
欧比—万离开科洛桑之前,梅斯·温杜告诉过他,在将军发动突袭劫走帕尔帕廷时,他们两人在一辆磁悬浮列车上对决的情况。温杜说,伺服于格里弗斯大脑的数个电子脑无疑分析了他不同常规的致命的瓦帕德剑法,只需一次交锋,格里弗斯就可以以同样的剑法还击。 ——EP3官方小说再依据卢卡斯剧本创作,经卢卡斯本人几乎逐句审核修改后出版的EP3电影小说里,温杜对于GG之战的回忆如上这段是依据官方小说《邪恶迷宫》《邪恶迷宫》温杜跟GG交手的相关剧情描写如下:“…………&Grievous,& Mace grumbled. Kit glanced at him. &Here we go again.&Hurrying into the vestibule between the two lead cars, they launched themselves to the roof. Three cars distant marched General Grievous and two of his elite droids, their capes snapping behind them in the wind, pulse-tipped batons angled across their barrel chests. Farther back, clamped by animal-like claws to the roof of the train, was the gunboat from which the frightful trio had been released.Without pausing, Grievous drew two lightsabers from inside his billowing cloak. By the time they were ignited, Mace was already on and all over the cyborg, batting away at the two blades, swinging low at Grievous*s artificial legs, thrusting at his skeletal face. The lightsabers thrummed and hissed, meeting one another in bursts of dazzling light. In a corner of Mace*s mind he wondered to which Jedi Grievous*s blades had belonged. Just as the Force was keeping Mace from being blown from the mag-lev*s roof, magnetism of some sort was keeping the general fastened in place. For the cyborg, though, the coherence hindered as much as it helped, whereas Mace never remained in one place for very long. Again and again the three blades joined, in snarling attacks and parries. As Mace already knew from Ki-Adi-Mundi and Shaak Ti, Grievous was well trained in the Jedi arts. He could recognize the hand of Dooku in the general*s training and technique. His strikes were as forceful as any Mace had ever had to counter, and his speed was astonishing. But he didn*t know Vaapad - - the technique of dark flirtation in which Mace excelled. To the rear of the car, where Grievous*s pair of MagnaGuards had made the mistake of pitting themselves against Kit Fisto, the Nautolan*s blade was a cyclone of blazing blue light. Resistant to the energy outpourings of a lightsaber, the phrik alloy staffs were potent weapons, but like any weapon they needed to find their target, and Kit simply wasn*t allowing that.In moves a Twi*lek dancer might envy, he spun around the guards, claiming a limb from both with each rotation: left legs, right arms, right legs... The speed of the train saw to the rest, ultimately whisking the droids into the canyon like insects blown from the windscreen of a speeder bike. The loss of his confederates was noted by whatever computers were slaved to Grievous*s organic brain, but the loss neither distracted nor slowed him. His sole setting was attack. Successful at analyzing