这一环。看似简单的工作,但要把能把自己在学校所学到的知识真正运用出来也挺不容易的。在学校上课时都是老师在教授,学生听讲,理论部分占主体,而我自己对专业知识也能掌握,这样就以为到了企业实践应该能够应付得来,这种想法简直错的彻底,因为在真实的企业里并没想象中如此容易。平时在学校,数字错了改一改即可交上去了,但在工厂里,数字绝对不可以出错,因为质量是企业的第一生命,质量不行,企业的生产就会跟不上,而效率也会随之降低,企业就会在竞争的浪潮中失败,所谓“逆水行舟,不进则退”,企业要时时保持着这种竞争状态,才能在市场中立于不败之地,就因为这样,企业会对每1个在厂的员工严格要求,每1个环节都不能出错,这种要求在学校的课堂上是学不到的,在学校里可能会解一道题,算出1个程式就行了,但这里更需要的是与实际相结合,只有理论,没有实际操作,只是在纸上谈兵,是不可能在这个社会上立足的,所以一定要特别小心谨慎,而且一旦出错并不是像在学校里一样老师打个红叉,然后改过来就行了,在工厂里出错是要负上责任的,这关乎工厂的利益损失。这是财会专业毕业生的就业方向和就业中存在的问题:大体上说,财会类专业毕业生的就业方向是各类企业的财务部门,国家财政、税务部门、会计师、审计师、资产评估事务所等,但政府部门每年对应届毕业生的需求毕竟是有限的,所以,财会专业毕业生的主要就业途径仍然是企业。和理工科或偏理科的专业一样。财会专业的专业性是非常强的,像文秘等纯文科类专业那样被其他专业 “挤兑”的现象,是不太可能发生的。那么,究竟是什么原因使财会毕业生也一样要面临就业难的问题呢?首先,不少企业不愿意接收应届毕业生,这一点在财会类专业的招聘中更为明显,很多单位的招聘底线都是初级会计师。就算用人单位用了你,也需要进1步学习,接受企业观察,并不能一开始就成为一名会计,很多人都是从最初的出纳做起,起点低,工资也低。其次,和其他专业一样,就业难是大学扩招的必然结果。据有关调查显示,像计算机、文秘、财会类等专业都是供需两旺专业,即便如此,在人才市场依然是供远远大于求。所以,除个别专业之外,就业难现在是绝大多数大学生的共同问题,而并非是否某个专业独有。第三,和国外的企业相比较,中国的财务部门在企业中的地位并不是很高。在国外,1个公司的财务总监称为 CFO ,和 CEO 一样在决策中有着举足轻重的地位,而在国内,除了一些大型企业有完备的财务机构以外,一些小规模企业的财务部门只是一2个出纳,会计。一些小公司甚至没有专职的财会人员,出现1种行政人员兼财会人员的现象。这主要是因为很多企业并没有意识到财会部门在公司运作方面的重要性,认为财务人员只是收钱,管钱而已。观念落后也给财务毕业生的就业带来一定影响。由于造成大学生就业难题的原因是多方面的,切实解决大学生就业难题是1个系统工程,需要用人单位、大学生、高校及社会共同努力。但是,归根结底,大学生自身才是主要原因。因此,我认为,我们当代大学生需做好以下工作:第一,努力提升自身的综合素质,包括素质与能力。当代大学生必须有把自己事业与国家进步、社会的发展及人类的文明融为一体的品格,崇尚真善美,坚持真理,有强烈的事业心和责任感,并具有良好的职业道德,树立正确的世界观、人生观、价值观。大学生要争取知识广博,具备合理的知识结构,有一定的科学文化素养,具有创新精神,随机性、灵活性的思维方式,做到因人、因时、因事而异。有良好的心理素质,面临更加激烈社会竞争,能视变化为机遇,视困难为坦途,有顽强的自制力,坚定的信念,及对生活充满期望,充满热情。同时,要有良好身体素质,健康欠佳会减弱人才的决策能力,因为如果要达到目标需要体力与耐力,1个人就可能因体力不支而放弃。除素质外,还需要注重能力的培养,能力是1个人素质的外在表现,是在社会中直接产生作用的那部分内容,当前社会大学生必须尽可能培养自己,处理信息的能力、处理人际关系的能力、系统看待事物的能力、处理好人与资源的能力、运用技术的能力等。第二,加强社会实践。大学生可利用假期积极参加社会实践,将所学的理论知识与实际工作相结合,提高处理实际问题的能力,积累工作经验。第三,正确就业定位。当前大学生求职择业应当面对现实,根据市场实际状况更新观念,转换思路,到最适合自己的岗位上工作,而不应过分关注工资水平及地理位置等,只有这样才能充分发挥自己的聪明才智,最终实现人生价值。第四,借助各种渠道,把握就业机会。当前大学生可利于人才交流会、网络资源等途径,寻找合适就业岗位,主动大胆把自己真实才干推销出去,珍惜和抓住来之不易的就业机会。第五,先就业后择业。面对严峻的就业形势,不得已时,大学生应转变就业观——先就业后择业,求职择业不可再像过去那样追求1步到位,如果斤斤计较眼前的职业岗位是否理想,那就会失去许多起步的机会,可以在先就业过程中积累工作经验,使自我价值得到较大的提升,为以后找到理想的工作奠定基矗尽管,当前就业形势总体并不乐观,但是,我们应当对自己充满信心。毕竟,个体在就业中存在差异,同时,自己努力提高自身综合素质,找份好的工作是完全没问题的。大学生就业一定要认清并接受这个事实,不要再挑肥减瘦,避免陷入高不成低不就的尴尬境地。因为1个正规单位的财会人员是要和单位上上下下各部门都要打交道的,所以,良好的学习能力和适应能力决定了你能否迅速的适应工作岗位。当代大学生是很幸运的,因为他们面临的是百年以来最好的机遇,中国将在他们这一代成为富强的世界大国,因此有更广阔的天地让他们施展抱负。但在历史机遇的同时,当代大学生也面临前所未有的挑战;每个大学生都将面对越来越快的社会发展所带来的竞争压力。竞争,推动了社会的发展,展示了社会的活力;竞争就是优胜劣汰。面对这个竞争激烈的社会,我们只有以不变应万变。机会只会眷顾那些有准备的人,只要我们做好充分的准备,一切困难我们都能迎刃而解。会计专业就业压力大,但我们身上的任务是艰巨的,责任是重大的,我们没有理由不好好学习,尤其是我们的专业知识,没有技术,在这个社会立足是艰难的,我们必须意识到这一点,并时刻提醒自己,激励自己,努力向上,时刻准备着,因为机会总是留给那些有准备的人的。篇二 : 美国MPA专业概况及就业形势MPA(Master of Public Affairs)公共事务。[]顾名思义,指有关社会大众的一切事务。起源于1924年Maxwell school of Syracuse University . 距今已经有80多年的历史。MPA的课程目标是为政府部门及公共机构培养复合型管理人才,为学生提供运用管理学、政治学、经济学等知识分析解决问题的技 能。通常为两年,Maxwell School 则为一年到一年半。最初只是为政府培养人才,如今已经渐渐大众化,也为各大、中型私企培养公关类人才。MPA(Master of Public Affairs)又分为MPA(Master of Public Administration) 公共管理/ MPP (Master of Public Policy)公共政策。