
要怎么用和老板表达涨工资??用英文。。婉转一点的???【英语吧】_百度贴吧 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&签到排名:今日本吧第个签到,本吧因你更精彩,明天继续来努力! 本吧签到人数:0成为超级会员,使用一键签到本月漏签0次!成为超级会员,赠送8张补签卡连续签到:天&&累计签到:天超级会员单次开通12个月以上,赠送连续签到卡3张 关注:1,178,494贴子: 要怎么用和老板表达涨工资??用英文。。婉转一点的???收藏 一对一英语培训,学大16年品牌一对一英语培训1对1辅导,一对一英语培训专职教师补习,报名送超值好礼!一对一英语培训独创PPTS高效辅导体系,帮助孩子精准提升! give more pay or I wil send you pick soaps My current pay level deters my ability to work efficiently. Would you do something to raise the efficiency? can you please give me some money 专家指点,自己慢慢看吧(注意粗体字)。***********************************************Do you think you deserve more for what you do at work?Here's how to ask for a salary increase.It happens occasionally. The boss notices what a great job you're doing and he/she spontaneously offers you a raise. Yes, it does happen. But in most of our worlds, if you want a raise, you need to ask for it. If you want to ask for a raise but aren't sure how, here are some dos, don'ts, and Power Phrases.1. Recognize that it's both your right and responsibility to ask for the money you think you deserveDON'T: Be intimidated or apologetic.Why not?: You are responsible for looking out for your own needs. It's unrealistic and even codependent to expect someone else to do it for you.DO: Be your own best advocate.POWER PHRASE / What to say: "I'd like to set a time to discuss my compensation. What works for you?"POISON PHRASE/ What not to say: "I hate to bother you with this, but..."2. Think long-termDON'T: Leave your raise to chance.Why not?: Planning increases the likelihood of success. If you express your desire to advance early, your boss can partner with you to do the things that will qualify you when the time comes.DO: Lay the groundwork for the next raise long in advance.POWER PHRASE / What to say: "I'd like to discuss the expectations I have for my salary targets this year to make sure we're on the same page and to determine that my performance is in alignment with those targets."POISON PHRASE/ What not to say: "You should have told me what I needed to do to prepare for the raise."3. Arrange a meeting specifically for discussing salaryDON'T: Bring it up casually.Why not?: Your boss may not be in a good frame of mind to discuss the issue.DO: Ask for a separate meeting.POWER PHRASE / What to say: "I'd like to meet with you in the next week to discuss my salary. What works for you?"POISON PHRASE/ What not to say: "Hey boss, how about that raise?"4. Go in with documentation, not just to convince your boss, but to enable your boss to sell the idea to his or her bossDON'T: Think that your boss is the only person you need to convince.Why not?: Often bosses need to be able to justify their decisions up the ladder, especially when the decision goes beyond normal procedures.DO: Have written documentation your boss can use to convince others.POWER PHRASE / What to say: "I've got records of my contributions and projected value for your consideration. Would you like extra copies?"POISON PHRASE/ What not to say: "I believe I contributed X amount."5. Discuss your desire for a raise in terms of the value of your contributionsDON'T: Focus on your own needs.Why not?: You are paid for performance, not needs.DO: Come prepared with research, performance documentation, and projections of what you have done and what you can and will do to save time, make money, and make the boss look good.POWER PHRASE / What to say: "In the past six months I've saved the company X$'s by..." "In the past six months I've made the company money by..." "I am in an excellent position to earn the company money by..." "Company policy indicates that I should receive a raise of..."POISON PHRASE/ What not to say: "I need a raise because I have five kids in college."6. Ask for what you want - not just what you think you can getDON'T: Limit yourself by not asking for what you really want.Why not?: It's easier to lower your request than to raise it.DO: Ask for what you believe you deserve or a little bit more, while avoiding making a frivolous request.POWER PHRASE / What to say: "My