Mace*s lightsaber style, those same computers suggested that Grievous alter his stance and posture, along with the angle of his parries, ripostes, and thrusts.The result wasn*t Vaapad, but it was close enough, and Mace wasn*t interested in prolonging the contest any longer than necessary. Crouching low, he angled the blade downward and slashed, guiding it through the roof of the car, perpendicular to Grievous*s stalwart advance. Mace saw by the surprised look in the cyborg*s reptilian eyes that, for all his strength, dexterity, and resolve, the living part of him wasn*t always in perfect sync with his alloy servos.Clearly, Grievous - - onetime courageous commander of sentient troops - - realized what Mace had done and wanted to sidestep, where General Grievous - - current commander of droids and other war machines - - wanted nothing more than to impale Mace with lunging thrusts of the paired blades. Slipping into the gap made by Mace*s saber, Grievous*s left talon lost magnetic purchase on the roof, and the general faltered. Mace came out of his crouch prepared to drive his sword into Grievous*s guts, but some last-instant firing of the general*s cybersynapses compelled the cyborg*s torso through a swift half twist that would have sent Mace*s head hurtling into the canyon had the maneuver prevailed.Instead Mace leapt backward, out of the range of the slicing blades, and Force-pushed outward, just at the instant of Grievous*s single misstep. Off the side of the car the general went, twisting and turning as he fell, Mace trying to track the general*s contorted plunge, but unsuccessfully. Had he fallen into the canyon? Had he managed to dig his duranium claws into the side of the car or grab hold of the mag-lev rail itself?Mace couldn*t take the time to puzzle it out. One hundred meters away, the gunboat retracted its landing gear and rose from the roof on repulsorlift power. Reckless shots from one of the pursuing gunships obliged the Separatist craft to skew, then dive, with the gunship following close behind. Mace and Kit watched in awe as the two ships began to helix forward around the speeding mag-lev, exchanging constant fire. Climbing away from the train*s sharp nose, within which the magnetic controls were housed, the gunboat made as if to bank west, only to bank east at the last instant. By then, however, the gunship - - leading its target west - - had already fired. Drilled by a swarm of deadly hyphens, the mag-lev*s control system blew apart, and the entire train began to drop.…………”就是说这段2D版动画CW里温杜秒GG的剧情剧情,早在十年前就不属于正史。因为按照这段动画之后出版的《邪恶迷宫》小说,GG是先跟温杜交手(没有2D动画里被温杜捏伤的剧情),随后才劫持的帕尔帕廷而EP3官方小说也显然对于科洛桑之战是承认《邪恶迷宫》剧情,而不是2D动画CW所以温杜捏伤GG的剧情,早在十年前的官方正史里就不存在。