顶尖名校的MPA(Master of Public Administration)通常属于Mid-career课程,即为已经有相关工作经验的人士设置,课程更偏重管理,而刚毕业的本科生则更倾向于申请 对工作经验要求不高的MPP,后者更偏重于政策方面的研究,对数学要求会稍高一些。维基百科对其差异的描述如下:MPP programs tend to provide more focused training in policy analysis and policy design, while MPA programs usually still provide more focused coursework in program implementation and public management.二者在课程结构设置上无太大差别,均由三个部分组成:(一) General Required Courses必修课主要是经济、政治、统计分析类的专业基础课程;(二) Elective Courses in an area of concentration学生依据自己的专业细分方向选择诸如环境政策、领导力和决策等课程;(三) Internship本科毕业后直接申请的学生,在两年内必须修满一定比例的实习分。雪城大学(MPA专业全美第一)MPA专业的课程设置:Degree RequirementsAll students enrolled either full- or part-time in the regular program must complete the following requirements:27 hours of common and flexible core courses:? 3 hours Public Financial Management? 3 hours Applied Microeconomics for Policy Analysis? 3 hours Introduction to Quantitative Analysis? 3 hours Advanced Empirical Methods? 3 hours Politics and Process? 3 hours Advanced Management? 3 hours Advanced Policy Economics? 6 hours Policy Research Project21 hours of electives, selected from among the following:? Advanced Topics in Public Policy (multiple sections)? Advanced Topics in Management (multiple sections)? Approved elective courses in other UT Austin departments? Professional Report *Internship requirement:? 0-3 hours InternshipStudents pursuing a general program of study may take the 3-hour Professional Report c students pursuing specializations or dual degrees are required to take the course.众所周知,美国联邦政府是不招收非美国公民的,那众多MPA(Master of Public Affairs)专业的国际留学生毕业后该何去何从呢?以下是近几年MPA中国留学生的就业方向:一:美国地方政府美国各个州的政策和法律有所不同,少部分优秀的国际留学生毕业后能够很顺利地进入地方政府的财政部等工作。二:非盈利组织NPO美国有着各种各样的非盈利组织机构,不同层面的此类机构其主要任务也大不相同。大的NPO一般涉及到环境、能源、区域经济发展、医疗健康等方面;小的如社区类的NGO则更关注细节,如帮助老人、残疾人等公益事业。三:转相关行业由于MPA课程除政治外,还侧重经济、统计等专业,加上中国学生在数学方面得天独厚的优势,要在这两个相关专业找到一份满意的工作,也是比较容易。四:回国当公务员我国于2001年正式在中国北京大学、清华大学等24所大学中首次开设MPA课程,揭开中国MPA教育的序幕。一直以来,中国国家公务员责任重 大,长期以来又缺乏系统专门的管理专业教育。具备国外MPA专业知识技能,又熟悉中国国情的归国人事,怎能不受到相关部门的青睐,成为香饽饽呢?哈佛大学肯尼迪政府学院的MPA/MPP项目介绍哈佛大学是全世界最好的大学之一,它的肯尼迪政府学院也同样闻名于世,能进入哈佛大学学习,是全世界学子的梦想。哈佛大学在20世纪30年代就建立了公共行政学院,下面,我们就来为大家介绍肯尼迪政府学院的MPA及MPP项目。一、概况哈佛大学是美国乃至全世界最好的大学之一,它在20世纪30年代就建立了公共行政学院,下设两个系:政府系和经济系。在公共行政学院刚成立的时 候,全学院只有20多名学生。当时并没有划分专业,两个系的学生同时学习两个系的课程。到了20世纪60年代,公共行政学院改名为肯尼迪政府学院,并进一 步完善了课程设置,开设了政治、经济、历史、统计等专业课程。由于考虑到公务员培训的实际需要,在教学中大量采用了案例教学,并注重培养学员实际解决问题 的能力。经过了几十年的发展,肯尼迪政府学院成为哈佛大学最优秀的学院,其招生的能力已经超过了哈佛大学著名的法学院、商学院和医学院,并且成为美国重 要的公职人员培训基地和政府问题研究机构,为美国培养了一大批优秀的公职领导人员,并承担了大量的政府研究课题,对美国社会发展和政府决策产生了巨大的影 响。肯尼迪政府学院的学员有两种类型,一种是全日制的专业研究生,分为三个方向:一个是公共政策硕士(Master of Public Policy),学制2年;一个是城市和区域规划硕士(Master of City and Region Planning),学制2年;再一个就是公共行政硕士(Master of Public Administration),学制也为2年。另外这三个专业也可以授予博士学位。另一种是在职官员的职业培训,也分为两类:一类是为在职官员授予公共 行政硕士学位的培训。这种培训要求政府官员脱产学习1年,通过各种考试后才能拿到学位;另一类是高级行政官员的短期培训教育,培训时间一般为3个星期到 13个星期。培训的对象主要是政府机关内部的高级公务员,也包括新当选的国会议员和市长。二、课程内容肯尼迪政府学院根据专业的不同和教育对象的不同开设了不同种类的课程,主要有如下几种:1.在职公务员的短期培训课程短期培训课程分为三种类型。