
大学生毕业求职开销大 人均花费2000直言难负担
据了解,在就业压力不断增加的形势下,大学生的求职开销也随之增加,记者采访了山西大学、山西财经大学等高校的毕业生后获悉,2月份,他们平均每人支出求职费用2000元左右,对于这笔巨大的开销,很多学生表示难以负担。  马慧婷说,正月十五一过,她就开始准备找工作,做了60份简历,花去1800元(通过网络制作,每份30元,含电子光碟版);买面试时穿的职业装900元;参加了25家单位的面试,化妆费花去1250元(播音主持人化妆每次50元);一个多月的电话费开支260元。年后一个月的时间里,马慧婷花在找工作上面的钱有4000多元,这笔巨额的开销让刚刚毕业、并没有积蓄的马慧婷有些吃不消,更让她难受的是,4000多元花出去了,她的工作仍然没有着落。  比起本地毕业生,那些异地来省城求职的大学生所面临的压力更加沉重。来自平遥的马华仙今年从山西医科大学毕业,想留在省城发展。2月初,她就来到太原,开始了自己的应聘之路。马华仙介绍,此次来太原找工作,她带了3000元,租房屋花去600元、制作简历花去800元、买服装花了600元、每天吃饭开销15元(一个月450元)、交通费一个月花费了500元,再加上通讯费、购买生活用品等其他开支,到目前,她的总开支已超出了3000元。让马华仙欣慰的是,前不久太原市一家私人医院表示愿意聘用她,虽然试用期的月工资只有600元,但她还是很高兴。  记者走访山西大学、山西财经大学、太原理工大等高校的应届毕业生后发现,面对目前严峻的就业形势,求职大学生纷纷选择增大求职投入、更好地包装自己等方式来争取机会。据了解,仅今年2月份,大学生们用于求职的开销平均在2000元左右,主要集中在简历制作、房屋租赁、服装、交通、通讯等支出中。对于这笔巨额开销,多数大学生表示不堪重负,而且对经“豪华”包装后能否找到工作也无把握。  山西大学就业指导中心的张老师称,面对紧张的就业形势,没有社会经验的大学生感到十分茫然,便不约而同地选择加大投入来推销自己。张老师提醒,毕业生们在求职时一定要注意,漂亮、得体的服装、化妆、简历确实对求职者自身的形象有一定帮助,但这些外包装都是次要的,大多数用人单位更看重的是实力,大学生应努力提高自身的综合能力,通过不断的学习来提升自己。(来源:山西商报管雅丽)
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篇一:各专业法语动机_求职信十封 各专业法语动机 求职信十封
动机信和CV是申请过程中两个重要环节。本文从学校申请到实习找了十余篇动机信样本。 不管是在申请学校,或找实习,找工作的过程中,Lettre de motivation和CV始终是申请过程中的重中之重。 [1] 注意事项 [2] formation courte de type BTS/DUT [3] formation de type 3e cycle [4] Un stage court [5] Un stage longue durée [6] Un stage de spécialisation [7] 选择CNOUS或者CROUS提供的JOB ETUDIANT [8] 暑期的工作 [9] 在法国找工作 [10] 用Email写求职信
或许这些样例并没有涉及到你所学的专业,但是或许能够在法语语法,格式,句型方面能够对你有所帮助。 写Lettre de motivation时需要注意以下几点 1,在选择人称代词的时候应选择‘vous' 2,尽量不要使用否定的语气,不要拐弯抹角,从开头到结尾应该一直围绕着LM的目标阐述 3,千万不要对你的知识水平夸大其词,讲究实事求是 4,在你寄出这封信前应该想好你的信会被谁来阅读。比如是le DRH? le patron? le chef de service?因为这关系到你写信时候语句应该如何适当表达的问题 1.首先是formation courte de type BTS/DUT的Lettre de motivation Adèle D. 12, rue Flatters 93100 Montreuil-sous-Bois Tél. IUT de Nanterre 200, avenue de la République 92000 Nanterre Ville, date à l'attention de Monsieur le directeur, De nature sportive et dynamique, je viens poser ma candidature au DUT techniques de commercialisation qui para?t correspondre à ma personnalité et à mon attente d'une formation proche de l'entreprise. En effet, ayant l'esprit ouvert, je participe à de nombreuses activités. J'aime communiquer, échanger des idées, parler et écouter. L'idée d'avoir des responsabilités ne me fait pas peur, pas plus que celle de devoir m'exprimer devant un public. Je possède ainsi le BAFA qui me permet d'animer des centres de vacances, de m'y investir totalement, d'y organiser des activités variées. J'attends du DUT techniques de commercialisation une formation générale de commerce qui, grace à sa pluridisciplinarité et à ses nombreux stages, me permettra de go?ter rapidement au monde de l'entreprise que je ne connais pas. Avoir la possibilité d'intégrer