为兴趣而生,贴吧更懂你。或格里弗斯将军 - 搜狗百科
  格里弗斯将军是星球大战前传三部曲中的角色, 为军队的机器人统帅,为一白色的,有生物的大脑、内脏和机械的躯体,头、胸、四肢皆覆盖有白色铠甲,上臂可以分开成两对,持4把光剑。曾被传授光剑剑法,于第三部曲开场时和入侵首都绑架最高议长,后被安纳金&天行者和击败,以失败收场。随后他前往尤塔帕的分离主义军据点,并和追踪而至的欧比旺交锋,虽然为耐合金身躯的生化人,但还是不敌欧比旺的剑术和原力,最后被欧比旺用爆能枪击中内脏爆炸死亡。。
General Grievous 格里弗斯将军Homeworld:Kalee母星:卡利Species:Kaleesh种族:卡利人Gender:Male性别:男Height:2.16 meters tall (at full height)身高:2.16米(直立全高)Weapon:lightsabers, blaster pistol, electrostaff武器:光剑、爆能手枪、电杖Vehicle:Wheel bike, General Grievous& starfighter, Trade Federation cruiser座驾:轮形摩托、格里弗斯将军的星际战斗机、巡洋舰Affiliation:Confederacy of Independent Systems隶属:独立星系邦联
格里弗斯的战绩引起了星际银行业集团(InterGalactic Banking Clan)主席桑o希尔(San Hill)的注意。随着领导的运动不断高涨,桑o希尔安插在分离主义势力中的一些耳目纷纷觉察到,银河系即将发生重大变故。于是,希尔开始为即将爆发的内战积极准备,以巩固自己的势力和优势。他发现格里弗斯具有很高的利用价值。卡里人因与哈克人进行星际战争,背上了巨额债务。银行业集团提出为其解决债务问题,作为条件,格里弗斯将终生作为银行业集团的和战士。 然而,格里弗斯激昂的化成了刻骨的怨恨与愤怒:他竟因一次愚蠢的事故而残废。格里弗斯将军,这位卡里人的英雄,征服过无数哈克星的军阀,碾碎过无数敌人的白骨,居然在一次事故中身负重伤。 桑o希尔与盟友次等者泊格尔(Poggle the Lesser)暗中破坏了格里弗斯的穿梭机,引发了一次重大事故。格里弗斯残破的肢体被悬在巴克塔医疗水罐中聊以维生。他没有就这么不体面地死去,他没有被剥夺一个战士应有的死法。银行业集团的技术专家和吉奥诺西斯(Geonosian)的工厂重塑了他的躯体。随后,这位人机合体的杀手被作为一件礼物献给了杜库伯爵。   被这个怪异的臣属吓了一跳,但他和达斯o西迪厄斯很快看到了格里弗斯的潜力。杜库开始训练格里弗斯使用光剑格斗。结果让杜库十分沮丧。在格里弗斯手中,光剑格斗的精妙和技巧荡然无存,取而代之的是野蛮粗滥的多武器攻击,一如战争的走势。在锐利号(Trenchant)上的秘密基地里,杜库让手下吉o文崔斯(Asajj Ventress)和德棘(Durge)与格里弗斯相斗,以检验谁才堪当分离主义势力机器人大军的指挥官。最终,格里弗斯获胜。   格里弗斯刚刚重生之时,只有十分普通的机器人面甲,也没有穿戴斗篷。格里弗斯出于虚荣,进行了个人改造,他模仿卡里人部落骨盔的样式加装了,并在眼睛上方加上条纹,还为自己做了一条斗篷。格里弗斯知道,一旦加入分离主义势力,就意味着他将和长期作战,因此,他没有简单地在骨盔上画上条纹,而是把条纹深深地刻了上去,以此作为永久的宣言。他还要求他的卫兵也都穿着印有玛木兽(Mumuu)战争标记的斗篷。 格里弗斯将军的身体,是血肉和钢铁交织混合的产物,是邦联尖端科学家锻造的一件致命武器。他的肉体被禁锢在精密的人造躯壳内,坚固的外壳下,搏动着一颗冷酷的杀手之心。他维持生命的器官由增压的内脏囊袋包裹,骷髅般的面具容纳着他的眼睛和大脑。因为肺部受伤,他不停地唾涎咳嗽,使这堆恐怖的混合体更加令人厌恶。 格里弗斯把猎杀绝地当成一项运动,还把死者的光剑作为战利品,挂在自己的斗篷里。他的剑术风格旁门左道,身体又经过机械增强,在近身格斗中占尽优势。他每只手有6根手指,每只手臂还能一分为二,一共可伸展出4只手臂,各持一把光剑。格里弗斯可以快速旋转四臂,旋起一团锐利的光刃风暴,几乎无人可挡。格里弗斯通常更喜欢让那些挥舞电杖的护卫机器人代他上阵,只有他认为对手值得一战时,才会亲自动手。  早在吉奥诺西斯战役(Battle of Geonosis)期间,格里弗斯就已经活跃在战场上,但没有一位绝地报告过他的存在,因为没有人能活着逃出他的掌心。格里弗斯在地下掩体内指挥过多次战役,不过他也毫不畏惧在前线与那些没有灵魂的部下并肩作战。在工业行星海波利(Hypori),绝地将军达克曼o巴瑞克(Daakman Barrek)首次报告目击了外形恐怖的格里弗斯,此时,格里弗斯已将巴瑞克的部队几乎全灭。 在克隆人战争的最后阶段,格里弗斯对共和国的心脏发动了一次大胆的打击。他亲驾旗舰,率领一支庞大舰队奇袭。于是,一场猛烈的大战在首都上空爆发。这位机器人军的最高统帅成功地绑架了共和国领袖:议长。格里弗斯挟持着宝贵的人质,准备撤离战场。他成了胜利者,并希望把两位最著名的绝地武士,阿纳金·天行者和欧比旺·克诺比的光剑也添进自己恐怖的收藏中。 阿纳金和欧比旺攻进了被格里弗斯所在的贸易联盟巡洋舰,成功解救被俘的议长,杀死了杜库伯爵。但是这些逃亡者很快就被格里弗斯的机器人军队包围,押送到将军面前。在巡洋舰的舰桥上,两名绝地突然发动反击,与格里弗斯的机器人护卫展开交战。格里弗斯趁机逃离了即将坠毁的旗舰。他用电杖击碎了指挥室的玻璃窗,逃进太空。随后,格里弗斯用利爪钩住旗舰的外壳,一步步走到了逃生舱区。 逃离科洛桑后,格里弗斯回到了分离主义委员会,来到尤塔帕星的秘密据点。克隆人战争幕后的西斯操纵者达斯·西迪厄斯发来密电,命令格里弗斯把委员会转移到星,并告诉他无需在意杜库之死,因为西迪厄斯已经预见到会有一位新的西斯学徒出现,他将比达斯·泰拉纳斯更年轻,更强大。 格里弗斯下令将委员会迁往穆斯塔法,自己留守尤塔帕。追踪而至的欧比旺·克诺比将军率领一支共和国来到这颗布满灰岩坑的星球,捉拿格里弗斯。格里弗斯与欧比旺展开了光剑对决,格里弗斯最终还是被砍掉四肢落荒而逃,被克诺比将军追上后击毙。


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