一类是为联邦、州、地方政府中高级公务员开设的短期培训课程,培训期限一般为3个星期;一类是为中高级行政官员开设 的培训课程,培训期限一般为8个星期;另一类是为外国政府高级公务员培训而设置的课程。所有这些课程的内容都相似,主要包括政治与管理、政策分析和管理能 力等。2.MPA课程由于MPA为两年制硕士,所以他们所学的课程比较多,分为必修课程和选修课程。第一学年上必修课程,有10门。一年两个学期,每学期5门。秋季 学期上经济学、经验性分析、选举政治、公共行为的责任和政策入门;春季学期学经济学、经验性分析、政策分析、政治与组织分析以及如何管理公共组织。由于肯 尼迪政府学院的学生有较高的分析能力和管理技能,所以在第二学年就要选修8门到10门课程,其中有一门最主要的是在老师的指导下进行公共政策练习,历时7 个月,主要是选择某一个部门的具体政策问题进行分析研究,提出可供选择的方案。3.一年制MPA课程由于这个班的学员主要是一些具有多年工作经验、平均年龄偏大的政府公务员和来自各行各业的人员,他们经验丰富,比较成熟,所以对于他们就不设必 修课程,但是要求每人必须选修8门以上的课程。学员们比较愿意选修的课程有:微观经济学、管理学、统计学、领导艺术、其他管理课程以及某一政策领域的课 程。4.两年制公共政策硕士课程两年制的公共政策硕士课程,每学年250个学时。它的课程与公共行政硕士的课程相似。主要不同是它有5门必修的基础课,为:哲学,特别是政治哲学;历史,主要目的是培养学生从历史的角度进行思考的能力;法律;经济学;社会学。谢谢Egoedu 的资料补充,也欢迎更多的了解MPA/MPP 的朋友提供宝贵的参考意见。举了这么多具体的例子之后,这里再和大家分享下美国公认的MPA和MPP 专业的区别,这样大家就可以比较全面地了解这些项目了。THE MPA/MPP DEGREESAre you looking for a stimulating and challenging career? Do you want to lead, manage or run things? Do you want to work in a nonprofit, at any level of government, in an international organization, or maybe job hop among them and other career sectors like the environment, education, health or homeland security? If so, the MPA/MPP is the essential degree for you! Still not convinced? Keep reading to learn why the MPA/MPP degree is right for your career in professional public service.THE ESSENTIAL DEGREE TO MAKE A DIFFERENCEOver the past 50 years, the Master of Public Administration (MPA) and the Master of Public Policy (MPP) have emerged as vital professional degrees in the public service field. Numerous policymakers, manager and leaders in the United States and internationally have earned these degrees to help launch their successful careers. There are over 260 MPA/MPP schools in the U.S. No matter the specific areas of concern, students can find many choices to consider among these professional degrees. Many schools offer full-time and part-time degree programs, executive MPA programs, online courses where degree requirements may vary depending on professional experience.What is an MPA?The Masters of Public Administration (MPA) degree is the professional degree for people who want a public service career in managing, running, or deciding. These degree programs develop the skills and techniques used by leaders and managers to implement policies, projects, and programs that resolve important societal problems while addressing organizational, human resource, and budgetary challenges. MPA graduates work in a wide variety of public service fields and in all levels of government (federal, state, local, and regional), in nonprofits, organizations, in the international arena, and in the private sector.Coursework for MPA candidates typically includes required core courses and a concentration or specialization. Core courses often include consulting, budgeting and financial processes, information systems, policy and program formulation, implementation and evaluation, decision making and problem solving, political and legal institutions and processes, economic