le monde du travail dans divers secteurs d'activité ou de poursuivre des études (écoles de commerce) ou de me spécialiser représente pour moi un atout intéressant. Le DUT techniques de commercialisation me permettra d'exercer une activité professionnelle à responsabilités et répondra ainsi totalement à mes go?ts et projets. Dans l'attente d'une réponse qui je l'espère me sera favorable, veuillez agréer, Monsieur, l'expression de mes salutations distinguées.
2.下面介绍的是 formation de type 3e cycle Romain D. 20, rue Campo-Formio 75001 Paris Tél. Ville, date à l'attention de Monsieur Pascal M., responsable du DEA finance et banque Objet : demande d'inscription Monsieur, Je sollicite votre attention pour une candidature au DEA finance et banque, dont vous avez la responsabilité. J'envisage en effet de compléter mon cursus universitaire par un dipl?me qui m'ouvre ultérieurement les portes de la recherche. De plus, le programme que vous proposez répond à mes yeux à ce qu'un étudiant en finance doit attendre comme octroi de compétences. Je souhaite d'autant plus participer aux enseignements dispensés dans votre DEA que mon stage effectué pendant cinq mois dans une banque (contr?le des risques) m'a permis de constater que les mathématiques commandaient aujourd'hui la majorité des processus financiers, en même temps qu'il a renforcé mon intérêt pour la finance. Aussi comprendrez-vous que le DEA finance et banque s'inscrit dans la logique de ma formation, en même temps que dans la perspective de mes ambitions professionnelles (département recherche au sein d'une institution financière). En espérant que vous apprécierez les différents éléments de ma candidature, je vous prie d'agréer, Monsieur, l'expression de mes salutations distinguées.
以前好象有人问过找实习的Lettre de motivation该怎么写,这里我列出三类Lettre de motivation。
3, Un stage court Myriam RAI 6 Grand-Rue 92100 GENNEVILLIERS Ville, date à l'attention de Christine Vienne Madame,
Je vous adresse ma candidature car je souhaite effectuer un stage dans votre journal du 1er ao?t au 25 ao?t 2005. Je suis depuis le 1er mars dernier, en formation de journaliste au Centre de formation des journalistes. Dans ce cadre, je dois effectuer en fin de parcours, un stage pratique de cinq semaines en entreprise. Je dispose donc d'une convention de formation. Votre titre a attiré mon attention car les sujets qui y sont traités me plaisent, notamment tout ce qui concerne les sciences humaines. De plus, je souhaiterais travailler dans la presse magazine grand public. Je me permettrai de vous recontacter afin que l'on se fixe un rendez-vous si ma candidature vous intéresse. Dans l'attente, je vous prie d'agréer, Madame, l'expression de mes sentiments les meilleurs.