research leads me to believe that based on my contribution to the company, I should be making $X."POISON PHRASE/ What not to say: "I deserve $X but I don't expect to get it, but could you get me $Y?"7. Consider alternatives to salary increasesDON'T: Restrict yourself to money only.Why not?: There might be something your boss can offer that has as much or more value, such as time, services, or a new title.DO: Go in prepared with acceptable alternatives.POWER PHRASE / What to say: "I understand the freeze on salary increases, and I'd like to consider alternatives to a salary increase."POISON PHRASE/ What not to say: "If there's a freeze on salaries, I might as well give up."8. Let your boss know if having your request denied might be deal-breakerDON'T: Plan to leave without letting the boss know you're considering it.Why not?: The possibility of your leaving can be a strong negotiating tool.DO: Let the boss know when an offer is unacceptable.POWERPHRASE / What to say: "If that's the best we can do, out of fairness to you, I need to let you know that I have another offer / I will be considering employment elsewhere."POISON PHRASE/ What not to say: ...Don't keep silent while secretly plotting.9. Summarize and confirm the decisionDON'T: Assume understanding.Why not?: It's easy to misunderstand each other.DO: Confirm the amount, the date of effect and any future implications.POWER PHRASE / What to say: "Let me make sure my understanding is correct. My understanding is that we're agreeing to X effective on (date.) Is that correct?"POISON PHRASE/ What not to say: "Great! Bye!"10. Thank your boss appropriatelyDON'T: Act unappreciative or so overly appreciative you indicate the boss is doing you a favor.Why not?: It's your right to have your salary reviewed, but your boss is certainly busy and should be appropriately acknowledged for taking the time with you.DO: Show calm appreciation whether you like the outcome or not.POWER PHRASE / What to say: "Thanks for working with me on this."POISON PHRASE/ What not to say: "Thanks for nothing." Or: "I can't believe I got so huge a raise!"While I can't say it never hurts to ask, it seldom does, and it often pays. Many people complain about not receiving a raise they never asked for. Don't be one of them. If you truly deserve a raise, be sure your actions reflect it. Be pleasantly persistent until you get what you want or at least until you decide you've given it your best shot. 跟外国老板谈涨工资,要礼貌得体,但不能太委婉,这是要点。 I need money 会不会太凶了 please give me raise my salary or i'll kick your ass Since I have been doing such and such well can I get a raise? Or, since I wish to take on more responsibility, is there any opportunities available for a promotion and/or a raise? 登录百度帐号推荐应用 为兴趣而生,贴吧更懂你。或扫二维码下载作业帮 1.75亿学生的选择 下载作业帮安装包 扫二维码下载作业帮 1.75亿学生的选择 面试成功的英文感谢信怎么写那位老总透过秘书给我发了一封邮件,说已经告诉HR给我offer(其实在面试当天我就收到offer了,但苦于没有要他的business card木有发感谢信).我写了一部分Dear Mr.:xxxThanks for your interview and I really enjoyed our conversation .It's my honor to have the special opportunity that you gave me to join in XXX.还想写一句类似表忠心之类的话,但是苦于词穷, 扫二维码下载作业帮 1.75亿学生的选择 Dear Mr.:xxxThank you for the interview and I really enjoyed our conversation.I’m so grateful for having the special opportunity to join in XXX.I cannot wait to start my work and actually do my bit for the company.Thank you so much again!Best regards,XXX 为您推荐: 其他类似问题 扫描下载二维码怎么向老板提加工资的事情?怎么写申请书? 如题,怎么向老板提加工资的事情?怎么写申请书? 也许要涨工资,要学会厚积薄发,要走向真的快乐 尊敬的上级领导
昨天自己也写了一个,还帮着个网友也弄了一个,就是不知道成功与否,现在老板他是想放设法压制你的工资,除非你有出众的能力,哎加工资那就是一个难字了得!~~祝你好运 下页更精彩:1 本文已影响人君,已阅读到文档的结尾了呢~~ 广告剩余8秒 文档加载中 给公司领导的感谢信 英文(最新版) 扫扫二维码,随身浏览文档 手机或平板扫扫即可继续访问 给公司领导的感谢信 英文(最新版) 举报该文档为侵权文档。 举报该文档含有违规或不良信息。 反馈该文档无法正常浏览。 举报该文档为重复文档。 推荐理由: 将文档分享至: 分享完整地址 文档地址: 粘贴到BBS或博客 flash地址: 支持嵌入FLASH地址的网站使用 html代码: &embed src='/DocinViewer--144.swf' width='100%' height='600' type=application/x-shockwave-flash ALLOWFULLSCREEN='true' ALLOWSCRIPTACCESS='always'&&/embed& 450px*300px480px*400px650px*490px 支持嵌入HTML代码的网站使用 您的内容已经提交成功 您所提交的内容需要审核后才能发布,请您等待! 3秒自动关闭窗口


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