and social institutions and processes, organization and management concepts and behavior, and ethics.MPA candidates who know their specialized interests before beginning their coursework should select a program that offers that specialization or concentration. Specializations and concentrations offered by NASPAA programs include such areas as nonprofit management, health care management, environmental management, criminal justice, and urban affairs, as well as such diverse topics as election administration, aviation security, and philanthropic development.What is an MPP?The Masters of Public Policy (MPP) degree emphasizes analyzing and evaluating information to solve policy problems. As analysts, thinkers, and researchers, MPP graduates work with quantitative and qualitative information and data to develop, assess, and evaluate alternative approaches to current and emerging issues and challenges. Their careers are in variety of public service fields and in all levels of government (federal, state, local, and regional), in nonprofits, in the international arena, and in the private sector.Coursework for MPP candidates typically includes required core courses and a concentration or specialization. Core courses often include statistics and data analysis, public finance, microeconomics and macroeconomics, research design, program evaluation, public policy, organization and management concepts and behavior, and ethics.MPP candidates who know their specialized interests before beginning their coursework should select a program that offers that specialization or concentration. Specializations and concentrations offered by NASPAA programs are in such policy areas as environment, education, health, transportation, economic development, international development, urban affairs, and criminal justice.How does the MPA/MPP compare with other professional graduate degrees (i.e., MBA, JD)?Above all, MPA/MPP program graduates are uniquely prepared for working in the new public sector that spans governments, nonprofit organizations/NGOs, and private companies together developing and implementing public policy. In comparison with other professional graduate degrees such in as business and law, MPA/MPP degree programs are noteworthy for the following features:A broad-based training in subjects such economics, policy analysis, management (including financial management) and professional communicationsA low student/teacher ratio in most classes, allowing for considerable individual cont the flexibility to take courses from other schools and departments, and joint degree programs with other professional schoolsSignificant financial aid available for qualified applicantsOpportunities for substantial internshipsWhat are some career options with the MPA/MPP degree?Prospective students often focus on the types of jobs MPA/MPP graduates hold. Is there a typical career path? No, not really. Graduates of