4,Un stage longue durée Jo?lle Durant 35, route de Paris 91460 Marcoussis Objet : demande de stage Ville, date Madame, Votre entreprise travaillant dans divers secteurs de la recherche et en particulier sur des techniques de télécommunications, je suis vivement attirée par un stage dans votre entreprise. Je suis actuellement en seconde année d'école d'ingénieur à l'Institut national des télécommunications où je vais me spécialiser dans les systèmes et techniques micro-ondes et optiques. Ainsi, je recherche un stage de 5 mois de septembre 2002 à janvier 2003 dans ce domaine afin de développer et mettre en pratique mes diverses connaissances techniques et théoriques. De plus, ayant une expérience de trois mois dans une unité de recherche ainsi qu'une formation initiale en physique fondamentale, je suis particulièrement motivée pour poursuivre dans une activité orientée recherche (et développement). Dans l'attente d'un prochain contact, je vous prie d'agréer, Madame, l'expression de mes sincères salutations. Signature篇二:推荐信动机信模板 什么是推荐信? 推荐信,是推荐人(通常担任一定领导职务)就被推荐人(此处为项目申请人)的学习喜欢,工作技能,和主要成绩等给予评价,并以推荐人名义提交的信函。绝大多数学校要求每位申请人提供3至4封来自不同推荐人的推荐信。
October 14, 2009
Name of the department Name of the institution Address of the department Email of the department To whom it may concern 老师介绍自己的资历:On behalf of (University name) I am pleased to recommend (applicant’s name) as a student in your graduate school of accounting. I have served as the dean at (University name) for more than 15 years. During that time I have taught many accounting classes including Financial Accounting, Managerial Accounting, and Corporate Finance. I have had the pleasure of teaching and counseling many young students including (applicant’s name) and I am confident that her work ethic and knowledge of accounting will be more than sufficient to succeed at your prestigious university. 介绍所推荐学生的一个较详细的优秀事例:(applicant’s name) was a student in my Financial Accounting class in her sophomore year. This is the first accounting class where students are required to use an English textbook and answer all questions in English. I noted within only a few weeks of the class that she had a hunger for knowledge that far exceeded her peers. She routinely sent me emails and met with me personally going over her formulas to make sure they were correct. I also noticed that she was very skilled at using Excel and seemed to get real enjoyment out of solving problems by using spreadsheets and formulas. Needless to say she received an A in my class. 简要介绍所推荐学生的其他优秀品质和能力:Not only was (applicant’s name) a great accounting student, she was a great overall student. She particularly showed an excellent aptitude for math by maintaining a 90 plus average in all of her calculus and statistics studies.She was awarded a level 3 scholarship as an outstanding accounting student in each of her last 3 years at our University and her major GPA of 3.6 ranked her in the top 15% of her class. 简要介绍所推荐学生获得的主要荣誉:Another thing that impressed me about (applicant’s name) is the practical experience she gained during her time here. In addition to her schoolwork, she managed to complete two internships. The first one was at (Accounting firm) in the audit department and the second was at an international trading company. It is my understanding that she did extremely well in both positions. 推荐结论:I believe that (applicant’s name) will make an excellent candidate for your accounting department. She has a genuine curiosity about her that will serve both her and your university well. I am proud to recommend her and truly believe that her future is very bright. Should you need any additional information, please contact me. Sincerely yours, Name of the professor Title of the professor Email of the professor
什么是动机信: 动机信就是“个人陈述或目的陈述”,是关于申请人个人背景,出国目的,以及职业规划的简要描述。目前,欧美绝大多数大学,研究生院均要求入学申请人提交个人陈述、目的陈述、或类似申请资料。其中,个人陈述应更多侧重于申请人的个人经历,而目的陈述则应更多侧重于申请人的求学计划。 为什么个人陈述/目的陈述如此重要? 如谚语所述,“你没有第二次机会去打造第一印象。” 个人陈述/目的陈述是审核官对申请人获取感性认识的第一途径,也是申请人从数千万成绩优异,经验丰富的竞争者中脱颖而出的重要手段。申请人的成长背景,性格特点,爱好专长,求学目标等均将受到申请审核官的特别关注,进而对申请结果产生重大影响。 可以说,一篇出众的个人陈述/目的陈述是录取成功的必备要素,而个性鲜明则是一篇优秀个人陈述/目的陈述的第一要诀。
以下是一份动机信的模板: 1、介绍自己:生活自理能力、学习适应能力,语言能力,并表明自己具有较成熟的心智;2、职业规划 3、介绍父母和家庭条件:家庭经济条件能够支付留学费用;父母都是大学毕业生,重视子女的教育,支持子女的留学计划 4、国外优秀的教育资源,可以让自己学到更多的知识和技能
Personal Statement In 2009, when everyone in China was saving money for real estate investments, I was putting money away so that I could come to the United States and study. This was not a popular decision among my family and friends. Why would I give up a great job and life to trav(来自: 书业网:求职动机信)el half way across the earth and become a poor college student again? I don’t know how many times I tried to explain to them that I thought it would be a good investment and that in the end it would benefit my life and my career tremendously. The second reason (and maybe the most important) is that I truly enjoy learning and it makes me feel I am growing as a person and gives me a great sense of self-satisfaction. My grandfather was a respected professor at a prestigious university prior to the Cultural Revolution and both my parents are senior engineers who graduated from the best university in China. Though we were never rich by any means, my parents always made it a priority to take me to museums, bookstores, and famous colleges in their spare time. I loved reading stories about famous scientists, especially those who persisted in their theories no matter how difficult the situation. The atmosphere in my house was one that allowed me to cultivate my mind and find my passion. My decision to major in accounting came from my three-year term as the treasurer of my high school class. There I was responsible for recording, archiving receipts, making the annual budget, and collecting and refunding money for programs. This job transformed me into a patient and organized person who wanted to learn more about financial management. In 2001, I eolled as an accounting student at the (college name). (college name) is one of the most competitive universities in China and my time there taught me a lot about the spirit of hard work. Each of my last three years at the university I was awarded a level 3 scholarship as an outstanding student. Upon graduation my major GPA was a 3.6 which ranked me among the top 15 percent of my class. To prove my accounting sense and financial management capability I postponed my graduate education and accepted a position as an auditor at (accounting firm name) Beijing Branch. During my 4-year employment there I had the opportunity to experience the full range of planning, auditing, and reporting. Among my duties there were: (1) the designing of suitable audit methods for clients, (2) using procedures to exam and analyze accounts, (3) evaluating the fairness of financial statements and reports, (4) and providing recommendations regarding improving operations and financial positions of clients. My largest client when I was with (accounting firm name) was (company name). I worked as an auditor of their IPO program and on the first annual audit after that. One of the things I ammost proud of is the Revenue and Cost recognition model I created while I was there. It was based on the percentage-of-completion method and could check for inconsistencies within the data, calculate the revenue of projects, and exam clients’ combination results when there are inter-subcontracts. This model was adopted as the major tool for the entire team of auditors (approximately 100) and to my knowledge is still used in (company name’s) audit team today.
My work there not only confirmed my competence in the accounting field, but also trained me into a diligent and persevering professional.
More than 50% of my clients were new clients, meaning we had no records in our database to refer to. The challenge of starting from the very beginning is stressful and exciting at the same time. I found myself extremely motivated when I had the authority to design procedures and make decisions. The feeling of success and confidence I gained from serving new clients is the main reason why I stayed with the (company name) team for 20 months. My work there gave me a great sense of self-satisfaction and was recognized by my peers and supervisors. I was rewarded for my hard work by being one of the top paid employees at my level during my last three years of employment. When working as an auditor, the thing that interested me most is the conversion between different GAAPs. My experience of serving publicly listed companies in China, Hong Kong, and the US made me realize there are many theoretical differences between PRC GAAP, IFRS, and US GAAP. The accounting principles adopted by different countries not only show their stages of development, but also express their culture and social preferences. So is it really possible that we eliminate the GAAP difference by implementing IFRS? I am not sure what the right answer is but it is my opinion that the current IFRS employed in Hong Kong is vague and can be the source of many discussable issues. US GAAP, on the other hand, provides a much more advanced and structured approach to accounting.