these programs pursue a wide variety of careers. Most people choose this degree because they are committed to public service and enjoy working on issues or problems that affect some sector of the public. MPA/MPP programs exist to provide professional training for government officials (at all levels), the non-profit and private sectors, both in the United States and around the world.Some MPA/MPP graduates move back and forth between the public, private and nonprofit sector, or between an international setting and a domestic one. They can do this because the MPA/MPP degree provides a set of analytical and management skills that are often transferable across sectors and across issue areas. Some of the majors sectors our graduates work in are:· Nonprofit· Government (all levels)· Environment· Healthcare· Education· Homeland Security· InternationalFor more career information, visi
What courses will I take?This is perhaps one of the most exciting parts of getting your degree! You choose the classes that interest you and reflect where you want to be in your career. Today the general differences between the MPA and the MPP are often blended. Over the past twenty years, their respective curricula substantially have converged and now it is important for students to look past the degree titles to understand how each educational program might serve their career goals. In general, an MPA/MPP program will offer all students advanced instruction in public policy analysis, public management, leadership, economics, and quantitative methods, along with courses on specific policy and administration topics. You’ll also be able to study communications, teamwork and leadership.Broadly speaking, classes fall into one of three fields of study:Policy analysis is about gathering and processing information to inform efforts to solve new policy problems. Persons who seek careers in policy analysis enjoy working with quantitative and qualitative information to develop and assess alternatives for solving these problems.Management is about using scarce resources to achieve policy and management objectives. Persons who seek management careers enjoy building the solutions to problems using raw materials such as financial and human resources.Leadership is about taking individual responsibility for the top-level decisions about which policy and management problems an organization should address. Persons who seek leadership careers enjoy being held accountable for decisions in return for the authority to choose problems and select alternative solutions.When you look at any MPA/MPP program, inspect the core curriculum-those courses all students are required to take-to quickly determine the relative emphasis placed on policy analysis, management, and leadership. Each school offers its own set of courses. Look through course offerings to get an idea of what you can study and learn.What are the admissions criteria for