Maybe the US will adopt the IFRS eventually, but I believe that the US GAAP will still provide helpful guidance in the future. Learning more about the US GAAP is one of the main reasons I want to pursue an Education in the United States and I hope to obtain the AICPA license prior to my graduation. I chose the accounting program at the (college name) not only because of its great reputation, but also because of the financial services option that I am especially interested in. Though my auditing experience proved my accounting skills, I also want to learn more about financial tools, such as bonds, forward contracts, and arbitrage. New businesses are relying more and more on the capital markets and having a solid knowledge of financing is a necessary commodity in the accounting field. With (college name’s) financial services option I would be able to take more than 20 credit hours of finance classes, which will help me become much more proficient in the area of financial analysis. After graduate school, I plan to go back to China and consider a career in a new developing industry. The ability to see my accounting and financial management knowledge evolve into a hopeful, healthy, developing business is my motivation for this choice. Although many of my family and friends may not think that coming to the US to study is the best decision, I believe it will broaden my knowledge of accounting to an extent that I couldnever find in my home country. Also it will allow me to follow my own passion and learn from another culture which will be an invaluable asset for the rest of my life.
applicant’s name篇三:自我介绍与求职动机 1、假如我们对你在面试中的表现不是很满意。再给你一次机会,请你说服各位考官改变对你的印象。
答:这次我报考的是卫生局科员,之所以报考这个职位我是基于以下几个方面的考虑:一、公务员一直都是我向往的职业,这是由公务员的重要性决定的,因为公务员是国家机器的一个齿轮,是国家大厦的基石,是国家意志的具体执行者。二、我认为我初步具备了成为一名合格的公务员应具备的素质。我具有较强的为人处事的能力,遇事比较冷静、处理事情层次分明,干脆利落,做事认真、稳重、耐心细致。而且我出生于教师之家,从小就喜欢看书,比较关心政治,知识面比较广,学习能力比较强。由于爱好读书,语言和文字表达能力还不错。总的来说,我觉得自己分析和解决问题的能力较强,口头语言和文字表达能力还不错。 3、你为什么要报考公务员?(经典答案一) 答:1、人和工作的关系是建立在自我认知的基础上的。通过几年的工作我发现我的性格特点:(省略,自己发挥)。我的自我认知让我觉得我做公务员是一个正确的选择。2、我是一个进取心或者工作成就心很强的人,我不喜欢闲着。公务员活动比较多而且能遇到不同的新问题,我觉得很有挑战性,我喜欢挑战。 3、我从小受到的教育是很传统的,喜欢助人为乐,很佩服古人的高风亮节。公务员有广泛的社会功能,这个职位能让我实现我的社会理想,因此对这项工作有着浓厚的兴趣和热情。也正是因为这个原因我宁愿放弃现在单位的高收入来报考公务员。4.总之,人们都在追求美好的东西,都有自己的职业目标,我的职业目标可以通过公务员来实现。
4、自我介绍(报考地税,面向基层) 答:我是这次面试的XX号考生。1994年毕业于湖南财经高等专科学校,现获会计师职称,爱好书法与写作。先后在建行营业部、信贷部做过财务会计、信贷等工作。担任过网点主办会计、客户经理及团支部宣传委员,从2001年到2004年连续被评为先进工作者和优秀行员。工作上具有高度的责任感,对所经手的每一笔贷款都能坚持按月定期或不定期地进行跟踪调查,不流于形式,确保按时收回贷款(部分信贷员走过场);勤于钻研,勇于开拓创新,在单位资金管理中率先推出一些好举措收效明显,资金效益大大提高;作为一名客户经理,具备较强的与客户沟通的能力和应付各种复杂局面的能力;多年的基层工作,使我具备坚忍不拔的意志和吃苦耐劳的精神;爱好读书,具有较强的学习能力。工作之余我还参加全国高等教育自学考试,在2000年取得广西大学法律本科文凭,2002年又取得全国企业法律顾问执业资格。在同年又通过全国会计师资格考试,其中会计实物成绩名列防港市第一名。多年的银行工作经历和扎实财务会计专业知识以及对税收法律知识的掌握,使我能较好地适应公务员的工作,而且在开展金融、企事业单位税收方面有明显优势 这次报考公务员,作为银行的一名正式员工和业务骨干,我是经过深思熟虑才作出这个选择的。主要考虑到:一是目前的工作不能使我的专长得到有效发挥;二是我喜欢从事挑战性的工作,而税务工作因面广事多而极具挑战性,可以充分挥发挥自己的聪明才智,更好地为人民服务。记得有人说过,如果有人能把自己的兴爱好与事业很好地结合起来,便可以做到最好,我想我可以。
5、请作下自我介绍。【测评要素】求职动机与拟任职位匹配性 【答题要点】 (1)我们对公务员有以下要求:谦虚谨慎、沉着冷静、胆大心细、敢于承担责任、团结而顾全大局、服从上级。考生在做自我陈述的时候要尽量把这些要求融合在答题中。 (2)要向考官展现自己在性格上积极、乐观、原则性强;有较强的组织能力、沟通能力和应急能力。 (3)尽量不要谈跳槽,不要谈以前自己怀才不遇,不要谈自己过去领导和同事的不足或缺点,不要谈过去的工作薪水不高。 如: 我今年22岁,大学本科学历。我性格开朗,喜欢从事有挑战性的的工作。我的座右铭是:年龄是生命的长度,学识是生命的密度,意志是生命的强度,超越是生命的高度。大学期间,我通过了会计从业资格考试、助理会计师考试、计算机等级考试等一些专业资格考试。 大学二年级我光荣地加入了中国共产党,并成为一名学生干部。在校期间,作为学生干部,我参与组织策划了很多活动,比如组织并策划首届“校大学生艺术节”和相声小品大赛,第三、四届“学院大学生拔河比赛”,第九届“校大比赛”等等。特别是在组织策划我校大学生艺术的一个月时间里,在老师的指导下,我与其他同学一起,通过各种方式为同学们献上了各种丰富多彩的活动。一个月时间,一系列的组织工作虽然很累,但让我积累了宝贵的社会工作经验,使我学会了如何沟通协调,如何加强团队精神,如何面对困难积极应对,让我受益匪浅。 在积极参加活动的同时,我也没有丢到自己的学业,先后四次获学校奖学金,两次被评为优秀三好学生和优秀学生干部。大学四年的宝贵经历是我终身的财富,相信这些经历对我将要从事的公务员工作会有极大的帮助。
6、谈谈你的报考动机。 【测评要素】求职动机与拟任职位匹配性 【答题要点】 公务员之所以成为我的职业理想,是因为众多的人民公仆给了我太多的感动。其中,被人事部追授为“人民满意公务员”的张普善,20几年来,他爱岗敬业,不计名利,默默奉献,在那场突如其来的防非战役中,张普善同志勇敢地站在了斗争的最前沿,将个人安危置之度外,连续30多天带病坚持工作,最后,昏倒在办公桌上,因劳累过度心脏病突发停止了呼吸??还有,被我们称为“平民书记”的郑培民,一生奉着“做官先做人,办事民为先”的宗旨,一身正气,两袖清风,一心为民,最后因急性心肌梗塞,倒在了自己一生热爱的工作岗位上??他们都用自己宝贵的生命,谱写着当好人民公仆的动人篇章。他们深深地触动了我,感染了我,让我喜欢上了这一职业,也让我树立了成为一名像他们一样的人民公仆的职业理想。 公务员是代表国家从事社会公共事务管理的,在整个社会中的作用是很重要的。有人曾这样说过:在社会中,老百姓像坐车的,公务员像司机,既要懂技术开好车,让老百姓坐好,还要认得清路,把老百姓带好。我认为这很有道理。 要想成为一名优秀的公务员,成为人民公仆,就必须有扎实的基本功。在校期间,我努力学习专业知识,奠定了扎实的理论基础。我希望能在这个岗位上,充分发挥自己的专业特长,用自己的专业知识为人民群众服好务,像焦裕禄、孔繁森、郑培民一样,立足本职工作,尽职尽责,真心实意为人民谋利益。 如果我有幸能成为一名公务员,我会努力学习,踏实工作,在本职岗位上求真务实、开拓创新,顾全大局、团结协作,成为一名优秀的公务员。


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