an MPA or an MPP program?Our graduate schools each have their own admissions process. But there are similar aspects that can help you in applying. Most schools are looking at applicants ‘not as a number’ but as a person. So, while GPA and test scores do matter, so does a person’s experience, interests and personal story as it connects to public service. It’s also important to show you are not just listing your past accomplishments but also looking ahead to what you want to do in life and how an MPA or MPP degree will help you achieve your professional goals and dreams.Most, but not all, programs require the Graduate Record Examination (GRE); see
schools which require the GRE use it not as a barrier or threshold to acceptance, but as a guide for them to select the best mix of students. It is one of many factors for admissions officers, but it is not the most important item. Check with particular schools for their admissions requirements.I am an international student. What do I need to know about the MPA/MPP degrees?Students from all over the world have come the United States to further their education with an MPA or MPP degree.To learn more about the international arena of the MPA/MPP degrees, please visi
.What do Current MPA/MPP Students Think of the School, Degree & ChoiceThe National Association of Schools of Public Affairs surveyed existing MPA and MPP students to see what was on their mind regarding the education and prospects ahead.Click here to see summary and the survey
.07.asp篇三 : 护理专业的就业形势护理专业现状:护理行业的前景十分广阔,国内对护理专业人才的需求量很大。按照卫生部要求,医院医生和护士的比例是1:2,重要科室医生和护士的比例应是1:4,床位与护士比是1:0.6。而我们目前的医护比为1:0.61,床位与护士的比达不到1:0.4。全国注册护士的缺口近300万。2004年初教育部、卫生部等六部委在北京召开的新闻发布会上宣布:护理等4个专业被列入“国家制造业和现代服务业技能型紧缺人才专业”。根据劳动力市场技能型人才紧缺的状况和相关人才资源需求预测的调查,在4个最为紧缺的专业中,护理专业占重要一席。护理专业国内就业前景:随着社会经济的发展及全面建设小康社会目标的逐步实现,广大人民群众对健康的需求、对卫生服务的需求越来越高。同时科学技术的进步和医疗卫生服务改革的不断深入,对护理人才的数量、质量和结构都提出了更高的要求。《中国护理事业发展规划纲要(年)》提出的目标:“增加临床一线护士总量,实现护士人才资源的合理配置,到2007年,全国的三级医院的编制护士应达到护士的配备标准。到2010年,全国85%的二级医院的编制护士应达到护士的配备标准。”教育部、卫生部等六部委联合召开的“制造业和现代服务业技能型紧缺人才培养培训工程”新闻发布会称,我国护理人力资源短缺明显,远远不能满足人们健康保健的需要,今后将加大护士的培养,预期到2015年,我国的医护比达到1:1。每年需要培养各层次护士15万人。护理人才紧缺,男护士更是供不应求。全国各类医院尤其是综合性大医院都需要男护士。他们认为男护士身体素质好,动手能力强,在急诊科、手术室、ICU病房等岗位能够更好的发挥作用,服务患者。国内涉外医院的护士待遇和收入:来自卫生部的资料表明,随着越来越多的国外跨国企业来华投资,大量外籍人士对国际化医疗服务的需求吸引了越来越多的外资投资医疗事业。在北京、上海、广州很多医院院长表示,目前最紧缺的护士是可以提供高级护理的涉外护理人才。涉外护士国内收入每月5,000-7,000元人民币,涉外护士长每月10,000-15,000元人民币。护理专业国际就业形势:随着国际医疗市场对护理人员的需求激增,“护士荒”现象已日益突出地摆在各国医学界面前。未来10年,美国、英国、加拿大、新西兰、新加坡、日本及全球其他国家将急需200万护理人才。国际人力资源公司已经把目光瞄准中国。世界性的护理人才资源的短缺,给我国护理人员创造了更多迈出国门、迈向国际市场就业的机会。护士持续短缺的现象,使得美国政府也不得不提供优惠条件以吸引外籍护士,其中包括绿卡的取得让世界各地的护士有机会全家移民美国及高薪就业。美国移民局公布的第343条款,将考过cgnfs或nclex(RN)的护理人员列入获得绿卡的第一优先,最快半年即能取得绿卡赴美工作。美国前总统布什都还在2002年8月签订了《护理人员再投资条款》,美国卫生及人力服务部门因此宣布提供3000万美元经费之外,各州政府也踊跃拨款,再加上各地医院配套经费参与,可提供奖助学金或补贴高达80%的学费,鼓励现职RN(注册护士)再进修或就读护理研究所。而取得硕士学位后能够让您成为高阶的职业护理师,例如护理诊断师,临床专科[)护理师,护理助产士,麻醉护理师,年薪更可高达8万-10万美元。
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